Series-3 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: The purposes of this study is to determine the increase and development of income through organic vegetable ecotourism on agroforestry land. This research was conducted in Pujon Kidul Village, Tulungrejo Hamlet in June - October 2018.The approach taken is participatory rural assessment, modification of Participatory Rural Appraisal / PRA in agroforestry farmers. The technique of determining respondents in this study uses purposive sampling.Intensive results of agroforestry (agrisilviculture) analysis, average agroforestry farmer income from carrot vegetable crops reached Rp.5568,750, - / harvest, large red chili reached Rp.6,160,000, - / harvest, cabbage reached Rp.2,220,000, - / harvest , mustard reached Rp. 3,077,778, - / harvest, shallot reached Rp. 8,350,000 / harvest..........
Keywords: Ecotourism, agroforestry, organik, analysis, participatory
[1]. Affandi O. 2011. Home Garden: Sebagai Salah Satu Sistem Agroforestiy Lokal. [skripsi]. Sumatera Utara: Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara.
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Abstract: Companies are expected to prepare an annual report which shows both qualitative and quantitative information about their operations and performance to be presented to their shareholders and stakeholders. The information content requirement by stakeholders helps in disclosing information about organizational financial performance and report on environmental accounting. Therefore, this study examined the effect of environmental accounting disclosure on firm value of listed industrial goods companies in Nigeria from 2007-2016. The ex-post facto research design..........
[1]. ACCA. (2007). Report of the Judges ACCA UK Awards for Sustainability reporting, ACCA, London; 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Organizational Innovation on Social Responsibility and Financial Performance |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Quang Linh Huynh |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001032832 ![]() |
Abstract: This study seeks to investigate the effect of organizational innovation on social responsibility and financial performance, considering the moderating role of organizational innovation. The findings indicate that social responsibility likely improves financial performance; both of which are determined by organizational innovation. Furthermore, organizational innovation is evidenced as a moderator in the causal link from social responsibility to financial performance. The relationship between social responsibility and financial performance in firms that invest more in organizational innovation become stronger.
Keywards: Organizational innovation; Social responsibility; Financial performance
[1]. Katamba D. (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational culture, Ethical citizenship and Reputation of financial institutions in Uganda; Master Degree Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Makerere University, Uganda
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[3]. Mishra S. and Suar D. (2010) Does Corporate social responsibility influence firm performance of Indian companies?, Journal of Business Ethics, 95(4): 571–601
[4]. Pradhan S. (2016) Impact of corporate social responsibility intensity on corporate reputation and financial performance of Indian firms, Business: Theory and practice, 17(4): 371-380
[5]. Carroll A.B and Shabana K.M (2010) The business case for corporate social responsibility: a review of concepts, research and practice. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1): 85–105..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sustainable Livelihood and Economic Status of Tea Labourers in the Nilgiris District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.M.Raja || Dr.C.Mythili |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001033338 ![]() |
Abstract: Tea industry in India is considered to be the largest employer of men and women as well as the oldest in the plantation sector. It employs about 12 lakhs casual, seasonal and permanent workers throughout the sector. Most of the workers in the tea sector especially in tea estates are women. It is estimated that about 80 per cent of the women workers are tea pluckers. The role of women in tea sector cannot be ignored. Apart from doing the crucial house hold works, they are also actively participating in tea sector to support the monthly income of the family. Hence, the researcher has taken up the topic to analyze the sustainable livelihood and economic status of workers in the tea industry with special reference to Nilgiris district........
Keywards: Tea Labour, Livelihood status, Education, Occupation
[1]. Chiranjeevi, T. (1994), Tea Economy of India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
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[5]. Madhu M., Ragunath B., Tripathi K.P., Chandran B., Mohanraj.R., Haldorai.B (2011) "Vegetative barrier with contour staggered trenches for resource conservation 2011, volume:39(1).
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the reception area from the tourism sector and the factors that influence it. This research method using Ex Post Facto with quantitative approach. The population of this study is the reception area of the tourism sector of the city of Surabaya, while samples of this study is the number of tourism, the number of tourists, hotel occupancy rates and per capita income of the city of Surabaya in 2008-2017. Data collection techniques used were technical documentation, whereas the data analysis used in this study were multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that (1) Effect of Number of Destinations against the Provincial Revenue from.........
Keywards: PAD, Surabaya, Tourism Sector, Tourism Industry
[1]. Jonathan, Claresta Janice & Tarin, Riswan Efendi. (2016). The Effects of E-Tourism to the Development of Tourism Sector in Indonesia. Commit (Communication & Information Technology) Journal 10 (2), 59-62.
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[3]. Rachman, Taufiq. (2016). Factors Affecting incease of Tourists Visits Resulting in Development of Smes and implications in the Creation of Employment and Regional Income. International Hournal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol. IV.
[4]. Rina, T., Wiyadi, and Edy, P. 2005. "Competitiveness Analysis of the Tourism Industry To Boost Local Economy". Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 1, pp 61-70
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Monetary Policy and Economic Growth: The Case of Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | StylianouTasos |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1001034548 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper explores the role played by monetary policy in promoting economic growth in the Kenyan economy over the period 1970-2017. The results have brought forth the interaction of macroeconomic variables whose co-movement has important implications for financial decision making. Also our results indicated that money supply has positive impact on aggregate output in the short run but in the long run it results in increasing the inflation. Although the aggregate output can cause the inflation to rise in the long run, withan effective monetary management they can control it along with highly responsive interest rate movements in Kenya. Therefore, given the proper management of resources mobilization, the financial variables respond to the growth in a manner that can supplement the growth process of the country. Therefore, the economy of Kenya is presenting viable opportunities for financial growth and development that may lead to sustainable economic growth..
Keywards: Kenya, Monetary policy, Economic growth, Financial Growth, Interest rate, Inflation rate
[1]. Adam, C., Maturu, B., Ndung'u, N., and O'Connell, S. (2010). Building a Monetary Regime for the 21st Century. In C. Adam, P. Collier, and N. Ndung'u (Eds.), Kenya: Policies for Prosperity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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[5]. Asongu, S. A. (2014). A note on the long-run neutrality of monetary policy: new empirics. European Economics Letters, Vol.3, No.1, 1-6. Central Bank of Kenya (2013).Annual Financial stability report, June..
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Abstract: The study assessed the effects of Treasury Single Account(TSA)on the Liquidity of Deposit money Banks and effective control of government cash resources in Nigeria.A survey research design was employed in this study and data was obtained fromprimary source. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics as the person's moment coefficient of correlation as a statistical tool for its data analysis. The study revealed that the policy implementation and its model has significant impact on the liquidity of Deposit Money banks andthe policy implementation has............
Keywards: Treasury Single Account (TSA), Banks Liquidity, Government Cash Resources
[1]. Adeolu I.A. (2016): Understanding the Treasury Single Account (TSA) system-Things you should know-Business and Economy, Market Development.
[2]. Aloysius U. (1998): Practical Guide to Writing Project Reports in Tertiary Institutions; Enugu, John Jacob Classic Publishers.
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[5]. CBN (2015): Revise Guidelines for Compliance with Treasury Single Account by Banks in Nigeria...
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Abstract: The focus of the study is examine the effects of oil price shocks on revenue stability and economic performance in Nigeria. The study employed a time series research design with extensive reliance on secondary data sourced from Central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin spanning the period from 1994-2017. Contemporary time series econometrics techniques such as the unit root testing, vector autoregressive model (VAR), impulse response functions and variance decompositions were employed in the estimation of the data. The findings of the study reveals that initially, public expenditure appears to maintain it stability as it appears that other revenue sources may.........
Keywards: Oil revenue shocks, Economic Performance, Government Revenue
[1]. Adedokun, A. (2018). The effects of oil shocks on government expenditures and government revenues nexus in Nigeria (with exogeneity restrictions). The Future Business Journal, 4(1), 219-232.
[2]. Akpan, E. O. (2008). Oil price shocks and Nigeria‟s macro economy.
[3]. Aremo, A. G., Orisadare, M. A. & Ekperiware, C. M. (2012). Oil price shocks and fiscal policy management: Implications for Nigerian economic planning (1980-2009). International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 1(3), 1121-1139.
[4]. Asab, N. A. (2017). Asymmetric oil price shocks and economic activity in developing oil-importing economies: The case of Jordan. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(2), 118-124.
[5]. Berument, M. H., N. B. & Dogan, N. (2010). The impact of oil price shocks on the economic growth of selected MENA countries. The Energy Journal, 31(1), 149-176..
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Abstract: The problem of poverty in East Java is heavily influenced by three main issues namely education, employment issues, and health problems. In the employment problem, there are two major problems namely unemployment and the minimum wage. In this study using a quantitative approach with variable used is the percentage of the highest education attained at the High School level, unemployment rate, minimum wage, and the life expectancy and the percentage of poverty in five districts in East Java province in the period 2012-2016. The analysis technique used is the technique of panel data analysis, and test equipment used is Eviews 10. The results of this study showed that partially that education and unemployment variables affect significantly while the minimum wage and health variables are not significant. And simultaneously all variables significantly influence poverty.
Keywards: Education, Unemployment, Minimum Wage, Health, and Poverty
[1]. Amalia, Alfi M.EI. 2017. PengaruhPendidikan, Pengangguran, danKetimpangan Gender TerhadapKemiskinan di Sumatera Utara. At-Tawassuth, Vol. III, No.3, 2017: 324-344
[2]. Buck, Ronald., Deutsch, Joe. (2014). Effects of Poverty on Education. International pJournal of Human Sciences ISSN 1303-5134 Vol. 11 Issue 2
[3]. Cuesta, MaiteBlazquez and Budria Santiago. (2017). Unemployment Persistence: How Important are Non-Cognitive Skills?. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics 69 (2017) 29-37
[4]. Harlik, Amri Amir, Hardiani. (2013). Faktor-faktor yang MempengaruhiKemiskinandanPenganggura di Kota Jambi. JurnalPerspektifPembiayaandan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 1 No.2, Oktober 2013 ISSN: 2338-4603
[5]. Jencova, Sylvia et al. (2015). Phenomenon of Poverty and Economic Inequality in the Slovak Republic. Proceedia Economics and Finance 26 (2015) 737-741..
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Abstract: The effect of oil price fluctuation on selected key macroeconomic indicators is the focus of the study. The selected macroeconomic variable are: foreign reserve, foreign exchange allocation, annual budget allocation and Gross domestic products. Unit root tests show stationarity of time series data from 1980-2015. OLS regressional analysis indicates a short run positive relationship between oil price and economic growth. Johanson co-integration tests result established that a long run relationship among the variables in the model exists. The result of the parsimonious vector error correction model established that increases in the model variables will stimulate economic growth. The study recommended that government should diversify the economy as a means of absorbing oil price shocks on the economy.
Keywards: Fluctuation, Growth, Oil, Price.
[1]. Ihua, .U.B, Ajayi C., Eloji, K.. (2009). Nigerian Content Policy in the Oil and Gas Industry: Implications for Small and Medium-sized Oil Services Companies. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference, . IAARD. (p. 2009).
[2]. Onuba, .1. (2017}. Oil still accounts for 92% of Nigeria's earnings. Punch Newspaper. Retrieved from stili-accounts-for-92-of-nigerias-eamings-investigation/On 17/09/2018
[3]. Chikwe, G.C., Ujah, C. and Uzoma, C. H. {2016}. (2016). The effect of oil Price on Nigerian Macroeconomic Variables from 1990-2015. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 4(11), 13-20.
[4]. Gummi, U.M., Buhari, A.I., & Muhammad, A. (2017) "Oil Price Fluctuations and Economic Growth in Nigeria ( Evidence From Granger Causality Test )‟, Australasian Journal of Social Science, 3, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.3923/aujss.2017.1.16.
[5]. Alley, .I.. Asekomeh, .A., Mobolaji, .H. & Adeniran, .Y. (2014) "Oil price shocks and nigerian economic growth‟, European Scientific Journal, 10(19), pp. 375–391.
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Abstract: The problem of poverty in East Java is heavily influenced by three main issues namely education, employment issues, and health problems. In the employment problem, there are two major problems namely unemployment and the minimum wage. In this study using a quantitative approach with variable used is the percentage of the highest education attained at the High School level, unemployment rate, minimum wage, and the life expectancy and the percentage of poverty in five districts in East Java province in the period 2012-2016. The analysis technique used is the technique of panel data analysis, and test equipment used is Eviews 10. The results of this study showed that partially that education and unemployment variables affect significantly while the minimum wage and health variables are not significant. And simultaneously all variables significantly influence poverty.
Keywards: Education, Unemployment, Minimum Wage, Health, and Poverty
[1]. Amalia, Alfi M.EI. 2017. PengaruhPendidikan, Pengangguran, danKetimpangan Gender TerhadapKemiskinan di Sumatera Utara. At-Tawassuth, Vol. III, No.3, 2017: 324-344
[2]. Buck, Ronald., Deutsch, Joe. (2014). Effects of Poverty on Education. International pJournal of Human Sciences ISSN 1303-5134 Vol. 11 Issue 2
[3]. Cuesta, MaiteBlazquez and Budria Santiago. (2017). Unemployment Persistence: How Important are Non-Cognitive Skills?. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics 69 (2017) 29-37
[4]. Harlik, Amri Amir, Hardiani. (2013). Faktor-faktor yang MempengaruhiKemiskinandanPenganggura di Kota Jambi. JurnalPerspektifPembiayaandan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 1 No.2, Oktober 2013 ISSN: 2338-4603
[5]. Jencova, Sylvia et al. (2015). Phenomenon of Poverty and Economic Inequality in the Slovak Republic. Proceedia Economics and Finance 26 (2015) 737-741.