Volume-4 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agricultural Marketing and Sustainable Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyothi, K.C |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0420108 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper explains about the Agricultural Marketing and Sustainable Development in Indian economy. This paper introduces the concepts and aims of sustainable agriculture in India. Sustainable agricultural development comprises sustainability of agricultural production and agricultural marketing, sustainability of the rural economy, ecological and environmental sustainability within agricultural systems and sustainability of rural society. India can safely be characterized as an agricultural country despite the recent spurt in manufacturing and services and the declining share of agriculture in the national income, since majority of its workforce (650%) is still engaged in agriculture and allied activities. It has been the noblest profession in India since the time immemorial and has been carried out on sustainable basis. It is only relatively recent phenomenon that large-scale forest areas, grazing lands and waste lands have been converted into croplands to support the rising population, which has caused ecological imbalance and atmospheric pollution. With no further scope for expansion of agricultural land efforts have been made to enhance the production of food grains using high-yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers and irrigation along with advanced farm equipments Agriculture is the largest source of employment in India, and food accounts for about half of consumer expenditures. Moving agricultural products from the farm to consumers more efficiently could result in large gains to producers. consumers, and India 's overall economy. More efficient agricultural marketing generates economy wide gains in output and wages, raises agricultural producer prices, reduces consumer food prices, and increases private consumption, particularly by low-income households. Sustainable agriculture, although a difficult term to define operationally, includes the practice of low input agricultural production technologies. An important condition to adopt these technologies is the access to markets for low input agricultural products. Ability to market these products at profitable prices would provide incentives for farmers to adopt the necessary methods. Contract farming is considered to be an effective means to introduce new production technologies to the farmers by providing assurance on prices and markets for agricultural products. Public extension agencies in developing countries may therefore be concerned to direct their efforts to introduce contract farming models to rural areas, and to encourage private firms to disseminate information on the appropriate production methods. The paper also emphasizes the importance and objectives of agricultural marketing. The conclusion is that to accelerate economic development of the economy, it is necessary to promote sustainability of agricultural marketing.
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[3]. Carter, S. (1997). "Global agricultural marketing management (marketing and agribusiness texts-3)", Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAG), Rome, Italy.
[4]. Kotler, P., Arunstrong, G., Somuders, J. and Wong, V. (2002). "Principle of marketing", 3rd European edition, Practice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, p. 56.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Commodity Futures and Spot Exchanges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyothi, K.C |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0420914 ![]() |
Abstract: Commodity Futures and Spot Exchanges are a part of the larger securities market worldwide. In India, the market is in the developmental stage. However, since the opening up of the market in March 1995, growth has been exponential. The Forward Markets Commission has been regulating the market. Three National Exchanges and 21 other exchanges are functioning in the country. The National Exchanges with online transparent trading and settlement systems account for 97.2% of trading. There are over 20000 terminals all over the country enabling easier access to the stake holders. The turnover in the market has risen from Rs. 6530.74 lakh crores in 2002-03, to Rs. 3316206.92 lakh crores in 2008-09, representing an annualized growth of 830%. This paper takes a peek into the working of the commodities futures market in general and agricultural commodities market in particular. It tries to analyze the purpose, role and impact of agricultural commodity futures on the price of these commodities, particularly in the light of the general perception that the futures market is one of the causes of price rise. The study compares the impact of ban in futures trading on certain agricultural commodities on prices. The study reveals that the impact, if at all, is only marginal. The reasons for the rise in prices have been found to be factors other than futures trading. The study concludes with a suggestion to educate the stake holders to enable healthy growth of the futures market.
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[4]. Sahadevan, K.G. (2007). "Derivates and risk management: a study of commodity future in India".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Problems and Prospects of Rural Co-Operative Marketing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyothi, K.C |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0421518 ![]() |
Abstract: Rural marketing facilitate flow of goods and service from rural producers to urban consumers at possible time with reasonable prices, and agriculture inputs/ consumer goods from urban to rural. Marketing as a function has started much earlier when civilization started but not recognized as marketing. All economy goods are marketed in terms of goods and services (Barter system). Now money is being practiced as a good exchanging medium. The market may be a street, or a small town! metropolitan city, Developments in infrastructure, transport, and communication facilities has increased the scope of the rural market
[2]. Gopal Swamy T.P. (1998). "Rural Marketing", Wheeler Publishers, New Delhi.
[3]. Manohar Lal Jalan (1988). "Marketing of Agricultural inputs", Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi.
[4]. Philip Kotlar (1992). "Marketing Management", 8th edition.
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Abstract: The study aimed at investigating group loan default at Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC), a state owned Development Finance Institution in Kenya formed in 1963, whose main role is to assist in the development of agriculture and agricultural industries by making loans to individual farmers, groups, private companies, public bodies, local authorities and other persons engaging in agricultural activities. AFC began lending to groups in 2006 with its Eldoret Branch of Uasin Gishu County being its pioneer branch. The performance of the group loans was good with a default rate of 0.5%. However, in the succeeding years the performance of the group loans in the Eldoret branch became very erratic recording a high of 80% default rate in 2008. The findings of the study done in 2013 suggest that amount of loan has no effect on default; size of the group has a significant positive effect on group loan default, while age of the group, experience in borrowing and education level all produced significant negative effect on group loan default. The findings of the study are useful in designing of credit scoring systems by AFC and other lending institutions following the group lending model
Key Words: Micro credit, Group lending, Loan default, Grameen, Agricultural Finance Corporation
[2]. Awoke, M.U. (2004). Factors affecting loan acquisitioned repayment patterns of smallholder farmers in Inlka North-East of Delta State Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Tropical Agricultural Research, 9, 61-64.
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[4]. Budiantoro, S. (2004). Financial reform untuk keuangan mikro. CAMEO. Fact about SB 1156: Promoting micro-enterprise. http://www. microbiz.org/html/article_sb1156.htm. Retrieved on 23 June 2008.
[5]. Cotler, P., & Woodruff, C. (2008). The impact of short term credit on microenterprises: Evidence from the Fincomun-Bimbo program in Mexico. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 830-849.
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Abstract: The study examined the readiness of Small and Medium Enterprises to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) considering the challenges facing SMEs in Nigeria. To obtain answers on the research questions, questionnaires and interview were used. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and data from interview and document reviews were interpreted qualitatively. The results show that IFRS for SMEs adoption in Nigeria will be hindered by the various problems of SMEs in the Country. The findings also reveal that the challenges of SMEs in Nigeria should be attended to before the adoption of IFRS. The study concludes that despite the cumbersomeness and the anticipated problems of IFRS adoption and challenges of SMEs in Nigeria, SMEs should convert to IFRS; because adoption of FIRS will enhance better accountability, transparency, improve quality of financial reporting and add to financial reporting a global look
Keywords: International financial reporting standards for SMEs, Convergence, problems of SMEs, Benefits of IFRS for SMEs in Nigeria.
[2]. Apostolos A. Ballas, Despina Skoutela and Christos A. Tzovas (2010), The relevance of IFRS to an emerging market: evidence from Greece. Managerial Finance Vol. 36 No. 11
[3]. Arsoy, A. P., Sipahi, B., 2008: International fi nancial reporting standards for small and medium sized entities and the Turkish case, Ankara Universitesi SBF Dergisi
[4]. Cheney. G. (2004), "IASB and IFAC Recognize Needs of Smaller Companies," Accounting Today.
[5]. Cleminson, J & E Rabin 2002. The Reporting Problems Faced by Small Businesses in South Africa. Paper presented at the Southern African Accounting Association biennial conference, Port Elizabeth.
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Abstract: The amount and composition of government expenditure in fiscal operations has a significant impact on aggregate demand and national output and affects resource allocationin an economy. Therefore, in order to achieve effective economic development, regional government spending has to be allocated appropriately according to the potentials of each area. The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts of regional government spending on investment, employment, economic growth, and poverty in the areas where the contribution of the agricultural sector to GRDP is high and low. This Study utilizes an econometric model of simultaneous equations system using panel data of 20 provinces in Indonesia for the period of 2003–2011. Several simulations (counter-factual experiments) were conducted. The 20 sampled provinces were classified into two groups based on the contribution of agricultural sector to the respective regional economy. In provinces where the agricultural sector is dominant, an increase in government spending on agriculture--subject to a constant total government expenditure--increases the total investment, total employment, the total GRDP, and decreases poverty rate. On the other hand, in provinces where agriculture is not dominant, it decreases the total investment.
Keywords: government expenditure, investment, employment, GRDP, poverty
[1]. Ahmed, H. dan S.M. Miller. 2000. Crowding-out and Crowding-in Effects of The Components of Government Expenditure. Contemporary Economic Policy, 18, 1; 124-133
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[5]. Fugli, K.O. 2004. Productivity Growth in Indonesia Agriculture, 1961-2000. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 40, 2; 209-225
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Abstract: This paper focused on the causes, types, detection and prevention of frauds and forgeries [F&Fs] in the Nigerian banking sector. Questionnaire was designed to collect data from 81 bank branches in the south west. Findings revealed that the major factor in play was the problem of effective internal control system and enforcement of strict adherence. It was recommended that banks should install effective internal control system and enforce strict adherence.
Keywords: Frauds and forgeries, Banking System, Internal Control System
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[3]. Akindele, R.I. [2011] Fraud as a Negative Catalyst in the Nigerian Banking Industry.Journal of Emmerging Trends inEconomic and Management Science 2[5], 357 – 36
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Abstract: The paper explains the essence of derivatives and identifies the different types of that exist. The article examines the technologies of credit derivatives application in the financial markets, especially the most common ones, credit default swaps. Both positive and negative aspects of their application to risk management have been revealed. Moreover, the grounds for their considering to be responsible for the global crisis aggravation have been identified. The prospects of CDS utilization in the development of a new global financial order have been illustrated. The paper briefly explains how derivative activity level can be monitored and then takes a look at the benefits, risks and opportunities of derivative in Bangladesh.
Keywords: hedge funds, credit default swaps (CDS), swaps, new financial order.
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Abstract: This study focuses on economic literacy and public perception towards government spending on education, especially for the 2013 Budget. The 2013 Budget demonstrates the Malaysian government's commitment to make education a national priority in the budget. From 137 respondents, the results show that economic literacy among the public was moderate, and that they had positive perception on government spending on education. Moreover, they expected the government to improve and increase its contribution on education.
Keywords: economic literacy, government spending, public perception
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