Version-2 (May-June 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: The results of this study show that budget evaluation does not affect budget monitoring, and not in accordance with the studies/statements of Kenis, Collins and Robinson that the budget quality consisting of budget transparency, budget accuracy, and budget evaluation affects budget monitoring. There is a total effect of budget transparency on the effectiveness of budget through budget monitoring of 1.97 and a total effect of budget accuracy on the effectiveness of budget through budget monitoring of 1.77 .
Keywords: Budget Transparency, Budget Accuracy, Budget Evaluation, Budget Monitoring, Effectiveness of Budget Implementation.
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Abstract: Cross border trade is a trading activity performed by community residing in border area of neighboring countries. The regency of North Central Timor is a region with direct land border with Timor Leste particularly enclave district of Oekusi. Post Timor Leste's independence, cross border trade is unavoidable. This research was conducted in border area of North Central Timor Regency particularly in 6 (six) districts which bordered with enclave district of Oekusi. Data analysis being used was Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). From the result of data analysis, it was found that social capital has positive effect directly towards entrepreneurship and cross border trade, institutional changes..............
Keywords: Social Capital, Institutional Changes, Entrepreneurship, Cross Border Trade, Prosperity
[1]. Abdillah,Willy dan Hartono, Jogiyanto.2015. Partial Least Square (PLS). AlternatifStructural Equations Modeling (SEM) dalamPenelitian Bisnis. Penerbit ANDI Yogyakarta.
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Abstract: Globally, remittances represent an important flow of international financial resources. In the East African trading bloc, the dynamic population movements between countries has led to widespread distribution of population across the region. This has driven the demand for migrant workers to send money home. Mobile money has seen a rapid growth within individual East African countries with Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda topping the global volume of mobile money transfers. One would expect the Mobile Money Remittance within the East African region to follow a similar trend being an extension of the local service. However, its uptake across borders appears to be slow..............
Keywords: Mobile Money Remittance in East Africa, Technology Acceptance Model, empirical study, Cronbach alpha.
[1]. Apecu, J., Sewankambo, I.K & Abdalla, Y.A (2014). Mobile money services provision in East Africa: the Ugandan experience in Lim, A.H and De Meester, B. (eds) WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade: Putting Principles to practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 201 – 220.
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Abstract: The debate on the linkage between fertility rate, its socio-economic variables and economic growth emerged over a long period of time. Economists revolve around three schools of thoughts: The first school of thought views fertility rate as a factor that adversely affects economic growth, the second school of thought states that fertility rate stimulates economic growth while the third school states that fertility rate is a neutral factor to economic growth. This study developed an Econometric Model taking Nigeria as a case study and adopts a time series data from 1981 to 2015, with the aim of providing additional evidence to the ongoing debate and to examine the nature of the causality that exists between them.............
Keywords: Causality, VAR, Fertility Rate, GDP, Nigeria.
[1]. Adedeji, A.S.R and Morisson, M. Eds. (1998)."The Human Dimension In Africa's Persist Economic Crises". United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Hans Zell Publisher, pp. 377-391.
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Abstract: The world economy is still far from the ideal model of a barrier-free market, freed from any barriers to trade. In this paper, we will try to analyse the impact of non-tariff measures on Moroccan exportations. The review of the literature shows that the effect of non-tariff measures on international trade exceeds the tariff ones. In order to analyse empirically the impact of non-tariff measures on Moroccan foreign trade, we used the elasticity of imported demand and an estimated gravitational equation for a sample of 28 countries of different levels of development............
Keywords: Ad-valorem tariff equivalents, Gravity equation, International trade, Non-tariff measures
[1] WTO. (2012). Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2012 - Commerce et politiques publiques : gros plan sur les mesures non tarifaires au XXIe siècle
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Abstract: This paper tries to assess the degree of influences of the components of domestic investment on it and to examine their causal relationships associated with them at the disaggregated level in Bangladesh so that the policy makers could formulate appropriate policies regarding the issue. In doing so, the domestic investment function has been estimated .The pre-estimating techniques (the Chow test, the Coppock Instability Index, the Jarque-Bera test, the correlation matrix) confirm that there is no structural break point of the data series in 1990 and they are more instable during pre-liberalization (1990). All the variables are positively correlated and majorly they are normally distributed for parametric estimation.............
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[3] Bakare, A. S. (2011). The determinants of private domestic investment in Nigeria.Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, Vol. 4, No. 2, Ondo State, Nigeria.
[4] Barro, R. J. &Sala-I-Martin, X. (1995). Capital mobility in neoclassical models of growth. American Economic Review, Vol. 85, pp. 103-115.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Weak form Efficiency of the Sri Lankan Stock Market From 2010 -2014 |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | HH Dedunu |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803027581 ![]() |
Abstract: With the ending of thirty years civil war, Sri Lankan Colombo Stock Exchange recorded its highest market capitalization and trading volume ever since (Fernando , 2012). Colombo stock market applied new advanced technology for its day to day operation in last decade ( Resulting, both level of performance and level of investment in Share Market were increased, however the process was further accelerated after post war period (Kenangasl Research Company, 2011). With that improvement, the number of investors who were willing to invest in Colombo Stock Exchange was increased and tried to reap maximum............
Keywords: Weak Form Efficiency, Colombo Stock Market, Random Walk Model
[1] Fama, E. F. (1965). The Behavior of Stock Market Prices. Journal of Business, 28, 34-105.
[2] Syed Tauseef Raza Gilani ,Muhammad Nawaz ,Muhammad Irfan Shakoor and Muhammad Zulqarnain Asab . ( 2014 ). Testing the Weak Form Efficiency of Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE). Developing Country Studies Vol.4 No.11, 79 - 86.
[3] P.Samarakoon, P. (2004). Efficiency of the Srilankan Stock Market. SriLankan Journal of Business Economics, 1-22.
[4] Nikunj R. Patel, Nitesh Radadia and Juhi Dhawan. (vol.2, no.2, 2012). An Empirical Study on Weak-Form of Market Efficiency of Selected Asian Stock Markets. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 99-148.
[5] Posta, V. (Volume 58, 2008). Estimating the Dynamics of Weak Efficiency on the Prague Stock Exchange Using the Kalman Filter. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 248-260.
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Abstract: This paper is empirically examine the effect of exchange rate fluctuation on international trade in Rwanda employing annually time series data from 1990-2014. The Vector Error Correction (VECM) model has been used to capture both short and long-run relationships and the findings show the insignificant relationship between exchange rate and export as well as between exchange rate and import. The Granger causality test have been used to study the causal effect of one variable on other variables, basing on the test results we found that GDP to export and exchange rate to export hold bi-directional cause to each other. Whereas, on the other side we found that only GDP to import hold............
Keywords: Exchange rate Fluctuation, International trade, VECM, Rwanda
[1] Florian Verhen (2012), bilateral exports from euro zone countries to US-does exchange rate volatility play role "international review of economics and finance vol 24"
[2] Yusaku Nishimura and Kenjiro Himaraya (2013), does the exchange rate volatility deter Japan-China trade? "Japan and world economy vol 25-26"
[3] Dimitrios Seneris and Nicholas Tsounis (2013), exchange rate volatility and foreign trade: the case for Cyprus and Croatia "Procedia economics and finance vol 5"
[4] Kanchara Seranayake and Ahmed Abdulhusain (2010), exchange rate movements' effect on Sri Lanka-China trade "journal of Chinese economy and foreign trade studies vol 3
[5] Jungho Baek (2014), exchange rate effects on Korean- US bilateral trade "research in economics"
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Abstract: The aim of the study is to measure the socio-economic status of the Ethnic Community (Manipuri and Khasia) in Bangladesh. The study analyzed a total of 113 (82 Manipuri & 31 Khasia) respondents from Manipuri and Khasia community purposively selected from Sylhet district. The information was recorded in a pre-structured questionnaire. Socio-economic status of the Manipuri and Khasia community was identified using self-developed Socio-Economic Index which was constructed by the composition of various factors. Socio economic index revealed that 73.17% of the Manipuri respondents were having good socio economic status while this percentage for Khasia respondents was only 6.45%. One of the major intension of the study was to develop a model of obtaining a socio economic index so that one can easily find the socio economic status of the group or community on the basis of related variables
Keywords: Socio Economic Index, Socio Economic Status and Ethnic Community
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[4]. Gain, P., Shishir M. & Snigdha E. T. 2000. Discrepancies in Census and Socio-economic status of EthnicCommunities; Society for Environment and Human Development. (
[5]. Ahmmed, M. F. 2006. Aging Situation in Some Selected Tribal Communities inBangladesh.Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Institute of Social Welfare and Research.University of Dhaka.
[6]. Chakravarty, S., Zahid I. S. M., and Shahriar, A. Z. M. 2013. Are Women"Naturally" Better Credit Risks in Microcredit? Evidence from Field Experiments inPatriarchal and Matrilineal Societies in Bangladesh. Paper prepared for Presentation atthe 2014. Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association in Philadelphia;available at:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | PRCB &Lecture Socio-Economique de la Grèce |
Country | : | Grèce |
Authors | : | Thomas Bangobango Lingo, Ph.D. |
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: | 10.9790/5933-08030298115 ![]() |
Abstract: En cette année 2017 la Grèce aura en tout connu sept années (2009-2016) de croissance négative ou au mieux de croissance anémique. Cependant, depuis la fin de 2016certains experts (avec en pole position la Commission européenne-CE et le Fonds monétaire international-FMI) tiennent des propos encourageants quant à la situation à venir de l'économie d'un pays considéré comme le ventre mou de l'Union Européenne (UE) au cours de cette décennie 2010. Plus concrètement, le commissaire européen en charge des questions économiques, M. Pierre Moscovici, déclare entre autres au quotidien athénien de centre-gauche, « To Ethnos » (la Nation), que "la Grèce est enfin prête à tourner la page de la crise"............
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[4] Betavatzi, Eva (2016), « L'évolution du discours sur la dette grecque », CADTM, mars. [en ligne], consulté en décembre 2016
[5] Comité pour l'Abolition des Dettes Illégitimes (CADTM) (2016), le triste anniversaire du 3e mémorandum grec, Média Part, 22 août, [en ligne], consulté en août 2016 et en décembre 2016