Volume-1 (International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management (ICETEM-2014))
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ABC index on subdivision graphs and line graphs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. R. Bindusree, V. Lokesha and P. S. Ranjini |
Abstract:paper we present the ABC index of subdivision graphs of some connected graphs.We also provide the ABC index of the line graphs of some subdivision graphs
Keywords: Atom-bond connectivity(ABC) index, Subdivision graph, Line graph, Helm graph, Ladder graph, Lollipop graph.
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[4]. Furtula, B., Graovac, A., and Vuki£evic, D. Atom-bond connectivity index of trees, Discrete Appl. Math. Vol.157 (2009), pp. 2828 - 2835.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some distances and sequences in a weighted graph |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jill K. Mathew, Sunil Mathew |
Abstract:In a weighted graph, the arcs are mainly classified into ,
. In this article, some new distances and sequences in weighted graphs are introduced. These concepts are based on the above classification. With respect to the distances, the concepts of centre and self centered graphs are introduced and their properties are discussed. It is proved that, only partial blocks with even number of vertices can be self centered. Using the sequences, a characterization for partial blocks and precisely weighted graphs (PWG) are obtained.
Keywords – distance,
distance, partial blocks, partial trees, PWG.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Poisson equation in infinite networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sujith Sivan |
Abstract:Under some restrictions, a global solution of the Poisson equation
can be constructed in Euclidean Spaces, Riemann surfaces, Brelot harmonic spaces and also in finite electrical networks where the conductance
is symmetric in the vertices
. We discuss here some situations where the discrete Poisson equation has a solution in infinite networks or in infinite trees, without assuming the symmetry of the conductance.
Keywords: Bipotential infinite networks, Singular vertices in infinite trees, discrete Poisson equation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijesh V. V., R. Muthuraj |
Abstract:In this paper, we derived some results like the join of two complete Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs (IFG) is complete and which is isomorphic to the join of their complements. The nature of edge set in the complement of a complete IFG is analyzed. We study about the join of two IFGs when they are regular, irregular or complete and discuss some theorems. Also we discuss some more properties of the join of two intuitionistic fuzzy graphs using the regularity and irregularity. The minimum and maximum degrees of an IFG and its complement are examined.
Keywords: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph (IFG), degree, total degree, Complete IFG, regular IFG, irregular IFG, neighbourly irregular IFG, highly irregular IFGComplement, Join of two IFG.
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[6] R.Parvathi, M. G. Karunambigai and K. T. Atanassov, Operations on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs, FUZZ – IEEE, 2009, pp. 1396 – 1401.
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[8] R. Jahir Hussain and S. Yahya Mohamed, More on Irregular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs and its Complements, Discovery Publication, Vol. 21, July 2014, pp. 101 – 107.
[9] F. Harary, Graph Theor, Addition Wesley, Third Printing, October 1972.
[10] K. R. Bhutani, Automorphism of Fuzzy Graphs, Pattern Recognition Letter 9: 1989, 159 – 162.