Volume-2 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: Micro credit institutions are the most viable and upcoming units for the sustainable and log lasting development of the rural people and woman in particular. These viable financial institutions take appropriate measures and intensive care of the social and economic needs and urgencies of the disadvantaged and vulnerable section of the society. Micro credit is considered to be an essential ingredient of pro-poor growth. By extending outreach activities, it raises the productivity capacity of the poor women. It is a force that drives financial sustainability at every odd with the mission to reduce poverty. Micro credit has the magical power to reduce the extent of insecurity, vulnerability, unsustainability and dependence on others that persists in the low income communities. In this context, the present work focuses on the impact of micro credit through the economic parameters that ultimately gives empowerment to the poor rural women.
Key Words: Micro Credit Institutions, Economic Empowerment, Woman, Financial Sustainability & Rural Odisha.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Event Study Test of Incorporating Earning Announcement on Share Price |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Shanker Prakash |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0210918 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of stock market efficiency has been one of the most dominant themes in financial research for explaining the share price behaviour and the increasing globalization of financial markets has given impetus to this concept in emerging markets as well. The study of stock market efficiency plays a crucial role of keeping investor's behavior intact with release of information viz. past historical prices, corporate announcements or events. This paper aims to study the relevance of event study or semi-strong informational efficiency of the Indian Stock Market. This paper tries to explore the speed and accuracy of incorporating corporate earnings and action into share prices. The underlying concept of event study is market must quickly and accurately react to public announcement of corporate earnings. The data used for the study are basically secondary in nature, which have been collected from the official websites of National Stock Exchange for the period from 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2010. The study is done on fifteen companies from the list of S&P CNX Nifty. To accomplish the above objectives we relied on following tests Average Security Returns Variability (ASRV), Average Abnormal Returns (AAR), Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CAR) and Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns (CAAR). JEL Classification: G14
Keywords: AAR, ASRV, CAAR, Corporate Actions, Event Study
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Abstract: The study seeks to determine the impact of external debt on Nigeria using annual data from 1981-2009. In our empirical analysis, we run ordinary least square test to verify the statistical significance of the variables used and Johansen cointegration to determine the order of integration among the variables. Empirical investigations revealed that the coefficient of external debt is statistically significant at 5% while other variables such as prime lending rate. Growth rate of GDP are not statistically significant. Our cointegration result s revealed the existence of two cointegrating equations at 5% level of significance among Gross domestic product, external debt, PLR, GRGDP and GREXDS. The results show the existence of long-run relationship among the variables.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Micro Finance on Women Empowerment in Chittagong |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajib Chakraborty, C. V. Jayamani |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0212834 ![]() |
Abstract: In spite of some bottlenecks, Microfinance, a proven tool for empowering poor women by mitigating their extreme poverty to uplift them from vulnerable condition to some extent a better living atmosphere, has brought great changes in the women's living standard, has created an individual identity for the moderate poor women in the society and has given a freedom to live the life according to their choice. In this context this study makes a modest attempt to explore on the much debated question of the role of microfinance as a financial instrument for enhancing women empowerment through eradicating all financial and social obstacles. As a part of the study a primary field survey has been carried out to get a real picture in the rural area of the Chittagong district. From the analyzed data the present study acknowledge that despite of bottlenecks, microfinance is capable of graduating struggling poor from their shackles and helps to upscale them to a better living and playing significantly positive role in upgrading women empowerment.
Keywords: Microfinance, women empowerment,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Short Note on Simple First Order Linear Difference Equations |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Niaz Hussain Ghumro |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0213542 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is entirely devoted to the analysis of linear non-homogeneousdifference equations of dimension one (n = 1) and order p ≥ 1 with constant coefficients: 1 1 2 2 p ..... , where 0 t t t p t p t X X X X U , where 1 2 , ,..., p are given constant real numbers. The variableUt representsthe non-autonomous part of the equation and usually denotes some exogenous or independent variable which influences the evolution of Xt over time. Here In this note only discussion would be limited to the linear difference equations (p=1) and their solutions applied in different fields using computer software. There is a linkage of difference equations in the field of Economics and Finance, found in this study.
Keywords: Non-homogeneous; linear; difference equation; exogenous; non-autonomous; solution; software; application.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stock Market and Economic Growth in Libya |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Amna Khalifa Salem Edweib, Zurina Shafii, Nursilah Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0214351 ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to examine the role of the Libyan Stock Market (LSM) in Libyan economic growth from the perspective of brokers, employees and investors. A set of questionnaire are employed to identify the role of stock market in promoting economic growth, the problems inherent to LSM and the measures taken by the market to improve its contribution in economic growth. The findings indicate that the brokers, employees and investors agreed that LSM has significant potential to positively contribute to Libya's economic growth. The findings imply that in order to improve contribution of LSM in economic growth, the Libyan stock market authority need to improve their policies to encourage more companies, especially main sectors companies such as oil, energy, and telecommunication, to contribute in the market. A set of regulations is also needed to develop LSM culture and to attract the local and foreign investors.
Keywords: Libyan Stock Market, Economic growth.
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Abstract: The present study is analyzing and evaluating the Financial Literacy Movements initiated in the Kerala Banking Sector and the potential of the same in the construction of a Financial Knowledge Society in the State. The initiatives taken in the Indian Banking Sector by RBI, the role of Credit counseling, the role of NGOs in financial awakening in India are also evaluated. But the focal area of the study is pertaining to Kerala State of India, because the State is declared as the first Total Banking State in India as a result of Mass Financial Inclusion Campaigns and Awareness Programmes initiated by State Level Banks. While comparing with all other Indian States, Kerala State, with its good base of banking density and education, has built up sound systems and processes which has taken it to the forefront of the economic development process of India. That means, the State shows much potential for an emerging Financial Knowledge Society in India. Even though, the State is leading India in this respect, it has to go further by making more banking penetration by incorporating innovative, modern technology based banking products and services, modern need based banking systems and above all the Financial Education Systems and Financial Counseling etc. in order to financially enrich the marginalized sections of the society in the State. In the spreading of this modern technology based banking products and services, the Financial Literacy Centres have to play a pivotal role by creating awareness of systems of operations and nature of these products particularly among the marginalized sections of the society and it should ultimately results in the creation of a Financial Knowledge Society in the State.
Key words used: Financial Knowledge Society, Financial Literacy Centres, Financial Social Movement, Credit Counseling, Financial Inclusion Campaigns, Reactive Marketing, Proactive Marketing, Financial Deepening..
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Abstract: Capital structure is most significant discipline of company's operations. This study constitutes an attempt to identify the impact between Capital Structure and Companies Performance, taking into consideration the level of Companies Financial Performance. The analysis has been made on the capital structure and its impact on Financial Performance capacity during 2009 to 2012 (03 years) financial year of Business companies in India. The results show the relationship between the capital structure and financial performance is having a negative association. It reflects the insignificant level of the Business Companies in India. Hence Business companies mostly depend on the debt capital. Therefore, they have to pay interest expenses much.
Key Words: Capital Structure, Financial Performance, Business Companies
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Abstract: During many decades after independence, India was largely an agrarian economy. But for any economy to be globally successful it must have a robust industrial sector. And so for the first seven five-year plans India actively focussed on industrial development through industrial policy formation. Industrial development is a very important aspect of any economy. It creates employment, promotes research and development, leads to modernization and ultimately makes the economy self-sufficient. In fact, industrial development even boosts other sectors of the economy like the agricultural sector (new farming technology) and the service sector. It is also closely related to the development of trade.
Key Words: Industrial Development, Strengthening of Infrastructure, Transformation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumer Purchasing Pattern towards FMCG products: An Extensive Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Virendra Nath Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/5933-02017074 ![]() |
Abstract: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector is the fourth largest sector in India touching everybody's life every day. The consumer behavior plays an important role in marketing of fast moving consumer goods. This behavior is affected by various factors. In the present era of globalization needs and wants of consumer's changes with time. The fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector contributes a lot to the growth of India's GDP. Therefore it is necessary to identify the changes in consumer buying behavior towards FMCG products. Through this study we can know about the preference of the consumers towards FMCG products and the factors influencing those products.
Key Words: Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Marketing, Globalization
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