Version-1 (July-August 2018)
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Abstract: Banks as a financial institution are facing different kinds of risk now a days. Liquidity risk is one of
them. As liquidity crisis is affecting the banking industry of Bangladesh the study aims to analyze the effect of
Liquidity risk on the Islamic banks performance for the period 2012 to 2016.In the study ROA and ROE are
used as Bank performance measurement tools and Loan to deposit ratio, Liquid risky asset to total asset,
Capital to total asset ratio are used as liquidity indicators. Correlation, Regression analysis are done to find the
effect of liquidity on bank performance. The correlation found positive relationship between Bank performance
and liquidity indicators. On the other hand Regression analysis showed that there is no significantrelation
between bank performance and liquidity indicators..
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[4]. Alper, D.&Anbar,A.(2012). Impact of Profitability on Turkey commercial banks on Macroeconomic and bank specific factors. Business and Economics Research Journal,, 2 (2), 139-152.
[5]. Alzorqan, S.T. (2014). Bank Liquidity Risk and Performance: An Empirical Study of the Banking System in Jordan. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(12): 155-164.
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Abstract: The study examined the impact of agricultural output on economic growth in Nigeria. The data were obtained from the CBN statistical bulletin and analysed using econometric methods being the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Co-integration, Augumented Dickey Fuller Unit Root test, Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) and Causality tests. The results showed that, livestock and fish production were positively signed and statistically significant at 5 percent. The R2 and F-statistic indicated the goodness of fit of the model; the DW value (0.34) indicated the existence of serial auto correlation among variables in the model. The Johansen co-integration results showed that there were...........
Keywards: Agricultural output, economic growth, Nigeria
[1]. Akinwumi, A (2013). Transforming Nigeria's Agriculture. A Speech delivered at the Inauguration of the Agriculture and Food Security Center, Earth Institute of Columbia University, New York, USA
[2]. Aroriode, O. R.,& Ogunbadejo, H. K.(2014).Impact of Macroeconomic Policy on Agricultural Growth in Nigeria.Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science,7(11), 234-244.
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Abstract: Economic growth and increasing per capita income as the development's success indicator contain several weaknesses. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Rural Community Empowerment National Program, which is an economic development program that has a goal to increase income and reduce unemployment for the poor especially in rural areas. The research conducted in Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. We evaluate the program by three indicators, the welfare improvement of program beneficiaries, equal income distribution and social capital condition which consist of trust, norms, and network. The result shows that as overall the program can be classified as a success. The program beneficiaries have higher income level compared to Standard of Decent Living in Banyumas Regency; the Gini index is moderate in 0.38. Furthermore, we also..........
Keywards: rural empowerment national program, poverty alleviation, income distribution, social capital, productive economy.
[1]. Anonymous, 2014. Operational Technical Guidelines for PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan. Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment, Jakarta.
[2]. Anna Strempel, 2011. Pe nilaian Project Needs T o P omen Aceh in B idang P ertanian. Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and NAD Agricultural Technology Assessment Institute (BPTP)
[3]. Rahajuni Dijan , 2009 Impact of Kecamatan Development Program in Alleviating Poverty in Banyumas District (Case Study In Kedungbanteng Sub-district), Faculty of Economics Unsoed, Purwokerto.
[4]. -----------------------, 2010. Revenue Distribution of Poor People of PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan In Regency (Case Study in Kedungbanteng Sub-district), Faculty of Economics Unsoed, Purwokerto .
[5]. ------------------------, 2011. Impact Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Program for Empowering Self-Reliant Urban Communities in Poverty Reduction in Banyumas Regency (Case Study in Sokaraja Sub-district) , Unsoed, Purwokerto
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Abstract: The recent trends in globalization, financial liberalization and financial innovation have raised questions with regard to the dynamic linkages and integration of selected African stock markets. This study examines the cointegration, dynamic linkage and portfolio diversification in African stock market over the period of 01/02/2004-01/07/2016. Using Johansen cointegration, Vector autoregressive (VAR) and Multivariate GARCH approach. Sixselected equity markets are used to form four portfolios in line with portfolio theory. The result show that no bivariate cointegration exists between the Nigeria and any of the stockmarkets being studied, and the multivariate cointegration confirms the result. Even though we control for the influence of FTSE100 and NYSE, Nigeria Allshare index still has no cointergration with the other market. The findings on dynamic return linkages is that there isno significant returns linkages among the markets, with the exception to UK. Indeed FTSE100 is the most........
Keywards: cointegration, dynamic linkage, portfolio diversification, vector autoresgression, GARCH
[1]. Ahlgren,N and Antell,J.(2002) Testing for cointegration between international stock prices. Applied Financial Economics, 2002, 12, 851-861
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Innovation Activities and Financial Performance: The Case of Kosovo |
Country | : | Macedonia |
Authors | : | Shpresa Syla |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904013843 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the impact of innovation activities and its determinants on the firm performance. For the purpose of empirical analysis, we used Business Environment Enterprise Performance Surveys (BEEPS) firm-level data, conducted by the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in 2013-2014. To examine the relationship between innovation activities and its determinants to the firm performance, we applied multiple regression analysis and descriptive statistics that gave us clear insights on the topic. Moreover, empirical evidence results of neighboring countries were compared to our findings for each determinant and its effect on firm performance. By investigating the innovation-performance relationship, we found sufficient evidence which supports the main hypothesis. As for the innovation determinants our results indicate that factors as domestic ownership, age, and training affect the tendency of firms to innovate, thus positively affecting firm performance.
Keywards: performance, innovation determinants, multiple regression analysis,
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Abstract: This study aimed to determine the supply chain of Cemani chicken in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia. The method used in this study was survey method with purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data in this study were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that there were 4 channels of the supply chain of Cemani chicken in Temanggung. Product flows from farmer to the customers. Information and financial flows from customer to the farmers. The most efficient marketing was direct market from farmer to customer (channel IV). This study suggests that farmers need to maximize the usage of social media as marketing media to expand the market. Improvement in shipping transportation also needed to decrease the mortality risk..
Keywards: financial flow, Indonesian local chicken, information flow, marketing efficiency, products flow
[1]. Bubphapant J 2017 Factors influencing consumer purchase intention of "Ku Phuphan Black-Bone Chicken Product" in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand: A study based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 6(2): 23-32.
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Abstract: This research work seeks to examine the determinants for electricity demand in Nigeria via ADF, PP unit root testing and Johansen Co-integration techniques covering the period 1970-2015 with the objectives of ascertaining the relationship between electricity demand and economic growth.ELED was the dependent variables, while IPC,PPE, DU,PD,LD,NHP,NMP and ERP served as the independent variables.all the variables were stationary at first difference with ADF and PP,with the exception of ERP being at level. The studyfound the existence of a unique co-integrating relationship among the variables in the model using the trace statistics, which led us to determine the ECM, where three variables (PD, NMP, NHP) were significant at the short run, the remaining five(IPC, PPE, DU, LD, ERP) were not significant in the short run to explain ELED. The ECM coefficient.........
Keywards: Electricity Demand, Domestic Output, Economic Growth
[1]. AdetunjiBabatunde and Isa Shuaibu (2007). The demand for residential electricity in nigeria: a bound testing approach.Journal of AppliedEconometrics 16(3) 289–326].
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[3]. Alawiye, A.B., 2011. The power sector and industrial development in Nigeria case: Power holding company of Nigeria. Bachelor's Degree Thesis, International Business, Lahti University of Applied Sciences.
[4]. Awosepe, C.A., 2014. Nigeria electricity industry: Issues, challenges and solutions.
[5]. Covenant University 38th public lecture, public lectures series 3(2), October. Ota, Ogun State Nigeria: Covenant University P
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing the Stability of Money Multipliers: Evidence from Keny |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Susan moraa onuonga |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0904016171 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper investigated the stability of money multiplier using Kenyan data for the period 1983-2015.This paper used Maki(2012) tests for cointegration allowing for unknown number of structural breaks and the Dynamic Ordinary Square method to estimate long run parameters. The findings of this paper shows that in the short run money supply function is unstable , however in the long run money supply function is stable. Another finding of this paper is that there is a one to one positive relationship between money supply and high powered money in Kenya. The implication is that money supply is an effective monetary policy target variable, hence can be used by Central Bank of Kenya in implementing its monetary policy in order to achieve the macroeconomic goals.
Keywards: Stability,Money multiplier, cointegration with structural breaks, DOLS Stability,Kenya
[1]. Adam, C., & P. Kessy (2011). Assessing the stability and predictability of the money multiplier in the EAC: The case of Tanzania. IGC.
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Abstract: The objective of the research is to analyze the factors that influence the motivation of cattle breeder with profit sharing system pattern. Data retrieval time was started from January to February 2017. The research was conducted in Maiwa, Enrekang District, South Sulawesi. Research Methods that used in this research was the form of survey research. Sample was amounted to 64 cattle breeding profit sharing breeders taken from the entire population (total sampling). Data analysis method used is statistical model testing using SEM SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) 2.0. The result of this research explain that motivation factor of breeder to do the profit sharing system that is the cattle breeder motivation through cattle breeding profit sharing system performance at Maiwa District, Enrekang is influenced by the amount of cattle owned, non-breeder income, revenue sharing system, farm land ownership, and amount of calf produced.
Keywards: Cattle Breeder Motivation, Performance, Profit Sharing System, Small Scale Cattle
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Abstract: This research focused on forensic accounting as it affects the management of fraud in microfinance institutions in Cross River State. The problem of this study therefore lies on how to effectively prevent and manage fraud in microfinance banks with the application of forensic accounting service. Study adopted a survey research design. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and analysed using the ordinary least square technique. Based on the empirical analysis, the regression results showed that the estimated coefficients of the regression parameter are all negative signs. The implication of these signs was that the actively engagement of forensic investigation and litigation support reduces fraud in the selected microfinance banks in Calabar, Cross River......
Keywards: External Audit, Forensic, Forensic Audit, Fraud Diamond, Fraud triangle
[1]. Akenbor, C. O. & Oghoghomeh, T. (2013). Forensic auditing and financial crime in Nigerian banks: A Proactive approach. The Business and Management Review, 4, 2.
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