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Resaerch Paper |
Title |
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Evaluation of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis, Hook f.)
Waste as Nutrient Amendment in Compost for its Effective<
Management and Crop Production |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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A.A. Soyingbe, T. B. Hammed, C.O. Rosiji, and J. K. Adeyemi |
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10.9790/2402-0113238  |
Abstract: The study investigated the Telfairia occidentalis waste (leaves and stalk) potential in supplementing
the naturally low nutrients in compost. Experimental study design was conducted inside windrows to compare
different recipes for aerobic composting of the waste. Total of four windrow chambers (labeled as: AA, BB, CC,
TO) were used. Inside each chamber, compost recipes were varied viz: AA contained mixture of Telfairia
occidentalis waste, Cow Intestinal Waste (CIW) and other organic waste from Mixed Municipal Waste (MMW);
BB contained Telfairia occidentalis waste and CIW; CC contained CIW and MMW; and, TO contained
Telfairia occidentalis waste alone. The ratio of 3:1 was maintained for either Telfairia occidentalis waste or
MMW and cow waste respectively. The materials were allowed to decompose for a period of 12 weeks. At
maturity composts samples were analyzed for their nutrient and heavy metal compositions. BB appeared to be
the best recipe for Telfairia occidentalis waste management through composting. It gave the highest values for
the following nutrients: C (37.350±0.212 %), N (3.205±0.007 %), P (1.310± 0.028 %), Mg (0.500±0.057 %),
and Ca (0.730±0.028 %) that are of good compost characteristics. The levels of nutrients and heavy metals
were within the ranges of national and international standards. Hence, the management of Telfairia
occidentalis waste through composting serves dual purposes of recovering nutrients locked-up in the stalk and
leaves for plant growth and environmental sanitation.
Keywords - Composting, Environmental sanitation, Fluted pumpkin, Plant growth, Waste management
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