Version-1 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: The hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic andhypoch olesterolemia effects of the methanol extractsof leaf and stem bark of Bucholziacoriaceawere studied in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic male wister rats. The result of the phytochemical screening of the extracts revealed that the leaf contains tannins, saponins, terpenes and terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, balsam, phenols and resins. On the other hand, the stem bark contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes and terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, balsam, phenols and resins. The following biochemical parameters were determined in the serum using standard laboratory procedure, glucose, total protein, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT) and alkaline............
Key words: Bucholziacoriacea, streptozotocin, hypolipidaemic, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolaemic.
[1] C. D. Luka, and A. Mohammed. Evaluation of the antidiabetic property ofaqueous extract of Mangiferaindica leaf on normal and Alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources. 2(2); 2012, 239-243.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Serum H Pylori Antibodies and Thyroid Disorder in Chronic Urticaria |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shantha Kumari.N || Karthik G || Nataraj B |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0402010911 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Chronic urticaria(CU) is the most common pruritic condition with multiple casual factor characterized by erythamatous, edematous and pruritic lesion of dermis and hypodermis 50% of patients with chronic urticaria have autoimmune basis. Thyroid disorders and H pylori have been a major contribution to chronic urticaria. AIMS and objectives: To estimate RBS, H pylori IgG, IgM, TSH in patients with chronic urticaria and comparing with control group. To evaluate the importance of these biochemical parameters in chronic urticaria patients...........
Key words: Urticaria, Hpylori IgG, Hpylori IgM, TSH.
[1] Johanna Hook-Nikanne, Elina Varjonen, Rauno J Harvima and Timo U Kosunen. Is Helicobacter pylori infection associated with chronic urticaria? Acta Derm Venereol 2000; 80: 425-426.
[2] PV S Prasad. Urticaria; Indian J of Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2001; 67:11-20.
[3] Majid Mogadam Rostamy. Prevalance of the Helicobacter pylori infection in chronic urticaria. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2010; 20:142-145.
[4] Nasreen Qazi, Azam J Samadani, Shahnawaz Jamali, et al. Chronic Idiopathic urticaria and helicobacter pylori infection: Effect of eradication therapyon the relief of symptoms. JLUMHS: 2013;vol 12: No. 03
[5] Sheema Mohsin Mustafa and Ahmed Bolad: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori among patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria. Vol.3,No.16 ISSN 1858-6155...
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Abstract: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the metabolizing enzyme of acetylcholine is evolving as the most important therapeutic target for development of cognitive enhancers. However, AChE activity in brain has not been properly evaluated on the basis of sex. In the present study, AChE expression was investigated in different brain areas of cerebrum and cerebellum in male and female chana striata. On comparing male and female genders, increased AChE activity was seen in cerebrum and cerebellum of female chana striata. However, no significant change in AChE activity was found between cerebrum and cerebellum within the same male and female. Thus it appears that sex alters AChE activity in different brain regions (G4 isoform) that may vary in male and female. Sequence analysis revealed that highest divergence was found in between male cerebrum and female cerebrum (6.0) and least divergence was found in between male cerebellum and female cerebellum (3.2) with control AChE NM_EF534897.
Key words: PCOS; Rotterdam criteria; TNF-alpha; Cytokines; Infertility.
[1] SK.Agarwal, k.Vogel, SR.Weitsman, DA.Magoffin, Leptin antagonizes the insulin-like growth factor-i Augmentation of Steroidogenesis in Granulosa and Theca cells of the human Ovary1. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84 (3), 1999, 1072–1076
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Abstract: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the metabolizing enzyme of acetylcholine is evolving as the most important therapeutic target for development of cognitive enhancers. However, AChE activity in brain has not been properly evaluated on the basis of sex. In the present study, AChE expression was investigated in different brain areas of cerebrum and cerebellum in male and female of five different vertebrate species. On comparing male and female genders, increased AChE activity was seen in cerebrum and cerebellum of female of five different vertebrate species. However, no significant change in AChE activity was found between cerebrum and cerebellum within the same male and female. Thus it appears that sex alters AChE activity in different brain regions (G4 isoform) that may vary in male and female. Sequence analysis revealed that highest divergence was found in between male cerebrum and female cerebrum and least divergence was found in between male cerebellum and female cerebellum with control AChE of five different vertebrate species.
Key words: Acetylcholinesterase; Physiology; Invertebrates; Vertebrates; Cerebrum
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Abstract: Purpose: Almond is a fruit that can be grown and consumed by almost every region of the world. For many years people have thought that almond juice is good for many diseases. As a result of the studies carried out today, it has been determined that the certain amount of used rubbein is good for cancer, diabetes and many diseases mainly due to its antioxidant properties.This study investigated whether A. trichamygdalus fruit, an almond species, is beneficial to human health. It is known that the DNA of the main cause of the above-mentioned diseases is damage. In this study, it was aimed to investigate whether the A. trichamygdalus fruit had an effect on preventing or correcting DNA damage. It has been very important to study the effects of the substances that have recently been linked or interacted with DNA. The work done to prevent the damages that may arise from the effects of these effects is being seriously projected............
Key words: A. Trichamygdalus, Almond, Copper, DNA damage, Cancer.
[1] Dilas, S.M., 2012. Canadanovic-Brunet JM. Antioxidants in Food. Chemistry & Industry, 56 (3): 105-112.
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[4] Kulaksız, G., Sancar A., 2007. Nucleotide excision repair and cancer. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 32 (3): 104-111.
[5] Ma, J., Jones, S.H., Hecht, S.M. 2005. A dihydroflavonol glucoside from Commiphora africana that mediates DNA strand scission. Journal of Natural Product. 68(1): 115-117
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Abstract: Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) Is A Pregnancy Complication Characterized By High Blood Pressure, Proteinuria And Edema. It Threatens The Maternal And Fetus Life, It Is The First Cause Of Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), And Fetal Prematurity. Doppler Ultrasound (US) Has Been Considered As A Good Tool In Assess And Prediction Of PE.Objective: To Assess Doppler Studies Of Fetal Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Resistance Index (RI) In PE Patients To Demonstrate The Accuracy Of Resistance Index For Predicting Fetal Outcomes.Material And Methods: A Descriptive Cross Sectional Study On 100 Pregnant Women (70 With Preeclampsia And 30 With Normal Pregnancy) At >26 Gestation Weeks Of Fetal MCARI Was Performed Using Doppler...........
Key words: Preeclampsia (PE), IUGR, Doppler, US, MCA, RI
[1]. Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert,TEXTBOOK OF DIAGNOSTIC SONOGRAPHY. 7th Ed.Mosby, Inc. Affiliate Of Elsevier;California: VOLUME ONE. 2012. 52:117
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[5]. Romero-Arauz JF R-LJ, Et. Al,Velocimetríadoppler De La Arteria Umbilical Y Resultado Perinatal Adversoen Preeclampsia Severa. Ginecologia Y Obstetricia De Mexico 2008, 76:440–449.
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Abstract: Amylase is (E.C.,4-alpha D-glucanohydrolase) an extracellular enzyme, which is involved in the starch processing industries where it breaks starch into simple sugar constituents.Amylase has extensive application in starch processing, brewing and sugar production, in textile industries and in detergent manufacturing processes. Interestingly, the first enzyme produced industrially was an amylase.In the present study, amylase producing bacteria were isolated from rice field, sugarcane field and sugarcane dump area and characterized for their morphological and biochemical properties. Then amylase activity of isolated bacterial cultures were determined and it was concluded that 3 (NN1, NN2, NN5)out of 6 bacterial colonies(NN1, NN2, NN3, NN4, NN5, NN6) were potent and their enzyme activity was more than other colonies. The potent colonies were also optimized for enzyme activity under certain conditions like different carbon sources, nitrogen sources, pH, incubation time and chlorides.Agro-industrial..........
Key words: Amylase, solid state fermentation, agro- industrial wastes.
[1] Gupta A., Gupta V K, Modi D R, Yadava L P," Production and Characterization of a-amylase from Aspergillus niger",2008, Biotechnol.(1):1-6.
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[4] Mishra S., Behera N., "Amylase activity of a starch degrading bacteria isolated from soil receiving kitchen waste",African Journal of Biotechnology ,2008,(7):3226-3331.
[5] Noreen R., Asghar M., Assad M.J, and Adedyo O.,"Production of alpha amylase from banana peel by Bacillus subtilis"; Pak. J. Agri,2002 .Sci. 39.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microbial decolorization of Triphenylmethane dyes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tina Mukherjee || Manas Das |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0402015763 ![]() |
Abstract: Bioremediation exploiting a variety of microorganisms for the degradation of recalcitrant organics appears as an eco-friendly solution to the problem of environmental pollution. Microbes have been talented by nature with the ability of degrading a wide variety of environmental pollutants competently with minimum amount of sludge production. In this work, we have investigated the decolorization and degradation of a mixture of triphenylmethane dyes, Malachite green, Crystal Violet and Basic Fuchsin by a bacterial consortium separately and in a mixed solution. Decolorization studies were carried out with single dye solution as well as mix dye solution with respect to pH, temperature and initial dye concentration. Decolorized products were analyzed with UV-visible spectroscopy and Thin Layer Chromatography, which indicates the process of decolorization in this case, is biodegradation. The decolorized products were also checked for level of COD, wherefrom it was found that the decolorized products were completely safe for the environment up to a concentration of 100 mg/L.
Key words: Decolorization, Triphenylmethane dyes, Bacterial consortium, Dye mix, Degradation
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Abstract: Introduction: Pre-eclampsia is the major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and is also associated with increased perinatal problems. There are studies to show that the relationship between aggravation of hypertensive complication with changes in concentration of various chemistries in mothers serum. The purpose of this study was to estimate and compare the relationship between the levels of serum calcium, magnesium, uric acid in women with pre-eclampsia, and normal pregnant women as controls. Methodology:The study included 30 pre-eclamptic patients as cases and 30 normal pregnant women was taken as controls. All the cases and controls were in the age group of 18-35 years. Blood pressure was checked and microalbuminuria was.........
Key words: Serum calcium, Serum magnesium, Serum uric acid, microalbuminuria, Pre-eclampsia
[1]. Gaugler–Senden IPM, Roes EM, De-Groot CJM, Steegers EAP. Clinical risk factors for pre eclampsia. Eur Clinics Obstet Gynaecol 2005; 1:36-50.
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Abstract: Bacteria were isolated from the sewage water for the purpose of enhancing biogas production. The sample was serially diluted up to 10-7 dilution, for the isolation of hydrolytic, acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. However, nutrient agar was used for the isolation of hydrolytic bacteria, while basal media supplemented with specific substrate has been used for the isolation of acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. After the isolation, the hydrolytic bacteria from the nutrient agar plates were selected on the basis of prominence for the preliminary screening of bacteria. After preliminary screening the efficient strains showed highest zone of clearance were selected for enzyme assay along with acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. Based on the highest enzyme activity of hydrolytic (cellulase - 21.3U/ml, protease -205.6U/ml, lipase-23.2U/ml), acidogenic (acetate-520U/ml), acetogenic (acetate dehydrogenase-325.2U/ml), methanogenic (methyl transferase..........
[1]. Adams, L. and Raj Boopathy, 2005. Isolation and characterization of enteric bacteria from the hindgut of Formosan termite. Bioresource Technology. 96: 1592-1598.
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Abstract: Sacchaomyces cerevisiea has been widely used in the production of bioethanol from several substrates. This study portrays the molecular characterization and alcohol tolerance of Sacchaomyces cerevisiea used in the production of bioethanol from waste paper. The Sacchaomyces cerevisiea isolate used with ascension number MG584866 was shown to have 99% similarity to its gene bank relative Sacchaomyces cerevisiea with ascension number CP006454. The alcohol tolerance of the Sacchaomyces cerevisiea recorded 100% mortality at 40% alcohol concentration, while 0% mortality was recorded at 0% concentration. The isolate was however able to survive 30% alcohol concentration where 76% mortality was recorded.
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