Version-3 (March-April 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Oil Dependence on the Nigeria's Economic Growth |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Hasan Güngör || Abubakar M. Nyako |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802030106 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to capture the effect of oil dependence on the Nigeria's economic growth from 1973 to 2013. Applying the ARDL bounds testing co-integration procedure, the oil rents ratio to GDP was used as a proxy for oil dependence and a significant negative correlation was discovered between oil dependence and GDP per capita, which was robust to the specification employed. The export sector value added had an insignificant negative correlation with GDP per capita in the long run; this is due to the high level of dependence on oil. Thus validating the presence of Dutch disease in the Nigerian economy................
Keywords: Oil dependence, Economic growth, Natural resources
[1]. African Economic Outlook ,(AEO). African Economic Outlook Annual Report. West Africa, Nigeria African Economic Outlook. (2015).
[2]. National Planning Commission (NPC).Annual Performance of the Nigerian Economy 2010. Abuja: National Planning Commission. (2014).
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Abstract: Export craft of Badung regency, Bali Province, during the five years has decreased. Therefore, it becomes extremely relevant to collate and analyze the theoretical model in order to drive performance improvement and expansion of the international market segments on the craft, so as to achieve the export performance craft such as the period before five years ago. This study aims to determine the role of social infrastructure, entrepreneurship, and the competitive resources in mediating the effects of government policies on the craftsmen welfare in Badung. Data analysis was performed using SEM-PLS............
Keywords: Craftsmen Welfare, Government Policy, Social Infrastructure, Entrepreneurship, Competitive Resources
[1] H. Leibenstein and S. Maital, Empirical estimation and partitioning of X-eficiency: A data envelopment approach. The American Economic Review, 82(2), 1992, 428-433.
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Abstract: Existing literature suggests that health status is multi-dimensional; a result of complex causes such as socio-demographic factors (household amenities, food intakes of child, overall hygiene of the child, immunization status), environmental, genetic and biomedical factors and varies over the life cycle, implying intergenerational health effects. Studies show that health in early life has substantial effects on health and wellbeing throughout the entire life course. Literature shows that better-off people both socially and economically tend to be in better health and healthier people are more productive. Studies on intergenerational transmission of health report positive correlation............
Keywords: Socio-economic status (SES), Health status, Households, Young Childrens
[1]. George K.A (2000), "Anaemia and nutritional status of preschool children in Kerala", Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.67 (8), pp.575-578.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Selected Macro-Economic Variables on the Export Performance of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Farhana Rahman |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802032127 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper investigates the short run and long run dynamics between export performance of Bangladesh and selected macro-economic variables using various econometrics tools. The variables considered are Interest rate, Inflation rate, Broad money (M2), and Exchange rate and Quantum index of industrial production. Monthly data has been analyzed over the period spanning July 2011 to June 2016. According to Johansen multivariate co-integration tests the export of Bangladesh and the selected five macroeconomic variables are co-integrated, this gives a clear indication of long-run associations............
Keywords: Macro-economic variables, Cointegration, ECM, Granger Causality, Variance decomposition
[1]. Tomar, Rohit Singh, and Dr. Deepika Singh Tomar. "Selected Macro- Economic Variables and Its Impact on Chinese and Indian Exports." IOSR Journal of Business and Management 16.3 (2014): 01-08.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Niger |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Ms.Mounkaila Noma Kadiatou |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802032833 ![]() |
Abstract: The main target of this paper is to analyze the impact of foreign direct investment on Niger economic growth by employing time series dates over the period 1980–2005. The data of this study come from different sources such as, World Development Indicators, the Niger Investment Agency, and the office of national statistics (INS). To determine the relationship among FDI and economic growth, we used Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and granger causality test as econometric methodologies. The findings revealed that foreign direct investment has a positive and statistically significant contribution on Niger's economic growth............
Keywords: Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment, granger causality, Niger, OLS.
[1] Hansen, Henrik and John Rand , On the Casual Links between FDI and Growth in Developing Countries, University of Copenhagen, Institute of Economics, Discussion Papers, 2004, 04-30 from < Pdf>.
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[5] Macaulay, E.D , Foreign direct investment and the performance Of the Nigerian economy Proceedings of the 1st International Technology, Education and Environment Conference, 2012, Pp 629 -633.
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Abstract: The study examined effectiveness of foreign aid flows also called official development assistance in increasing economic growth in Nigeria. The main objective was to empirically analyze the impact of foreign aid flow and its domestic saving counterpart on the economic growth in Nigeria under the assumption of stable and unstable macroeconomic indicators with the aim of knowing what determines the effectiveness of official development assistance in an economy. Time series data were used sourced from various sources such as the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin, and World Bank databank. The study employed Augmented Dickey fuller (ADF) to ascertain the stationarity of the time series properties of the research variables. The study made use of Auto-regressive...........
Keywords: GDP growth rate, Official Development Assistance, Saving rate, Exchange rate, ARDL
[1]. Chenery, H.B and Strout, A.M (1966), "Foreign Assistance and Economic Development" American Economic Review, 56, 679-733.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Political Stability and Economic Growth in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dennis Terpase Nomor, Ph.D || Paul Terhemba Iorember |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802034553 ![]() |
Abstract: The study empirically investigated the relationship between political stability and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1999 to 2014 using the ARDL model approach. The result revealed a positive and significant relationship between political stability and economic growth both in the long run and in the short run. The study concludes that a stable political environment is an indispensable element for economic growth and therefore, the government of Nigeria should as a matter of necessity, identify the root causes of unstable political environment and try to mitigate its effects so as to ensure sustained growth in Nigeria.
Keywords: Political Stability, Economic Growth and ARDL Model.
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[5]. Alesina, A. and Perotti, R. (1996). Income Distribution, Political Instability, and Investment. European Economic Review Vol. 40:
pp 1203- 1228.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: An Application on MSCI Emerging Markets Index |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Sinan AYTEKİN |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802035461 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging countries for the period 2002-2014. As well as some economic variables, the impact of country level governance quality on FDI is investigated. The country level governance quality is measured by world bank governance indicators which are voice and accountability, political stability and absence of voilence, governance effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption. The hypothesis is tested by using Generalized Moment of Methods, a relation...........
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Generalized Moment of Methods, MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
[1]. H.G. Jeong, The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Business Services Industry. International Economic Journal, 28(3), 2014, 475-495.
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[3]. B. Özcan and A. Arı, Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Belirleyicileri Üzerine Bir Analiz: OECD Örneği. İstanbul University Economics Faculty Econometrics and Statistics Journal, 12, 2010, 65-88.
[4]. D.M. Bekana, Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopia; Time Series Evidence From 1991-2013. The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(1), 2016, 141-155.
[5]. S.G. Özçalık and G.G. Gibson, Factors Affect Flow of Foreign Direct Investment (A Case Study of South Africa:1970-2014). Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(16), 2016, 58-65
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Predictive Model for Determining Internal Rate Return (Irr) Without Trial and Error |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Onuma .E. Onuma |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802036266 ![]() |
Abstract: Planners are often confronted with challenges of evaluating proposed capital projects. The most popular tools are, inter alia 1 Net present value (NPV) 2 Benefit/ cost ratio and 3 Internal Rate of return (IRR) While the first two are straight forwardly determinable IRR on the other hand, requires a trial and error measures. Based on current literature. This is not only challenging in time consumption but presents enormous obstacle for financial advisors during brief sessions with the un-informed Business owners............
Keywords: Cost Of Capital, Benefit/ Cost Ratio, Npv, Dcf
[1]. Horngren al (2009:763) Cost Accounting –A Managerial Emphasis (13th ed) Pearson & Prentice Hall London (3)
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Abstract: This study examines the causes of bank distress in Nigeria using annual data from 1986 to 2015. The study employed Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model developed by Pesaran et al (2001) as the technique of data analysis. The study reveals that exchange rate and non-performing loans have positive and statistically significant impact on bank distress, while inflation and interest rate have negative and statistically insignificant effect on bank distress. The study further found that liquidity ratio exerts positive and statistically insignificant influence on bank distress. In consistent with the findings, the study recommends the followings: firstly, there should be proactive measures by the banks such as loan surveillance and monitoring............
Keywords: Financial Deepening, Non-performing loans, ARDL, Exchange Rate, Inflation
[1]. Abiola A.B., Felica O.O. and Folasade B.A. (nd) "Predicting Bank Failure in Nigeria Using Survival Analysis Approach.
[2]. Ademola O.G.J., Olusegun O. and Kehinde O. (2013) "Bank Distress in Nigeria and the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation Intervention", Global Journal of Management, Business and Finance Research, Vol. 13, No. 8, ISSN: 2249-4588.
[3]. Adeyemi B. (2011)"Bank Failure in Nigeria: A Consequence of Capital Inadequacy, Lack of Transparency and Non-performing Loans", Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1.
[4]. Alashi S.O. (2002) "Banking Crisis: Causes, Early Warning Signals and Resolution in Central Bank of Nigeria", Conference Proceedings on Enhancing Financial Sector Soundness in Nigeria, Abuja, CBN Pp. 126-153.
[5]. Central Bank of Nigeria (2011) Annual Report.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of the Monetary Policy in Achieving Economic Growth in Syria |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Dr. Ghassan Farouk Ghandour |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0802037478 ![]() |
Abstract: We can say that the monetary policy plays big role in different economics. In developing countries specially in Syria the monetary policy start to Take its turn in affecting economy after rebirth in 2003 and give it the independence in practicing the monetary policy. That is meaning the allowing to the economic laws to work far from the government wants. From the Syrian experience in this concern at the last three years we can say that we need some time to a good use of the tools of monetary policy and we must re design our policies to fit our requirement.
Keywords: monetary policy - economy – exchange rate – interest rate
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[3]. International Monetary Fund: IMF Country Report, 2005.
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