Version-1 (Aug-2018)
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ABSTRACT: This study attempt to investigate the current status of improved forage and/or seed production in Sudan. A farm survey was conducted during October 2010 using structured questionnaire. About 50 farmers from Gezira, Khartoum and River Nile states have been selected and directly interviewed. Both descriptive statistics and econometric model were used for data analysis. Cob-Douglass production function was used to estimate and determine the most important factors affecting area cultivated for forages production. The study showed that majority of the respondent farmers reported that, they have awareness to produce improved forage/fodder in their farms (78%). Results of regression analysis indicated that estimated coefficient of improved forage awareness of 0.61 indicated..........
Keywords: Improved forage, Gezira, Khartoum and River Nile states, Sudan, Cob-Douglass production function.
[1]. Ali. Darag, Mohammed. A. M. Khair and Omer. A. Khidir, 1995. "A study on forage seed production"
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ABSTRACT: An adequate management of nutrient elements is crucial to guarantee plant growth and development as well as for longer shelf life of fruit. The present experiment was conducted to observe the response of various combinations ofphosphorus (P) and potassium (K)fertilization on the nutritional quality and shelf life of sub-tropical strawberry.The first part of the experiment for nutritive value was designed in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) including seven combined doses of P and K fertilizer (viz., T1 - P0 K100 kg/ha, T2 - P25 K100 kg/ha, T3 - P50 K100 kg/ha, T4 - P75 K100........
Keywords: Strawberry, phosphorus, potassium, nutritional value, shelf life
[1]. Ahmad, H.,Sajjid, M., Hayat, S., Ullah, R., Ali, M.,Jamal, A., Rahman, A., Aman,Z. and Ali,J.;Growth, yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Frageriaananasa Dutch) under different phosphorus levels. Research in Agriculture.2017; 2(2): 19-28.
[2]. FAO; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAOSTAT. 2012.(
[3]. Meena, N.K., Meena, R.K., Dhaka,R.S. and Meena, O.P.; Response of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on growth and yield of okra [Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench] cv. ArkaAnamika. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.2017; 5(4): 1171-1177.
[4]. Medeiros, R.F., Pereira, W.E., Rodrigues, R.D.M., Nascimento, R.D., Suassuna,J.F. and Dantas, T.A.G;Growth and yield of strawberry plants fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus. RevistaBrasileira de EngenhariaAgrícola e Ambiental. 2015; 19(9): 865-870.
[5]. Gol, N.B., Patel, P.R. and Rao, T.V.R.;Improvement of quality and shelf-life ofstrawberries with edible coatings enriched with chitosan. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2013;85: 185-195..
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ABSTRACT: Hiri Island is part of Ternate City of North Maluku Province. On this island, clove trees have existed for a long time. As a herb of indigenous Indonesia, Cloves become an important part in the life of Ternate City residents. This study aims to obtain data on the diversity and spread varieties of clove in each village on Hiri Island. The method used was survey and clove plant interview to clove tree owner in each village and observation of clove plant directly in the field. Each clove in the village was recorded covering the area, type of varieties, production, and documented. The results showed that cloves in Hiri Island were found in all villages with a both of polyculture and monoculture planting pattern. Most cloves are in the Faudu area, which is the area recorded 15 hectares with 350 trees that have a production of six tons. Varieties of cloves obtained in the Hiri Island is Zanzibar, Afo, Siputih, and Posi-posi..
Keywords: clove, hiri island, syzygium aromaticum, ternate.
[1]. BPS-Statistics of Maluku Utara Provinces, Maluku Utara Province In Figures(BPS- Maluku Utara: Katalog 1102001.82, 2017).
[2]. G.P. Kamatou, I. Vermaak, A.M. Viljoen, Eugenol—From the Remote Maluku Islands to the International Market Place: A Review of a Remarkable and Versatile Molecule, Molecules, 17, 2012, 6953-6981.
[3]. K. Nowak, J. Ogonowski, M. Jaworska, and K. Grzesik, Clove Oil-Properties And Applications, Chemik, (66)2, 2012, 145-152.
[4]. A. S. Fuadi, S. Kanto, S. Muadi, The Role of Facilitator in the Implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) in Small Island 1 (Case Study in Hiri Island District, Ternate City – North Maluku), Wacana, 20(2), 2017, 113-118
[5]. BPS-Statistics of Ternate Municipality, Ternate Municipality in Figures (BPS- Statistics of Ternate Municipality, 2017)..
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to develop regional economic development strategies based on sectors and superior commodities in Tanah Laut that will be able to encourage economic growth and at the same time is expected to open opportunities for investors to invest. This research was carried out in Tanah Laut Regency by using Location Quotient Analysis (LQ) method to determine the leading regional economic sub-sectors, Hierarchy Process Analysis (AHP) to determine superior commodity ranks and SWOT Analysis to obtain data on superior commodity development strategies.The results of the study are based on the calculation of Location Quotient (LQ) sectors that have the highest LQ values, namely the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sectors with a value of 1.29, while for the agricultural commodities...........
Keywords:Leading Sector and Commodity, Regency of Tanah Laut
[1]. Arsyad, L. . 1999. Pengantar Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah. Edisi Pertama, BPPE, Yogyakarta.
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[5]. Djaenudin, D., Y. Sulaeman, dan A. Abdurachman. 2002. Pendekatan Pewilayahan Komoditas Pertanian Menurut Pedo-Agroklimat di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Jurnal Litbang Pertanian, 21(1). Bogor..
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ABSTRACT: This present study aims at determining the effects of climate change on the agricultural system in Malinau District, North Borneo, Indonesia, especially in the PulauSapi Village. The descriptive explorative was employed as the method of this research. Involving 25 farmers as the respondents, the data were collected through conducting structured interviews and questionnaires about climate change and agriculture. The results showed that most of the yields from rice fields were for household consumption, while the daily living costs were supported from non-agricultural income. The impacts of climate change as extreme climate such as a long drought to be farmers experienced occurred in 2015. The impacts of climate change identified by farmers are the decline in agricultural production and water availability, and the increasing number of pest attacks. To minimize these impacts, the government recommended three periods of cropping calendar for rice and gave counseling services for farmers. The counseling was provided by the agricultural extension staffs or trained workers to assist farmers in improving agricultural yields and adapting with climate change.
[1]. National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (AdultTreatment Panel III) Third report of the national cholesterol education
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Carbon Sequestration in Plantations of Forest Trees In Latehar District, Jharkhand |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.C.Mishra || S.M.Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1108013036 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The growing pollutants in the atmospheric air, marine aqua system and depletion in the ozone layer are the major causes of concern, since the resultant effects are the global temperature increase, diminishing polar ice glaciers and elimination of millions of varieties of biotic flora and fauna from the creation. As per the study by FAO, the rate of deforestation was 13 million hectares per annum assessed in the year 2007. The present study has been carried out to quantify the carbon sequestered and the resultant emission of oxygen along with calculating the monetary values thereof in the Latehar district of Jharkhand State, India. This study is confined to the artificial regeneration of forestry species. This district faces better rainfall than the Garhwa district, which was taken up in my previous study. Comparative analysis has been done for both the areas. In the present study the result shows that 27.0 tC ha-1 yr-1 has been sequestered including the soil organic carbon..
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ABSTRACT: Adaptation is a key strategy that can alleviate the harshness of climate change impacts on farming. Adaptation strategies are probably not going to be viable without an understanding of the nature of the impact. Climate change causes higher precipitation fluctuation and less reliable precipitation due to extended drought periods and extreme precipitation that will adversely affect oil palm production. In Malaysia, the common effects of drought stress are: (i) increase of abortion; (ii) failed or rotten bunch; (iii) fluctuated and low productivity; and (iv) long inflorescences (8-9 months). In addition, excessive rainfall usually reduces road quality, inhibit harvest activity, and flooding. High precipitation and humidity also cause severe destruction to fresh fruit bunches. There are several..........
Keywords: Adaptation, climate change impact, oil palm, smallholders.
[1]. Aak, A., Hage, M., & Rukke, B. A. (2018). Insect pathogenic fungi and bed bugs: behaviour, horizontal transfer and the potential contribution to IPM solutions. Journal of Pest Science, 91(2), Pp 823–835.
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[5]. Baloch, M. A., & Thapa, G. B. (2016). The effect of agricultural extension services: Date farmers' case in Balochistan, Pakistan. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences.
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ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to evaluate the impact of agricultural credit finance scheme on poverty reduction in Obio-Akpor LGA of Rivers State. Specifically, the study described the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents in the study area, determined the effect of agricultural credit finance schemes on poverty reduction and examined the level of access to credit and their sources among the respondents. A Multi-stage randomized sampling technique was used in selecting 50 respondents for the study using a well-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics (such as mean, percentages and, standard deviation) and inferential statistics such as logistic regression model. The results of the socioeconomic profile of the farmers showed a mean age............
Keywords: Agricultural credit finance scheme, poverty reduction, impact, level of access..
[1]. Adam, G. (2007) "Role of Microfinance in Actualization MDGs" in Paper Delivered at the Induction Ceremony of Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: This experiment was conducted in north western desert of Egypt in Siwa Oasis region to study the effect of foliar spraying by some antioxidants ( ascorbic acid (AA)at 0.0,150 and 300ppm, salicylic acid (SA)at 0.0, 100 and 200ppm and their combination treatments) on growth and productivity of marjoram ( Majorana hortensis L.) plants in two seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. The experiment was distributed in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results observed that, different applied treatments significantly increased the values of most recorded parameters compared to control. Meanwhile, the better plant height, higher yield of herb per feddan, essential oil yield per feddan total phenolic content as well as total antioxidant activity obtained............
Keywords: Majorana hortensis, Chemical constituents, Antioxidants, Essential oil, Ascorbic acid, Salicylic acid.
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ABSTRACT: Comparative studies on the phytochemical composition of the leaf, stem and rhizome ofCostusafer were carried in the Food Science and Technology Laboratory in the Rivers State University, PortHarcourt. The various plant parts were collected from the surrounding fallow bush within the University campus and identified and labelled properly. It was observed that C. afer contains bioactive compounds capable of fighting oxidative related diseases. The proximate analysis indicates that the leaf, stem and rhizome contain appreciable amount of carbohydrate, crude fibre, ash, lipid and protein. The mineral components of C. afer include calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. However...........
[1]. Achinewhu, S.C (1996). Plants: Man's prime necessity to life. Professorial inaugural Lecture series. Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. 97pp
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ABSTRACT: Studies on the methods of propagation, phytochemical composition, storage and the utilization of Asystasia gangetica were carried out in the Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. It was observed that A. gangetica a potent herbaceous plant can be propagated by seeds and stem, the stem being the most effective method. Analysis of the phytochemical composition of the leaves showed that the plant is rich in several food nutrients such as moisture, ash, carbohydrate, fibre and protein and vitamin C. Mineral constituents of the plant include calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. These minerals are major mineral elements required for effective body metabolism. Other phytochemicals include tannins, saponins, oxalates and cynogenic glycosides which also performs numerous functions against microbial agents. Shelf-life study also showed that the plant can be effectively............
Keywords: Asystasia gangetica, propagation, phytochemicals, storage, utilization, shelf-life..
[1]. Achinewhu, S. C (1996). Plants: Man's prime necessity of life. Professorial inaugural lectures series.
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ABSTRACT: Introduction : Au Maroc, les agrumes sont plantés dans différentes régions à conditions variée du sol et du climat. Dans la majorité de ces régions, les agrumes se trouvent souvent dans des situations de manque d'eau saisonnier. Ainsi, le recours à l'irrigation raisonnée est dès lors inévitable pour assurer une production stable et durable. L'étude du comportement de l'association variété x porte-greffes vis-à-vis le déficit hydrique se situe parmi les voies les plus adaptées pour déterminer la dose la plus adéquate en termes d'utilisation en eau et d'adaptation aux conditions de sécheresse. Objectif : Notre travail vise à étudier la réponse à un déficit hydrique des plants de clémentine Citrus reticulata Swingle var. Sidi Aissa greffé sur Macrophylla par le suivi de quelques paramètres physiologiques liés à la production dans l'objectif de sélectionner les doses les plus optimales n'affectant pas la production aussi bien quantitative que qualitative..........
Keywords: clémentine, dose d'irrigation, évapotranspiration, Sidi Aissa, Macrophylla
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