Series-1 (Sep-Oct 2019)Sep-Oct 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Public distribution system is a system which aims that eradicates hungry. Malnutrition problem, provide food security to poor people without discrimination. Hunger is playing a very crucial role in the country. Countries development and under development depends upon the Hunger. Hunger made people as a poor people. Poor people lived more in the rural area. They haven't consume proper nutrient food so it turns has backwardness, it decrease their economic welfare. PDS one of the instruments that made poor people has a hunger-free made them physically strong. Hence this paper focus on PDS performance helps to rural development with special reference to rural areas of Tumakuru district and this paper based on secondary data..
Keywords: Public distribution system, Rural, Area, Poverty, Economic welfare, Backwardness.
[1]. Ashok Gulati and shweta sain "leakages from public distribution system and the way forward" Jan 2015.
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[5]. Tumakuru District at a Glance 2014-15.
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Abstract: The research aims to analyze the effect of workability, salary, leadership, work environment, compensation, work discipline and work motivation partially on the performance of employees of Leasing Companies in Medan. Analyze workability, salary, leadership, work environment, compensation, work discipline and work motivation in a silmatic manner towards the performance of employees in a Leasing Company in Medan. This study used a questionnaire distributed to respondents — data analysis using path regression. The results of the study mention factor test analysis there are 2 (two) factors that influence the improvement of employee performance, these factors are: The first factor is the ability to work with a value of loading factor of 0.887. The second factor is the work environment with a value of loading factor of 0.876. The test results of multiple linear regression analysis that there is a positive and significant influence between workability and work environment on improving employee performance at Leasing Companies in Medan.
Keywords: Performance, Work Environment, Compensation, Discipline, Motivation, Leadership, Job Capability, CFA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Problem of Human Resource Performance in the Workplace |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | PIRVU (MAZILESCU) Ionica-Diana |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1005011317 ![]() |
Abstract: Performance represents the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that define the position occupied by an employee. It refers to the contribution that employees make to meeting the goals of the organization. Work performance is the direct result of the employee's effort, influenced by his abilities and by the perception (understanding) of his tasks. Therefore, the performance can be seen as being closely related to the effort made by the employee, his abilities, the perception of the place and role of the position or within the organization.
Keywords: performance, motivation
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Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the contribution of changes in macroeconomic instruments due to changes in the instrument of monetary policy with the expectation of inflation that can maintain the economic stability of Indonesia, Vietnam, and India. Data analysis using the ARDL Panel. The results of the ARDL Panel showed Leading indicators of state effectiveness in the stability control of the IVI countries, i.e., India is the exchange rate while Vietnam and Indonesia are exchange rates, JUB and GDP). Leading indicators of the effectiveness of variables in the state's stability control IVI are the exchange rates seen from long-term stability and panel stability, where variable exchange rate significantly affects the stability of inflation in IVI countries.
Keywords: exchange rate, ARDL panel, GDP, inflation
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Abstract: It has been found that capital structure variables of Conflicting Theory, Pecking Order Model, Initial Growth Theory, and Inertia Theory of Capital Structure have significant effects on diversified enterprises as well as the adjustment speed, in cases where enterprises are interested in interesting in expanding outward form and revenue generation through business diversification. In the case where the actual leverage ratio deviates from the target leverage ratio.......
Keywords: growth option, Capital Structure Theory, Capital Structure Adjustment Speed, MB ratio, inverse exponential MB ratio
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pancasila Economic System for Asean Economic Community (AEC) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nurhuda || Tity Hastuti |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1005013541 ![]() |
Abstract: ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the cooperation of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. AEC makes ASEAN as a single market and production base. The AEC has four key characteristics: (1) It is a single market and production base, (2) It is a highly competitive economic region, (3) It is a region of fair economic development and (4) It is a region fully integrated into the global economy.This studycriticizeshow ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) cooperation should be based on the Pancasila Economic system according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Pancasila noble values such as the principle of togetherness, kinship, divinity, humanity, nationality, people, justice and expediency. The study employs a qualitative approach and case study method. The data collection includes observation, interview, and documentation. The data.......
Keywords: Asean Economic Community (AEC), PancasilaEconomic System, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Industrialization on Economic Growth in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nwogo, J. E. || Orji, J. O. |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1005014253 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the impact of industrialization on the growth of the Nigerian economy. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the impact of manufacturing sector output on economic growth in Nigeria, to find out the impact of crude petroleum and natural gas output on Nigerian economic output, and to investigate the impact of solid mineral mining output on economic growth in Nigeria. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design based on its efficacy in facilitating the projection of future outcomes with past occurrences. The dependent variable was real gross domestic product (RGDP) while the independent variables were the manufacturing sector contribution to the gross domestic product (MSO), crude petroleum and natural gas output (CPNGO), solid mineral mining output (SMMO), and real exchange rate (REXR); data analysis was done using the vector..........
Keywords: Industrialization, Manufacturing, Crude Petroleum, Economy, Growth
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the expenditure of poor households in Luwu. The research data was obtained from questionnaires, interviews with relevant parties and observation to poor households in Luwu, especially to those the households of the expenditure of poor households, education level of household, number of dependents household, income and the main job of head household. The results of this study indicate that expenditure of poor households level around 78% is influenced by variables in the model, while the rest ithe influenced by other factors outside the model. In partial, level of education (X1), number of dependents household (X2), income (X3) have a positive and significant effect on the expenditure of poor households, and there are no different types of work (D1) between farmers and non-farmers on the expenditure of poor households in Luwu Regency..
Keywords: poor household expenditure, education level, number of dependents, income, type of work.
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Abstract: This research work evaluates the proposition that the liberalization of trade in services impacts the attractiveness of foreign direct investment in the Moroccan economy. The use of the random effects model applied to annual data for Morocco, covering a period from 1990 to 2017, has found that the liberalization of trade in services significantly affects the attractiveness of foreign direct investment. The size of the market, exports and imports of services, also have a significant positive effect on foreign direct investment. However, human capital, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, economic growth, country stability and business climate are not significant, so they do not have a significant positive effect on FDI inflows in the case of Morocco..
Keywords: Liberalization of Trade in Services, Attractiveness of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Empirical Analysis, Morocco.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Rural Credit on Local Economy with Special Reference to Cooperative Banks |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Regeenamma Joseph |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1005017882 ![]() |
Abstract: Rural people of India finds their livelihood in agriculture and allied activities. The vast majority of Indian population, calculated to be 70% lives in villages. Though the agricultural sector comes only up to 21% of India's GDP, the impact of agriculture on Indian economy is far more greater than the GDP indication. Agriculture is a determining factor in maintaining the strength of the socio-political and economic fabric of the nation. Rural cooperative banks and rural branches of commercial and nationalized banks have a vital role to play in the progress of agricultural and farming promotion of Kerala state. The role of rural financial institutions is very important for the sustainable agriculture and development of Kerala. Rural banking systems help the rural people for their economic development......
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