Version-3 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: The study examines whether there is significant difference on macroeconomic performance between SSA countries which have stock exchanges and countries which do not have after these countries are ranked on the basis of their macroeconomic performance composite index, computed using a multi-criteria decision making (TOPSIS) method and Shannon entropy to calculate the objective weight for each criterion. The study finds that there is meaningful difference on macroeconomic performance between the two groups of countries. However, the independent sample T-test tells that there is no significant difference on GDP growth between SSA countries.............
Keywords: Composite index, Ideal solution, Multi-criteria, Normalization, Objective weight, TOPSIS,
[1]. Wamburu, K. K. & Wainaina,G., 2014. "Determinants Of Stock Marketdevelopment In Kenya: An Error Correction Modelapproach". European Journal Of Business Management, 1(11), Pp. 1-14.
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Abstract: Building the brand equity becomes an important source of differentiation. The company needed to improve competition, because the brand equity is very important to strengthen the company's reputation.However, there are only few studies on beverage value from the consumers' standpoint. And most of the researches had focused in the variables of marketing mix influencing consumers, such as price, communication, distribution or advertising. Congruence with this issue, the research have two objectives, the first objective is understanding consumer mind through brand equity in purchasing a product and willingness to pay premium price................
Keywords: Brand Equity, Purchase Intention, Willingness Premium Price
[1]. Aaker, D.A. (2007). Manajemen Ekuitas Merek: Memanfaatkan Nilai dari suatu Merek. Cetakan Ketiga. Jakarta: Penerbit Mitra Utama.
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[3]. Anselmsson, K.J., Bondesson, N.V., & Johansson, U. (2014). Brand image and customers willingness to pay a price premium for food brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management 23/2 (2014) 90–102 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
[4]. Arvidsson, A. (2006). Brands Meaning and Value in Media Culture. London & New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
[5]. Asif, M., Abbas, K., Kashif, M., Hussain, S., & Hussain, I. (2015). Impact of Brand Awareness and Loyalty on Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing and Consumer International Peer reviewed Journal Vol.12.
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Abstract: Companies build strategy through market orientation and product innovation through the development or creation of new products, to provide optimum service, so that companies are able to create competitive advantage and improve marketing performance better.The research problem there are gaps between market orientation and product innovation to organizational performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market orientation, product innovation and competitive advantage to marketing performance. Respondents study of 170managers rattan industry in Cirebon.............
Keywords: Market orientation, product innovation, competitive advantage, marketing performance.
[1]. Akimova, Irina. (1999). Development of Marke of Orientation and Competitiveness of Ukrainian Firm. European Journal of Marketing.
[2]. Bharadwaj, Sundar G., P.R. Varadarajan., & Jihn Fahy. (1993). Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Service Industries: A Conceptual Model and Researh Proposisition. Journal of Marketing, 83-99.
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Abstract: In an era of globalization, the role of the post office and as well as the services it provides has changed significantly. Today, postal services consist of pick-up, transport and delivery services of letters and printed matter (newspapers, journals, periodicals, brochures, leaflets, etc.); parcels for domestic or foreign destinations; post office counter services rendered at counters (sales of stamps, etc); and other postal services such as mailbox rental. The universal postal system is not only used to send and receive letters and parcels, but is now being used to send bank documents, pay utility bills, and deliver goods ordered through the Internet in addition to financial services.
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Abstract: The role of state bank in agricultural and Industrial finance was very negligible till very recently Stat e Banks branch network had a strong urban basis and did not have an adequate coverage of rural areas. Keepin g this fact in view Government took a bold step of nationalizing the 14 Banks in 1969 in order to reduce the regi onal imbalances. The advances of State Bank of India towards a agricultural and Industrial Development are al so Increased enormously. Instead it has started new type of branches at important Centers known as State Bank of India Agricultural Development Banks............
[1] Dr. Prasoon kumar Roy (HOD in Economics) Bihar university, Bihar.
[2] Prof. Jaimangal Pd Shama (Department of Economics) Magadh University.
[3] Annual Report 2010-2011 (Ministry Of Finance, Government of India).
[4] State Level Banker's Committee of Bihar-2010-2011 (A Report).
[5] The Economic times.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Contractual Liabilities in Internet Banking Contracts |
Country | : | IRAN |
Authors | : | Nariman Fakheri || Zahir Jafarniya || Seyed Gani Nazari |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0801033239 ![]() |
Abstract: TThe modern world deals with great changes on communication of information and development of new technologies of communication and information, making it inevitable to apply new management, economic, political, and legal methods and strategies. The new information and communication that is the basis of management in the modern world requires proper mechanisms and infrastructures in order to make the development of business and good environment for entrepreneur possible. One of the most important infrastructures is internet banking. Arising any issue, whether political, social, economic, or cultural, has consequences associated with different internal or international outcomes, regardless of their positive or negative results. Since financial issues............
Keywords: Electronic banking, Internet banking, Competent court in internet banking
[1]. Abbasinejad H. Mehrnosh M. (2010). Electronic banking. Samt Publications. Tehran.
[2]. Abdollahi M. Shahbaziniya M. (2010). Reliable information systems in e-commerce law. Journal of Legal Research. 16.
[3]. Allahyarifard M. (2004). E-banking services and the administrative needs of its comparative operating expenses, various banking services. Monetary and Banking Research Institute. Tehran.
[4]. Avovoanu, Electronic banking and the Law،London, 1999, PP. 212-219.
[5]. Delta،George،Willamette Journal of Internatinal Law and Dispute Respute Resolution Vol.7،2000
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Abstract: The modern world deals with great changes on communication of information and development of new technologies of communication and information, making it inevitable to apply new management, economic, political, and legal methods and strategies. The new information and communication that is the basis of management in the modern world requires proper mechanisms and infrastructures in order to make the development of business and good environment for entrepreneur possible. One of the most important infrastructures is internet banking. Arising any issue, whether political, social, economic, or cultural, has consequences associated with different............
Keywords: Electronic banking, Internet banking, Competent court in internet banking
[1]. Abbasinejad H. Mehrnosh M. (2010). Electronic banking. Samt Publications. Tehran.
[2]. Abdollahi M. Shahbaziniya M. (2010). Reliable information systems in e-commerce law. Journal of Legal Research. 16.
[3]. Allahyarifard M. (2004). E-banking services and the administrative needs of its comparative operating expenses, various banking services. Monetary and Banking Research Institute. Tehran.
[4]. Avovoanu, Electronic banking and the Law،London, 1999, PP. 212-219.
[5]. Delta،George،Willamette Journal of Internatinal Law and Dispute Respute Resolution Vol.7،2000
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Imperatives of Domestic Debt Payments And Economic Growth: the Nigerian Evidence |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ugwu Okereke J. |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0801034651 ![]() |
Abstract: The broad objective of this research work is to investigate the Effect of Domestic Debt Payments on Economic Growth in Nigeria (2000-2016). The quantitative design using ordinary least- square (OLS) method of multiple regression analysis was employed. However, secondary data for this study was obtained from CBN annual report, federal office of statistics and Debt Management Office. The finding indicates that domestic debt outstanding has significant relationship between Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. Likewise, there is significant relationship between interest rate and debt servicing on Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. The coefficient of determination indicates that about 85 percent of the debt variables............
Keywords: Domestic debt, economic Growth, Nigeria, debt outstanding
[1]. Adofu, J. & Abula .M. (2010). Domestic debt and the Nigerian economy.Current Research Journal of Economic Theory 2(1): 22-26.
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[5]. Ajayi E. A and Khan B. (2002). The Feasibility of democracy in Africa Dakar CODESRIA books.273-275.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Current Exchange Rate Challenges And Nigeria's Balance of Payment |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ugwu Okereke J. |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0801035258 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the impact of Exchange rate fluctuations on balance of payment in Nigeria for the sample period 1986 to 2015. The estimation procedure adopted for the study was multiple regression method based on Ordinary Least Squares technique. However, in order to avoid the incidence of spurious estimates, evidence from the ADF test conducted revealed that the variables are integrated of order two, 1(1). The Johansen test conducted showed evidence of long run equilibrium relationship between Exchange rate fluctuations and balance of payment. The findings from the study showed that there is a statistical significance between Exchange rate fluctuations on balance of payment in Nigeria as shown by the joint variation of the t and f test and their respective P-values.............
Keywords: Domestic debt, economic Growth, Nigeria, debt outstanding
[1]. Agenor, P. R. (1995). Output, Devaluation and the Real Exchange Rate in Developing Countries. Weltwints Chaftlich Archiv, 127 (1), 18-41.
[2]. Aliyu, S. U. R. (2009). Exchange Rate Pass-through in Nigeria. Evidence from a vector Error Correlation model. Paper presented at the CSAE Conference, Oxford University, UK, 5(7) 22-35.
[3]. Central Bank of Nigeria (2014). Annual Report and statement of Account (2009, 2010, 2014 and 2015).
[4]. Central Bank of Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics, Annual Statistical Report (2014).
[5]. Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin (2015).
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Abstract: The study assesses the effectiveness of National Bank of Ethiopia in choosing appropriate intermediate targeting framework by examining the stability of long run money demand function from 1981 to 2014. To examine the stability of money demand the study used real gross domestic product (RGDP) as scale variable, saving deposit rate (Rt) as opportunity cost variable, average exchange rate (Ex) as indicator of openness of economy, and real money demand measured by (M2/Pt).The study used ADF unit root test, the Johansen and Juselius (1990) Co-integration, error correction model (ECM), and CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests.............
Keywords: Money demand, Stability, intermediate target
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Abstract: This paper examines application of ethical practice in conflict management process in Islamic banking relationship. The paper used interpretive qualitative research, based on current practice of Jaiz Islamic bank in Nigeria. Data were gathered from Jaiz Islamic bank staff, through semi-structured interview. The findings show that, Jaiz Islamic bank managers uses Sulh (conciliation and compromise) more than Mushawarah (consensus building) approach, once disagreements occur.............
Keywords: Dispute control, conciliation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, Islamic banking.
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Abstract: This study focused on Utilizing Innovative Instructional Strategies in the Development of Entrepreneurial Skills in Business Education Students in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study was carried out due to the realization of the writers that most graduates of Business Education in Ogun State Higher Institutions despite their knowledge and skills in Entrepreneurship Education do not get self-employed. They will go about looking for employment, getting underemployed and even being frustrated because of lack of employment. Descriptive survey research was adopted for the study.It was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses..............
Keywords: Innovative, Strategies, Instructional, Entrepreneurial Skills, Business Education.
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[3]. Akinyele, T. A. (2015). Effects of Reciprocal Peer-Tutoring and Problem-Based Learning on Colleges of Education Students' Achievement in Entrepreneurship Education in Ogun State, Nigeria. Ph.D Thesis submitted to Faculty of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University.
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Abstract: Industrial firms require liquid cash for smooth operations. Failure to convert current assets into liquid cash can force a profitable firm into liquidation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of liquidity management practices on profitability of industrial firms in Kenya. The study was explained by two cash management models; Baumol's cash management model and Miller – Orr cash management model. Correlational research design was adopted..............
Keywords: Baumol's Model, Industrial Firms, Liquidity, Miller-Orr Model, Profitability
[1]. Afza, T., & Nazir, M. S. (2011). Working Capital Management Efficiency of Cement Sector of Pakistan. Journal ofEconomics and Behavioral Studies 2 (5), 223-235.
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Abstract: This study used mixed research methods to collect data. The survey involved selecting a representative sample of 116 respondents drawn from a population of 701Millennials (Generation Y employees) working in hospitals in Zvimba District. Questionnaires were administered on 100 Millennials to provide information on factors that affect their performance. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with hospital senior management to complement information provided by the youthful employees and to clarify arising issues.The study established that Generation Y employees prefer to be deployed to hospitals close to their families and friends.............
Keywords: Millennials, Generation Y, Generation X, health worker, employee performance.
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Abstract: Financial flexibility is a degree of firm's capacity that can mobilize financial resources towards reactive activities to maximize the value of firm. The aim of this study is to investigate factors affecting financial flexibility based on panel data in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. For this reason firms listed on Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2009 to 2014 with systematic deletion method and by considering inherent limitations in this field have been screened, andthe number of remaining firms to test research hypotheses were 106 firms in terms of 630 observation...............
Keywords: Financial flexibility, financial leverage, firm size, profitability
[1]. Aslani, A. &Zanjirdar, M. (2014).Investigation of relationship between financial flexibility and investment opportunities, the first National Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Management, Isfahan, Jami Institute.
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