Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Abstract:The objective of this study is to examine the causes of the falling trend of Pakistan exports and to
suggest measures for diversification of export in terms of countries and commodities.
During the research study it came to light that Pakistan's export suffered lack of diversification both
on account of countries and commodities. According to Government's survey Pakistan's export is concentrated
about 62% on cotton related products (refer Table 1 & Table 2).
Key Words: Diversification Strategy, Social development Agricultural product, Export earnings, Concentrated
structural transformation.
[1] Akbar, Muhammad, and Fatima, Zareen Naqvi. (2002, January 14-16). Competitiveness Diversification of Pakistan‟s
Exports. PIDE. pp. 14-15.
[2] Alam, Babar Iqbal. (2006). Indo Pakistan Economic Relation Essential for survival. Management Accountant. Institute of Cost &
Management Accountants of Pakistan. p.15.
[3] Albaum Gerald, Standskov, Jesper and Duerr, Edwin. (1998). International Marketing and Export Management. Addison Wesley
Longman Publishing Company. pp. 78-85.
[4] Annual Report. (2000 – 2001). State Bank of Pakistan. pp.13-16.
[5] Azam, Asim. (2004, October). Is Pakistan Export Competitive? The Dawn. p.17.
[6] Bhashyam, S. (1998). Export Promotion in India. New Delhi: Common Wealth Publishers. pp. 17-19.
[7] Economic Adviser‟s Wing. (2002). Economic Survey: 2001-2002. Finance Division. Islamabad: Government of Pakistan. pp.115-
[8] Economic Adviser‟s Wing. (2005). Statistical Supplement Economic Survey: 2004-2005. Finance Division. Islamabad:
Government of Pakistan. p.139.
[9] Gay, and Diehl. (1984). Research Methods for Business and Management. New York: Maxwell Macmillan International. p.126.
[10] Hamza, Azam. (2004, November 8). Can Pakistan Follow Malaysia Export Model. The Dawn. p.4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scenario of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Bangladesh: An Evaluation |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Dr. Alak Kumar Saha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0561926 ![]() |
Abstract:The Economic indicators which are also considered to be the mirrors of economic scenario show the
real picture of the development of a country like Bangladesh. Accordingly, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) can
be termed in this regard and it can represent Bangladesh as one of the developing indicators in terms of
development structure. The objective of the study is to focus the position of FDI in Bangladesh along with its
problems and remedies. The study in fact, finds that the contribution FDI of developed and developing countries
in Bangladesh is not so appreciating because of some uncertainties like uneven ratio in between savings and
investments, unsound GDP, trade deficit, political instability and so on. To develop the scenario of FDI in
Bangladesh some suggestions have been outlined in this study.
Key Words:FDI, GDP, Global Perspective, Investment & Savings, Trade Deficit
[2] J.Abedin, Bangladesh: Share O Punji Bazar (Dhaka: Antarip Publication, 2nd Edition, 2008).
[3] Bangladesh Bank, Annual Report,2007.
[4] ----------------------, Enterprise Survey, 2007
[5] --------------------- ,Monthly Economic Trend, Bangladesh Bank, Statistic
i. Department,Vol.XXXIII No. 8.
[6] Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Annual Report, 2007.
[7] J,W. Best and J.V. Kahn, Research in Education ( New Delhi, Prentic-Hall of India Private Ltd, 5th Edition).
[8] A,R .Bhuyan, An Overview of the Bangladesh Economy: Recent Performance and Future Challenges in hought on Economics,
Vol.7 No. 3 & 4.
[9] FDI in South Asia (2003), Challenges and Prospects, Briefing Paper in South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment,
[10] Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh , The Bangladesh Accountant‟, Vol. 35, No. 8, 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microfinance: A comparative Study Of Bangladesh and India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naveen Kumar. H, Dr. S.J.Manjunath, Srikanth H.S |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0562735 ![]() |
Abstract:Microfinance is being practiced as a tool to attack poverty the world over. The term "Microfinance"
can be defined as "provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amounts to
the poor in rural, semi- urban or urban areas, for enabling them to raise their income levels and improve living
standards". The aim of the paper is to understand whether the institutions are serving their purpose of
existence or are these rather becoming profit-making centers. This paper conducts a comparative study between
India and Bangladesh, in terms of loan lent by institutes to the customers, clientele, financial sustainability of
MFI's Institutions, in order to understand how MFI's in India are performing as against those MFI's in
Bangladesh as it is considered to be the originator of Microfinance. The paper discovers that no doubt Indian
MFI's are more profitable and operating more efficient than those in Bangladesh.
Key Words: Microfinance Institutions, Financial Sustainability, profitability, Clientele
[1] ASA. (1997). Causes of Default in Microcredit: Motivating and Encouraging Enthusiasm Among Group Member s is Essential to Addressing the Causes of Default. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Association for Social Advancement (ASA). Accessed on 14 December 2007.
[2] Basixindia, 2003. Microfinance in india. The paper & publication. P 1-10. [Online]
[3] Available ce_in_india.pdf
[4] CGAP (2002) : Microfinance Consensus Guidelines Viewed on 31 March 2009 ( 1.9.2787/Guideline_RegSup.pdf)
[5] Economic Times, 2010. Microfinance in India is like subprime lending: Y V Reddy Availableat: industry
[6] Financial Data
[7] Financial Express, 2009. Microfinance world. [Online] Available at: Jul-2009.pdf
[8] Fisher. T and M.S. Sriram (2002): "Micro Finance and Livelihoods: The Challenge of BASIX" in Beyond Micr o-Credit Putting Development Back into Micro-Credit, Fisher and Sriram (ed),Vistaar Publications, New Delhi.
[9] Konieczko, 2006. A primer on microfinance. USNews: nation & world. Available at: %20on% 20microfinance_0.pdf
[10] Montgomery.H, Weiss. J, 2010. Can commercially oriented microfinance help meet the MDG ?Evidence from Pakistan. World Development. [Online] Available at: 5197M6R1_cdi=5946&_user=196517&_pii=S0305750X10001580&_origin=search&_coverDate=01%2F31%2F2011&_sk=99960 9998&view=c&wchp=dGLbVzzzSkzS&md5=18850f1f47269cfefacebda130a25566&ie=/sdarticle.pdf
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Abstract:The development of the residual income model (RIM) has potential implications for the empirical
researchers as the model specifies relationship between earnings and book values as proxies for equity values
and accounting variables. Although researchers have supported RIM as an alternative to the dividend discount
model (DDM), some empirical studies on RIM have triggered arguments on the superiority of the RIM over
DDM. In theory, both models give the same value estimates; empirically, these value estimates changes with the
changes in the assumption sets. In this paper, we show that both models provide the same values estimates when
the terminal value can be forecasted. Although, under the perpetual growth rate model, the researchers have
shown that empirically RIM outperforms DDM. We have shown that this superiority of RIM is misleading, as
the transversality condition, a necessary assumption for deriving the RIM, is void under the perpetual growth
rate scenario.
Keywords: Book Value, Clean Surplus Relation (CSR), Dividend Discount Model (DDM), Residual Income
Model (RIM), Valuation.
[2] Courteau, Lucie, Jennifer L. Kao and Gordon D. Richardson (2000). "The equivalence of dividend, cash flows and residual earnings
approaches to equity valuation employing ideal terminal value expression." Working paper, Universite Laval.
[3] Dechow, P. M., A. P. Hutton and R. G. Sloan (1999). "An empirical assessment of the residual income valuation model." Journal of
accounting and Economics. 26(1-3): 1-34.
[4] Dechow, P. M. and R. G. Sloan (1997). "Returns to contrarian investment: tests of the naive expectations hypothesis." Journal of
Financial Economics. 43: 3-27.
[5] Feltham, G. A. and J. A. Ohlson (1995). "Valuation and clean surplus accounting for operating and financial activities."
Contemporary Accounting Research. 11: 689-732.
[6] Francis, J., P. Olsson and D. Oswald (2000). "Comparing the accuracy and explainability of dividend, free cash flow and abnormal
eamings equity value estimation." Journai of Accounting Research. 38(Spring): 45-70.
[7] Francis, J., Olsson P. and D. Oswald (2000). "Comparing the accuracy and explainability of dividend, free cash flow and abnormal
earnings equity valuation models." Journal of accounting Research. 38(1 (Spring)): 45-70.
[8] Frankel, Richard and Charles M. C. Lee (1998). "Accounting Valuation Market Expectation and Cross-Sectional Stock Returns."
Journal of accounting and Economics. 25: 283-319.
[9] Lee, Charles M. C., James Myers and Bhaskaran Swaminathan (1999). "What Is the Intrinsic Value of the Dow?" The Journal of
Finance. 54(5 (Oct.)): 1693-1741.
[10] Lo, K. and T. Z. Lys (2000). "The Ohlson Model: Contributions to valuation theory, limitations, and empirical applications."
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance. 15(3): 337-367.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Retailers and Customers: Problems and Perspectives |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Surajit Dey, Dr. Sameena Rafat, Alam Sageer |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0564553 ![]() |
Abstract: The retail scenario is one of the fastest growing industries in India over the last couple of years.
India retail sector comprises of organized retail and unorganized retail sector. Traditionally the retail market in
India was largely unorganized; however with changing consumer preferences, organized retail is gradually
becoming popular. Unorganized retailing consists of small and medium grocery store, medicine stores, subzi
mandi etc. More than 90% of retailing in India fall into the unorganized sector, the organized sector is largely
concentrated in big cities. Organized retail in India is expected to grow 25-30 per cent yearly and is expected to
increase from Rs35, 000 crore in 2004-05 to Rs109, 000 crore ($24 billion) by 2010.
[1] Kothari.C.R, Research Methodology, New Age (P) Limited, Second Edition, 2004.
[2] Pillai & Bagavathi, Marketing management, New Delhi, sultan Chand & Sons, 1999.
[3] David Gilbert, Retail Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2003.
[4] Amatual Baseer (2007), "Emerging Trends in India", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No.11, pp
[5] Amuthan .R. (2004), "A study on Retail Banking strategies of private sectors Banks with special reference to HDFC bank & ICICI
Bank", 2004, Vol. XXXIV, No.12, pp
[6] Hariharan.G. (2008), "Profile and perception of retail consumers", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVIII, No.2, pp
[7] Laxmi Prabha.G. (2007), "The prospects and problems of Indian Retailing", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No.10, pp
[8] Rathanyake (2008), "customer complaining Behaviour in Retailing", Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 8, pp
[9] Suresh (2007), "Buying Behaviour and promotion in Textile Retailing", Indian journal of marketing, Vol: XXXVII, No.7, pp
[10] Tamilarasan.R. (2007), "A study on retail store service quality dimensions in select retail store of Chennai", Indian Journal of
Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No.7, pp
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Abstract:The word is speeding into information age. Style is taking a sent next to substance and the bar gauge
of commerce is shifting to images and perceptions from nuts and bolts. As a result everyone is jumping on the
brand wagon. Brands are bigger than every, but as a result it is also true that more than ever is expected of
them. In today's world a brand occupies a space on the consumer landscape much like tat of a person.
Advertising also provides the necessary support after the consumer has made the purchase. If the consumers
experience dissonances or discomforts owing to their purchase decision, then advertisement reduces this feeling
of discomforts y providing information on the products attributes. It is even more necessary to neutralize the
impact of the advertisements of rival brands. The subsequent paper endeavors to gauge the role of advertising
in promoting brand predominantly in the perspective of men's wear.
Keywords: Branding, Advertising, consumer preference, Brand equity, Brand Awareness
[2] Chunnawala SSA , Compendium of Brand Management, Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai,(2004).
[3] Danel T Seymure, Marketing research, publisher S Chand and Company.New Delhi (1995).
[4] James F Engel,David T Kollat and Roger D. Blackwell-Consumer Behavior. New York 1973)
[5] Suja Nair Consumer Behavior Text and Cases Himalaya Publishing house 2000
[6] R.Batra ,David A Aacker and John G.Myers Advertising Management,Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi,1999.
[7] Ramaswamy & Namkumari ,Marketing Management ,Publisher Mac Millan 2004
[8] George E Belch & Michael Belch ,Advertising & Promotion ,Publisher :Tata McGrawhill ,New Delhi 2007.
[9] Farris and Albion ,the impact of Advertisng on the price of Consumer Products "
[10] Robert l Steiner ,"Does advertising lower consumer price ?"Journal of Marketing 37,no.4 Oct 1990.
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Abstract: Software agents are a major innovation in how people use information systems, and they have
parallels with how Decision Support Systems (DSS) support human decision-making. A DSS approach to the
development of software agents suggests a highly interactive and flexible interface between the agent and its
user, and addresses some potential barriers to the successful adoption of agent technologies. Within a DSS
model, agents can be classified as providing search, choice or interface support. Each of these classifications
uses techniques originating from separate disciplines and requires different performance measures. We use a
real estate agent as a metaphor to examine the descriptive, procedural and semantic knowledge bases that
agents can use to support search and choice activities in an e-commerce domain.
Keywords: Decision Support System, e-Commerce, e-publishing, Information Retrieval, Knowledgeable
Agents, Web mining .
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[3] Wang, S., "Analyzing Agents for Electronic Commerce," Information Systems Management, 16(Winter): 40-47, 1999.
[4] Genesereth, M. J., "An Agent-based Framework for Interoperability," Software Agents, J. M. Bradshaw (ed.), AAAI Press/MIT Press, Menlo Part, CA, 1997
[5] Norman, D. A., "How People Might Interact with Agents," Software Agents, J. M. Bradshaw (ed.), AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1997.
[6] Malone, T., K. R. Grant and K.-Y. Lai, "Agents for Information Sharing and Coordination: A History and Some Reflections," Software Agents, J. M. Bradshaw (ed.), AAAI Press / The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1997.
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[8] Wooldridge, M., "Intelligent Agents," Multiagent Systems, G. Weiss (ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999
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