Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Selected Public Sector Banks in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarita Moharana |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1540109 ![]() |
Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility is the mechanism through which the corporate organizations have executed their philanthropic visions for social welfare. It is a powerful way of making sustainable competitive profit and achieving lasting values for stakeholder as well as shareholder. "Corporate Social Responsibility is very popular in financial sector, which the financial crisis did not damage as perceptible as in other countries of developed economies (Singer, 2009)". The process of Globalization creates competition among financial organizations to perform according to the internationally compatible trade practices. So this instigated them to divert their available resources to do more social activities. Nowadays, many nationalized banks in India have created their individual brand image in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by taking various social initiatives in the era of social welfare and community development. The catalytic contributions made by nationalized banks for economic growth in India have created their separate entities towards financial growth. The main objective of this study is to analyze the CSR activities carried out by selected nationalized banks of India. An attempt has been made to analyze the existing CSR practices of five nationalized banks i.e., Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India, and Uco Bank. It has been found that the selected banks are directly engaged in CSR activities mostly in the area of Rural Development, Education, Community Welfare, Women and Children. The analysis shows that, these banks are making efforts for the implementation of CSR, but are restricted within certain fields. There is a need for better CSR activities by the banks, which is possible by adding more and more social development issues link with corporate sector.
Keywords: Banking Sector, Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Institution, Public Sector Banks.
[1]. Agrawal, Sanjaoy K," Corporate Social Responsibility in India "(2008) Response Business Book from Sage, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
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[4]. Bihari, Suresh Chandra and Pradhan ,Sudeepta(2011),CSR and performance :The story of Banks in India .Journal of Transational Management16(1),20-35
[5]. B lowfield, Michael &Murray Alan (2008), corporate responsibility –a critical introduction, Great Clarendon street, Oxford University Press.
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[10]. Kavitha N.V ,Reddy N.Suma,"Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian banking Sector:"A Comparison of CSR initiatives in commercial and private banks"329-349.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Empirical Study on Investment Pattern towards Health Insurance at Salem district, Tamilnadu |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Priyadarsini |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1541015 ![]() |
Abstract: In this contemporary world emergence of new disease are uncertain. More amenities are available today to overcome but it's too pricey. Health insurance is the provision to prevail over numerous diseases in the world. Health insurance enables to overcome the pre-admission & post-admission price of hospitalization. Health insurance shield premium are too costly, hence some people are not aware of the health insurance benefits .This research paper had made an attempt to explore the investment behavior of investors towards health insurance in Salem district ,Tamil Nadu state. The primary data collection made through structured questionnaire. The opinions of 200 respondents were considered for the analysis. Through this analysis it was found that consciousness's of health insurance are lacking among the public of Salem district, as well as their income level do not support for high premium policy
Keywords: Awareness, Health insurance, Income, Investment behavior.
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[6]. What Is the Purpose of Health Insurance? -By Barbara Aufiero, e How Contributor.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Insights of Corporate Social Responsibility: Leadership personified |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Monika Goyal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1541619 ![]() |
Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility is something that is booming across the corporate world today.Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy acts as a mechanism for regulating & business monitoring and aims to ensure its active acquiescence keeping in mind the law, ethical standards, and international norms. In a global economy, increasingly organizations have a responsibility to embrace, demonstrate and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR). Long-term sustainability demands that organizations rethink their business goals and objectives from solely focusing on making a profit to corporate citizenship. Today, the influence of CSR is beginning to be seen in communities throughout the world—from human rights and labor practices to health care and the environment.This paper aims to describe the concept of corporate social responsibility and its history along with its significance, currents trends in India viz-a-viz worldwide and the way forward. The paper also provides some of the most prominent examples leaders and their devotion, works and achievement towards corporate social responsibility.
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Sustainability, Commercial logging, philanthropy, Efficient Leadership.[1]. Aupperle, K. E., Carroll, A. B., & Hatfield, J. D. 1985. An empirical examination of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and profitability. Academy of Management Journal: 446-463. Aupperle, K. E. 1991. The Use of Forced-Choice Survey Procedures in Assessing Corporate Social Orientation. Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy: A Research Annual: 269
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[6]. Miles, R. H. 1987. Managing the corporate social environment: A grounded theory: Prentice Hall. Boulstridge, E. and Carrigan, M., (2000), "Do Consumers Really Care about Corporate Responsibility? Highlighting the attitude-behaviour gap", in Journal of Communication Management, Volume 4, No. 4, pp. 355-368.
[7]. Idowu, S.O. and Towler, B.A., (2004), "A Comparative Study of the Contents of Corporate Social Responsibility of UK Companies", in Management of Environmental Quality, Volume 15, No. 4, pp. 420-437
[8]. Rondinelli, A.D. and London, T., (2002), "Stakeholder and Corporate Responsibilities in Cross-sectoral Environment Collaborations: building value, legitimacy and trust", in Andriof, J., Waddock, S., Husted, B. and Rahman, S.S., (eds.), Unfolding Stakeholder Thinking, pp. 201-217, Sheffield UK: Greenleaf Publishing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Online Marketers Beware: M-Commerce is changing Your Game |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Neha Sagar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1542026 ![]() |
Abstract: M-Commerce is a subset of E-commerce which includes all e-commerce transactions carried out using a mobile device. M-commerce is a major application domain for mobile devices, enabling users to perform commercial transactions wherever they go. As the power of wireless increases, it provides various opportunities for improving services to customers. In today's era, mobile commerce or M-Commerce has entered almost all the aspects of Business organizations like finance, retails, services, telecommunications and information technology services. This paper discusses the concept of Mobile Commerce. It looks at how the technology of Mobile Commerce has facilitated new business trends. After this there is detailed description of applications of M-Commerce, its advantages & disadvantages. In last finally it throws light on the challenges that are faced by M-Commerce.
Keywords: M-Commerce, Applicability, Challenges, Growth, Consumer accessibility to internet.
[1]. M-commerce definition and Introduction from "Business, Entrepreneurship and Management" by C.B GUPTA, university of delhi.
[2]. Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory, and Applications Brian Ernest Mennecke, Troy J. Strader Idea Group Inc (IGI), 2003
[3]. Mirzaie, Jahanshahi, Asadollahi, Mobile commerce beyond electronic commerce: issue and challenges,asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences.
[4]. Future Outlook of M-commerce from "Business, Entrepreneurship and Management" by C.B GUPTA, University of Delhi.
[5]. Future Outlook and growth of M-commerce [6]. New report sheds light on the success being seen in mobile commerce [7]. UK mobile commerce shows impressive growth
[8]. Growth analysis of m commerce
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumer Purchase Behaviour towards Foreign Made Ethnic Wear |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mohamed Basil, Ramalakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1542736 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine the Indian consumers purchase intention towards foreign made ethnic wear especially saris through the composite framework which includes variables like actual purchase and demographics. On other hand, the study aims to fulfil the scarcity in viewing 'foreign made' perspective of ethnic wears and also to contribute to the Indian consumer behaviour literature. A survey questionnaire was employed to derive data from 163 respondents who were identified through judgement sampling technique. The data were examined through SPSS 20.0. With some limitations, the variables had significance in explaining the results of overall model. On other hand, the results had shown that Indian consumers have positive attitude towards foreign made sari. The influence of variables has plethora of implications for both academic and managerial view.
Keywords: Attitude, Ethnic wear, Purchase behavior, Sari.
[1] K. T. Hanson, The World in Dress: Anthropological Perspectives on Clothing, Fashion, and Culture. Annual Review of Anthropology , 33, 2004, 369–392.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The impact of Non-Financial Incentives on employees' motivation |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhammad Ijaz, Azhar khan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1543746 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to exhibit to what extent non-financial incentives are utilized in the public sector of Pakistan; Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and whether non-financial incentives have the potential to increase the motivation of public employees as much as the financial incentives. Incentive is any means that makes an employee desire to do better, try harder and expend more energy. Non-financial incentives such as participation in decision making, verbal or written recognition of good work etc. are the kinds of incentives that do not involve direct payment of cash. To realize the objectives of the thesis, a survey study was administered at Agriculture Training Institute. According to the results of the study, most of the employees think that the level of utilization of the non-financial incentives in their organization is inadequate. Also, the findings suggest that they value non-financial incentives as much as financial incentives. Thus, within the limitations of the survey study, it may be concluded that non-financial incentives have the potential to increase the motivation of personnel in this public organization.
Keywords: Non-financial Incentives, Motivation, Recognition, Public Organizations.
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Abstract: This study developed a model of environmental attitude of Kaiser, et al (1999) with Self Identity Pro-Environment of Whitmarsh and O'Neill (2010). In particular, this study aims to examine the antecedents of Ecological Intention, namely environmental Knowledge, environmental Value, and Self-Identity Pro-Environment in the Indonesian context. The survey was conducted on 136 students at the University Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia by using convenience sampling. Hypotheses were tested using Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Models with Smart PLS program Ver. 2 M3. The study found that environmental knowledge has no significant effect on ecological intentions, while the environmental Value and Self- Identity Pro-Environment has significant effect on ecological intention. This study also found indications of the moderating effects of gender and the moderating effects of learning about the environment. Also found indication of the influence of environmental knowledge in the form of self-identity pro-environmental. Several limitations of this study have also revealed and directions for future research were discussed.
Keywords: Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Value, Self-Identity Pro-Environment, Ecological Intention, Indonesia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Promoting the Usage of Organic Produce Through Decentralization |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mahreen Mamoon, Shahnaz Zarin Haque |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1545559 ![]() |
Abstract: Organic produce and alternative food business has become one of the biggest boom in the last decade. In recent past the phenomenon has seen the booster speed as global food security has come to question as countries are shifting toward service industry for development and globalization is claiming country sovereignty. Bangladesh is still known for an agricultural land surrounded by India and rich in rivers and greens. However, in reality, Bangladesh is a confused country where value for livelihood is been trampled by the overload of intruding investments, middlemen massacre, in-equal distribution of resources, centralized development pattern and way too many people trying their luck out in the capital. Political chaos and corruption are just the dusting on this dish of mayhem. There are many theories of development that looks good on the shelve yet very little practice and extremely rare success. To leave the food worry would therefore build a better environment for development, give the people a superior lifestyle and in way will keep them driven for country growth. Decentralized distribution of certain organic products when made available area wise, Dhaka might be a healthier place to live.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Decentralization Distribution, Marketing Organic, Sustainable agriculture.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Internationalized Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mohammad Rajib Uddin, Redwan Salam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1546062 ![]() |
Abstract: A direct relationship exists between natural resources of the country and investors' interest. As we know, there are several other determinants of inward FDI attractiveness of an economy. Economic growth trend, more importantly projected growth rate is a key indicator. Subjective and more difficult-to-measure factors like level of terrorism, political stability, and corruption are also equally important. Various controllable and out-of-control factors play significant role in determining what portion of inward FDI of the world is going to which country .Culture indeed plays the most cognitive role in internationalization process of a firm. The write up is still in a proposal stage.
Keywords: International business, FDI, Bangladesh, Globalization, MNCs.
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Abstract: Needs, Benefits, Fund Allocation Patterns and Resources may vary among investors but the motive is to earn beneficial level of return. The level of return may vary but an investor expects some added advantage over the blocked money. Specifically in Asia and the Middle East, gold investments and gold jewelry are regarded as financial or semi-financial assets. Consumers have become aware of price movements and very sensitive to them. Unlike paper currency, coins or other assets, gold has maintained its value throughout the ages. People see gold as a way to pass on and preserve their wealth from one generation to the next. The perceptions of an investor differ with respect to alternative investment avenues, assets and segments present in the market. This study includes 183 respondents from different cities of Punjab. This paper is an attempt to study the factors influencing purchase behavior of retail investors towards gold with the help of Factor Analysis.
Keywords: Individual, Investment, Return, Perceptions, Gold.
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