Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Biotransformation and bioaccumulation of arsenic by
Brevibacillus brevis isolated from arsenic contaminated region of
West Bengal. |
Country |
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India |
Authors |
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Satabdi Banerjee, Jayjit Majumdar, Alok Chandra Samal, Piyal
Bhattachariya, Subhas Chandra Santra |
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10.9790/2402-0310110  |
Abstract: Microorganisms influence the fate of metals in environment. Increasing anthropogenic and geogenic
activity had increase the risk of arsenic pollution and this has forced the future research area to involve
microbes-metal toxicity to achieve bioremediation. The present study deals with the role of arsenite
transforming bacteria and incorporates them into remediation design. Sample was collected from Haringhata in
Nadia district which is a known ars0enic contaminated zone. Out of six isolated bacteria one bacterium revealed
as arsenic tolerant bacteria which shows molecular similarity with Brevibacillus brevis from 16s rRNA studies.
It can tolerate upto 1000 mg/L of arsenite and 500 mg/L of arsenate. Both the arsenic species has toxic effects
on its protein concentration. The strains can tolerate upto a certain limit after that their growth ceased. This
strain can accumulate and also transform arsenite to arsenate. The transformation capacity of strain was
assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. The strain can transform 90% of arsenite to arsenate. But the
transformation capacity only reveals as detoxification mechanism and has no relation with their respiration.
Morphological biochemical and molecular identification was done. As arsenate is absorbed into iron
oxyhydroxides and get immobilize thus a remediation mechanism can be designed with this strain.
Keywords: Arsenic, Bioaccumulation, Biotransformation, Bioremediation, Arsenic oxidising bacteria
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