Volume-2 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate revenue generation in Numan, Southwestern Adamawa State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty questionnaires were administered to randomly selected staff of Finance, Education, Administration and Livestock departments respectively. All the questionnaires were completed and returned. Descriptive statistics such as Tables, Frequency distributions, and percentages were used to analyze the data generated. The respondents indicate that sources of internally generated revenue in the study area ranges from Market, Animal sales, land, Slaughter slaps, property and income taxes respectively. Slaughter slap tax account for about 26.7% of the internally generated revenue in this area, while market sales tax and animal taxes account for about 16.7% respectively. To improve revenue generation in the study area, the respondents (56.7%) indicates that they normally employed the use of law enforcement agents to assist in revenue generation and this had yield some measures of improvement in the amount of revenue generated from 2005 to 2009. Although, there has been an increased in the amount of targeted internally generated revenue from 2005 to 2009, the respondents indicated that majority of the taxpayers do not comply in prompt payment of taxes (40%). Some of the factors responsible for inefficiency of revenue generation in the study area as indicated by the respondents includes inadequate public enlightenment (33.3%), while others (23.3%) are in the opinion that inadequate incentives is also a contributory factor. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made: Regular training of the revenue officers should be introduce and maintain, regular public enlightenment on the benefits of tax payment should be introduce either through the media or workshop and also through the use of posters, and the incentives given to revenue officers should be enhance and the best revenue officers of the year should be rewarded.
Keywords: Revenue, Tax Evasion, Appraisal, Expenditure, Government
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Abstract: This study examines the impact/relationship between audit quality and earnings management represented by companies' discretionary accruals manipulations in Nigeria. Archival data were extracted from annual reports of 57 quoted companies in Nigeria between 2006 and 2011. Audit Firm Size, Audit Fees, Auditor Tenure and Audit Client Importance served as audit quality proxies. The amount of Discretionary Accruals (DAC) was used to measure earnings Management. The results showed that audit quality was significant and negatively related to the amount of DAC of quoted companies in Nigeria. It is recommended in this study that professional accountancy bodies, the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria and the Nigerian National Assembly should issue authoritative audit quality codes in which auditors' tenure should not exceed three years; companies should improve their earnings quality only through sales growth, and cost control strategies. Also companies in Nigeria should present distinct statements of earnings quality while auditors should conduct earnings quality assessment and issue Integrated Audit Quality Assurance Report by adapting or adopting current best practices statutorily backed by earnings monitoring of companies in Nigeria.
Key words: Accounting Scandal, Audit Quality, Discretionary Accruals, Earnings Management, Earnings Quality
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Abstract: This research was conducted to investigate and specify the impact of trade liberalization on the performance of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. Based on economic theory supported by relevant secondary data from 1989 to 2006, an econometric model was developed. Ordinary least square (OLS) method was used for estimation of parameters by conducting multiple and simple regression analysis. The result of the major findings explained that there was an inverse relationship between the interest rate and exchange rate on the manufacturing sector's output. While, there is a positive relationship between domestic credit to private sector and the foreign private investment on the manufacturing output on one hand, and there is a positive relationship between the manufacturing output and the Gross Domestic Product on the other hand. This shows that the manufacturing sector plays a prominent role in the economic development of the country.
Keywords: Trade Liberalization, Performance, Manufacturing Sector, Nigeria
[1]. Adenikinju, A. (1994). "Trade liberalization, market and productivity in Nigeria, African Economic Research Consortium. Nairobi
[2]. Agboola, K. (2004). The Effect of Trade liberalization on the manufacturing sector. Unpublished B. Sc. Thesis, University of Ilorin.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "XYZ" Inventory Classification & Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dinesh Kumar Dhoka, Dr. Y. Lokeswara Choudary |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0222326 ![]() |
Abstract: Inventory Management is a buzz word these days. As much as the industry focuses on revenue, profits, top lines and bottom lines there is more focus these days on inventories, working capital and efficiencies. Complexities of managing these supply chains have increased because of various factors like globalization, increased product portfolio, decentralization etc. There are various inventory models and matrices available today to monitor the supply chains which are mentioned in this paper but the main focus is to study the volatility of the supply chain and its impact on Inventory.
[1] Yuliang Yaoa, Rajiv Kohlib, Susan A. Sherera, Jerold Cederlundc, Learning curves in collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) information systems: An empirical analysis from a mobile phone manufacturer, Journal of Operations Management, Volume 31, Issue 6, September 2013, Pages 285–297
[2] Martin Stößlein, John Jack Kanet, Mike Gorman, Stefan Minner, Time-phased safety stocks planning and its financial impacts: Empirical evidence based on European econometric data, International Journal of Production Economics, April 2013
[3] Roberto Cigolini Margherita Pero, Tommaso Rossi, Andrea Sianesi, Linking supply chain configuration to supply chain performance: A discrete event simulation model, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Volume 40, January 2014, Pages 1–11
[4] Petr Besta, Kamila Janovska, Sarka Vilamova, Iveta Voznakova, Josef Kutac, "The Utilisation Of Statistical Methods In The Area Of Inventory Management", Carpathian Logistics Congress (2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Inclusion: Indian Initiatives in the Global Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. M. Gandhi |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0222740 ![]() |
Abstract: This comprehensive paper attempts to critically evaluate the initiatives taken by India through the Reserve Bank of India in achieving financial inclusion and the efforts made by the Banks and other organs in India for offering financial services and financial products as envisaged under the Financial Inclusion Scheme, on the basis of the objective data derived from the RBI'S reports and other empirical studies. This paper attempts to develop an overview of approaches to and trends in Indian Economy in the International perspective for achieving Inclusive growth through Financial Inclusion Scheme, to offer access to finance by the poor, disadvantaged and underprivileged group which is a prerequisite of poverty alleviation on one hand and the economic growth on the other.
[1]. AFI, (2010), The AFI Survey on Financial Inclusion Policy in Developing Countries, Preliminary Findings, April 2010, retrieved from: {HYPERLINK http://www.g24.org/Workshops/afisur.pdf };
[2]. Anilkumar, M., Beegam, S. Resia, (2009a) Financial Inclusion : Challenges & Opportunities in the Liberalised Era, Chapter 5 of the Book on "Special Economic Zones in India - Financial Inclusion : Challenges & Opportunities‟, edited by P.K. Manoj, Serials Publication, New Delhi, pp 89-97;
[3]. Brij, Raj, (2010), Profitable Models for Financial Inclusion, retrieved from: {HYPERLINK http://iobbancon2011.com/uploads/CEDocuments/Compdm/Article16.pdf};
[4]. CGAP, (2012), Commentary on the Rangarajan Committee Report (2008) on the Blog of CAGP-MICROFINANCE-GATEWAY, retrieved from: {HYPERLINK http://www.microfinance gateway.org/p/site/m//template.rc/1.9.43095};
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Abstract: This study attempts to examine the relationship between real gross domestic product and government expenditure in human capital investment (which includes expenditure on education, health and other social and community services) between 1980 and 2012. The study further disaggregated total government expenditure into capital and recurrent expenditure. A vector autoregressive (VAR) approach was adopted as the methodology. Johansen cointegration test suggests that RGDP, CEHCI and REHCI are cointegrated in Nigeria. Granger causality test reveals that there is causality running from CEHCI and REHCI to RGDP in the long run. Moreover, there is a bi-directional causality between CEHCI and RGDP in the long run but a single directional running from CEHCI to REHCI. The variance decomposition generated suggests that CEHCI is relatively more important than REHCI in explaining the variations in economic growth (RGDP) as CEHCI also proved to explain the variations in REHCI than economic growth. The impulse response function confirmed that a shock to CEHCI and REHCI has a positive effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Government should therefore increase capital expenditure to human capital investment.
Keywords: Causality; Cointegration; Variance Decomposition; Impulse Response Function; Real Gross Domestic Product; Current Expenditure; Recurrent Expenditure; Human Capital Investment.
[1]. Adrangi, B. and M. Allender (1998), "Budget deficit and stock prices: International evidence". Journal of Economics, 22, (2-3), 57-66.
[2]. Aigbokhan B., Imahe O., and Ailetnen M.I. (2007), "Education expenditure and human capital development in Nigeria: Any Correlation so far, Research Paper, Ambrose Alli University.
[3]. Appleton S. and Teal F. (1998), "Human capital and economic development". Economic Research Paper, No. 39.
[4]. Arden, A.G (2013). Human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria, 1980- 2010. Unpublished thesis submitted to the department of economics, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
[5]. Atoyebi Kehinde ,O., Olaleye Samuel ,O., Ishola Ademola, S., Adekunjo Felix, O. and Kadiri Kayode Ibrahim (2013), "Human capital and economic growth in Nigeria (1970 – 2010): An empirical analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2013, pp.58-69.
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Abstract: One of the farming groups in Indonesia located exactly in Trawas district, commonly called Brenjonk Organic Community is an organic vegetable-producing farming group. This research aims to see the member's level of loyalty and satisfaction toward the community which he/she already participates. The analysis methods used to achieve the objectives were Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer satisfaction Index (CSI), and the analysis of loyality category. Different from the old theory, which was Consument loyality Concept which has been used by many researchers, Loyalty is a grade in the pyramid. We combined the concept of old loyalty concept with the one we obtained from our research, not in the form of grade but in category as in one pyramid it will produce more than 100%. It also results from a wide range of respondents.Census was used to take samples. Research findings show that the member of farmers was grouped into satisfactory level and employee habitual loyalty category in the sense that they perform their activity as daily routines, not because of being loyal to their community. It therefore, needs some improved management system which is still considered far from the expectation which the member felt.
Keywords: brenjonk organic community; satisfaction; loyalty category.
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