Series-1 (July 2020)July 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Soybeans production has not been able to meet the national demand of soybeans. For the sustainability of commodity soybeans is expected, one of its efforts is the continuous soybean farming techniques. The purpose of this research is to know: Does soybean farming has been efficient? Production factors are most influential to the production of soybean? Is allocative use production factors on soybean farming is Optimum / efficiently?. The study was conducted in Sukorejo, Ponorogo with quantitative approach, and the method used is survey method. Analysis of the data used is the following: RC ratio; Analysis function Cobb-Douglass; and analysis of the ratio between the value of marginal product (NPM) with prices of production factors (NPM = Px). The results showed that soybean farming in paddy fields and dry land are equally efficient, for soybean farming in paddy field has 2.52 levels of efficiency and in dry land farming has 1.82 of efficiency level. The....
Key words: soybeans, sustainable farming
[1]. Agele, S.O.; Adenawoola, A.R. and M.Doherty. 2004. Growth response of soybean lines to contrasting photothermal and soil moisture regimes in a Nigerian tropical rainforest. International Journal of Biotronics, 33: 49-64.
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[5]. Anonymous, 2004b. Profil Kedelai (Glycine max). Ditjentan, Direktorat Kacang- Kacangan dan Umbi-umbian. 50 hlm
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ABSTRACT: Lumpy skin disease of local Buffalo breeds at Basrah governorate, Iraq, has been investigated and diagnosed clinically. The present study was conducted to examine (88) local buffalo breeds 2-4 years old and of both sexes. Diseased animals show acute clinical manifestations and Cutaneous nodules of 2–5 cm in diameter develop at different body regions, These nodules are circumscribed, firm, round and raised, and involve the skin, subcutaneous tissue and might also involve the underlying muscles. Thirteen (13), clinically normal local buffalo breeds served as controls. A statistically significant increase has been indicated in body temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate and capillary refill time of diseased buffalo than in controls, However, the rate of ruminal contractions was significantly decreased. Results of hematological examinations revealed no change indicated in the values of total erythrocytes count and hemoglobin concentration, However, a significant increase was encountered in.....
Key words: LSD, Buffalo, Iraq
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zone, Ethiopia. BMC Vet. Res. 11: 135.
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ABSTRACT: Field trials were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm, Taraba State College of Agriculture, Jalingo in 2017 and 2018 to determine the response of Finger millet to poultry manure application. The treatment evaluated were poultry manure compost at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 t/ha. The treatments were replicated four times and arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Parameters measures include; plant height, number of tillers, leaf area index, days to 50% heading, Number of spikes, Spike length, grain yield and 1000 – grain weight. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means differences were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at P = 0.05. the results obtained showed that finger millet responded positively to poultry manure in all.....
Key wards: Finger mellet; Grwoth and Yield; Jalingo Agricultural Zone; Nigeria; Poultry manure
[1]. Garjila, Y.A., Shiyam, J.O. and Bukar, N. (2019). Evaluation of agronomic characters of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn) as influenced by poultry manure in the Northern Guinea Savanna agroecology, Nigeria. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 03 (03), 54 – 57.
[2]. Garjila, Y.A., Lakurbe, O.A., Angyu, A.E. and Raymond, J. (2020). Effect of cow dung manure on the Growth anf Yield of Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn) in Northern Guinea Savannah Agroecological Zone of Nigeria. Nigerian Agricultural Journal. Issn. 0300 – 368x Volume 51 number 1, April 2020. Pg 151 – 154.
[3]. FAO (2012). Semi or Scientist Division of Agronomy. The Agronomy of Kharif Crops, 3(8), 231-233.
[4]. Wafula, W.N., Nicholas, K.K., Henry, O.F., Siambi, M. and Gweyi-Onyango, J.P. (2016). Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) grain yield and yield components as influenced by phosphorus application and variety in Western Kenya. International Journal of Tropical Plant Research, 3(3), 673 – 680.
[5]. Adugna, A., Tesso, T., Degu, E., Tadesse, T., Merga, F., Legesse, W., Tirfessa, A., Kidane, H., Wole, A. and Daba, C. (2011). Genotype-by-enviroment interaction and yield stability analysis in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn) in Ethiopia. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2, 408 – 415.
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ABSTRACT: The roots of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)previously treated withthree-times application of GanoEF biofertilizer product at 0 months after planting (MAP) (500g at the planting hole), 12 MAP and 36 MAP (the latter two applications were 2kg of GanoEF at trunk base by subsoil in four point), were sampled from oil palm plantation at PASFA'sBukit Kerisek (Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia). These root samples were identified for the colonization of inoculated endophytic fungus, Hendersonia toruloideaGanoEF1 within the oil palm roots. Results showed that Hendersonia GanoEF1 colonization in both primary and feeder roots were 40%, at 40 MAP in the treated palms. Therefore, the use of three-time application GanoEF biofertilizer wasfurther provento be more successfully colonized in both primary and feeder roots of oil palm. This clearly showed the infection of Ganoderma disease, the causal pathogen of basal stem rotdisease, can be controlled in oil palm plantation.
Keywords: Oil Palm; Hendersonia; Basal Stem Rot.
[1]. Azman, M.D., Malek, R. A., Othman N. Z., Peng, T. S. H., Idris, A., Then, C., Chang, H.W., Sukumaran, S., Wan Mustapha, W.A., Ramli, S., Sarmidi M. R., Aziz, R., and El Enshasy, H. A. 2012. Semi-industrial scale production of bio-control fungus: Hendersonia sp., a potential agent against Ganoderma oil palm disease. Conference paper presented at 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting; Pittsburgh, PA; United States; 28 October-2 November 2012; Code 94591.
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[3]. Idris, A S; Mohd Shukri, I; Izzuddin, M A; Norman, K; Khairuman, H; Ramle,M; Iptizam, N and Dayang, N S (2019). Survey on status of Ganoderma disease of oil palm estates and smallholders in Malaysia. Presented atthe MPOB International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition (PIPOC) 2019, 19-21 November 2019, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[4]. Idris, A.S., Noor Haida, S., and Nurrashyeda, R. (2010). GanoEF1-A fungal biocontrol agent for Ganoderma in oil palm. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) Information Series. No. 501, 4pp.
[5]. Idris, A.S., Nurrashyeda, R., Maizatul, S.M., Madihah, A.Z., Tarmizi, A.M., Kushairi, A., Wan Azha, W.M., and Tony Peng, S.H. 2012. BiofertiliserHendersoniaGanoEF as biological control of Ganoderma in oil palm. Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) Information Series. No. 508, 4pp..
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ABSTRACT: The productivity of countries around the globe is adversely affected by the health-related problems of their labour force. This study examined the effect of the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and the livelihood of the rural farmer in Nigeria, for 26 years (1990–2016). The study employed the instrumental variables and two-stage least squares, simultaneous model. The 2SLS estimator was used in the model because there are multiple endogenous explanatory variables as well as some instruments and exogenous variables. The result revealed that the net effect of better education on HIV rate is negative while its net effect on agricultural output is positive. Specifically, a 10% jump in schooling will lower HIV rate by about 6%. While a 1% increase in life expectancy will raise agriculture income by 26.9%. The results show that the most important variables are schooling, the labour-force participation rate and the life expectancy. Education has emerged from this study as the most important policy instrument if the aim is to lower HIV rates and raise agricultural income levels in Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is threefold. Firstly, we exam the profitability of dairy small scale farming system in the north west of Tunisia. Secondly, a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was used to analyze the performance level of dairy farms. And in last stage, the most factors affecting the farms efficiency are identified. Main results schow that average yiled is 3620 liter/cow and the gross production value is 4475 TDN and 63% from this is milk production value. Gross margin is 1262TND/cow which is equivalent to an average margin rate of 28%. The total cost of milk production was 1.13 TDN/liter which was higher than the market price (0.780 TND/Liter) inducing farms in major loses. The break-even analysis shows that milk yield must be at least of 13.5 liters/cow/day and the break-even measured in days will be of 234 days. The results obtained from the DEA analysis reveal that dairy farms....
Keywords: Arid Area, Break-Even, Dairy cost of production, Profitability, Technical efficiency
[1]. Abdelhafidh H., Abdelfattah I., Arfa L., 2018. The role of the service cooperative in attenuating the transaction costs in dairy farms: a case study from Tunisia. Journal of new sciences, Sustainable Livestock Management, 6 (2), 115-123.
[2]. Abdelhafidh H., Ben Brahim M., Abed H., Mekki A. 2017. Analysis of the technical efficiency, pure and scale efficiency of rained cereal farms: Case of the upper semi-arid.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Vegetable farming has a bigger obstacle compared to other commodity farming, thus affecting farmers' income and risking farming production. The risk of agricultural production is greater because agriculture is greatly influenced by various factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of net income in caisim farming in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City; to analyze the the risk of production in caisim farming in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City; and to analyze the sources of risks in connection with caisim farming in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted in the Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan province in January to May 2020. Site selection was done with consideration of the farmers that the majority carry out the development of vegetable.....
Keywords: Risk analysis, net income, caisim, farmers, farming
[1]. Banjarbaru City Central Statistics Agency. Liang Anggang District in Figures 2019. CV. Star Season Works. Banjarbaru.
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ABSTRACT: Agriculture is a sector that dominates population incomes in South Kalimantan. This is because most of the population work both in business and agricultural sector as farmers. There are 31.89 percent workers, working in agriculture in South Kalimantan, where entrepreneur agricultural workers as much as 49.0 percent and non-entrepreneurs as many as 51.0 percent. This study aims to analyze the effect of the relationship with the head of the household, educational attainment, regional classification, sex, age, attending training activities, and certificate ownership on the opportunities of the population in the agricultural sector. To find out whether the factors that have been explained above have an effect on the population trying to farm will be approached with logistic regression analysis.....
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted with aim of assessing milk marketing chain and its practice in Somali regional state of two selected zones. The research was applied both quantitative and qualitative methods to clarify concepts, characteristics, descriptions, counts. Data presented in the study are obtained from primary and secondary sources. Sample was taken from 10 purposely selected Kebeles (from two Woredas). Data was collected from 200 eligible households, 100 households from each Woredas, using questionnaires. Two (2) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) [one from each woreda] and two (2) Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) from each woreda were conducted. The quantitative data from the household (HH) survey were analysed using simple descriptive analysis (statistics) like, frequency, percentages, mean value and standard division by using SPSS 23.0 and Microsoft Excel. The survey.....
Key words: Camel, camel milk, marketing, value chain, pastoralism, Somali region
[1]. Bekele T., Zekele, M. and Baars, R.M.K. (2002). Milk production performance of the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) under pastoral management in semi-arid Eastern Ethiopia. Livestock Production Science, 76: 37-44.
[2]. BerukYemane and TafesseMesifin, 2000. Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism: Past and present. pp. 54-65. Proceeding of the 8th Annual Conference of Ethiopia Society of Animal production Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24-26 August 2000.Chambers, R. & G. Conway. 1992. Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century. IDS Discussion Paper 296.Brighton. Institute of Development Studies.
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[4]. Gizachew Geteneh, 2005. Dairy Marketing Patterns and Efficiency: The Case of Ada' Liben Woreda eastern Oromia. M.Sc. Thesis presented to Alemaya University, Ethiopia.
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ABSTRACT: Response of chickpeato gibberellic acid (GA3) regarding morpho-physiology and yield was investigated in this experiment. The experiment consisted of two factors: a) two growing conditions viz.; control and foliar application of GA3 and b) four chickpea varieties viz.; Deshi, BARI Chola-3, BARI Chola-5 and BARI Chola-9. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Plant height, leaf dry weight and shoot and root dry weight plant-1 at different days after sowing maintained a typical sigmoid pattern in all chickpea varieties under both control and GA3 applied condition. The percentage of increasing in maximum plant height, leaf dry weight plant-1, shoot dry weight plant-1 and root dry weight plant-1 were 6.21%, 9.59%, 12.00% and 9.05% in Deshi variety; 4.54%, 3.06%, 4.89% and 4.76% in BARI Chola-3; 5.21%, 9.28%,.....
Key Word: Chickpea, Gibberellic Acid, Morpho-physiology, Yield
[1]. BBS. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh. 2017.
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[3]. El-Adawy TA. Nutritional composition and antinutritional factors of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) undergoing different cooking methods and germination. Plant foods for human nutrition. 2002;57(1):83-97.DOI: 10.1023/A:1013189620528.
[4]. Iqbal MZ, Shafiq M, Syed KA. Toxic effects of lead and cadmium individually and in combination on germination and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 2001;33:551-557.
[5]. Jukanti AK, Gaur PM, Gowda CLL, Chibbar RN. Nutritional quality and health benefits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): A review. British Journal of Nutrition. 2012;108(1):11-26.DOI: 10.1017/S0007114512000797.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Long-term POME Application Effect on Soil Acidity and Stability in Oil Palm Plantations |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mardiana Wahyuni |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1307022932 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The development of oil palm plantations has resulted in the increasing of palm oil mills that produce CPO as its main products as well as solid waste and liquid waste (POME). Liquid waste contains floating solids that have the potential to become pollutants. One of its alternative-utilization is land application from primary anaerobic ponds with BOD 3500-5000 mg/l. The land application starts at ± 4 years old, continuously until plants are ± 25 years old. This study aims to obtain data on the effect of long-term POME application on soil acidity and stability (compaction or dispersion). The data reported is the result of laboratory analysis in the 9th and 16th years. The results showed that the application of POME had the potential to reduce soil pH and there was no potential for damage to soil stability due to dispersion by Na+ elements or cementation by Ca++ elements.
Keywords: Palm oil, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), Suspension, BOD. Dispersion, Cementation
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ABSTRACT: Background:Wound healing is achieved through four phases as hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Wound healing is a complicated and important repair process. Studies on wound healing are still continuing. This study was performed to determine the efficacy of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and fibrin adhesive (FA) on wound healing. Materials and Methods: Fourteen New Zealand rabbits were divided into 2 groups for 7 and 14 day postoperative follow-ups. It was performed that four full-thickness wounds which 5 mm in diameter on the dorsal back skin of each rabbits (totally 54 wounds in all rabbits). Saline solution was instilled to the control group, PRF, FA and PRF plus FA were used.....
Key Word: Platelet rich fibrin; fibrin adhesive; wound healing.
[1]. Can HN, Durmuş AS. Effects of platelet-rich fibrin on bone healing. FU Sag Bil Vet Derg. 2015; 29(2): 91-95.
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ABSTRACT: A cross sectional study was conducted from July 2018 to February 2019in Banadir region, Somalia to assess the prevalence of calve coccidiosis and its risk factors. A total of 400 fecal samples were examined by using fecal floatation technique for the presences of coccidian oocytes.Data was analyzed SPSS by using Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test The overall prevalence of coccidiosis was found to be 8.7%, and there was a statistically significant variation (p<0.05) between age groups with the highest prevalence (12%) found in calves between 6 months to 1 year of age compared to calves <6 months of age (6.3%).A significant associationwas also found between infection rate and body condition score of the animals where animals with poor body condition had the highest....
Keywords: Age, Body weight, Coccidiosis, Banadir, Oocyte, Prevalence, Risk factors
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ABSTRACT: The fact shown that the life of farmers nowadays is no longer an attractive profession in Indonesia. In the past decade, the number of workers working in the agricultural sectorwas decreased. Data of BPS-Statistics in 2018 Indonesia illustrated that49 %of the poor householdsin both urban and rural areasSouth Kalimantan province dominates from the agricultural sector.In 2019, 64.23 % of them were dominates in the rural areas. Data shown that 51.22% of the poor population above 15 years were found in the agricultural sector.The result of ST2013 (Agricultural Censuses) shown that 33.57 % of agricultural land were used by smallholder paddy farmer households, while non-smallholder households were 66.43 %.If examined more deeply about the income of non-smallholder paddy.....
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ABSTRACT: The experiment was done in order to assessthepossible use of poultry litter as alternative protein sources whenformulating ruminant dietsusing local crop residue. Ten formulations (F1 – F10) were developed using locally and commonly used feed ingredients such as wheat offal, sorghum husk (energy source), while groundnut haulms and poultry litter (protein source). The formulation was based on 60% and 40% of energy and protein source feed material(s) respectively. Poultry litter was introduced in order to see its possible effect on the digestibility rates of some selected crop residues compared.The proximate composition of the feed ingredients as well as that of the formulations.....
Keywords: poultry litter, rumen, degradation, diet, digestibility
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the influence of management factor and agricultural institutions variables. These two variables are very influential on efficiency of production, production cost and profit of organic rice farming. This research was conducted in Dlingo Village, Mojosongo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia with a sample of 216 organic rice farmers certified by Internal Control System and nationally selected by the purposive sampling method. This comparative study was conducted using a stochastic frontier approach with cross section data and estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The results of this study are the farming system management variable being the dominant variable affecting production inefficiency and profit inefficiency with coefficient values of -0.4527 and -0.2735, and being the second largest variable affecting the inefficiency of production cost with a coefficient value of -0.4409. The role variable of farmer groups and.....
Keywords: Mojosongo, Management, Agricultural institutions, Organic rice farming, Stochastic frontier
[1]. Sutanto, R. (2002). Pertanian Organik: Menuju Pertanian Alternatif dan Berkelanjutan [Organic Farming: Towards Alternative and Sustainable Agriculture]. Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
[2]. Darmawan, D.P. (2011). Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga dalam Konteks Pertanian Berkelanjutan [Household Food Security in the Context of Sustainable Agriculture]. Udayana University Press, Denpasar.
[3]. WCED (1987). Our Common Future: The Bruntland Report. Oxford University Press for the World Commission on Environment and Development, New York.
[4]. Salikin, K.A. (2003). Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan [Sustainable Agriculture System]. Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
[5]. Gold, M.V. (2009). Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms. Special Reference Briefs Series no. SRB 99-02. Updates SRB 94-05. National Agricultural Library Agricultural Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 10301, Baltimore Avenue. Beltsville, MD 20705-2351..
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ABSTRACT:A study was conducted to assess the efficacy of a polyherbal antidiarrhoeal liquid in equines.Fifteen horses
,suffering from acute diarrhoea,were randomly divided into three groups and given different medication. Group
T-1 was given metronidazole iv @20mg/kg BD. Group T-2 was given metronidazole iv @ 20mg/kg BD along
with an adjunct therapy of polyherbal antidiarrhoeal,Dysen-00,10ml/100 kg bwt,BD. Third group,T-3,was given
the herbal liquid only@10ml/100 kg bwt BD.The fluids and electrolytes were restored as per the hydration
status of each horse.It was observed that the efficacy of antibiotic was synergized bythe use of herbal
antidiarrhoeal. When the herbal liquid(Dysen-00) was used exclusively(T-3), the desired effect was seen within
35- 52 hours of treatment of the first dose. However, when used as a supplement along with standard antibiotic,
it substantially decreased the recovery duration thereby reducing the financial burden and excessive usage of
antibiotics.It can be concluded that Dysen-00 may be used for treating non-specific diarrhoea.
Key Word: Antidiarrhoeal,Polyherbal,Equines,Dysen-00,non-specific diarrhoea
[1]. Abhinayani G, Sravya N, Naga Kishore R.(2013) Anti–diarrheal activity of alcoholic and aqueous extract of Calotropis procera R. Br. leaves in rats. Int J Pharm Sci;5:878-80.
[2]. Ajaikumar KB, Asheef M, Babu BH, Padikkala J (2005): The inhibition of gastric mucosal injury by Punicagranatum. L. (pomegranate) methanolic extract. J Ethnopharmacol96: 171–176.
[3]. Arumugam S, Selvaraj SV, Velayutham S, Natesan SK, PalaniswamyK(2011): Evaluation of anti-ulcer activity of Samaneasaman (Jacq) merr bark on ethanol and stress induced gastric lesions in albino rats. Indian J Pharmacol, 43, 586–590.
[4]. Bhattarai, Shandesh&Bhuju, Dinesh (2011) Antimicrobial Activity of Useful Parts of Woodfordiafruticosa (Linn.) Kurz. of Nepal. 2. 756-761.
[5]. Borah V, Bora P, Roy M &SaikiaK(2014) High Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Fecal Sample of Cows and Assessment of Antibacterial Efficacy of Indigenous Medicinal Plants from Assam, India. Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering. 1. 6.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Babirik District, North Hulu Sungai Regency is one of the areas that conducts organic and non-organic rice cultivation in lebak (fresh water) swamp, not only to meet daily needs but also to get income from the product sale. The selling price of organic rice products is higher than non-organic, but, only a small percentage of farmers use organic farming methods. This research conducted with the aim of analyzing (1) technical management of organic and non-organic rice farming in swampy land; (2) cost structure and costs of organic and inorganic rice farming; (3) comparison of the income and profits of organic and non-organic rice farmers; (4) the causes of slow-growing organic rice farming in the study area. Material and methods: with a purposive....
Keywords: Comparative analysis, organic rice, non-organic rice, lebak swamp land.
[1]. Babirik District Agricultural Counseling Center. Data of Farmers Groups in Babirik Sub-District in 2019. Banjarbaru.
[2]. Department of Food and Horticulture, South Kalimantan Province. 2018. Largest Lebak Swamp Land Area in South Kalimantan Province Banjarbaru.
[3]. Dirgabayu, Dimas, Syaiful Hadi, Novia Dewi. 2019. Comparative Analysis of Net Revenue from Organic and Inorganic Rice Farming in Kelayang Village, Rakit Kulim District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. Sungkai Journal Vol.7 No.1, February 2019 Edition Page: 79-86.
[4]. Hernanto, Fadholi. 1979. Agricultural Science. Department of Agricultural Social Economic Sciences Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University. Bogor.
[5]. Kasim, Syarifuddin. 2000. Ins and Outs of Farming. Lambung Mangkurat University. Banjarbaru.
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ABSTRACT: Basically, marketing activity was one of agribusiness activities.Marketing also became an important priority that must be considered in managing existing rubber products.The highest marketing cost was in third channel with the sheet product that was the total of all costs at the UPH level with the amount of Rp 1.769,- per kg. The highest marketing margin was in third channel with the sheet product at UPH level of Rp 5.000,- per kg. While the highest marketing profit was in third channel with the sheet product at the level of UPH, with the amount of Rp 3.231,- per kg.Share of farmer-level prices were all considered efficient because it was more than 50%. The highest share profit was in first channel at the level of lump collector with the percentage of 55,86% and the highest share cost was in second channel at the level of slab collectors with the percentage of 55,60%. The biggest percentage from marketing efficiency was second channel with the marketing product of slab product with the percentage of 21,93%..
Keywords: rubber processing materials, marketing efficiency, rubber, profit, margin and share
[1]. Fahrurrozi, et, al. 2015. Analisis Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Bahan Olahan Karet Rakyat (BOKAR) Lump Mangkok Dari Desa Kompas Raya Kecamatan Pinoh Utara Kabupaten Melawi. AGRISE Volume XV No. 2.
[2]. Herdiyansyah Rikky, 2015. Sistem Pemasaran Karet Rakyat Di Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi Dengan Pendekatan Rantai Pasok. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2015.
[3]. Lismarwati, 2016. Analisis Pemasaran Karet Rakyat Di Kabupaten Sijunjung. Master Thesis. Universitas Andalas.
[4]. Ningsih Sitri, et al. 2015. Analisis Pemasaran Karet (Havea brasiliensis) Di Kelurahan Pangkalan Bunut Kecamatan Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan. Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau.
[5]. Shinta, A. 2012. Ilmu Usahatani. Malang : Universitas Brawijaya..
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ABSTRACT: Cold plasma (CP) technology is one of the most promising technique. This study investigated the efficiency of CP treatment to inactivate fungus - contaminated maize grains and their effect on germination. The grains were exposed to CP at two different potencies for 10, 20 and 30 min. Antifungal effect was observed only for the grains treated with CP submitted to the higher potency and longer period of exposure. In relation to the germination of maize grains, the PC was not efficient. CP has been shown to be a safe decontamination procedure that can be applied sustainably to maize during storage (whose germination is not necessary).
Key Word:Maize;Cold Plasma; Germination;Inactivation; Fungi.
[1] Aapha - (American Public Health Association (2015). Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods. 5th ed. Ed: Salfinger e Tortorello.
[2] Bolshakov, A.A.; Cruden, B.A.; Mogul, R.; RAO, M.; Sharma, S.P.; Khare, B.N.; Meyyappan, M. (2004). Radio-frequency oxygen plasma as a sterilization source. AIAA Journal. 42: 823-832.
[3] Bormashenko, E., Shapira, Y., Grynyov, R., Whyman, G., Bormashenko, Y., &Drori, E. (2015). Interaction of cold radiofrequency plasma with seeds of beans (Phaseolusvulgaris). Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(13): 4013-4021.
[4] Bourke, P.; Ziuzina, D.; Boehm, D.; Cullen, P.J.; Keener, K. (2018). The potential of cold plasma for safe and sustainable food production. Trends in Biotechnology,1-12.
[5] Conab – National Supply Company (2019). Grains, harvest 2018/2019. Agricultural Monitoring Bulletin.January, 2019. Available in: <>Acess: 30 de março de 2019..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Options for Soil Organic Matter Fractionation in Tropical Soils |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Abdul R Conteh || Alie Kamara |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1307033344 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in maintaining the productivity of tropical soils. An estimated 70% of the terrestrial C stocks that participate in the atmospheric C cycle are stored in soil organic matter. Since SOM exists in a wide diversity of forms with considerable variability in decomposition rates, fractions of SOM that reflect management effects deserve particular attention because they predict trends in soil productivity. Fractions that are more sensitiveto management and land-use changes than total C can serve as early indicators of potential decline in soil organic matter, soil productivity and net emissions of CO2. Several fractions of SOM have been identified and characterized with varying sensitivities to changes in management and land-use. In this review, we examine the contemporary knowledge on the more common SOM fractions in tropical ecosystems.
Keywords: Soil organic matter, fractionation, tropical soils, carbon sequestration
[1]. Amara, Denis M. K., Sahr A. Koroma, Philip J. Kamanda, Augustine M. Kamara, Daniel H. Saidu. 2016. Effects of land use on Soil Organic Carbon fractions in soils of Njala Landscape in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue 4, Nov - Dec-. DOI: 10.22161/ijeab/1.4.5
[2]. Anderson, D. W., and Coleman, D. C. (1985). The dynamics of organic matter in grassland soils. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40, 211-216.
[3]. Angers, D.A. &Recous, S. 1997. Decomposition of wheat straw and rye residues as affected by particle size. Plant & Soil 189, 197–203. DOI:10.1023/A:1004207219678
[4]. Baldock, J.A., Oades, J.M., Waters, A.G., Peng, X. Vassallo, A.M. & Wilson, M.A. 1992. Aspects of the chemical structure of soil organic materials revealed by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. Biogeochemistry 16, 1–42. DOI:10.1007/BF02402261
[5]. Bationo, A. 2004. Managing Nutrient Cycles to Sustain Soil Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Academy Science Publishers (ASP) in association with the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Casein Gene Polymorphism in Ladakhi Goat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Roy U || Rout P K || Roy B G || Gogoi D || Roy R |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1307034549 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Alleles of αs1 Casein (CSN1S1) locus are associated with milk protein production. Characterization of CSN1S1 locus in Indian goat breeds is important to evaluate their diversity for milk proteins production in different climatic zones of the country. The objective of present study is to analyze the variation at CSN1S1 locus in goats of Ladakh region by both genomics and protein level. Milk protein analysis was carried out in skimmed milk samples (n=40) of local goats by SDS-PAGE. SDS-PAGE revealed four milk protein genotypes (AA, BB, BE & AF) for CSN1S1 locus of which A/F allele was observed in lower frequency than B/E allele. Blood samples were collected from (n=34) local Ladakhi goats in their natural habitats and genomic DNA was isolated as per standard protocol. Genotyping was performed with allele-specific PCR. Genotyping of DNA samples showed five alleles (A, B, D, E & F) in frequency of 0.38, 0.27, 0.01, 0.27 and 0.04 respectively. Effective number of alleles, Observed number of alleles, expected homozygosity and Nei's expected heterozygosity were 3.28, 5.0, 0.324 and 0.696 respectively..
Keywords: CSN1S1 locus, Casein polymorphism, Ladakhi goat, Indian goat, Goat genetic diversity
[1]. A. Biswas, B. G. Roy, D. Gogoi, M. Ahmed, and S. B. Singh, Poultry farming in the cold arid Himalayan region of India, World's Poultry Science Journal, 66, 2010, 297-307. [2]. R. K. Mishra, B. Singh, and V. K. Jain, Breed characteristics of Changthangi pashmina goat, Small Ruminant Research. 27, 1998, 97-102.
[3]. F. Grosclaude, G. Ricordea, P. Martin, F. Remuef, and L. Vassal, Du gene au fromagee: le polymorphismie de la casein α-S1 caprine, ses effets, son evolution, INRA Productions Animales, 7, 1994, 3- 19.
[4]. C. Bevilacqua, P. Ferranti, G. Garro, C. Veltri, and R. lagonigro, Interallelic recombination is probably responsible for the occurrence of a new alpha sl- casein variant found in the goat species, European Journal of Biochemistry, 269,2002, 1293- 1303.
[5]. M. Feligini, S. Frati, V. C. Curik, A. Brambilla, and P. Parma, Caprine αs1- Casein Polymorphism: Characterisation of A, B, E and F Variants by means of various biochemical and molecular techniques, Food Technology Biotechnology, 2005, 43, 123-132.
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ABSTRACT: Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the important industrial plantation commodities to increase the economical income of the community. Indonesia is included as the third largest producer of cacao after Ivory Coast and Ghana. This research is conducted in The Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology,Agroecotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Science, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh. The study was conducted from April 2019 until February 2020 and used two research design. First, non-factorial complete random design and second non factorial group randomized design. The rhizobacteria treatments consisted of 8 isolates with one control. The result shows........
Keywords: Rhizobacteria isolates characterization, Phytophthora palmivora, Seeds treatment, Disease Incidence
[1]. General Directorate of Plantation (Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan). Indonesian Plantation Statistics (Statistik Perkebunan) 2016-2018 Cacao. Jakarta:Sekretariat Direktorat Jendral;2019.
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[4]. Bowers, J.H., Bailey, BA, Hebbar, P.K., Sanogo, S., and Lumsden, R.D.The impact of plant diseases on world chocolate production. Plant Health Progress, doi: 10.1094/PHP-2001-0709-01-RV; 2001.
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ABSTRACT: Background:The study examined the influence of credit on household poverty in Iwo Agricultural Development zone of Osun State. The study described the different sources of credit and examined the contribution ofmicro-credit to household income and poverty. Methods: The study made use of multistage sampling technique to sample a hundred and twenty respondents for the study andstructured questionnaire were administered to obtain required information. Descriptive statistics, Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) poverty index and Logitregression were used to analyse the obtained information from the respondents......
Keywords: Agriculture, Household, Income, Poverty, Credit
[1]. Odife. N. Financing Agricultural Ventures". A Report on Agricultural Financing by the Nigeria Agricultural Co-operative and Rural Development Bank, 2002 pp 4-10.
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[4]. Nwaru JC. Rural Credit Markets and Resource Use in Arable Crop Production in Imo State of Nigeria PHD Dissertation, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Nigeria(2004).
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ABSTRACT: Background: The Ministry of Agriculture has special effort program (Upsus) for food self-sufficient focused in three commodities, namely rice, corn and soybeans (Pajale), which one of the aim is to supports to enhance the production and to attained the self-sufficient of corn in 2020. In increasing the area of corn planting, Hatungun sub-district not as a corn production center, where area has not been maximally processed yet but the production gets increased. It makes Hatungun sub-district become one of the sub-districts to realizing the corn self-sufficient. Beside of being food provider in the agricultural sector, it also contributes significant employed. So its expected that the Upsus Pajale Program could decrease the poverty and increase the corn farmers income in Hatungun District. The aim of the study are to analyzed (1) the corn farmers farming income that participate in Upsus Pajale Program and the income of independent corn farmers; (2) the feasibility of corn farmers farming that participate in Upsus Pajale Program........
Keywords: Corn Farming, Feasibility, Impact.
[1]. Ahmadi. et. al. 2016. Journal of Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agro-Innovation on Specific Locations for Food Security in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community. Impact of Special Efforts Program (Upsus) on Planting Area and Rice Production in Bangka Belitung Province
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[4]. Haryanto, Lorenta. 2018. Kawistara Journal Vol 8, No. 3 2018. Competitiveness and Sensitivity of Corn Farming in Pacitan Regency. Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University.
[5]. Kasim, Syarifudin. A. 2000. Economics of Agricultural Production. Faperta Unlam Banjarbaru.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economics of Dairy Cow Feed Management Strategiesand Policy Analysis |
Country | : | Oman |
Authors | : | Kheiry Hassan M. Ishag |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1307040918 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Oman traditional dairy sector recorded cow population of 382k cows required about 872k tons of Dry Mater feed per year. The raw milk production of traditional sector is low due to un-availability of formal marketing channels facilities and limited sources of local feedstuffs. The poor animal nutrition in study area caused by multiple factors associated with lack of adequate quantity and quality of feed available. The pastureland in Dhofar Region are severely degraded due to over-grazing and lack of appropriate grazing and feed management. This situation not only cause financial losses but have social, environmental and animal welfare consequences.The stochastic budgeting models examined three dairy cow feed strategiesand found existing livestock farming system and feeding cows with Rhodes Grass hay and concentrate with low yield of 10 Liter, 8 liters and 6 Liters milk production per day obtain the lowest net return with high probability of negative Net Returns (NRs) of 28.86%, 44.29% and.......
Keywords: feeding system risk efficient;stochastic budget model;Certainty Equivalent; risk premium price;economic and environmental sustainability.
[1]. Bahashwan S, Alrawas A S, Alfadli S and Johnson E S, 2015.Dhofari cattle growth curve prediction by different non-linear model functions. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #236.
[2]. Bahashwan, Salim,2017.Evaluation of two methods of fattening Dhofari calves. International Journal of Scientific Research in Agricultural Sciences. DO - 10.12983/ijsras-2017-p0019-0022
[3]. Gerhard Veldink,2015. Techno-Economic Feasibility Study on Milk collection and Processing Project in Dhofar Region. Hail Agriculture, HYA, UAE.
[4]. Hansen J.W., Jones J.W. ,1996. A systems framework for characterizing farm sustainability, Agr. Syst. 51, 185–201.
[5]. Hardaker J. B., Richardson J. W., Lien G, Schumann K D., 2004a. Stochastic efficiency analysis with risk aversion bounds : a simplified approach. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 48:253-270.
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ABSTRACT: Background: In Southeastern Nigeria, cucumber has become a major component of the cropping system due to the overwhelming importance of its health benefits along with skin care. In the rain forest zone of southern Nigeria, three cropping cultivations of cucumber are possible per year. The first cropping can be planted from January to March in a field or greenhouse using irrigation facilities while the second can be planted from first week of May to July and third season plantings from October to December using irrigation facilities. Thus, this indicates that cucumber is an all year round field and important greenhouse vegetable in southeastern Nigeria. Unfortunately, the yield per unit area of cucumber produced in these three planting seasons is greatly low, due to the growing of unimproved cucumber varieties used by the majority of farmers...
Key word: Cucumber production, improved genotypes, Southeastern Nigeria
[1] Akinfosoye, J. A. Olafolaji, A. O. Tairu, F. M. and Adenowola, R. A. (1997). Effect of Different Phosphorus levels on the yield of four varieties of rained cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Proc. 15th HORTSON Conf. 1, 65-66.
[2] Dhande, S.R. Dongare, P.P. Shah, P.R. Joshi, Y.M. and Kadam, V.J. (2013). Antihepatotoxic potential of Cucumis sativus and Pogostemon patchouli against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3(11):9212-9221.
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[4] Kumar, D. Kumar, S. Singh, J. Rashlimi, N. Vashistha, B.D. and Singh, N. (2010). Free radical scavenging and analgesic activities of Cucumis sativus L. fruit extract. Journal of Young Pharmacist, 2(4):365-368.
[5] Ngwuta, A.A., Ajala, S.O., Obi, I. U. and Ene-Obong, E.E. (2001). Potential sources of resistance to maize stem borers (S. calamistis (Hampson) and E. saccharina(Walker)) in local maize populations of southeastern Nigeria. African Crop Science proceedings, Vol. 5. 23-28..
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ABSTRACT: The aims of the study were to determine the comparison between coffee plant management systems and altitude against pest attacks. This study used a 3 × 2 factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 5 replications, the factors that were tried were. Altitude 3 levels namely, K1: 800-1,000 meters above sea level, K2: 1,000-1,200 meters above sea level, K3: 1,200-1,400 meters above sea level. The management system consists of 2 levels, namely: O: Organic, N: Non-organic. This research was conducted in Aceh Tengah District. This research began from July to September 2016. The height of the place and the management system of coffee plants influence the intensity of PBKo pests and there is an interaction between the height of the place and the management system of coffee plants.
Key Words: altitude, organic, non-organic, PBKo, coffee.
[1]. Aser K. 2011. Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu Oleh Petani Kopi Organik Di Kabupaten Jayawijaya. Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. hlm 9-10.
[2]. Barrera, J.F. 2008. Coffee Pests and Their Management. In: Capinera J.L, editor. Encyclopedia of Entomology. 2nd ed. Springer. pp. 961-998.
[3]. Bernays EA. 1998. Evolution of feeding behavior in insect herbivores: Success seen as different ways to eat without being eaten. BioScience 48(1): 35-44.
[4]. Capinera, J.L. 2012. Sweetpotato Weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Brentidae (Curculionidae)). https://edis.ifas.ufl. edu/in154 capinera spw1.
[5]. Coley M R., J MLuna. 2000. Relative attractiveness of potential beneficial insectary plants to Aphidophagous hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae). Environ Entomol 29:1054-1059.
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ABSTRACT: Background:The cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) shell liquid (CNSL) scientific interest of the has grown significantly, due to its diverse technological potential arising from its rich composition for biological application. It is mainly related to protection, against microorganisms. It has been reported to substitute chemical compounds application(pesticides). Thus reducing their persistent residues (to consumers and the environment. This work evaluated a green strategy for storage fungi decontamination commonly infecting grains (maize - Zea mays L. and wheat-Triticum aestivum L.) by applying CNSL. Materials and Methods:In this study, a 25g portion of naturally contaminated corn samples (Total: 3, M1, M2 and M3) and wheat (Total: 2, W1 and W2) were weighed, diluted and exposed to different percentages of CNSL, through inoculation in triplicate to (10-3) in culture medium containing PDA, followed by the addition of increasing volumes of CNSL (10, 20.....
Key Word: Cashew nut shell liquid; Fungicide; Grains; Maize; Wheat..
[1]. Lima, A.C., Garcia, N.H.P., Lima, J.R.. 2004. Obtenção e caracterização dos principais produtos do caju. Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos 22:1 133-144. Availableat: [2]. Parente, J.I.G., Pessoa, P.F.A.P., Namekata, Y. 1991. Diretrizes para recuperação da cajucultura no Nordeste. EMBRAPA. Available at:
[3]. Marques, J.J.S., Aaraújo, J.M., Da Silva Lima, S., Reis, F.A. 2017. Competitividade das exportações brasileiras de castanha de caju e o efeito da crise de 2008. Ensaios FEE 38:1 135-162. Available at:
[4]. Kist, B.B., Carvalho, C., Treichel, M., Dos Santos, C.E. 2018. Anuário brasileiro da fruticultura. Editora Gazeta Santa Cruz. Available at:
[5]. Figueirêdo Junior, H.S. 2008. Desafios para a caju cultura no Brasil: o comportamento de competitividade e recomendações para o setor. Revista Econômica do Nordeste 39:3 371-94. Avaialableat:
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ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of a research conducted in subalpine grasslands located inEpirus (Greece), for five consecutive years (2012-2016). The objective of the studywas to determine the variation of the chemical composition {Crude Protein (CP), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Ether Extract (EE)} of grasses, legumes and other forbsof the area every 15 days, in three different altitudinal zones. Grasses were predominant in vegetation composition and were followed by other forbs. Legumes presented the highest meanCP content (P <0.05)and grasses presentedthe highest mean NDF and ADF content and the lowestmean EE content.The chemical composition of all botanical groups, in all altitudinal zones was statistically significantly (P<0.05) affected by the sampling time.The altitudinal zone affected (P<0.05) the mean CP, NDF and ADF content of all botanical groups, whereas it only affected the mean EE content of grasses. The sampling year affected (P<0.05) the average content of legumes and other forbs in the NDF and EE, whereas it affected the average ADF content of all botanical groups.
Key words: Subalpine grassland, grasses, legumes, forbs, chemical composition
[1] Dong, S. K., Wang, X. X., Liu, S. L., Liy, Y., Su, X. K., Wen, L. and Zhu, L. Reproductive responses of alpine plants to grassland degradation and artificial restoration in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Grass and Forage Science, 2015, 70, 229–238.
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[4] Chatzitheodoridis, F., Michailidis, A. and Theodossiou, G. Comparative analysis of sheep - Goat farming in a typical Greek island: Economy and Environment, Applied Economics and Policy Analysis, 2007,1 (1-2), 191 – 200.
[5] McMorran, R., Santini, F., Guri, F., Gomez-y-Paloma, S., Price, M., Beucherie, O., Monticelli, C., Rouby, A., Vitrolles, D. and Cloye, G. A mountain food label for Europe? The role of food labelling and certification in delivering sustainable development in European mountain regions, Journal of Alpine Research, 2015, 103, 1-22.
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ABSTRACT: The cost of protein sources renders fish feed expensive, hence aquaculture. Oreochromisniloticus was cultured in aquaponics (ability to withstand overcrowding) in order to explore potentials which may minimize the feed cost in aquaculture. A diet with 15, 25, 35 and 32% protein levels was formulated according to treatments 1, 2, 3 and control, to assess the effect of the protein levels on growth of the fish. Ingredients used were rice bran, maize meal, soya beans meal, fish meal, vitamin premix, methionine, lysine, vitamin C, vegetable oil and cassava floor (binder). Pearson square method was used in calculating the ingredient proportion. The feed conversion ratio in treatments 1 & 2 was '1.2' and, it was '1.0' in treatments 3 &4. The specific growth rate was highest in treatment 3 (4.63) followed by......
Keywords Protein levels, aquaponics, tilapia, growth, ingredients, regression
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to find out the importance of various characteristics of teat and to study their relationship with milk yield in crossbred dairy cows. By a previously prepared module, 100 crossbred dairy cows were selected to collection of data for the various measurements and shapes of teat from the 3 villages named Fulbari, Koira and Bhatkura of Dhanbari upazila at Tangail District in Bangladesh. The phenotypic correlation coefficients between teat measurements and test milk yield and between all possible combinations of teat measurements were significant (P<0.01), including that length and diameter of teat were related to each other and also to the milk production. A cylindrical shaped teat having middle teat length with highest milk production was found as an asset for a milch cow. It may be concluded that a well characteristics of teat is to be considered of teat is to be considered for selecting dairy cows on milk yield
Key words: Importance, teat characteristics, cross-bred dairy cows, milk yield
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