Version-1 (July-August 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Various Types of Advanced Technologies in Sports |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prof. T.F Gulhane |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0160102 ![]() |
Abstract: Technological advancement is a natural process, and with its introduction into a sport, athletes simply become "better". Technologies in sports are man-made means developed to reach human interests or goals in or relating to a particular sport. Technology in sports is a technical means by which athletes attempt to improve their training and competitive surroundings in order to enhance their overall athletic performance. It is the knowledge and application of using specialized equipment and the latest modern technologies to perform tasks more efficiently. In this, paper discussed efficient technologies that will help in enhancing the performance and quality of sports.
Keywords: Technological advances, Athletes consideration, High speed cameras
[1] Bandura, A. (1986) Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[2] Beesley, S. and Mutrie, N. (1997) Exercise is beneficial adjunctive treatment in depression. British Medical Journal, 315, 1542.
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[4] Brownson, R. C., D. A. Jones, M. Pratt, C. Blanton, and G.W. Heath. 2000. Measuring Physical Activity with the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 1913–1918.
[5] Biddle, S. J. H., Fox, K. R. and Edmunds, L. (1994) Physical activity promotion in primary health care in England. London: Health Education Authority
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Abstract: To see the effect of six weeks yogic exercise in college students 38 BPE 1st year students of IDCPE Ishwar Deshmukh Collge of Physical Education Nagpur were selected as a subject. The pre-test and post test had been taken by using Dynamic flexibility test, side split flexibility test and shoulder and wrist elevation flexibility test tools. To determine the difference between the 2 groups (initial and post test) of one group experimental group of the BPE 1st year student t test was employed at 0.05 significance level. And to determine the training effect the t test for comparison mean was employed for two tails at the confidence level 0.05 level of significant. The comparative between the initial and post test of dynamic flexibility test, side split flexibility test and shoulder and wrist elevation flexibility test for the state level football players were found to be statistically no significant at .05 confidence level.
Key wards: Dynamic flexibility, Side sliding flexibility, shoulder and wrist elevation, BPE, IDCPE, comparative t test.
[1]. Sri Ananda, "The complete Book of yoga, Harmony of body and Mind," Orient Paperback New Delhi, - Page – 7.
[2]. Sudarshan kumar Birla, "Yoga for better living and self realization," Kalyani Publication, Ludhiana, 1999 page- 10
[3]. Nigam Braj Bihari, "Yoga power – The path of personal achievement," Dominated Publication & Distribution, New Delhi – 02 page 3 to 5.
[4]. Alter M.J., "Science of Flexibility", Human Kinetics, 1999, page 3 & 4
[5]. Hardayal Singh, "Science of sports training," DVS Publication, New Delhi, 1995, page-157
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Abstract: The origin of the ancient Olympic Games is lost the midst of pre-history, but for many centuries they were only a festival of the Greek people. The Games were first held in honour of the Greek God, Zeus in 776 BC in the plain of kingdom of Elis, nestled in lush valley between the Alpheus River and Mount Kronion, 15 km from the Ionian Sea. The Olympiad celebrated that year was considered as the first and was used to date subsequent historic events
[1]. Bnoient Emonet,"Revisting Statistical Application in Soccer.''htt.// articles/Vol.54,p.34,2000.
[2]. ChurilovL ,"Towards Fair Ranking of Olympics Achievements: The Case of Sydney 2000"Copumters and Operations Research archive, Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford, UK Vol.33 , P. 2057-2082, 2006
[3]. EckardE.Woodrow,"Is The Bowl Championship Series A Cartel? Some Evidence, Business School, University Of Colorado Denver", Denver, CO, USA,Journal , vol. 14 no. p.1 3-22, 2011.
4]. De Mello Soares, 3rd IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Sport, 2011 "A Ranking for The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Based on Copeland 2011.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Professional Students from Different Areas in relation to depression |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Darshana dahiya , Dr. Rajbir Singh. |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0161215 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The purpose of the study was to assess and compare depression among professional students from different areas. Methods: For the purpose of the study, 150 professional students from different areas (50 B.C.A Students, 50 Engineering Students & 50 Physical Education Students) were selected randomly on the basis of stratified random sampling. The subjects were selected from M.D.Univerity Rohtak. The age level of the subjects ranged from 18 to 25 years. Keeping the feasibility criterion in mind, the depression variable was selected for the present study. Depression was assessed with the help of Goldberg Depression Questionnaire (GDQ) constructed and standardized by Ivan Goldberg. To assess and Compare the level of depression among professional students from different areas, Descriptive Statistics i.e. (Mean, Standard Deviation) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. The level of significance was set at 0.05 level. Conclusion: Significant difference was found among B.C.A Students, Engineering Students and Physical Education Students in relation to Depression. Physical Education Students possessed greater/higher Depression in comparison to B.C.A Students, and Engineering Students. In case of Depression significant difference was found B.C.A Students and Engineering Students; B.C.A Students and Physical Education Students; Engineering Students and Physical Education Students and the observed sequence of performance was found Physical Education Students > B.C.A Students > Engineering Students in relation to Depression
[1]. Ingram, R. E., Miranda, J. & Segal, Z. V. (1998). Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression. New York: Guilford Press.
[2]. Jackson, S. W. (1986). Melancholia and Depression. New Haven: Yale University Press.
[3]. Seligman, M. E. P., Walker, E .F. & Rosenhan, D. L. (1982). Abnormal Psychology. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
[4]. Strupp, H. H. & Binder, J. C. (1984). Psychotherapy in a New Key: A Guide to Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books.
[5]. Andrews B., Hejdenberg J. and Wilding J. (2009) "Student anxiety and depression: Comparison of questionnaire and interview assessments" Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 95, Issue 1, Pages 29-34.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relation between Physical Personality and Sports |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prof. T. F Gulhane |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0161618 ![]() |
Abstract: There are two different ways to measure someone's personality. Both ways involve asking a person questions about their feelings and how they might react in different situation. They first way to measure personality that I have researched is called EPI. This is a huge questionnaire that looks at the different categories of personality. You can find out if you are an extrovert is someone who is lively and outgoing and has lots of friends whereas an introvert is the opposite as they like to be alone and shy. The questions in the EPI can help people to find out more about themselves
Keywords: Probably, categories, extrovert, psychologists, surrounding
[1]. Eysenck H.J. and Parker S. "Personality and Sports Performance" Article International Journal 2011
[2]. Sahni S.P." Psychology and its application in sports" D.V.S. Publication, New Delhi 2005
[3]. Suinn R.M. "Psychology in sports" Surjeet Publication, Delhi 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Environment and Sports |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sharmila Dogra |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0161920 ![]() |
Abstract: Most of us know from personal experience that environmental factors can affect how you feel and perform your daily tasks. For example, when you step outside on a hot and humid day, you may immediately notice an elevation in temperature, the "heavy" quality of the air, and stickiness against your skin. But did you know that factors like the weather can have a physiological affect on your body. Environmental factors like extreme heat or cold, high altitude and air pollution can elevate heart rates, make it harder to breathe, and impair the ability to exercise. A general understanding of how environmental factors can influence your overall well-being and daily task performance is important for everyone; young or old, fit or unfit. This segment discusses recent physiological research and findings that delve into how the body adapts to short-term (acute) and long term (chronic) exposure to these environmental factors, specifically temperature, altitude and air pollution. The purpose of the present study was to find out that on which game the factor affect most. To accomplish the purpose of the study samples of 100 International level sportsmen's from athletics, hockey, weightlifting, Wrestling & Shooting were taken. A tool for collection of data was questionnaire method. These questionnaires were sent to the sportsmen of related games. After receiving the responses of questionnaire game wise distribution of raw data was done and for analyses of that data percentage method was used and result were derived. Result revealed that Environment factor affect on sports performance.
[1]. Ross A. Mc Farland, "Temperature and Humidity", Encyclopedia of Sports Sciences and Medicine. (London : Mac Millan & Co. 1971) P. 876.
[2]. Environmental Factor American Physiological Society, 2005.
[3]. Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Indian Reprint, Surjeet Publications, Delhi, 1903 p. 1356.
[4]. Rummel Rose Mary' "Individual and Team Bio-Rhythms and Performances in the 1975 AIAW National Basketball Championship", NAGWS Research Reports, Volume II, AAHPER Washington 1977 p. 24.
[5]. P.K. Pandey, Sports Medicine, Khel Sahitya Kendra, New Delhi, 1998, Pp. 299-302.
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Abstract: This research proposal for PhD studies in Physiotherapy aims towards healthy, happy and independent geriatric life style. In the past few years the interest in body composition, nutritional status and physical independence in elderly people has markedly increased because of the increasing number of elderly people in the general population and its implication for geriatric health care 1-2. Advancing age results in body composition changes such as decrease in fat free mass 3-4, and increase in fat mass 4-6. Also, the amount of minerals in the fat free mass changes 7; as does the ratio of total body water in form of intercellular to intracellular water 8-12. Geriatric ageing is usually characterized by loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, termed as sarcopenia13. Both physical inactivity and inadequate nutritional intake are the main contributing factors to sarcopenia and reduction in fat free mass 14-15. These changes have been associated with dramatic functional decline, physical frailty, falls in elderly and a bad quality of geriatric life 16-18.Until now very few studies have investigated both the effects of (a) nutritional supplementation and (b) exercises on nutritional status, body composition and muscular function among geriatric population 19-21. Few studies showed that resistance training improved muscle size but nutritional supplements had no effects on any primary outcome of energy intake, body composition or thigh muscle area 20. De Jong et al. observed a slight improvement of lean body mass and energy intake with exercises.
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[4]. Novak LP. Ageing, total body potassium, fat free mass and cell mass in males and females between ages 18 and 85 years. J Gerontol 1972; 27:438-43.
[5]. Noppa H, Andersson M, Bengtsson C, Bruce A, Isaksson B. Body composition in middle-aged women with special reference to the correlation between body fat mass and anthropometric data. Am J Clin Nutr 1979; 32:1388-95.
[6]. Durnin JVGA, Womersley J. Body fat assessed from total body density and its rstimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 years. Br J Nutr 1974; 32:77-97.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Life Skills Development through School Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prof. T. F Gulhane |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0162829 ![]() |
Abstract: As part of the life skills program there are close links between the department and other subjects, including Science, RS, Thinking Skills, Current Affairs and Games/ PE. Life skills are also developed through assemblies, which are led by individual members of staff and by forms or other groups. A life skill encourages capacity to think rationally both inside and outside the classroom. Keywords: Life skills, abilities, UNICEF, Child rights
[1] Botvin, G.J. (1986) Substance abuse prevention research recent development and future directions. Journal of School Health, 56(9). 369-373.
[2] CARICOM & UNICEF. (1999). Health and Family Life Education: Empowering Young People With Skills for Healthy Living. An information package. Bridgetown, Barbados.
[3] Cheryl, L. et al., (1992). Models for Effective Prevention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 1992, 13. (5), 355-363.
[4] Choquet, M. Kovess (1993), Suicidal thoughts among adolescents: An intercultural approach. Adolescence, 28(11), pp 649-659.
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Abstract: Exercise has positive chronotropic effect on heart rate and on cessation heart rate returns to pre-exercise level. A delay in heart rate recovery (HRR) (≤12beats in first minute) is considered abnormal and reflects autonomic dysfunction.The present study was taken up to find out the presence of abnormal HRR in normal subjects (Male) and to establish HRR as an independent autonomic marker. For the study 106 healthy young adults (male) were subjected to exercise by Bicycle ergometer till targeted Heart Rate (85%Maximum Heart Rate(MHR)) was achieved. HRR at the end of 1 minutefollowingcessation of exercise were tabulated. In our study 23(21.7%) subjects showed Abnormal HRR indicating HRR could be an independent autonomic marker.
Keyword : HRR, MHR
[1]. Hurst's The Heart Valentin Fuster, Richard A Walshs, Robert, A. Harrington, Thirteenth Edition, McGraw Hill Medical, Vol. 1, P. 371.
[2]. Kluss H. A. Wood. R. H. and Welsch. M. A(2000) Vagal modulation of the heart and central hemodynamics during handgrip exercise. American journal of physiology 279, H1648-H1652.
[3]. Arai. Y. Saul. J. P. Albrecht, P. Hartley, L. H, Lilly, L. s, Cohen, R. J. and Colucci, W. S(1989). Modulation of Cardiac autonomic activity during and immediately after exercise. American journal of physiology256, H132-H141.
[4]. Cole CR, Blackstone EH, Pashkow FJ, et al. Heart-rate recovery immediately after exercise as a predictor of mortality . N Engl J Med 1999, 341:1351-1357.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship of Kinematic Variables with the Performance of Standing Broad Jump |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anurag Pandey |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0163336 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of investigation was to study the relationship of kinematics variables with the performance of standing broad jump. Subjects were randomly selected from J.N.V. University, Jodhpur and M.D.S. University, Ajmer. The criterion measure used for this study was the performance in standing broad jump and selected kinematics variables. To analyze the raw data coefficient of correlation (r) were calculated and results were compared with the help of Analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique where level of significance was set at .05.
[1]. Mins. Gee. Ed. The Sport Book (New York Brehait and Winston, 1975). P. 5
[2]. Ajmar Singh, Jagtar, Jagdish Bains, Mordern Text Book of Physical Education Health and Sports (Kalyani Publishers Ldhiana 2000.) P.99
[3]. Doris I. Miller and Richard C. Nelson, Biomechanics of Sports (Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1973): P.5
[4]. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia .© 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[5]. Ralph L. Widestron, Fundamental Motor Pattern (Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1977). P. 68
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Abstract: This study investigatedthe knowledge of premarital sex and its influence on the sexual behaviour of adolescents in Federal Government senior secondary schools in Nigeria.An ex-post facto research design was used for this study. The population for this study consisted of students in Federal Government Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data for this study in thirteen Federal Government senior secondary schools selected from the six geo-political zones in Nigeria through stratified and purposive sampling techniques. A total of 576 copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents in SS1, SS2 and SS3 in Federal Government Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. The data collected were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) at 0.05 level of significance. It was found that, the influence of knowledge of premarital sex of adolescents was found to be significantly related. It was recommended that; there is the need for the relevant educational authorities to increase knowledge of reproductive health in secondary schools in Nigeria through symposiums, workshops and seminar presentation in which emphasis could be on the influence of premarital sex on adolescent development
[1]. Aderibigbe, S.A and Araoye, M.O. (2008). Effects of Health Education on Sexual Behaviour of Students of Public Secondary Schools in Ilorin, Nigeria. European Journals of Scientific Research. ISSN 1450-2164.Euro Journals Publishing, Inc.2008. 24(1):33-41
[2]. Araoye, M.O. (2003). Research methodology with statistics for health and social sciences. Epidemiology and Community Health. University of Ilorin. Nigeria. NATHADEX PUBLISHERS. ISBN 978-36450-8-0. 38-56.
[3]. Ariba, A.J (2000) Family Life and Sexualty Education. An Overview. Nigerian School Health Journal. 121-130.
[4]. Casey, K. (2001). Adolescent Reproductive Health in Nigeria. Advocates for Youth. Rights, Respect, Responsibility. 2000 M street NW Suite 750, Washinton D.C 20036 USA.
[5]. Castillo, J.J. (2009). Stratified Sampling Method. Retrieved March 2012 from Experiment Resources:
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Abstract: The Main Purpose Of The Study Or Investigation Is To Find Out The Balance And Flexibility Between National Level Artistic Gymnast And National Level Dancer For Girls Under 18 To 22 Years. Total 60 Subjects Of 18-22 Years Age Group Were Taken As Subject And Equally Divided At Random Into Two Different Treatment Groups Viz, Gymnastics And Dance From National Level Competition And Various Dance Academy. The Measurement Of Balance And Flexibility Was Taken Into Account As A Criterion Measures. The Researcher Applied The Following Tests; Modified Storks Stand Test To Measure Static Balance And Modified Standing – Bending Reach Rating Test To Measure Hamstring Muscles Flexibility. From The Result It Is Found-National Artistic Gymnast Is Superior In Both Balance And Flexibility To A National Dancer. Besides, A Non-Significant Correlation Has Been Found Between – A) Height And Balance, B) Height And Flexibility, C) Weight And Balance, And D) Weight And Flexibility In National Artistic Gymnast And National Dancer.
Key Words: Girls, Gymnastics, Dance, Balance, Flexibility, National Level Artistic Gymnast, National Level Dancer.
[1]. Brown, William M., Lee Cronk, Amy Jacobson, Keith Grochow, C.Karen, Liv, Zoranpopovic, And Robert Trivers. 2005. Nature- 438 : 1148 – 1150.
[2]. Fredrik Ullen, Lea Forsman, Orjan Blom, Anke Karabanovoch Guy Madison. Intelligence And Variability In A Simple Timing Task Share Neural Substrates In The Prefrontal White Matter. The Journal Of Neuroscience, 16 April 2008.
[3]. Edward L.Fox And Donald K. Mathews "The Physiological Basis Of Physical Education And Atheletics". Saunders College Publishing, Holtsaunders Japan. Iiird Edn. P-167.
[4]. C.A. Baucher And D.A. Wllest "Foundation Of Physical Education And Sports" Times Mirror / College Publishing (10 Th Edn) 1987.
[5]. Jhnson, Barry.L, And Nelson, Jack K. "Practical Measurement For Evalution In Physical Education." Surjeet Publication : Delhi 1982.
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Abstract: Exercise recovery involves a number of Post-exercise Steps that are essential for any exercise regime, regardless of fitness level, the type of physical activity or the exercise intensity. Exercise recovery does not take long or require much effort, but it is often neglected. The exercise recovery is mainly of two types one is Active Recovery and the other is passive Recovery. Active Recovery is the term used for cooling down (with slow jogging, stretching etc. ) after a high intensive work out and Passive Recovery is Stopping dead, doing nothing again until he head out on his next run a couple of days later. The results of a study suggest that an active recovery of 3 minutes between High intensity, short duration exercise bouts significantly increase peak power and average power compared to a passive recovery, irrespective of changes in blood lactate levels. Several research studies have been conducted in this specific area in the international level but the effort is supposed to be weaker with respect to Indian Sport Scientists. Feeling the importance of recovery in the sport field and considering its application in a wider range or rather as an effort to make it much more acceptable to the sport society the investigator under the guidance of her supervisor envisaged to conduct the study entitled "A study to locate the difference between active and passive recovery after strenuous workout." The subjects for the present study were 20 male trained athletes from Howrah and Purba Medinipur districts of West Bengal who were selected randomly from a coaching camp.
Key Words: Active recovery, Passive Recovery, Strenuous workout.
[1]. Emerson F, Alexandre V. N. Josué M. M. Fabrício B. D. V., J. of Physio, Antro, 2007, vol. 26. No. 2, 59-67.
[2]. Franchini E, Del Vecchio FB, Matsushigue KA, Artioli GG. Sports Med. 2011 Feb 1;41 (2):147-66.
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[4]. Ainsworth, B.E., Serfass, R.C., and leon A.S. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 1993 18, 19-30.
[5]. Stanley, W.c., Winseski, J.A., E.W. Gertz, E.W., Neese, R.A. and Brooks, G.a. Metabolism, 1983, 37, 850-858.
[6]. Bangsbo, J., Graham, T., Johansen, L., and Saltin B. Journal of Applied Phsiology, 1994, 77, 1890-1895.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Need For Advanced Facilities and Equipments in Physical Education Colleges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prof. T. F Gulhane |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0164849 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper mainly exposed the problems and of facilities and equipments in physical education colleges. The objective of this article is to study the problems for facilities and equipments available in physical education colleges and to focus on the goal for improving the quality of teaching and learning in physical education. It also discussed the poor maintenance culture of facilities, and equipments. It presents the findings of an evaluation of physical Education [PE] colleges and makes recommendations for the further development of this subject. Based on the data analysis and discussion, it was concluded that improvisation is very necessary because of the growing number of enrolment of students, the reduced amount spent on facilities and equipment in PE colleges and Recruitments of qualified faculties.
Keywords: Physical Education, Facilities, Equipments, Qualified faculties.
[1]. Bucher A.C. & Krotec, L. M. (2002) Management of Physical education and sports (12th Ed.) New York : Mc Graw Hill.
[2]. Bucher A.C. & Irstee, M.C. (2002) Management of Physical Education Programmes Including Athlete. (7th Ed.) St. Louis : The C.V. Mosby Company.
[3]. Crompton, J. L. (2005). Economic impact analysis of sports facilities and events: Eleven Sources of misapplication Journal of Sport Management.
[4]. Flynn, R. B. (1993). Planning facilities for athletics, Physical education and recreation. Reston. VA. AAHPERD.
[5]. Obiyemi, O.O. Adesoye. AA & Ojo. S.S. (2006) Sport facilities and equipment management practice and provision in college of Education, Jalingo, Lorin Journal of Health physical Education & Recreation
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Abstract: Background: Coordinative abilities are qualities of an organism to coordinative separate elements of action in our system to decide a concrete action task coordinative abilities help in learning faster and also to achieve high level of performance. Kabaddi is a combatic with great strength and coordinative ability oriented sports. Therefore it is necessary to investigate that certain coordinative abilities are acting as basic factors of the kabaddi performance or not. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Kabaddi performance and selected coordinative ability of the district player. Methodology: For the present study fourteen male Kabaddi players who had participated in district kabaddi competition held at Medinipur were randomly selected for this study. Age group of the subjects was 18-27 years. To find out the relationship of Kabaddi performance to selected coordinative abilities namely orientation ability, differentiation ability, reaction ability, balance ability and rhythmic ability. Product moment correlation was computed and verified at 0.05 level of significance. Result: Findings reveals that coordinative abilities such as reaction ability and rhythmic ability were found significantly related to the kabaddi performance as their calculated Correlation Coefficient(r) were 0.66 and 0.54 respectively. Orientation ability, differentiation ability and balance ability were not found significantly related to the kabaddi performance as their calculated Correlation Coefficient(r) were 0.05, 0.01 and 0.34 respectively.
Keywords: Kabaddi performance, Coordinative ability and Orientation
[1]. Borrow Harold M. and McGee Rosemary (1979), A Practical Approach to Movements in Physical Education. Philadelphia : Lea and Febiger.
[2]. Harre Dietrich (1982), "Principles of Sports Training." Berlin : Interdruck Graphister Grow Bhetrick,.
[3]. Verma J. P. (2000), A text book on sports statistics, Venus publication, Gwalior. (M.P.).
[4]. Hodgkins Jean (1963), "Reaction time and speed of movement in male and female of various age" Research Quarterly 34, pp 78-81.
[5]. Kamlesh M. L. (2005), "Field Manual", Nootan Publication, New Delhi,
[6]. Nelson N. P. and Johnson C. R. (1970), Measurement and Statistics in Physical Education, Belmont, California, Wordsworth Publishing Company Inc.
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Abstract: Quadratus lumborum (QL) myofascial trigger points (MTrP) are well documented in low back pain (LBP) patients. There is a Growing body of evidence suggesting that Strain counterstrain technique (SCS) is an effective treatment for the pain associated with MTrP. Literature is sparse regarding the effectiveness of SCS on MTrP in QL in LBP subjects. We studied the immediate effects of SCS on pain intensity & functional outcome in subjects having LBP with MTrP in QL. 40 subjects were randomly allocated into two groups. The Control group (CG) received moist heat, & the Experimental group (EG) received moist heat & SCS technique. Outcome measures were Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) & Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS).Pain scores(VAS) Showed Statistically significant differences within the groups (P<0.0001), while clinically significant improvement was seen only in EG with mean difference (3.75) , 95% confidence interval (4.17,3.04), PSFS also showed significant improvement in EG.
Keywords: Quadratus lumborum, Myofascial Trigger Point, Pain, Low Back Pain, Strain Counterstrain
[1]. Dankaerts W, Sullivan O.P,Straker L.M, Burnett,J.S, Skouen J.S , The inter-examiner reliability of a classification method for non specific chronic low back pain patients with motor control impairment, Manual therapy 11: 28-29 (2006).
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[3]. Sullivan O.P, Diagnosis & classification of chronic low back pain disorders: Maladaptive movement & motor control impairments as underlying mechanism. Manual Therapy 10 242-255(2005).
[4]. Alvarez D, Rockwell P Trigger points: Diagnosis and Management. AmFam Physician 65:653-661(2002).
[5]. Han S, Harrison P Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Trigger Point- Pain Management Regional Anaesthesia 22; 89-101(1997).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Level of self esteem in men and women north zone Badminton players |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Zamirullah khan , Anwar Ali , Naseem Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0165960 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out self- esteem levels of north zone men and women badminton players. The tournament was held at Jamia Millia Islamia University 2013-2014. The sample of the present study comprised of 50 (25 men and 25 Women) badminton players. The questionnaire of self esteem by Rosenberg (1965) was used in this study. The result of the study showed that men players had much more high self esteem than their counter part.
[1]. Coopersmit, K., 1981. Discussion of some variables effecting attitudes of workers, Indian Journal of Psychology, 5 (1), 78-81.
[2]. Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier esteem lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4, 1-44.
[3]. Yorukoglu A. (1988) Education of youth mental health and mental problems.
[4]. Kassin, S., (1998). Psychology, Second Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Martens R. (1987) Coaches Guide to Sport Psychology Illinois, President Human Kinetics Publishers, 5-8.
[6]. Muthu , V. Jayanthi and D. Sakthigananave. (2011). An evaluation of the self-esteem of women sports participant in various games. International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2011, 1, 01-04.