Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Abstract: This study was designed to investigate the effects of gender preparation and adjustment in retirement of retired civil servants in Enugu State, Nigeria. To guide the study, five (5) research questions were administered and three hypotheses tested. The population of the study consisted of the retired civil servants in Enugu State numbering about 828. Out of that number, 331were sampled using stratified approach. An instrument named Gender Preparation and Adjustment to Retirement Scale was designed by the researcher and validated by experts .The reliability of the instrument was established using trial testing of 50 retired civil servants in Ebony State. The data collected were analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, mean standard deviation, t-test of r and t-test statistics. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significant. The result of the study revealed that there was lack of awareness and poor preparation to retirement, that there is maladjustment or poor adjustment to retirement by retirees in Enugu State. There is no gender difference in preparation to retirement and that there is a significant though negative relationship at -050 between preparation and adjustment to retirement. Based on the findings, recommendations were made.
Keywords: Adjustment, Gender, Influence, Preparation, Retirement
[1]. O.O. Abdulrazag, (1999) Sex Difference in Problems of Retired Civil Servants and the Roles of Counseling in Rehabilitation of Retirees. The Counsellor Vol.17 No 1. P.56
[2]. N. Igwebueze, (1988),in Achigbe (1998). The Effect of Lack of Retirement Plan on Self Reliance and Desire for Work Among Retired Civil Servants of Cross River State Public Service. The Counsellor Vol.17 No 79.
[3]. S. Gee, (2002),Saving Ourselves: Gender Issue in Making Provision for One‟s Own Retirement. Australian Journal on Aging
[4]. R.C. Anieke, (2001). Getting Ready for Retirement. Enugu: Snaap Press Ltd
[5]. A.O. Abudu, (1999), How to Prepare for a Comfortable Retirement. Ghana. Dyno-Media Ltd
[6]. E .B. Hurlock (1968), Developmental Psychology. New Delhi Tata Mcbraw-Hill Pub. Co
[7]. M.L. Baron (1961), The Aging American: An Introduction to Social Gerontology and Geriatrics. New York. Cramwell
[8]. E.C Giouoeua,. and Bevil, C.W. (1985) .Nursing Care of Aging Client. Conecticut, Appleto-Centicy Croft
[9]. A.A Olagboye,. (1998), Joys and Agonies of Retirement and Job loss. Lagos Joja Educational Research and Publishers Ltd.
[10]. E.C Osuala. (1985), Retirement Counseling is Necessary. Nigerian Statesman April 5, p.9
[11]. P.A Uzoma,. (1997, Actuarial Valuation of Pension Fund. A Paper Presented in a Workshop on the Management of Pension
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Abstract: This paper studied Counterpart funding of Universal Basic Education in Nigeria: Issues, Problems and Prospects. It discovered among other problems derailing the education sector, that states governments fail to meet with the obligation of raising their counterpart fund to UBE, that state governments divert federal government fund for UBE to other projects of their choice, that there is #52 billion lying waste unutilized by state governments, which states could not access further fund for UBE because they abused the process of accessing such fund .This paper recommended for an alternative counterpart funding of the UBE scheme in Nigeria. Keywords: Basic, Education, Counterpart, Counseling, funding
[1] Adamaechi, B.C and Romanine, H.A (2000) Issues, problems, and prospects of free, compulsory and qualitative education in Nigeria. Universal Basic Education (UBE). Onitsha: Nigeriana Educational Pulishers ltd.
[3] Ipaye, B (1996). The Fafunwa phenomenon in Nigeria Education: Lagos Printserve Ltd
[4] Nwagwu, N.A (2003). Crisis in the Nigeria Education System. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI) Nigerian Chapter: Second biannual lecture hosted by the Lagos branch at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos.
[5] Ogunsola, T. (2009). The Nigerian Education Times (Special Award Edition):Paul R. et all. 2004. Access to Power or Genuine Empowerment? An Analysis of Three Community Forest Groups in Nepal.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of the Language Used To Communicate Information on Climate Change |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Peter Makwanya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1721725 ![]() |
Abstract: This article analyzed the language used to communicate information on climate change. The discourse of climate change is not inclusive of the majority of people of the Sub Saharan region with specific reference to Zimbabwe. This is due to its technical and ambiguous nature. A variety of scientific documents, magazines, technical journals and briefings were analyzed. The methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Document Analysis were used to analyze various texts in order to uncover the possible hidden meanings of a variety of linguistic aspects. It was noted that linguistic aspects like metaphors of fear and panic, hedging techniques and compounding are frequently used. Climate change communication is loaded with technical jargon which places the ordinary people, particularly in Zimbabwe in a dilemma. For that reason the climate change discourse creates information and knowledge gaps between those from the developed countries and the developing countries. Interviews were administered on policy makers, environmentalists, educationists and other stakeholders. Qualitative data was analyzed using grounded theory to describe and explain the elicited responses from stakeholders in order to complement data from textual analysis. It is recommended that there should be a lot of media awareness, education and training on climate change issues in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe, the private sector and NGOs should develop training programmes to communities in indigenous languages which are relevant to their needs. Issues of ideologies are also quite prevalent in climate change communication.
Key Words: Climate, Climate Change, Global Warming, Weather, Green House, Carbon
[1]. P. Borchert. AFRICA Geographic: Our Overheating Planet (Devonshire Court, Cape Town, 2007).
[2]. Chivaura and G. Mararike. The human Factor Development in Africa (University of
[3]. Zimbabwe Publications, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, 1996).
[4]. C.T.A SPORE: Climate Change: Sharing Knowledge, Improving
[5]. Rural Livelihoods (South Africa, Cape Town, 2000).
[6]. L. Dow and G. Downing. Atlas of Climate Change. (Routledge, London, 2007).
I. Deutscher. What we say/what we do (Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foreman, 1973).
[7]. P. Eubanks. Written Communication. Sage Publications 16 (2), 1992, 18-32.
[8]. N. Fairclough. Critical Discourse Analysis (Longman, London, 1992).
[9]. N. Fairclough. Language and Globalization (Rutledge, New York, 2008).
[10]. N. Fairclough. Language and Power (Longman, London, 1992).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Investigation of Historical Geography |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Leila Jalali, Farshad Sameni Keivani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1722630 ![]() |
Abstract: The historical geography is a part of the human geography to relate with the geographies of the past time and with the impact of the past in shaping the geographies of the other times. This study investigates concepts of geography, history, historical geography and so on. Geography is very important to history because it shapes the next time of a culture or civilization. Geography is important because it is a main factor in why people choose to live where they do, in how much the people come into contact with others outside their region how battles are fought. Geography can affect all aspects of the people who live in each geographical region. The survey investigates approaches to the teaching of geography, resources of geographic and historical, geographical distributions, spatial histories, location histories and geographical history.
Key words: geography, geographical distributions, history and historical geography
[1]. Alan r. H. Baker, (2005), geography and history bridging the divide, emmanuel college, Cambridge
[2]. "Approaches to History and Geography," Middle States Council for the Social Studies 2001 Yearbook. Lawrenceville, NJ: Middle States Council for the Social Studies. 2001.
[3]. Alan Pred, Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: the United States' System of Cities, 1790–1840 (Cambridge, Mass., 1973); Robert A. Dodgshon, Society in Time and Space: a Geographical
[4]. Bradley Commission on History in Schools, Building a History Curriculum: Guidelines for Teaching History in Schools, National Council for History Education ,1988
[5]. Donald Meinig, The Shaping of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of American History, [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987], xv.
[6]. "Essential History Content K-12," Middle Sates Council for the Social Studies 2001 Yearbook. Lawrenceville, NJ: Middle States Council for the Social Studies. 2001.
[7]. Bruce M. S. Campbell and Ken Bartley, England on the Eve of the Black Death: an Atlas of Lay Lordship, Land and Wealth, 1300–49 (Manchester, 2006); Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England: theGeography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Washington D. C.: National Geographic Research and Exploration, 1994.
[8]. National Standards for History, Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, 1996.
[9]. Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Washington D. C.: National Geographic Research and Exploration, 1994, pages 46-56. National Standards for History, Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, 1996, 14-24
[10]. Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Washington D. C.: National Geographic Research and Exploration, 1994.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Hoarding in Islamic Marketing |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Dr. Abdul Hai Madni |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1723138 ![]() |
Abstract: The needs of every individual living in a society is connected to each other and also implies that no one can live an alone life. Some people have basic requirements related to others or to politics or finance.Therefore trade, industry and agriculture hold a primary and fundamental position in this perspective. Islamic guidance is mentioned in details with some rules and regulations has a great benefit that it is very flexible with every changing era and is adjustable in its own place.
Key words: Hoarding
[1]. Al-bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Sahih-ul-Bukhari, add: 1981, published: dar-ul-fikr, H: 1970
[2]. Al-jizri, Mubarak bin Muhammad, al-nihaya fi ghareeb-il-hadith, add: 1979, published: almaktab-tul-ilmiyyah, berut, V:1, P:418
[3]. Ibn-e-Manzoor, jamal-ud-din Muhammad, lisaan-ul-arab, add: 1985, qum, iran, V:3, P:267
[4]. Al-raazi, Hamza bin shahab-ud-din, mukhtar-us-sihaah, add:1994, published: dar-ul-kutub-ul-ilmiyyah, berut, V:2, P:635
[5]. Al-ramali, Muhammad bin abu-ul-abbas, nihaya-tul-muhtaajilasharh-ul-minhaaj, add: 2003, published: dar-ul-kutub-ul-ilmiyyah, berut, V:3, P:472
[6]. Ibn-e-aabdeen, Muhammad amen, Hashiyyatoradd-ul-Muhtaaraladurar-ul-mukhtar, add: 1995, published: dar-ul-fikr, berut, V:6, P:398
[7]. Al-maqdasi, Abdullah bin ahmed, al-mughni fi fiqh-il-imam ahmed, add:1985, published: dar-ul-fikr, berut, V:3, P:283
[8]. Al-sharbeeni, muhamma, Mughni al-muhtaajilamarifa-tu-ma'anialfaz-ul-minhaj, add: 1980, published: dar-ul-fikr, berut, V:2, P:51
[9]. Al-Quran ch:22, ver:25
[10]. Al-Qurtubi, Muhammad bin Ahmed, Al-jamay o li-ahkam-ul-quran, add: 2003, published: daralam-ul-kutub, al-riyadh, V:12, P:26
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Partition of Indian Sub-continent: Problems and Literary Prospects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Roopesh Chaturvedi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1723941 ![]() |
Abstract: Even before 1947, the concept of dividing a country into two was not new to India. India had known it earlier in 1905 with the bifurcation of Bengal. But the partition of India in 1947, into India and Pakistan, was unique in multitudinous ways: No other country in the world was ever before divided on the basis of religion. Besides, mass migration of the kind, before the partition of India, was unknown to the world. Germany and Korea had been through the process of division, but they did not experience the kind of calamity.
[1]. Butaliya, Urvashi, The Other Side of Silence, Penguin India, 1998, 80.
[2]. Ibid., p. 7.
[3]. Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre, Freedom at Midnight, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1999, 212.
[4]. Ibid., p. 226.
[5]. Ibid., p. 368.
[6]. Ibid., p. 406.
[7]. Ali, Chaudhari Muhammad, The Emergence of Pakistan, New York & London, Columbia University Press, 1967, 161.
[8]. Ibid., p. 316.
[9]. Butaliya, Urvashi, The Other Side of Silence, Penguin India, 1998, 38-39.
[10]. The Hindu Folio, August 1997, 15.
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Abstract: Terror and violent is one major burning issue that threaten the unity of Nigeria. Nigeria as a multi-ethnic and religions country is confronted on daily basis with ethnic-religions terrorism in different manifestation. It portrays Nigerians as not living together in peace Nigerians are suffering from multidimensional social problems, especially ethnic-religious terrorism because of lack of national consciousness rooted in national ethnics'. Using narrative and descriptive analytical approach the study contends that, today, Based on this knowledge, the study suggests ethnic-religious dialogical confluence, that will compel all ethnic groups to lay down the fundamental principles of national ethnics that expects us to realize our roles and duties regarding national survival.
[1.] Abuh, A (2002) "Again, Kano Goes Up in Flames" Guardian Newspaper, May 14.
[2.] Adebisi M. A (2002) "Ethnic Relations and polities in Nigeria" in Igun, U A and Mordi A A (eds) contemporary social problems in Nigeria Ijebu-Ode. Sheb. Otimo publishers.
[3.] Cherian, J (2002) "Bloodletting and a Beauty Pageant Frontline Vol. 19, issue 25.
[4.] Chhaya, R (2006). Moral Philosophy of global peace. Available at htm Accessed 25/7/2013.
[5.] Ewert, H C (1993). Judaism- Christianity-Islamic. Facing modernity Together in Journal of Ecumenical studies.
[6.] Gregory B (1979). Mind and Nature: A Necessary unity. New York. EP. Dutton Publishers.
[7.] Hans K and Karl-Josef, K (1993). A Global Ethnic: The declaration of the parliament of the world's religious. New York: Continium.
[8.] Hans, K (1991). Global Responsibility: In Search of A New World Ethnic. New York. The crossroads publishing company.
[9.] Harry, R (2002). Towards A viable Global Ethnics. Available at http/ 25/7/2013.
[10.] Jike, VT (2004). Ethnic Conflict, Status Crystallisation and the sub-culture of Youth Rebelliousness in the Niger Delta in Journal of the centre for Ethnic and Conflict studies, University of Port Harcourt.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islam in V.S. Naipaul's Beyond Belief: Viewed from an Erroneous Perspective |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Abul Mobrur Mohammad Hamed Hassan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1724858 ![]() |
Abstract: V.S. Naipaul‟s "Beyond Belief‟, subtitled Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples is a travelogue where he deals with his travels in four non Arab Muslim countries. He describes interviews with different people and different situations to show the effects of Islam on people and countries not belonging to the Arab world. Although he claims to be objective, he can‟t hold it in his narrative style, language, choice of people to be interviewed and occasional comments. He actually attacks Islam deliberately. Throughout the book his attitude is biased. He doesn‟t hesitate to term Islam as imperialism and the Muslim as a backward nation. He attacks everything which is Islamic. Mosques, the adhan, Islamic literature, Islamic dress and Muslim households also fall victims to his attack. Naipaul has earned a great popularity among the Western readers, most probably because of his misrepresentation of Islam. Western critics think him to be an authority on Islam in action. While admiring him the western critics do not think that Naipaul‟s lack of knowledge about Islamic ideology or his deliberate prejudice against Islam is the cause of his misrepresentation of Islam.
Key words: Travelogue, Misrepresentation, Islam, Islamophobia, prejudice
[1]. Al-Quaderi, Golam Gaus & Habibullah, Mohammad (2012). Travels in Absurdity: Islam and V.S. Naipaul. In Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies (JPCS). Vol-3, No.1. Wright State University', US
[2]. Gibb H.A.R.. (1932) Whither Islam, Gollancz, London, p. 379.
[3]. Khan, Mohammed Ayub. (2001) A Nobel for Islamophobia?
[4]. Meddour, Wendy O'Shea (2011) Gothic Horror and Muslim Madness in V.S. Naipaul‟s Beyond Belief: "Orientalist‟ Excursions Among the Converted People. In The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Herndon, VA 20172-0669 USA.
[5]. Malak, Amin. (2011) Naipaul‟s Travelogue and the "Clash of Civilization‟ Complex.
[6]. Montet, Edward. (1890) La Propagande Chretienne et ses Adversaries Musulmans. Paris, Quoted by T.W. Arnold in The Preaching of Islam. London, 1913, pp. 413-414
[7]. Naipaul, V.S. (1998), Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions among the Converted People. London. Little Brown and Company.
[8]. Naipaul, V.S. (1981) Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey, New York: Random House.
[9]. Osman, Mohammad Fathi (2006) Islam Terrorism and Western Misrepresentation. In The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought, edited by Ibrahim M. Abu Rabi, New York. Blackwell Publishing Limited.
[10]. Said Edward (1978) Orientalism. New York. Penguin
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Abstract: Curriculum is an integral part of formal education. A well devised curriculum is an unavoidable necessity to make the learners equipped with the knowledge which they need to cope with the challenges of modern world. Different scholars and specialists viewed curriculum from different perspectives. Some saw curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted, some saw it as a process through which the knowledge is conveyed to the learners and some saw it as all the practical activities which the teachers do to transmit the knowledge. In fact all these are different aspects of curriculum. Whatever be the definition of curriculum, it must have an aim, well arranged content, guideline of dealing with the content so that maximum benefit could be achieved and a good evaluation system to be sure that the curriculum is working well. One of the key aspects of curriculum is that it is modifiable as per the demand of the age. Keeping this aspect in view the government of Bangladesh has recently introduced a new curriculum in the secondary schools of Bangladesh replacing the earlier one. The curriculum experts worked hard to equip it with all important aspects of curriculum, such as it has a definite aim, the contents are well arranged, the system of dealing with the content is also commendable and the evaluation system is also worthwhile. So it can be said that the curriculum is appropriate. This article at first describes some important aspects of curriculum and then focuses on the concern of Bangladesh government with education as well as its development and then deals with government initiatives to change the curriculum of the secondary schools of Bangladesh especially the English curriculum of secondary schools. Finally it explores whether the important aspects of curriculum have been given due importance here or not.
Key Words: Curriculum, process, praxis, sustainable development, netiquette.
[1]. Barrow, R. (1984) Giving Teaching back to Teachers. A critical introduction to curriculum theory, Brighton: Wheatsheaf
[2]. Blenkin, G. M. et al (1992) Change and the Curriculu,, London: Paul Chapman.
[3]. Bobbitt, F. (1918) The Curriculum, Boston: Houghton Mifflin
[4]. Bobbitt, F. (1928) How to Make a Curriculum, Boston: Houghton Mifflin
[5]. Curzon, L. B. (1985) Teaching in Further Education. An outline of principles and practice 3e, London: Cassell.
[6]. Grundy, S. (1987) Curriculum: product or praxis? Lewes: Falmer Press.
[7]. Kelly, A. V. (1983; 1999) The Curriculum. Theory and practice 4e, London: Paul Chapman.
[8]. Kelly, A. V. (2009) The Curriculum. Theory and practice, 6th edition, London: Sage Publication.
[9]. Newman, E. & G. Ingram (1989) The Youth Work Curriculum, London: Further Education Unit (FEU).
[10]. Stenhouse, L. (1975) An introduction to Curriculum Research and Development, London: Heineman.
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Abstract:This study considers the leading manufacturing firms of the South-West Region1 of Bangladesh. It applies the Cobb- Douglas production function to measure input-output relationship, marginal productivity, allocative efficiency and returns to scale. It finds that among the available firms, cement, jute, and textile manufacturing firms are in decreasing returns to scale whereas fertilizers and seafood processing firms are enjoying increasing returns to scale. The estimated value of marginal productivity and allocative efficiency reveal that labour productivity of all sorts of manufacturing firms has greater than that of capital productivity. It indicates that if firms invest in labour-intensive techniques, they can expect a positive return on investment. This paper also attempts to explore the best techniques for achieving allocative efficiency in the production process of these firms and also identifies the problems facing by the manufacturers of the region..
Key Words: manufacturing firms, Cobb-Douglas production function, returns to scale, marginal productivity, allocative efficiency.
[1] ALI, J. SING, S.P. & EKANEM, E. 2009. Efficiency and Productivity Changes in Indian Food
Processing Industry: Determinants and Policy. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness
Management Review, 12 (1), pp.43-66.
[2] BANDA, HS. & VERDUGO, LEB., 2007. Multifactor Productivity and its Determinants: Al Empirical
Analysis for Mexican Manufacturing' Banco de Mexico. Working Paper, No. 2007-09, pp.
[3] Bhujel, R.B. and Ghimire, S.P., 2006. Estimation of Production Function of Hiunde (Boro) Rice. Nepal
Agric. Res. Journal, 7, pp.88-97.
[4] GUJARATI, DAMODAR, N., 2003. Multiple Regression Analysis: "The problem of Estimation'' In
Basic Econometrics .4th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc, pp. 202- 247.
[5] Cobb, C.W. and Douglas, P.H., 1928. A theory of production. The American Economic Review, 18(1),
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Other Sex: A Study on Problems of Transgender women of District Srinagar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aijaz Ahmad Bund |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1727882 ![]() |
Abstract: The rationale of this paper is to accentuate the problems of transgender women and to formulate a set of recommendations to address these problems. A transgender woman is a male to female transgender and a transgender is a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender (Oxford Dictionary). They face harassment from multi-dimensional sources, from parents, teachers, peers, society… and it includes each sphere of their lives. In Jammu and Kashmir there is no Transgender welfare Board therefore the problems of the third gender remain unattended. There is an immense need to address their problems in order to make them fully functional human beings by guaranteeing and safeguarding their rights. Present study is an empirical study in which the desired information (socio-economic profile) was extracted by using an interview schedule and the mental health was studied by using MINI (Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview) module A,C,E,G,H,I,L. Hundred respondents were selected through snowball technique. The purpose for using this sampling technique is that the transgender women in Kashmir doesn't live in communities as is typical of other states in India. The social recognition of transgender women is very low in Kashmir and so their visibility. Therefore the exact number of the transgender women in Jammu and Kashmir is not known. It can be concluded from the study that the intervention of the problems of transgender women need the individual, community and policy level approach.
Key words: Transgender women, abuse, problems, social, economic
[1] Boyd,H.(2003). My Husband Betty: Love, Sex, & Life with a Cross Dresser. Seal Press: Berkeley California
[2] Bornstein, K. (1995). Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us. Vintage Publications
[3] James, T. Sears (2007). Lesbian and Transgender Issues in Education Programs, Policies and Practices.
[4] King,M.(2010). Filth. Loveyoudivine Alterotica Publications
[5] Serano,J. (2007). Whipping Girl: A Transsexual woman on Sexism and Scapgoating of Feminity. Seal Press: Berkeley California
[6] Stryker,S. (2008). Transgender History. Seal Press: Berkeley California
[7] Sycamora, B.M.(2006). No Body passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity. Seal Press: Berkeley California
[8] Valerio,W.M.(2006). The Testosterone Files: My Hormonal and Social Transformation from Female to Male. Seal Press: Berkeley California
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nature, Scope and Role of Research Proposal in Scientific Investigations |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Oguduvwe, Jonathan I. Pius |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1728387 ![]() |
Abstract: Lack of good research proposal and its presentation is a growing concern in academics researches worldwide. This has been linked to increased poor research writing skills and unavailability of relevant materials including presentation and interpretations of researches. What makes a good research proposal and the basic ideas and steps of the research proposal in scientific investigations were lacking also. The nature, scope and role of research proposal was conceived with the mind to attempt to overcome this non-unique approaches into researches but from different disciplines by providing a-one-stop article for good research proposal writing and presentation. In order to get the above fulfilled, the concept and procedures of good research proposal writing were examined and explained. The basic steps and the importance of research proposal were equally outlined. Good examples were used in illustrations and recommendations were also advanced.
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[10]. McLelland, Christine V., "The Nature of Science and the Scientific Method,"The Geological Society of America, August 2006,] [512 KB PDF
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Abstract: Education is a real weapon to lead a life in this challenging and competitive society. Every human have his own aspirations in his life which is basically fulfilled by the education. The new sectors and upcoming skilled based jobs have been impacting on the educational system. This paper attempts to study the aspirations of the scheduled caste students studying in the secondary education. This paper is based on both primary and secondary data; Emphasis is focused here on Mysore city. There are 154 high schools / secondary schools running in and around Mysore consisting of 35, 324 students studying in viii, ix & x standards.. Out of which nearly 3000 students belong to scheduled caste category. Simple random sampling method is used for the present study.
Keywords: Aspirations, Career, gender, Secondary Education, Scheduled caste,
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