Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Abstract: This study investigated bottleneck as a determinantfactor influencingthe implementationof knowledge managementin River State Ministries. The focus of the study was mainly on techno-centric aspect of knowledge management and how its implementation can fail due to bottleneck usually occasioned by the observation of hierarchical power structure in the ministries.The study was a descriptive survey. As such bottleneck as a variable was employed to describe how technology-assisted knowledge management can be influenced. The population of the study comprised all the employees of Rivers State Ministries of Information/Communication and Budgeting and Planning........
Keywords: Knowledge Management, hierarchy-induced bottleneck. Implementation, IT
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Abstract: This paper evaluates the forecasting ability of Nairobi Securities Exchange share prices at different time pointsusing Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH).A five-year period wasused and appropriate models were determined for each time point for the companies chosen from amongst the lower order GARCH models that is GARCH (1, 1), GARCH (1, 2), GARCH (2, 1) and GARCH (2, 2). The best fitting GARCH models were chosen based on Akaike Information Criterion and Bayesian Information Criterion. Adequacy of the chosen models was done using Ljung Box and Lagrange Multiplier Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH..........
Keywards: Volatility, GARCH model, MSE, Ljung Box Test
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Abstract: Nigerian recession is not accidental but a logical effect of the mindless looting of national treasuring, mismanagement of public funds, neglect of the real sector of the economy for security issues, huge cost of insecurity, over dependence on crude oil and the global crash in crude oil price which culminated into revenue accruing to the federation account. This study analyzed the efficacy fiscal policy measures taken by the government to recover the economy from recession. Using content analysis the study found that the adoption of financing and release of bailout were meant to inject money into the economy in order increase aggregate demand and revitalize the economy. However, there is policy conflict that mitigates the achievement of desire result. The study conclude that fiscal policy plays an indispensable role in recovering an economy from recession but policies conflict and delay in budget implementation mitigates the achievement of desired result in Nigeria. Finally the study recommended that government should embark on strategic spending in area with high multiplier effect such as agriculture and manufacturing sector that increases aggregate demand and diversify the economy.
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Recession, Recovery, Budget, Government Revenue, Government Expenditure
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Abstract: Empirical studies have found divergent views on the effect of FDI and non-oil exports on economic growth in the country. However, in achieving the objective of this study, the authorsemployed the dynamic OLS modeling to analyze the relationship between FDI, non-oil exports and economic growth in Nigeria during the period of 1980 to 2016.In testing for the time series properties, the evidence from estimated economic models suggests that all the variablesexamined are stationary at first difference I(Is) using the Augmented Dickey- Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron. Also, Johansen Co integration test reveals that the variables are not co integrated. The study reveals that the impact of FDI on the economic growth was significant and as a unit change in FDI causes 64% impact on the productive capacity of goods..........
Keywords; FDI, Non-Oil Exports, Economic Growth and Nigeria
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Abstract: This study investigated Women in Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs) and poverty reduction in Dekina Local Government Area, Kogi State. The study used interviews and questionnaires to elicit information from the respondents. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to women in the local government area. Four wards namely:Egume, Dekina, Ayangba, and Iyale were selected and questionnaires were distributed to women in the area of soap making, Palm oil production and fashion and designing. The study used simple percentages, interviews, and logit regression model. The result of the study shows that women are involved in SSEs to earn income that will enable them to take care of their families. The logistic regression shows that SSEs have impacted significantly on women in the local government area. The study therefore recommends that women in SSEs should form co-operative...........
Keywords: real estate; financial risk; commercial bank; risk prevention
[1]. Adebisi, S.A; Alaneme, G.C, and Ofuani, A.B (2015).Challenges of Finance and the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
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Abstract: Inflation affects life and non-life insurance in a different way. For non-life insurers, unanticipated inflation leads to higher claims costs, thereby eroding profitability. This paper therefore, investigated inflation on insurance claims in Nigeria over the period 1981 - 2016 with data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin. An unrestricted error correction model (UECM) version auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL). The estimated result shows that there is a long run relationship between insurance claims and inflation in Nigeria and a rise in inflation will lead to a rise in cost of insurance claims in the short run but a decrease in the long run. Thus, high........
Keywords: Insurance claims, Inflation, Exchange rate, ARDL bound F-test, Risk
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Abstract: In corporate finance literature, liquidity and profitability tops in the most pertinent issues. The main objective for any firm is to maximize profitability. Too much attention to profits by corporate managers may dilute a firm's liquidity level and thereafter severe financial hardship. Insolvency or bankruptcy in firms may come as a result of little or no attention to both liquidity and profitability. A decade ago, the firms in manufacturing sector have been struggling to growand companies like Eveready East Africa and Cadbury Kenya have wound up operations. This may...........
Keywords: (Cash Conversion Cycle, Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, Liquidity Management, Quick Ratio)
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Abstract: The study explores and assess the fiscal regime strategy Nigeria opted for in relation to foreign direct investment (FDI). The methodology adopted for the study was both descriptive and exploratory research methods with content analysis drawn from the theoretical and empirical literature on the subject matter. The findings of the study suggest that the Nigerian oil and gas industry experienced a continuous declined in FDI because of the country's fiscal terms arrangement, as such, it could be argued that the oil and gas subsector of the Nigerian economy was not appropriately tapped on the account of the poor regulatory framework couple with weak institution. The study therefore recommends ring fencing the oil and gas activities, as the absence of it may postpone government tax revenue against the income of projects that already generating taxable income and fiscal stability clauses as a tool of stimulating FDI and generate more oil revenue to the government. Keywords: Fiscal Regime, Foreign Direct Investment, and Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Insurance Industry Performance and the Selected Regulatory Instruments in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Eugene Iheanacho, (Phd) |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/5933-0906016777 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the impact of selected regulatory instrument on the insurance sector performance in Nigeria. The study employed classical linear square technique for analysis of the data covering the period of 1981 to 2015. Data for the study were collected from CBN Statistical bulletin. Our results are in three-folds. First, liquidity ratio is found to exact negativebut insignificant effect on total insurance income. Second, loan to depositorsratio is found to exact negative and statistically influence on total insurance income. Third, minimum rediscount rate is found to exact significant impact on total insurance income. This findingshave some policy implications to the government, stakeholders and researchers. The government should benchmark for best practices in monetary policy development from those economies that are more advanced in order to develop better monetary policies that can improve the performance of the insurance industry indeed total income in the insurance industry..
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[4]. Aweh, A. A. (2008). Readings in Economic Planning. Ado-Ekiti: Olugbenga Press
[5]. Babalola, R (2008). The role of Insurance industry in the Nigerian economy. A paper delivered by the Honorable Minister of State for Finance at the BGL Limited Insurance Roundtable, Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos, 31st July.