Volume-1 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Area, Production and Productivity of Groundnut Crop in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. B. Madhusudhana |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0130107 ![]() |
Abstract: This survey has been carried out to discuss the ground nut area, production and productivity in India, Andhra Pradesh State and Anantapuram district. It analyzed the area, production and productivity of groundnut crop at national level, state level and district level during 1996-2000 to 2001-2008. The present comparative analysis of groundnut production in A.P and in Anantapuram district during 1996-2000 to 2001-2006. The groundnut crop area, production and productivity at national level, state level and Anantapuram district level of during 1996-2000 to 2001-2006 were collected and presented graphically. Based on the results collected some conclusions are made about the improving the production of groundnut crop.
Keywords: Area, Groundnut, Production, Productivity, Rain field
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Abstract: This study examined empirically the impact of inflationary rate on the level of investment in a developing economy a case study of Nigerian Economy 1970- 2008. The study adopted co-integration and error correction model as the estimating techniques. The empirical results showed that there is a long run relationship between inflationary rate and investment in Nigeria. Unlike some developed nations where inflation has direct relationship with the investment, in Nigeria, low rate of inflation and increased national income would promote investment. The policy recommendation is that Nigeria government should strive to curtail inflation to the minimum while accelerating the growth of the national income in her quest to boost investment.
Key Words: Inflation Rate, Investment, Developing Economy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Indian Stock Market Performance: A Factor Analysis Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rakesh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0131421 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper, based on the average monthly data (January, 2001 to May, 2013) of 12 macroeconomic variables, uses the data reduction technique-factor analysis to derive the factors which determine the performance of stock market in India. The Principal Component Technique after using orthogonal rotation extracted three factors labeled intuitively as Macro Environment, Industrial Performance and Policy Rates. It has been established that industrial performance play significant role in influencing the stock market. Though some impact of policy rates cannot be denied but it does not seem sustainable. Market rely more on optimistic macroeconomic environment call for state's prudent efforts to maintain macro stability. Besides, stock market responds to performance of the firm specific factors and unforeseen events in the economy.
Key Words: Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Stock Market, Macro Environment, Data Reduction, Factor Analysis, Factor Scores,.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimal Bank Capital – The Nigerian Experience |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Agbaeze E. K., I. O. Onwuka |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0132234 ![]() |
Abstract: The question of what constitutes an optimal bank capital has generated so much controversy among bank regulators and practitioners for decades. The new Basel recommendation – Basel III framework, has once again thrown up the question of what level of bank capitalization would be considered optimal to the front burner of national and international discourse. This study provide empirical evidence using selected bank performance indicators in Nigeria to show that optimal bank capital is a misnomer unless there is a sound macroeconomic environment. The study shows that performance of banks did not improve substantially after the 2005 recapitalization exercise. It was also evident from the study that Nigerian banking history has demonstrated the futility of using bank recapitalization as a regulatory tool. There is therefore a veritable ground to question the primacy and pride of place accorded to capital by regulatory authorities among the factors that enhances banking system stability. We therefore recommend that the Central Bank of Nigeria should focus their attention in promoting monetary stability and sound macroeconomic environment to enable banking business to thrive in Nigeria.
Keywords: Bank Capitalization, Macroeconomic Environment, Monetary Stability
[1] Bank for International Settlement, "An assessment of the long-term economic impact of stronger capital and liquidity requirements", Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Bank for International Settlements (2010a).
[2] Jenkins, R. "The Capital Conundrum", Speech Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Centre for Financial Regulation, Berlin (2011).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Unorganized Laborers in Dhanbad –Jharia Coal Mines |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shaswati Mukherjee, Dr (Prof).S. N. Choudhuri (R&D) |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0133539 ![]() |
Abstract: Coal sector is a giant and huge sector in India's economy which employs thousands and thousands of laborers in this mining sector, but they hide within them a100 years old history of oppression a story that has never been documented or given much importance in independent India .Yet it is this oppression that has led to labor unrest and resulted in some of the gruesome stories between these unorganized laborers and the mine managers. Unlike the organized sector, in this sector we deal with laborers who have not acquired a high profile, tasted the benefits that can be gained from organization or derived the advantages flowing from high visibility. The large portions of labor force working in the coal mines of India plays vital role in any scheme of industrialization and the development of the country in general. India has many coal mines which employs about sixty lakh of unorganized laborers either directly or indirectly. The wages that the unorganized laborers get are meager and this is clearly not enough to satisfy the growing aspirations of a community that is utterly marginalized and feels alienated. It is this socio-economic struggle that goes out of control .At times there are labor troubles in mines.
[1]. Coal labor in India-A close look.
[2]. Coal Mining in India-Sanhati weekly.
[3]. Unorganized Labor Market in India.
[4]. News Today – Dhanbad.
[5]. Indian Labor Law.
[6]. Report of the National Commission on Labor-Chapter seven.
[7]. Labor Rights and Labor Standards for Migrant Labor in India-Dr. W.N.Salve
[8]. Coal Resource of India-Coal Wing, Geological Survey OF India, Kolkata.
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Abstract: The rapid rise in food prices has been a burden on the poor in developing countries. In many countries such as in Bangladesh, food price inflation is higher than aggregate inflation and contributing to underlying inflationary pressures. Losing the purchasing power and increasing the cost of production indicates the high rate of inflation. Sometimes high inflation has adverse impact on growth through a variety of channels. It will increase uncertainty in investment and withdrawal of saving for consumption support. In south Asia- Bangladesh, Pakistan has experienced double digit inflation rate. However inflation and growth rate called real GDP growth rate have positive and negative relationship depending on situation. Due to supply gap for natural disaster cause rapid growth of inflation rate mainly contributed by food price and regression analysis reflect a positive relationship with inflation and GDP. Inflation fluctuates all the time because of the fluctuation of the money supply. But in recent years, we came to know that international affairs are influencing to increase the inflation rate. So M3 expansion and global price hike also contrite to inflationary pressure. Consistent budget deficit and exchange rate deteriorate the economic growth which directly relates with inflation and also can increase unemployment as a result of high inflation due o increased production cost resources may be reduced. So authority may work on inflation control for the clear future signals.
Keywords: Annual Average CPI (Consumer price index) inflation, Food Inflation, GDP (Gross Domestic Production), Inflationary pressure, money supply.
[1] Fisher, S., and Modigliani, F., 1978, Towards an Understanding of the Real Effects and Costs of Inflation., Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 114: 810-833.
[2] Davis, RG., 1991, Inflation: Measurement and Policy Issue., Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, 16: 13-24.
[3] Forsells, M, and Kenny, G., 2002 a. The Rationality of Consumer Inflation Expectations: Survey-Based Evidence for the Euro Area., Working Paper No. 163, European Central Bank.
[4] Gomez, J., 2002, Wage Indexation, Inflation Inertia and the Costs of Disinflation. Banco de la Republica.
[5] Wai, U Tun, 1959, "The Relatioship between Inflation and Economic Development: A Statistical Inductive Study," Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund, Vol. 7 (October 1959), P. 302
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Empowerment through Micro Finance In Srivaikundam Taluk –Tuticorin District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Raja Rajeswari |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0135055 ![]() |
Abstract: The term micro finance refers to the practice of providing financial services such as micro credit, micro savings or micro insurance to poor people to alleviate poverty. Small loans are given to start the business of their own. These loans generate employment and income. Income from these businesses started with micro credit enables the borrowers to enjoy better housing, health care and education. When they earn additional income, they get hope for a better future. The global repayment of micro loan is higher than 95 percentages, which allows micro finance institutions to relend these funds to even more clients. By giving a hand up, micro finance enables one to break the cycle of poverty with in a single generation itself. From this study, it can be concluded that the women empowerment is greatly improved through the assistance of microfinance. It is also noted that the Self Help Groups (SHGs) can provide the expected benefits to the rural women folk if training is given on soil conservation, social forestry, dairy development and other allied occupations like horticulture, livestock, rearing, poultry keeping and fisheries.
Keywords: Micro finance; Women empowerment; Self help groups (SHGs); poverty.
[1] Chetne kalbagh, Women and Development, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 1992.
[2] Dorienna Rowan, Development with Womem, rural publications, New Delhi, 2006
[3] Sharma K.C., " Micro Financing through SHGs", Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, vol.56, No.3, 2001
[4] Indhu Rani K & Uma Devi D, "SHGs, Micro credit and Empowerment" , Social Welfare, Febraury, 2002.
[5] Vijayanthi K.N, "Women Empowerment through SHGs", Social change, vol.30, No.4, 2000
[6] Gurumoorthy T.R, "SHGs Empower Rural Women", Kurukshetra, vol.48, No.5, 2000.
[7] Karmakar K.G, Rural Credit and SHGs: Microfinance needs and concepts in India, Sage publicatuions, New Delhi, 1999
[8] Abraham Masloue(1954), " Motivation and Personality", harpwer and Row publishers incorporated, Newyork.
[9] Reserve Bank Of India, "Micro credit: A lifeline for the poor", http://www.rbi.org.in, accesed on 12 April 2008.
[10] Alesina, Alberto and Dani Rodrik, "Distribute politics and economic growth", Quarterly journal of Economics, 1994.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Monetary Policy and Nigeria's Economic Growth. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adeleke Omolade, Sikiru O. Ashamu, Akinola Morakinyo |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0135663 ![]() |
Abstract: The study investigates impact of monetary policy on Nigeria's economic growth between 1970 and 2005. It adopts cointegration and error correction model. The gross domestic product is used as proxy for growth while bank rate, bank credit, monetary policy rate and exchange rate are used as monetary policy variables i.e the independent variables. The result shows that all the variables are integration of order one that is I(1). The cointegration result establishes a long run relationship between growth and monetary policy variables. The long run relationship further indicates that only the exchange rate has significant impact on the growth of Nigeria. However, the error correction model indicates that all the variables can jointly dictate the pace of Nigeria growth in terms maintain economic stability. It is recommended that policy makers to pay more attentions to monetary variables in their attempt to maintain economic stability.
Key words: Monetary policy, Growth, Long run relationship, economic stability. JEL Classification: E52 and E59
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