Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Keywords: Hiv/Aids, Attitudes, Risk, Perception, Youths.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Effect of Reinforcement on Teaching – Learning Process" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sk. Rezaul Hoque |
: | 10.9790/0837-0711316 |
Key Words: Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Floriculture In Chapra Village In Ranaghat-II Block, Nadia District, West Bengal. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nirmal Kumar Biswas |
: | 10.9790/0837-0711723 |
Keywords: Sunrise Industry, Yield Index, Productivity Index, NGO, NABARD.
[2] Dhilon, S.S and Singh. (2005). "Agricultural Geography" ,Published by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, West Patel
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[1] Athvale, P.: ''Amrutalayam (Gujrati)',' Mumbai, Satvichar- Darshan, 2004.
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Keywords: myth, mythmaking, mythmaker, spiritualize.
[1] Chopra, Ramesh, ed. Academic Dictionary of Mythology. delhi: Isha Books, 2005.
[2] Daly, Kathleen N., Marian Regel, ed. Greek and Roman Mythology A to Z. New York: Facts on File, 2004.
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[5] Ovid. Ovid: The Metamorphoses. Trans. Horace Gregory. New York: The viking Press, 1958.
[6] Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Adonais. Ed. William Michael Rossetti. Teddington: The Echo Library, 2006.
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[8] —. The selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Edition Limited, 2002.
[9] —. The Wandering Jew. Ed. Bertram Dobell. London: Reeves and Turners, 1887.
[10] Soukhanov, Anne H., ed. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Jonathan P. Latimer, n.d.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wordsworth as a Critique of the Unfenced Societies |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Faria Saeed Khan |
: | 10.9790/0837-0713337 |
[2] Sunil Kumar arker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 ( Atlantic Publishers:2003),495
[3] Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 1965),1X1V
[4] Kenneth R.Johnston, The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet.Lover.Rebel.Spy,( New York:W.W.Norton& Company, Inc:1998),126-127-129
[5] F. B Pinion, AWordsworth Champion, (London, The Macmillian Press Ltd:1984),150
[6] Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 1965),1X1V
[7] Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari,qtd;Carrel, Ethics and Spiritual Growth,(Iran: Foundation of Islamic Cultural Propagation in the World:1997)1370
[8] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth : Vol 2 ( Atlantic Publishers:2003), 510 ibid,518
[9] Kenneth R.Johnston, The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet.Lover.Rebel.Spy,( New York:W.W.Norton& Company, Inc:1998),224 ibid
[10] John Purkis: Wordsworth,( India:Pearson Education Ltd:2003)49
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Keywords: Rural Employment, Rural Economy, Rural Infrastructure, Market Economy, Gram Swarozgar
[1] Agrawal, A.N., Indian Economy, Weily Publishers, New Delhi, (1997), p. 345.
[2] Jhingan, M.L. Economics Development and Planning, Vrinda Publication Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, (1998), p. 422.
[3] Bohre, R.K. Rural Poverty and Unemployment in India, Northern Delhi, (2002), p. 58.
[4] Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna, General Features, Operational Guidelines (2008), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India New Delhi.
[5] Dubey, Kamlesh Kumar & Pande, Subodh, Climate change and Food Security in India; Global Journal of Finance and Management, Research India Publication, New Delhi,(2012), p. 15-18.
[6] Das, D.K. Dynamics of Rural Development, Part-I, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. New Delhi, (2007), PP. 113-120.
[7] Dreze, Jean. Poverty in India and the IRDP Delusion. 2009. Economic and Political Weekly.
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Keywords: Development, Economic status, Participation, Responsibility, Saving,
[1] YelneGhanshyam , Women's Participation in Self help Group, Perspective in social work, College of Social Work, NirmalNeketan,
Mumbai, vol.17, No.1, Jan-April 2002.
[2] women self help groups' success `remarkable', The Hindu, Friday, Aug 19, 2005, Hyderabad, Aug 18 Andhra Pradesh .
[3] CS Reddy, SandeepManak, APMAS CEO-Self-Help Groups: A Keystone of Microfinance in IndiaWomen empowerment & social
security October 2005.
[4] ANUPPALLE, R. REDDY-SELF-HELP GROUPS IN INDIA - A Catalyst for Women Economic Empowerment And Poverty
Eradication. 54 Workshop on microfinance.
[5] Reserve Bank of India, Report of the Internal Group to Examine Issues Relating to Rural Credit and Microfinance, July 2005.
[6] Dr. Joy Deshmukh-Ranadive- Women's Self-Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh. Participatory Poverty Alleviation in Action IFAD,
IFAD microfinance Project – India, September 2003.
[7] Kropp, Dr. Erhard W. &Suran, Dr. B.S., Linking Banks and (Financial) Self Help Groups India – An Assessment, November 2002.
[8] NABARD, SHG Bank Linkage Model-wise Cumulative Position up to 31 March 2005
[9] Katz, Alfred H., Application of Self-Help Concept in Current Social Welfare, Social Work, 10 (3) 1965.
[10] Sahoo, U.C., NGOs and Tribal Women's Participation in Self-Help Groups: An Analysis, Tribal Women Welfare, Discovery
Publication New Delhi. (1986).
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Keywords: Record Centre; Data Centre; Data Warehouse; Data Warehouse in Universities; 21st Century Challenges for Universities; Methods of Digitization
[1] William H. Inmon (2005) "Building the Data Warehouse" 4th Edition Wiley Dreamtech Publishers.
[2] Sam Anahory, Dennis Murray (2003) "Data Warehousing in the Real World" 6th Edition Pearson Education.
[3] Patil, Preeti S.; SrikanthaRao; Suryakant B. Patil (2011). "Optimization of Data Warehousing System: Simplification in Report ing
and Analysis". IJCA Proceedings on International Conference and workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET)
(Foundation of Computer Science) 9 (6): 33–37.
[4] "The Story So Far". 2002-04-15. Retrieved 2008-09-21.
[5] Kimball 2002, pg. 16
[6] Inmon, Bill (1992). Building the Data Warehouse. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-56960-7.
[7] Kimball, Ralph (1996). The Data Warehouse Toolkit. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-15337-0.
[8] Hillard, Robert (2010). Information-Driven Business. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-62577-4.
[10] Kimball 2002, pg. 310
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Justice and equality in respect of Bharat Ratna |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rakesh Kumar Ram |
: | 10.9790/0837-07015557 |
Abstract: Bharat Ratna is most prestigious civilian award of the Republic of India. In view of this jewel of India, Babuji, Bahujan Nayak, K.R. Narayanan and Mountain Man gave extraordinary efforts in Nation Building in the field of human endeavour and public service to achieve social justice and equality. We cannot ignore those personalities who have made our country proud by excelling their own fields and bringing us international and national recognition. Some Nation builders loosed and suffered from this honour. In this research paper an attempt has been made to analysis the term and condition for awarding in respect of social justice and equality for Democratic value and dignity.
Keywords: Prestigious, Jewel, Extraordinary, Social justice, Endeavour, Depressed, Castism, Bahujan Nayak, Untouchable, Social Authority, Mountain Man, Carve, Nation building, Award
[1] Lal, shavaxa . 1954- the Gazette of India extraordinary part 1. Regulation of Bharat Ratna
[2] Govt. changes criteria for Bharat Ratna – The Hindu New Delhi- 16 December,2011
[3] Edgar 2011, P.C-105
[4] Jag Jivan Ram Encyclopadia britannica
[5] Sharma Jagdish Chandra (2002)- Indian Prime Ministers : a comprehensive study, N. Delhi, concept. P-19ISBN9788170229247.
[6] Jag Jivan Ram – Wikipedia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solid Waste management in World |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sandhya Pathania |
: | 10.9790/0837-07015865 |
Abstract: Current global MSW generation levels are approximately higher and so is the case with significant increase in per capita waste generation. Global averages are broad estimates only as rates vary considerably by region, country, city, and even within cities. MSW generation rates are influenced by economic development, the degree of industrialization, public habits, and local climate. Generally, the higher the economic development and rate of urbanization, the greater the amount of solid waste produced. Income level and urbanization are highly correlated and as disposable incomes and living standards increase, consumption of goods and services correspondingly increases, as does the amount of waste generated. Present paper is based on secondary data from government and non-government organisations. It is an attempt to highlight the ever-growing problem of solid waste in world and how it can be minimised by proper planning and management..
Keywords: MSW,
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