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Research Paper |
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Effects of Pesticides on hormone and enzyme systems of aqua population: a view over Anasagar lake, Ajmer |
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India |
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Sunil Jain, Dr. Gunwant Sharma, Dr. Y.P.Mathur |
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10.9790/2402-0152428  |
Abstract: Water sources are particularly at risk to contamination by pesticides because of the accumulation and distribution of contaminating substances in sediments of rivers, lakes, and ponds. Potential sources of this impact in water bodies include municipal sewage and agricultural runoff (pesticides and herbicides). The enzyme and hormone disrupting capabilities of pesticides and related chemicals are suspected to be some of the factors contributing to the decline of fish, amphibian and reptile populations of water bodies. In most cases the cause are assumed to result from man-made pollutants in the aquatic environment. The lake Anasagar is a perennial, shallow fresh wetland situated in the heart of Ajmer city. It is degraded because of anthropogenic activities including input of detergents, pesticides and other chemicals due to agricultural activities, sewage disposal and human settlement around the lake. A large area of the catchment of Lake Anasagar is being used for agriculture particularly Trapa bispinosa as the primary cash crop and vegetable crops such as Cauliflower, Tomato, Cabbage, Brinjal, Okra etc leading to input of organo chlorine pesticides in the lake. It was found that water of Anasagar is highly contaminated with these synthetic pesticides. The concentration of organo chlorine was higher in summers than in the rainy season. It has been indicated that many pesticides in the aquatic environment are capable of disrupting the endocrine systems of aqua life. Some pesticides and related chemicals are persistent in the environment and are accumulated in the fatty tissue of organisms and increase in concentration as they move up through the food web. These chemicals are substances that can cause adverse effects by interfering in some way with the body's hormones or chemical messengers and even disrupting the sexual development of aqua population even at extremely low doses, reducing the cholinesterase activity of amphibians and reptiles, causing disease and reproductive failure in fish populations. Concern over the decline of amphibians globally has highlighted the importance of using this group as a bio indicator of environmental contamination and climate change.
Keywords:pesticides, herbicides, wetlands, bio-indicators.
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