Version-1 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: Background: Wrestling is a sport for everyone , athletes of all sizes and ability are drawn to wrestling for the simple reason that it is fun. It is a sport that tests the strength, stamina, and skill of two opponents.Wrestling is a physical chess match featuring moves and counter moves, endurance, strength, intelligence, and quickness.Inspite of all these complexities, a key area that plays an important role in Wrestling is a wrestler's physical fitness. Objective:To assess the physical fitness index in Indian wrestler's by Harvard step test and also to compare fitness with age and sex matched sedentary controls. Method:35 wrestler's divided into two groups depending on duration of training and age and sex matched 35 controls were the participants...........
Keyword: Physical Fitness Index, Harvard step test ,Wrestler
[1]. Horswill CA. Applied physiology of amateur wrestling. Sports Med. 1992 Aug;14(2):114-43
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Abstract: During the middle of the first decade this century, bat makers began innovating with handle designs, altering and going over through the high quality of material that is predominantly constructed and produced from rattan (also known as cane wood). The handle is made from cane with strips of cork or rubber dividing the cane into sections running the length of the handle, this construction has been designed to give the handle suitable damping and stiffness properties. By having good physical properties like moisture content, density, and mechanical properties like flexibility, stiffness, durability, lightness and having natural strength to resist the capacity of force produced by the ball impacting over 100mph, due to these characteristics that are needed into the cricket bat handles, rattans are considered as unique multifunctional raw materials for the manufacturing and construction of cricket bat handle by the different sports manufacturing industries.
[1]. Barty-King, H. Quiltwinder and Pod Shavers- The History of Cricket Bat and Ball Manufature. London: Macdonald and James, 1979.
[2]. Collyer, D. (1993). An engineering study o f the cricket bat. Unpublished Final Year Project. Bolton Institute o f Higher Education.
[3]. Edlin, H., L. (1973). Woodland crafts in Britain. Second Edition, Batsford Ltd; London.
[4]. Grant, C. (1998). Design o f a better cricket bat. Materials Research Society Bulletin: Advanced Materials in Sports & Leisure Equipment.
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Abstract: Eye and hand dominance, as a laterality index, represents structural and functional asymmetries of brain hemispheres. Since the second half of the twentieth century, researchers were concerned with the contribution of hand and eye dominance to aiming skills. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of ipsilateral and contralateral eye-hand dominance of adolescent tennis athletes in tennis serve accuracy. Thirty-sixadolescent tennis players, 23 males and 13 females, mean age 13.3 (SD= ±1.47 years) participated in this study. Participants mean training age was two to ten years. According to ipsilateral and contralateral eye-hand dominance, sample was divided into two groups: contralateral eye-hand dominance group, including 18 participants (12 males and 6 females..........
Key words: eye, hand, preference, tennis, serve, accuracy, adolescents
[1]. Born, H. P. (2011). Die Bedeutung des Aufschlages und die Folgen des Training. Tennissport, 2, 18-21.
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[4]. Hiraoka, K., Igawa, K., Kashiwagi, M., Nakahara, C., Oshima, Y., &Takakura Y. (2018). The laterality of stop and go processes of the motor response in left-handed and right-handed individuals, Laterality, 23, 51-66.
[5]. Knudson, D., Luedtke, D., and Faribault, J. (1994). How to analyze the serve. Strategies, 7, 19-22.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-affirmation and mental imagery on skills of teenage footballers of Tehran. This research is a pretest - post-test with control group and its statistic society consists of teenage footballers of Homa team in Tehran. The instrument of this research to measure the mental skills was OMSAT-3, in which pre-test and post-test and visual imaging and self-talk interventions were used for 14 sessions and 2 times each week. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used and to determine the normal data the Shapirovic-Luhn test and covariance test were used. The results of research showed that positive self-talk and imagery have significant influence in response to stress, relaxation, fear and focus control but have.......
Key words: positive self-reflection, mental imagery, mental skills, footballers
[1]. Aghdas, M., Torabi, F., & Tooba, N. (1392). Comparison of the effect of educational self-talk on performance and learning of girl dart throwing in late childhood and adolescence, motor behavior.
[2]. Bunker, L., Williams, J. M., & Zinsser, N. (1993). Cognitive techniques for improving performance and building confidence. Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance, 2(1), 225–242.
[3]. Cumming, J., Nordin, S. M., Horton, R., & Reynolds, S. (2006). Examining the direction of imagery and self-talk on dart-throwing performance and self efficacy. The Sport Psychologist, 20(3), 257–274.
[4]. Ghaffari, B., & Shahbazi, M. (1394). Comparison of ability to control arousal with two methods of mental imagery in athlete's boys and girls, developmental and motor-exercise learning, 7(4).
[5]. Gibson, A., & Foster, C. (2007). The role of self-talk in Awareness of phsyological state and physical performance sports medicine
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Abstract: Archery is a game of pure focus and technique. As a sport, archery requires skills of precision, control, focus, repetition and determination. Therefore the aim of the study was to correlate cardiovascular factors and anxiety status among young archers prior to competition. The study was conducted in Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Sports Authority of India), Haryana Sports Complex and Yamuna Sports Complex. The target group of the study was young archers (15-24 years). On the basis of purposive sampling, 40 young archers were selected as a sample for assessment of heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety status. Anxiety Status of the target group was measuredwith the help of Sports Anxiety Scale 2. The anthropometric variables were measured by standardized techniques.OMRON........
Key Words: Sports anxiety, cardiovascular, archery, anthropometry, concentration level, heart rate.
[1]. The noun "toxophilite", meaning "a lover or devotee of archery, an archer" derives from Toxophilus by Roger Ascham —"imaginary proper name invented by Ascham, and hence title of his book (1545), intended to mean 'lover of the bow'." "toxophilite, n." Oxford English Dictionary. Second edition, 1989; online version November 2010 ; accessed 10 March 2011. Earlier version first published in New English Dictionary, 1913.
[2]. Jerrold S. Greenberg, George B. Dintiman, Barbee Myers Oakes. Health & Fitness. 2004
[3]. Wilmore, J.H., &Costill, D.L. Physiology of Sport and Exercise (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1999.
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[5]. Zvolensky, M. J., Lejuez, C. W., & Eifert, G. H.. Prediction and control: operational definitions for the experimental analysis of anxiety. Behaviour research and therapy; 38(7), 653-663, 2000.
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Abstract: The study reported in this paper examined the effects of Parents' and Teachers' Associations (PTA) on educational development in public secondary schools in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Data were obtained from detailed survey of sample of 10 secondary schools principals out of the 45 available in the study area. This represented 22.2% of the study population. Interview schedule and an observation check list were used to collect data. The questions were both closed/open-ended. Data collected were analysed using simple descriptive statistics. The findings reveal that though PTA has a great influence in the development of the physical facilities........
Key Words: PTA, Secondary Schools, Education, Funding, Facilities
[1]. Abdulkareem, A. Y. and Oduwaiye, R. O.(2011). Instituitonal governance and control of education in Nigeria.In F. O. Omotosho, A. A. Agagu. And O. Abegunde (ed) Governance, politics and policies in Nigeria (pp. 389-4040
[2]. Asyago, B. (2005). An Investigation into the Challenges Facing Management of secondary Schools: The case of Machakos District, Kenya. Unpublished Med Thesis, Nairobi: Kenyatta University..
[3]. Fenker, M. (2004).Organizational Change, Representations and Facilities. In Facilities Management: Innovation and Performance. Alexander, K. (ed.) U.K. Taylor Francis.
[4]. Gay, L.R. (1992). Educational Research – Competencies and for Analysis and Applications. Ohio: Bell Howell Publishers.
[5]. Knezevich, S.I. (1975). Administration of Public Education. New York: Harper and Row..
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Abstract: This paper examined the relevance of Parents Teachers Association (PTA) in the development of schools through the provision and management of facilities required for teaching and learning. The classical theory of equal opportunity and the theory of development were examined to explain the need and relevance of parents and teachers intervention in the development of schools facilities. The concepts of PTA and schools facilities were also espoused to highlight the place of PTA in the provision and management of facilities for teaching and learning in schools. A review of empirical works on the contributions of PTA to the development of schools facilitates revealed that although........
Key Words: Development, Parents, Teachers, Facilities, Schools, Teaching, Learning
[1]. Ahmed, T.M. (2003). Education and national Development in Nigeria.Journal of Studies in Education.
[2]. Asiyai, R.I. (2012), Assessing School Facilities in Public Secondary Schools in Delta State, Nigeria. Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies. Delta State University, Abraka in African Research Review, An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia. Vol. 6 (2), Serial No. 25.
[3]. Asyago, B. (2005). An Investigation into the Challenges Facing Management of secondary Schools: The case of Machakos District, Kenya. Unpublished Med Thesis, Nairobi: Kenyatta University.
[4]. Ayot, J. and Briggs, T. (1992). Economics of Education: Nairobi: East African Publishing House Limited.
[5]. Bannister, R. (1989). Social Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo-America social Though. Temple University Press..
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Abstract: This investigated factors influencing high sports performance among Cross River State Athletes at National Sports Festival. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample for the study consisted of 344 sports personnel and athletes. questionnaire was the main instrument used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were analysed using frequency count, percentages table and chi-square (x2) analysis tested at .05 level of significance with the aid of SPSS Version 21. The findings revealed that scholarship was the most preferred incentive by the athletes as majority of the athletes were students of different levels. Also promotion was the most preferred incentive by the sports personnel. The study revealed that lack of scholarship for athletes and lack........
Key Words: Incentives, sport performance, National sports, sports festival, Cross River State.
[1]. Alderman, R B (1974) Pychogical behaviour in sport. Philaephia: Saunders.
[2]. Audu, M. (2009) Sports development in Nigeria and the National sports festival (1973-2009): challenges of vision 2020. Zaria: Amadu Bello University press Ltd.
[3]. Bull, J. S. (1996) Sports Psychology. A Self F-Help Guide. London, England: Crowood press
[4]. Cox, R. H. (1990) Sports Psychology Concepts and Applications. (2nd Eds). London. Plenum
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Abstract: The study investigated the influence of selected administrative indices on the sports performance of athletes at National Sports Festival in Cross River State, Nigeria with the aim of finding the area of success and failure. Relevant literature were reviewed on the study. The survey research design was adopted for the study. Instrument for data collection was MTAFO (Motivation, exposure of training and availability of facilities). Questionnaire which was administered on three hundred and forty four (344) participants. Out of which 270 were retrieved which is (78.5%) of the total participants from the three (3) Local Government headquarters hosting the three zonal sports offices of the state which include Calabar, Ikom and Ogoja. The reliability for the whole questionnaire was 0.88........
Key Words: Motivation, training, facilities, athlete's performance, Cross River athletes, National Sports festival
[1]. Adeyeye, M and Adeyemo K. (2013). The influence of motivation and facilities on athletes‟ performance in Nigeria University games (NUGA). International Journal of Development and Sustainability Online ISSN: 2168-8662 – Volume 2 Number 4 (2013): Pages 2396-2401 ISDS Article ID: IJDS13073001
[2]. Asagba, B.O., Balogun, S.K., Odewumi, G. I., and Oladipo, S. E. (2007). Personality Traits of Sports Administrators and Effective Sports Management in Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Asian Social Science 2(12):2330-2342.
[3]. Awoyinfa, J.O. (2008), Modern trends in sport administration and management, Regeneration book publication, Lagos.
[4]. Calvin P. Philp, C.P., Buchheit, M., Kitic, C.M., Minson, C.T., and Fell, J.W. (2006). Does short-duration heat exposure at a matched cardiovascular intensity improve 3 intermittent running performance in a cool environment?
[5]. Fasan, O. (2000) Introduction to Sports Administration. Lagos: Beulah Publishers.
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Abstract: Introduction : Mothers' nutrition knowledge, attitude and practices play an importantrole in childnutritional status1,2,3,4. Weexamined the linkbetweenmaternal nutrition knowledge, attitude and practices, demographiccharacteristics of mothers and nutritionaloutcomes (weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height Z-scores) of theirchildren (6-59 months). One particular focus is on the role of different types of mothers' demographiccharacteristics, nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices in comparisonwithsocio-economicincome. The analysisbuilds on individuallevel data collected at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi County, Kenya in 2017 and 2018. Variousregressionmodelsweredeveloped and estimated. Results show thatmaternal nutrition attitude score, age and educationallevelispositivelyassociatedwithchildstunting, aftercontrolling for otherinfluencingfactorssuch.........
[1]. Borkotoky, K., Unisa, S. and Gupta, A.K., 2018. State-level dietary diversity as a contextual determinant of nutritional status of children in india: A multilevel approach. Journal of biosocial science, 50(1), pp.26-52.
[2]. Kujinga, P., Borgonjen‐van den Berg, K.J., Superchi, C., ten Hove, H.J., Onyango, E.O., Andang'o, P., Galetti, V., Zimmerman, M.B., Moretti, D. and Brouwer, I.D., 2018. Combining food‐based dietary recommendations using Optifood with zinc‐fortified water potentially improves nutrient adequacy among 4‐to 6‐year‐old children in Kisumu West district, Kenya. Maternal & child nutrition, 14(2), p.e12515. [3]. Boor, F.K. and Ogada, I.A., Kimiywe J. Knowledge and Practices on Early Breastfeeding among Mothers Delivering at a Teaching and Referral Hospital in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. J PediatrWomens Healthcare. 2018; 1 (1), 1001.
[4]. Wainaina, C.W., Wanjohi, M., Wekesah, F., Woolhead, G. and Kimani-Murage, E., 2018. Exploring the Experiences of Middle Income Mothers in Practicing Exclusive Breastfeeding in Nairobi, Kenya. Maternal and child health journal, pp.1-9.
[5]. The, S., Resources, H., Winter, N. and Glewwe, P. (2016) 'Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Why Does Mother Schooling Raise Child Health in Developing Countries ? Evidence from Morocco Author ( s ): Paul Glewwe Stable URL : Your use of the JSTOR archive', 34(1), pp. 124–159..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Division of Ancient Period |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Newton Majumder |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/6737-05035658 ![]() |
Abstract: There is no record of any physical art or craft during the pre-vedic age. But an idea of the can be formed from a careful study of the war weapons, tool and implements, seals and sculptures found at Harappan and Mahanjodaro. During this age the objective of physical exercise was achieved through a daily routine of work games, sports and amusements. Dancing, particularly community dancing, was the favorite recreation of pre-vedic people as it appears from a bronze dancing girl from Mahanjodaro in the National Museum in Delhi.The most important and interesting things during the Indus Valley Civilization at Mahanjodaro was the Grcort Bath, which was similar to modern swimming........
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Abstract: This investigated factors influencing high sports performance among Cross River State Athletes at National Sports Festival. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample for the study consisted of 344 sports personnel and athletes. questionnaire was the main instrument used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected was analysed using frequency count, percentages table and chi-square (x2) analysis tested at .05 level of significance with the aid of SPSS Version 21. The findings revealed that scholarship was the most preferred incentive by the athletes as majority of the athletes were students of different levels. Also promotion was the most preferred incentive by the sports personnel. The study revealed that lack of scholarship for athletes and lack of promotion for sports personnel have no significant influence on the performance of Cross River State athletes at National Sports Festival. It was recommended among others that incentives and award schemed may........
Key words: Incentives, sport performance, National sports, sports festival, Cross River State
[1]. Alderman, R B (1974) Psychological behaviour in sport. Philadelphia: Saunders.
[2]. Audu, M. (2009) Sports development in Nigeria and the National sports festival (1973-2009): challenges of vision 2020. Zaria: Amadu Bello University press Ltd.
[3]. Bull, J. S. (1996) Sports Psychology. A Self F-Help Guide. London, England: Crowood Press
[4]. Cox, R. H. (1990) Sports Psychology Concepts and Applications. (2nd Eds). London. Plenum