Version-1 (March–April 2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tensor Components and indices of faintness for magneto-electric ferroic species |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. S. Uma Devi & *G. Sireesha |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0340107 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of ferroic species, prototypic and ferroic point groups, and evaluation of faintness indices for all the zero wave number vibrational modes whose oversoftening causes ferroelectricity (or) ferroelasticity are given by Aizu [4]. Aizu has dealt with non-magnetic properties only. This paper determines the species and evaluates the indices of faintness for magneto-electric polarizability by considering grey group as prototypic point group. The basic faintness index of a magneto-electric polarizability is the smallest of the faintness indices with respect to the individual components of the magneto-electric polarizability tensors. The faintness indices range from 1 to 6 [5], whether it is = 1 (or) > 1 defines whether the magneto-electric polarizability is normal (or) faint.
Key Words: Axial vector, grey group, magneto-electric polarizability, polar vector
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Abstract: This paper describes how Okumura Hata's model is chosen and optimized for urban outdoor coverage in the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system operating in 800MHz UHF frequency band, South-south Nigeria. This optimized path loss model is based on the empirical measurements collected in the CDMA network focusing on the city centre of Benin, Edo state. It is developed by comparing the calculated path loss from collected measurements with the well-known path loss models within applicable frequency range of CDMA system, such as Hata, SUI, Lee, and Egli's Model. The Hata model was chosen as a reference for this optimized path loss model development based on the closest path loss exponent and smallest mean error as compared to the measured path loss. This optimized Hata model is implemented in the path loss calculation during the validation process. Thus, this optimized model is successfully improved and would be more reliable to be applied in the Nigeria CDMA system for urban path loss calculation in the 800MHz frequency band.
Key Words: propagation loss prediction, optimisation, Hata model, urban area
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Abstract: This study investigates the profitability of small scale maize production in Niger state, using farm budgeting technique. Available reports on profitability studies in the state suggest little improvement among maize farmers inspite of massive investment in the sector by government. Data were collected using the multi-stage sampling technique, and administering structured questionnaires to a total of 200 randomly selected respondents from two LGAs of Niger State. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, net farm income analysis. The socio-economic characteristics of the respondents showed that 67% of the farmers were male, 76% were within the economically active age brackets, while 68% had non-formal education. The costs and returns analysis indicated that maize production was profitable with an average net farm income of N48, 109.00/hectare, and a gross ratio of 0.39; a production efficiency index (2.50) per farmer further adjudged the profitability of the enterprise, that is, the returns cover the cost of production almost three times. As maize is one of the most important staple foods of great socio-economic value in the study area, an improvement in the understanding of the level of profitability can greatly aid policy makers in enhancing policies that will promote profitability in production of the crop. In addition, improved access to farmlands, acquisition of formal education, improving rural financial markets and strengthening the existing extension services were recommended to improve profitability in maize production in the area.
Keywords: Maize, Small-scale, Profitability, Socio-economics, Niger state
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Abstract: Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using Schlumberger array was employed in data collection. Data acquisition was carried out along Oyan river bank with a total of twenty-three (23) soundings. This location was divided into two zones: VES 01 -09 and VES 10 -23. Rock samples hosting specks of tantalite, tourmaline and beryl were collected from the artisan pits within the study area and taken for geochemical analysis in the laboratory. The result of geochemical analyses revealed the quality of the solid minerals in terms of mineral compositions (major, trace and rare earth elements) while geophysical field measurement revealed the resistivity values, vertical and lateral distributions and depth of the solid minerals. The range of electrical resistivity values of these solid minerals as revealed by laboratory measurement is 19.4 - 31.1Ωm while that of the host rock is 10.0 – 100.0Ωm as obtained from field measurements. Specks of tantalite, tourmaline and beryl were suspected to be sparsely distributed in other VES locations except at VES02 and 09, where vast deposits were suspected. Two litho-facies changes were observed and this revealed the economic values of these solid minerals. Black tourmalines, beryl and tantalite samples collected as specks within the study area were of low quality while pink tourmaline is of moderate quality on the basis of the chemical constituents contained.
Keywords: Specks, Litho-facies, Electrical Resistivity, Geochemical Analyses, Mineral Composition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Strain Energy Release Pattern in Northeast India and its Adjoining Region |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anupama Devi , Dr. S. Kalita |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0343443 ![]() |
Abstract: Northeast India and its adjoining region constitutes an important geotectonic element of Southeast Asia and is connected to India via a narrow corridor squeezed between Nepal and Bangladesh. Geomorphologically, the entire NE India is located in an earthquake prone zone ( Zone – V ) of the Indian subcontinent. The strain energy release has been studied by dividing the region into in the six geo – tectonic block. It has been found that the Arakan – Yoma to be seismically active followed by Naga Hills region. It also showed that the probability of occurring an earthquake is more in the Shillong Plateau than the other five tectonic blocks. For the region as a whole there is the probability that an earthquake of intensity around 6.64 mb may occur as determined from strain energy bearing capacity of the region. Moreover, it has also been found that if strain energy released by a tectonic block is large it might effect the stress building process in the rocks of adjacent tectonic blocks. The iso-strain release map depicted areas of high and low seismic activity.
Key words: Geo – Tectonic block, Seismicity, Strain Energy, Iso – Strain.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A new formula for the rotation velocity – and density distribution of a galaxy |
Country | : | Sweden |
Authors | : | Tony Barrera, Bo Thelin |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0344451 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a new formula about the formation of galaxies is presented. It is based on the relativistic Schwarzschild metric, where it has been possible to obtain expressions for the rotation velocity - and mass distribution versus distance to the galactic center. According to the rotation velocity formula, the rotation velocity raises very rapidly from the center and reach a plateau which is constant out to big distance from the center. This is in accordance with observations and is also in accordance with the main structure of rotation velocity versus distance relationships from different galaxy measurements. The density distribution formula shows that the density of the galaxy will decrease versus distance which is in accordance to observations. Computer simulations were also performed to establish and verify the rotation velocity and density distributions in the galaxy, according to this paper.
Keywords: Astrophysics, Spiral galaxies and Theory of Relativity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Shell Model Description of N = 51 Isotones |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Maurya, P. C. Srivastava , I. Mehrotra |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0345259 ![]() |
Abstract: Shell model calculations for 83Ge, 85Se, 87Kr, 89Sr and 91Zr nuclei which form the N = 51 isotonic chain have been reported. The calculations have been performed taking 78Ni as a core and the valence space comprises of ν(0g7/2, 1d5/2, 1d3/2, 2s1/2, 0h11/2) orbitals for neutrons and π(0f5/2, 1p3/2, 1p1/2, 0g9/2) orbitals for proton. The effective interaction for the present calculations is based on CD-Bonn N − N potential and adopted to the model space based on the 78Ni core. The results of present calculations show that the chosen interaction does not give a good agreement of the observed spectra with the experimental data for N=51 isotones. However some general trends of the experimental spectra like increase in the E(1/2+) ̴ E(5/2+) energy splitting and raising of 3/2+ level in going from Z=32 to 40 are well reproduced.
Keywords- Isotones; effective interaction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Potencial Energy Functions & Properties of Some Hydride Molecules |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ratikant Thakur & Jagdhar Mandal |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0346065 ![]() |
Abstract: The values of dipole moment (μ), rotational constant(𝛼𝑒),vibrational constant(𝜔𝑒𝑥𝑒), binding energy (𝐷𝑖) and dissociation energy (𝐷𝑒) have been computed using the four forms of short-range repulsive interaction(SRRI) models with an aim to establish the applicability and validity of potential energy functions. The calculations have been done for chemically active but simple hydride namely, LiH, NaH, KH, RbH,CsH,𝐵𝑒𝐻, BH, MgH, AlH & SiH.The computed values are in fair agreement with the experimental values available in the literature for the mentioned system. The close agreement between the observed an the calculated values simply revealed that Hellmann and Ali-Hasan forms of interaction models appear to be more appropriate short range repulsive interaction models for the prediction of many other properties of the system. This study shows that these models play an important role in molecular physics as well as in the problems of astrophysics.
Keywords: - Anharmonicity constant, Binding energy, Dipole-dipole & Dipole-quadrupole interaction constants, Dissociation energy & Rotational constant.
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Abstract: Well log data from wells located in the X fields of the Niger Delta Basin were used in the determination of some Petrophysical characteristics of the reservoir sands. Well log data were obtained from sonic, gamma-ray, matrix density and resistivity logs. The Petrophysical characteristics investigated were porosity, water saturation, tortuosity and permeability. The results of the analysis revealed the presence of different sand and shale units. The thickness of each sand unit was highly variable, ranging between 6.1 and 21.5 m. Average porosities vary between 25.0 and 72.0 percent and generally decreasing with depth. A modeled water saturation showed a better value for water saturation (calculation) for non-Archie media.The correlation between the modeled water saturation method (using a different value of cementation factor m and tortuosity a as given by some literature) gives a weaker correlation for the non-Archie media while the Archie media gives a stronger correlation when compared with the Archie equation. The average water saturation of these units varied between 5.0 and 64.0 percent. These values are generally high for the sand units in varying wells. Similarly, the average permeability values varied between 22.0 and 70.0 mD. The results of this study will enhance the proper characterization of the reservoir sands and a better estimation of hydrocarbon saturation.
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