Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Phytoplankton Abundance
of the Lower Niger River, Kogi State, Nigeria |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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Ali Mohammed Zakariya, Michael Abiodun Adelanwa, Yahuza Tanimu |
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10.9790/2402-0243137  |
Abstract: The River Niger serves a multitude of purposes for the Nigerian populace. It is a source of drinking
water, hydro-electric power generation, irrigation, transportation and fishing other uses. A segment of the
lower Niger River was surveyed for physico-chemical characteristics of water and phytoplankton abundance
during two (2) months of dry season and two (2) months of wet season using standard methods. In the five
sampling stations surveyed, Surface Water Temperature, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, PO4-P and pH did not
statistically significantly vary between the stations (P>0.05), whereas BOD and NO3-N varied statistically
significantly between the stations (P<0.05). Phytoplankton abundance showed the following order of
abundance: Bacillariophyta > Cholorophyta > Cyanophyta > Chrysophyta > Pyrrophyta. Based on Shannon-
Weiner diversity index, the water in the 5 stations surveyed is classified to be moderately polluted. The results of
this survey has shown that the multitude of users of the Lower Niger River have negatively impacted its water
Keywords: River Niger, Water Quality, Phytoplankton
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