Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: The paper aims to review and discuss on the issues of retirement confidence among Malaysian working adults both in the public and private sectors. Retirement confidence will only exist if there is proper retirement preparation among individuals. The method utilized for this conceptual paper is based on literature reviews from published journal, theses, conference proceedings and report. Previous literature on retirement studies supported that across countries around the world, individuals have little or lack of planning for their retirement. Malaysia as one of the developing nations is also currently experiencing the same situation where a majority of Malaysians are not prepared for retirement which eventually will influence their retirement confidence. A Through the review of past research showed that , there were many factors are associated with retirement confidence namely socio-demographic.............
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Retirement Confidence, Theory of Planned Behavior.
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Abstract: The adoption of freely floating exchange rate regime and the increase in international capital movements have increased the interaction between foreign exchange and stock markets and the national financial markets exposed to external shocks with globalization of financial markets. In this context, the study examined the volatility spillover between Turkish foreign exchange and stock markets, American and German stock markets. MGARCH BEKK model was used in the volatility spillover analysis. The empirical findings of this study point out significant volatility spillovers between the markets. Volatility relations between markets bear signific ance for investors in terms of risk management and portfolio diversification decisions, and for politicians in terms of providing financial stability and the efficiency of policies.
Keywords: Foreign exchange market, MGARCH BEKK model, stock market, volatility spillover
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Abstract: This study assessed the impact of government budget deficits on unemployment rate in Nigeria spanning the sampled period, 1986 – 2015. The annual time series data were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin of various years and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This study employed the ex-post facto research design because available data could not be manipulated to the advantage of the researcher(s). Ordinary Least Square (OLS) econometric technique was used to estimate the variables. Decisions were made based on a five per cent level of significance. The empirical results indicated that government budget deficit had a positive and non-significant impact on unemployment rate in Nigeria within the period under review. This study suggested that..........
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Government budget deficit, regression analysis, sampled period, unemployment rate.
[1]. S. Antwsi, X. Zhao and E .F. Atta-Mills. Consequential effects of budget deficit on economic growth: Empirical evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(3), 2013, 90 – 101.
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[4]. S. Bawa and I.S. Abdullahi, Threshold effect of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria, Central Bank of Nigeria Journal of Applied Statistics, 3(1), (no date), 43 - 63.
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Abstract: The conversion of agricultural land is a threat to the food security. Land use transfer can also occur due to the lack of farmer's result on wetland farming that is expected to cause land conversion to other agricultural crops. The problem is to threaten the sustainability of national rice production. Land conversion can occur due to various factors that affect it, depending on the situation and conditions of the farmers, the environment around the farmers, natural conditions and other factors. The farmer's income factors partially have a positive and significant effect on the decision to convert rice farming into oil palm in Helvetia Regency, Deliserdang, Indonesia. The farmer has overtaken the land by expecting an increase in the income he receives compared to the previous farm.
Keywords: paddy field; palm oil; conversion; profit; business
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Abstract: Competition in the field of cellular phone services is increasingly tight. It requires telecommunication companies engaged in cellular phone services to constantly innovate and various strategic steps, especially to maintain the brand while competing with other products. In the face of business competition in the field of cellular services, PT. Indosat Branch Medan has a special strategy to face business competition in the field of cellular services. Implementation of marketing communication strategy undertaken by Indosat is to use IM3 program that is able to present the surfing excitement in the internet world with speed up to 2Mbps. So the purpose of this research is to know how the strategy used Indosat through IM3 program to provide added value to its customers. To increase brand equity, Indosat through the program IM3 applies 4P theory that is product, price, place, promotion. The method used in this.........
Keywords: market strategy; customers; profit; loss
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rural Credit and Weaker Sections: a study in Pavagada taluk |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V.A.Chowdappa || Dr.Benni S Basavaraj |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0806023942 ![]() |
Abstract: India lives in its villages, and while the cities have grown hugely over the last 20 years, rural areas have not seen that type of progress. For India's economy to be strong, the rural economy wants to develop. India's economy is primarily rural in character. Over the past few years rural India has witnessed araise in the buying power of consumers, accompanied by their need to improve their standard of living. Financial institutions failed to reach the poorer sections of the rural society due to informational asymmetry, moral hazard and enforcement problems. The necessity of having alternative rural credit systems which will solve the problems of rural credit institutions is clearly warranted. In these way regional rural banks plays a very important role in providing loans to the rural section people. The paper tries to focus and highlight how Regional Rural Banks can assist in restructuring the........
Keywords: Credit, finance, weaker sections
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Abstract: Nowadays many men and women have a profession as an auditor. This profession has a high pressure in terms of time and level of detail. Therefore this study aims to assess the effect of professionalism and organizational commitment to the performance of men and women auditor. And also, if those differences influence the performance of men and women auditor. Research sample are 103 auditors of Central and Regional Inspectorate. The result of the research shows that there are influence of both variables on the performance of the male and female auditors, and there are differences in the influence of both variables on the performance between the male and female auditors.
Keywords: Gender, Auditor, performance, professionalism, and the commitment organization
[1]. Abdolmohammadi, M.J. 2012 Chief Audit Executives' Assessment of Internal Auditors' Performance Attributes by Professional Rank and Cultural Cluster. Behavioral Research In Accounting. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1–23
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[3]. Alissa, W., Capkun, V., Jeanjean, T. Suca, N.2014. An empirical investigation of the impact of audit and auditor characteristics on auditor performance. Accounting, Organizations & Society. Vol. 39 (7) 495-510
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Abstract: This work aims to study the interaction between the localization of the foreign firms and the entrepreneurial dynamics, represented by the number of companies newly created, as well as the contribution of the reforms conducted by the State. In the light of the results found from the methods descriptive and explanatory applied, we can note that flows of foreign direct investments (FDI) are very sensitive to the times of registration of the companies. Nevertheless, the administrative procedures have a negative impact on the entrepreneurial culture at the national level.........
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Foreign Direct Investment, Business Climate, State
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Abstract: This chapter is a contribution to the literature on the explanatory factors of the use of ICTs within companies. The analysis from a model of regressions by the method of an ordered logit revealed the existence of a positive and significant influence of the human capital of employees through their level of education on the intensity of use of ICTs in Within companies. In addition, the sector of activity in which employees operate has proven to be positive and significant in the use of ICTs. On the other hand, although the level of education of employees has an influence on the decision to use ICTs, the training of employees has not had a significant effect on the use of ICTs in the context of Côte d'Ivoire on the study enterprise sample..........
Keywords: ICT, compagnies, logit, Côte d'Ivoire.
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