Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Abstract: The Study Titled: New Product Development Reasons and Marketing Strategy (A Study of Dangote Nigeria Plc, North-East Zonal Office, Maiduguri, Borno State) was carried out to identify what constitute new product, and looking at the attributes that constitute a product. The reasons why organizations introduce new products/services into the market other than for profit making which is the general belief by many organizations and the various marketing strategies that are applied to the products/services right from when it is introduced into the market up to the decline stage of the product. The study adopted the survey research design where six (6) respondents from Dangote Zonal Office were randomly and proportionately issued with questionnaires. The findings revealed that customer's need, want and taste are not usually seek before production; that organization does not plan their marketing strategy(ies) for these products. The study concluded by recommending among others that organization should seek consumer need, want and taste before embarking on production and management should have planned marketing strategy for the product at all level of its level of its life which will include pruning of brands, improve upon them, rename them to reflect improvement on them.
Keywords: New product, Marketing Strategy, Customer, Needs and Wants.
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Abstract: This study sets out to analyze the effects of the banking sector consolidation in financing the real sector of the economy in order to find out if the problem of underfunding of the real sector of the Nigerian economy still exists five years after the Banking Sector Consolidation. The research through literature review and comparative analysis of secondary data from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) like CBN Statistical Bulletin, and Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) Annual Reports found that commercial banks sectoral allocation of loans and Advances to the real sector of Nigerian economy increased considerably over the five years after the consolidation. The study also found that the deposit base of commercial banks increased considerably over the five years period following the banking consolidation in 2005. The result also shows that commercial banks capacity to fund the real sector of the economy increased considerably after the banking sector consolidation. The commercial banks have been strengthened to perform their intermediation role through increase in their deposit base following the consolidation exercise. The Federal Government through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should encourage commercial banks to continuously increase their funding of the real sector of the economy especially Agriculture, Manufacturing, ( Textile industry) and Small Scale industries which constitute the engine of growth of the economy
Key Words: Banking, Consolidation, Real Sector, Nigerian Economy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumer Attitude Towards After Sales Service |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M Shivalingegowda, Girisha M C. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1361420 ![]() |
Abstract: According to Philp Kotler "Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others". Marketing management deals with how organizations and people can better manage their exchange activities to produce income for themselves and satisfaction for others.Now a days customers are deal oriented, they do not want just products but they expect something more.
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[10]. Ananymous, " The Place Where Supermarkets Was Born," Mass Markete Retailers 19, 2002.
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effect of the management style of the managers on the level of the parents' participation in the schools affairs. This study was conducted in 2013 and its statistical population included 312 subjects among all the teachers and parents of the public high schools of Iranian Saveh City (including 156 teachers and 156 parents who were the members of the Trainers-Parents Community). Among the mentioned population 144 subjects were selected as the research sample by usingCochranformula and sampling method of stratified random sampling method. In this process, 8 teacher and 8 parents were selected from each school in random. The data collection was conducted using two questionnaires: standard questionnaire of management styles, and a research-made questionnaire for the parents' participation. To analyze the data we relied on structural equation modeling method using LISREL 8.8 and Smart PLS 2 softwares in modeling and structural parts. In the modeling part we investigated the technical characteristics of the questionnaire and corrected the questionnaire as needed; and in the structural part, we used the structural coefficients of the model to test the hypotheses of the research. The results showed that the management style of the managers has a positive significant effect on the parents' participation in the school affairs and on the reinforcement of the relationship between the home and the school. This is while the management style of the managers has no significant effect on the educational affairs, supporting affairs, and the reinforcement of the relationship between the school and the society.
Keywords: Collaborative, Magisterial, Management Styles, Parents participation, Parents-Teachers Community,
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[6]. KazemiKordasiabi, Mitra, (2007), Relationship between the Human Skills of the Managers and the Level of Parents' Participation in the Secondary and High Schools of Babolsar City, MSc. Dissertation, Alzahra University [in Persian].
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Abstract: The emergence of Eco Cash in Zimbabwe ushered a new dispensation in the banking services sector market, with the urbanites responding favorably. The range of mobile banking services offered include bank transfers (sending and receiving money), airtime top-ups, bill payments and bank to wallet and wallet to bank transfers. However this development was not welcome by the traditional banking businesses as they realized the imminent danger of competition, a move that prompted the brick and mortar banks to summon the central bank to force the new rival to undertake its services in conjunction with them. Despite showing great potential, the Eco Cash services have attracted limited attention in some rural market segments in the country and yet this innovation was aimed at bringing banking convenience to the rural folks. It is against this background that this research was carried out to establish the extent to which the characteristic nature (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trial-ability and observability) of the Eco Cash mobile services impacts on its rate of adoption and acceptance in the rural market. The study was conducted in Chipinge District at four selected business centers, namely Birchenough Bridge, Tanganda, Chibuwe and Rimbi and Checheche. A descriptive survey research design was employed and a sample size of 80 respondents comprising principally registered Econet Wireless subscribers was conveniently intercepted as they entered the townships. The major instrument used was a structured questionnaire and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools namely the mean and standard. The results show that Eco Cash services are not popular in the rural market, despite them having better attributes that can hasten their rate of adoption by the target market. This therefore implies that Econet Wireless should make some deliberate targeted promotional programs aimed at the rural market and this may improve the adoption of eco cash service in Zimbabwe.
Key Terms: Product/Service, Eco-cash, Innovation, Service Characteristics, Rate of Adoption,
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Abstract: This research provides a conceptual view, that simultaneouslyexplore and exploit sustainable knowledge and offers a significance source for systemic innovation. It requires changes to the process that involve multiple organizations and actors to adjust their practices, as such transform the way they manage product, services, behaviors and attitudes among consumers, and affect the whole system, including government, partners, and society. Systemic innovation is in line with value constellation, which develops inter-organizational relationship between actors, their relationship and network, which harvest effectivenessof technical and operational work and enhance efficiency of product/process innovation and development. The author also believed the theory provides a logical tool that creates a strong tie among sustainable knowledge exploration and exploitation, systemic innovations and value constellation, which in turn lead to sustainable performance.
Keyword: Knowledge exploration, knowledge exploitation, value constellation, systemic innovation, sustainability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Important Element of Current Scenario |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Barkha Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1364146 ![]() |
Abstract: An HRIS, which is also known as a human resource information system or human resource management system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human resources and information technology through a HR software solution. This allows HR activities and processes to occur electronically. The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. The goal of HRIS is to merge the different parts of human resource, including payroll, labor productivity, and benefit management into a less capital intensive system than the mainframes used to manage activities in the past. Also called Human Resource Management systems (HRMS). A HRIS generally should provide the capability to more effectively plan, control and manage HR costs; achieve improved efficiency and quality in HR decision making; and improve employee and managerial productivity and effectiveness. In most situations, an HRIS will also lead to increases in efficiency when it comes to making decisions in HR. This research paper helps to know about how HRIS help the organization to enhance the efficiency of work.
Keywords- HRIS, HRM, HRMS, Human Resource, Human Resource Information system
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Abstract: Developing countries are constrained with the challenges of poverty and economic empowerment to reduce the level poverty especially among the women population. Women consist more than 60% of the African population which has caused more concern to the economy in the continent. International communities like World Bank, USAID, DFID, IMF, government and others individuals and private organizations have made several efforts in assisting women economically, but yet level of poverty has been in the increase. As the year 2015 draws closer, there is high expectation on the objectives of the MDGs. Unfortunately, studies reveal that female potential labor force is still high in Africa and most of the poor are women. Women consist more than 60% of the African population which has caused more concern to the economy of the continent. This paper examined two issues (i) some of the factors that hinder women from attaining economic empowerment. (ii) Other factors that increases the level of poverty of women despite the fact that several efforts are been made to empower women economically. This paper relied on content analysis of existing literature as source of data, in order to uncover some of the reasons responsible for low participation of women in economic activities. It also recommends possible ways to ameliorate the situation for policy implication.
Keywords: Women, Economic empowerment, Poverty reduction and Africa
[1]. Adegoroye, A. A. and A. A. Adegoroye (2008) "The Roles of Selected NGOs in Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Ibadan Land" Journal of Gender and Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 2, Ife Center for Psychological Studies, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
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[3]. Bakke-Seeck, S.; U. Boehm; B. Bovers; S. Gorgens; C. Hopfer; W. Karcher; C. Lohrenschei; G. Mergner; B. Overwien; M. Singh; G, Specht; and G, Wojtasik (1998) Adult learning and vocational training in the informal sector in developing Countries. Committee on Educational Research in Cooperation with Third World Countrieswithin the German Educational Research Association. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Education.
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Abstract: The SMEs are playing a strategic role in economic growth and development of the country through their contribution to the creation of wealth, employment and income generation. The Textile & Chemical Industries are the leading segment in the SME sector. For the Indian economy textiles & chemical segments plays a major role. These segment of SMEs are exposed to the competitive pressures either directly from the market place or indirectly passed on from their higher ups in the chain. However, with SMEs dynamism, flexibility and innovative drive they are increasingly focusing on improved production methods, penetrative marketing strategies and management capabilities to continue and build up their operations. The Textiles exports consists of Fabrics, Ready-made garments, Cotton textiles, Textiles made from man-made fiber, Wool and Woolen goods, Silk, Handicrafts etc. Out of which man-made textiles and silk are showing the highest growth rate.
Keywords- HRIS, HRM, HRMS, Human Resource, Human Resource Information system
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Productivity and Staff Development in Corporate Organisations. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Don- Baridam Letam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1365761 ![]() |
Abstract: No organization can survive without the effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the satisfaction and development of the employees. Today, organizations are growing into large, complex operations whose structure are continually changing and therefore require that many employees be prepared for new assignments. Studies have identified the quality of manpower in any organization, as one of the critical factors affecting its survival and productivity. Organizations cannot survive without having competent and experienced employees, who are living to tackle the challenges of a changing world. Investment in manpower development is justified when management is able to get a good return on its investment. It is for the above reasons that this paper attempts to discuss productivity and staff development in corporate organizations: A cost benefit analysis.
Keywords: Corporate organization, cost benefit analysis, productivity, staff development.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Analysis of Disaster Management between Japan & India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priyanka Banerji, Ms. Nidhi Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1366274 ![]() |
Abstract: Natural Calamity is a bitter truth from which no one can escape. So many deaths, diseases, economic and social loss are few results of natural calamity. Disaster risk is on the rise all the way through the world. The economic losses and the number of people who have been affected by natural calamities have increased significantly over the past decades than the population growth, which slows down the economic growth of the affected country. The physical, social, particularly the emotional aspect and economic losses caused by these disasters are particularly more expensive for developing countries.
Keywords- disaster, prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation, risk reduction, disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, risk Identification, disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction, calamity.
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[4]. Alexander, David. 1991. ―Natural disasters: a framework for research and teaching.‖ Disasters 15: 209-26
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[8]. Cochrane, Hal. 2004. ―Economic loss: myth and measurement‖ Disaster Prevention and Management 13: 290-296.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic History and Development of Port Harcourt, 1912-2003: An Analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Grace Malachi Brown |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1368695 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is an analysis of the origin and the establishment of Port Harcourt, how the land was acquired and how a small Port Harcourt settlement developed into a flourishing urban centre. The process by which this transformation took place was analysed, using the theoretical framework of some relevant theories of development and growth models enunciated by different scholars, whose studies were also reviewed. We made a critique of underdevelopment and growth paradigms; and also the problems we encountered in the course of this study. Our findings revealed that companies were either colonially created or that its operations or activities were dependent on the advanced countries with its main links for inputs, markets, management, finance and technology. The study concludes that the positive forces of development were favourable to Port Harcourt and today the city is "the goose that lays the golden egg for Nigeria" and it is popularly known as the "Treasure base of Nigeria", with Nigeria's discovery of oil and gas in 1956.
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Abstract: In recent years, due to rapid growth of information and communications technology, and most importantly, the expansion and development of internet, the trend of these variations has been accelerated. Electronic is one of these options that many debates are performed concerning the implementation and in particular, its impact on business. In present paper, in addition to defining the electronic insurance, the impact of e-commerce on insurance industry has been discussed. Internet banking has made it easy to carry out the personal or business financial transaction without going to bank and at any suitable time. This facility enables to transfer money to other accounts and checking current balance alongside the status of any financial transaction made in the account. The recent evolution of Information technology in the financial services industry is changing the pace of providing insurance services, not only in India but in the world over. This paper looks at how banks and financial firms can interact with ecommerce. First, banks and financial firms can learn from e-commerce and use the technology and business practice of e-commerce to develop and market their products to the customers. The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way people buy and sell. The internet is characterized by increased access to information. Adaptation of the Internet for commercial purposes in the last decade of the twentieth century has lead to the birth of a new phenomenon: e-commerce.
Key words: E-Banking. E- Insurance, E-Commerce, Finance, E-Business
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Abstract: This study is both a comparative analysis and legal examination of various legal terms (mortgage, pledge and charge) usable in contractual and business transactions today. It examines their different types, rights of the parties in such transaction, the English laws regulating such transaction and how these laws have specifically been applied or adopted in Nigeria and Ghana, including other West African countries. It observed that these legal terms are acceptable forms of secured credits by companies, individuals and businesses. It concludes that the mode of security to be adopted by parties in each transaction depends on them and the dictates of circumstances. The importance of these secured credits cannot be over-emphasized in all business or contractual transactions amongst parties (be it companies, management and business ventures).
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Abstract: Little seems to be known by managers in the Nigerian construction industry that organisational culture fosters job satisfaction and employee commitment which in turn impact on performance. The starting point to demonstrate that organisational culture promotes job satisfaction and employee commitment is to examine if there is a relationship among the three constructs which is the purpose of this paper. A structured questionnaire based on Cameron and Quinn Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) for assessing culture and Meyer and Allen Organisational Commitment Instrument (OCI) for assessing employee commitment were used. The organisational culture and the employee commitment were measured on a five point Likert type scale. Percentile, mean score and Spearman rank correlation methods were employed to analyse the data collected. The results show that there is a significant correlation between organisational culture and job satisfaction and commitment of construction workers. Both job satisfaction and employee commitment equally show significant relationship. The relationships have implications for important organisational outcomes in Nigerian Construction Companies (NCC) in terms of job satisfaction and employee commitment and the ultimate performance of the Construction Companies.
Key words: Construction companies, employee commitment, job satisfaction, Nigeria, organisational culture
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine employees' perception about HRD climate in relation to job satisfaction in the public sector (civil service organizations) of Ethiopia based on the selected Bureaus in two regional states viz., Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz. The data was collected from 615 employees (both executives and non-executives) using self-administered questionnaire. The final response rate was 87.5% (539); based on this the analysis is carried out. The findings revealed that the extent HRD climate and the HRD climate elements are all below average, i.e., they are indicating the existence of very poor HRD climate in the selected bureaus or in the public sector of Ethiopia. The tested hypotheses suggested that the correlation between HRD climate and job satisfaction is statistically significant, and there is significant impact of HRD climate on job satisfaction. The HRD climate variables correlate strongly, positively and significantly with job satisfaction at the 0.01 significance level. Besides, HRD climate influences the job satisfaction of employees.
Key Words: HRD climate, the General climate, the OCTAPACE culture, HRD mechanism, and Job satisfaction
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