Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2012)
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ABSTRACT : Background: The paradigm shift in the locus of control in many health systems brought about by consumerism and accountability makes it imperative for consumers of health services to be involved in setting agenda for quality improvement an imperative. This study sought to identify service quality gaps in a public hospital in Nigeria using the clients' judgement. Methodology: Sixty-eight consenting clients attending the State House Hospital, Yenagoa, were administered an adapted version of the SERVQUAL instrument to rate their expectation before and perception after the encounter with the practice. Negative gap scores indicated that the actual service (the perceived score) was less than what was expected (the expectation score) and thus requires some form of quality improvement. Criteria having high expectation scores from the clients were also of importance to the administrators of the facility. Result: Majority of the raters were married (71.2%) and female (55.9%). Significant gaps were elicited in clients' desire for up-to-date equipment for patient care (-1.15); desire to be able to trust staff (-1.06) and feel safe with hospital's employees (-1.11). All 5 dimensions showed some degree of inadequacies but none crossed the pre-set critical line. Majority of the clients showed general satisfaction with the performance of the hospital (88.4%), a likelihood of return (76.3%) and recommending to others (81.0%) Conclusion: The identification of symptoms of dysfunction in this organization through this instrument provided a starting point for the examination of underlying problems that inhibit the provision of quality service.
Keywords: Quality improvement, SERVQUAL, clients expectation, clients perception, quality gap, Yenagoa.
Keywords: Quality improvement, SERVQUAL, clients expectation, clients perception, quality gap, Yenagoa.
1. Last MJ. A dictionary of epidemiology. Oxford University Press 1983; New York: 86.
2. Mendoza AJ, Piechulek H, al-Sabir A. Clients' satisfaction and quality of health care in Rural Bangladesh. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2001; 79(6):512-517.
3. Babakus E, Mangold W. Adapting the SERVQUAL scale to Hospital Services: An Empirical Investigation. Health Services Research 1992; 26(6): 767 – 786.
4. Brinkerhoff D. Accountability and health systems: overview, framework and strategies. Technical Report 2003; 018. Available from [retrieved 6th of March, 2007].
5. Ries NM, Caulfield T. Accountability in health care and legal approach. Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc 2004:1-5.
6. Weisman CS, Rich DE, Rogers J, Crawford KG, Grayson CE, Henderson JT. Gender and Patients satisfaction with primary care: turning in to women in quality measurement. Journal of Women's Health and Gender Bases Research 2000; 9:657-665.
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8. rld Health Organization 2000. Health systems: improving performance. The World Health Report 2000, WHO Geneva: 1-44.
9. Labarere J, Francois P, Auquier P, Robert C, Fourny M. Development of a French inpatient satisfaction questionnaire. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2001; 13(2):99-108.
10. Blumenthal D. Quality of care- what is it? N Engl J Med 1996; 335(12):891-894.........
2. Mendoza AJ, Piechulek H, al-Sabir A. Clients' satisfaction and quality of health care in Rural Bangladesh. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2001; 79(6):512-517.
3. Babakus E, Mangold W. Adapting the SERVQUAL scale to Hospital Services: An Empirical Investigation. Health Services Research 1992; 26(6): 767 – 786.
4. Brinkerhoff D. Accountability and health systems: overview, framework and strategies. Technical Report 2003; 018. Available from [retrieved 6th of March, 2007].
5. Ries NM, Caulfield T. Accountability in health care and legal approach. Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc 2004:1-5.
6. Weisman CS, Rich DE, Rogers J, Crawford KG, Grayson CE, Henderson JT. Gender and Patients satisfaction with primary care: turning in to women in quality measurement. Journal of Women's Health and Gender Bases Research 2000; 9:657-665.
7. Wo
8. rld Health Organization 2000. Health systems: improving performance. The World Health Report 2000, WHO Geneva: 1-44.
9. Labarere J, Francois P, Auquier P, Robert C, Fourny M. Development of a French inpatient satisfaction questionnaire. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2001; 13(2):99-108.
10. Blumenthal D. Quality of care- what is it? N Engl J Med 1996; 335(12):891-894.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cognitive Dissonance and Its Impact On Consumer Buying Behaviour |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Uzma Hasan || Dr. Reshma Nasreen |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0140712 ![]() |
Abstract: This article explores the implications of cognitive dissonance on varied aspects of consumer buying behaviour. Some of the factors leading to dissonance post purchase and prior to it have been comprehensively studied in the article. The paper begins with the identification of the degree of involvement in the purchase of a product which creates dissonance for a customer. The authors argue that higher the degree of purchase involvement on behalf of the consumer, the lesser would be his dissonance level. If he takes the purchase decision on his own, he would be more satiated with his decision as compared to a purchase decision taken in consultation with others. Also it is proposed, that the more time a consumer devotes to his purchase decision, the more content he would be with his decision and lesser would be the dissonance attached with the decision. The study also unveils that, a consumer is likely to face more dissonance over his decision which involves the purchase of luxury and expensive products whereas less dissonance was found to be associated with the purchase of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). In other words, purchase of luxury products would make customers more dissonant as compared to a purchase of FMCG products.
Keywords: Cognitive dissonance, consumer behaviour, marketing, consumer dissonance, post purchase dissonance
Keywords: Cognitive dissonance, consumer behaviour, marketing, consumer dissonance, post purchase dissonance
1. Festinger Leon (1957), a theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
2. Loudon and Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour – Concepts and applications, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, Fourth Edition, pp.431
3. Kassarjian Hal H and Joel B Cohen (1965), "Cognitive Dissonance and Consumer Behavior", California Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 55-64.
4. Bell Gerald D (1967), "The Automobile Buyer after Purchase", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 12-16.
5. Koller Monika and Salzberger Thomas (2007), "Cognitive Dissonance as a Relevant Construct throughout the Decision-Making and Consumption Process: An Empirical Investigation Related to a Package Tour", Journal of Customer Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 217-227.
6. Aronson, E. 1969, "The theory of cognitive dissonance: A current perspective‟, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 4, ed. L. Berkowitz, Academic Press, New York, pp. 1– 34.
7. Sweeney, J.C., Hausknecht, D. & Soutar, G.N. 2000, "Measuring cognitive dissonance: A Multi dimensional scale‟, Psychology and Marketing, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 369–86.
8. Beatty Sharon E and Kahle R Lynn (1988), "Alternative Hierarchies of the Attitude- Behavior Relationship: The Impact of Brand Commitment and Habit," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-10.
9. Mittal Banwari (1989), "A Theoretical Analysis of Two Recent Measures of Involvement", Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 697-702.
10. Smith J Brock and Bristor J M (2006), "Uncertainty Orientation: Explaining Differences in Purchase Involvement and External Search", Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 587-607.
11. Traylor Mark B and Joseph Benoy W (1984), "Measuring Consumer Involvement in Products: Developing a General Scale", Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 65-77.
12. Menasco, M.B. & Hawkins, D.I. 1978, "A field test of the relationship between cognitive dissonance and state anxiety‟, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 650–55.
13. Rook Dennis and Fisher J Robert (1995), "Trait and Normative Aspects of Impulsive Buying Behavior", Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 305-313.
2. Loudon and Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour – Concepts and applications, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, Fourth Edition, pp.431
3. Kassarjian Hal H and Joel B Cohen (1965), "Cognitive Dissonance and Consumer Behavior", California Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 55-64.
4. Bell Gerald D (1967), "The Automobile Buyer after Purchase", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 12-16.
5. Koller Monika and Salzberger Thomas (2007), "Cognitive Dissonance as a Relevant Construct throughout the Decision-Making and Consumption Process: An Empirical Investigation Related to a Package Tour", Journal of Customer Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 217-227.
6. Aronson, E. 1969, "The theory of cognitive dissonance: A current perspective‟, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 4, ed. L. Berkowitz, Academic Press, New York, pp. 1– 34.
7. Sweeney, J.C., Hausknecht, D. & Soutar, G.N. 2000, "Measuring cognitive dissonance: A Multi dimensional scale‟, Psychology and Marketing, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 369–86.
8. Beatty Sharon E and Kahle R Lynn (1988), "Alternative Hierarchies of the Attitude- Behavior Relationship: The Impact of Brand Commitment and Habit," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-10.
9. Mittal Banwari (1989), "A Theoretical Analysis of Two Recent Measures of Involvement", Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 697-702.
10. Smith J Brock and Bristor J M (2006), "Uncertainty Orientation: Explaining Differences in Purchase Involvement and External Search", Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 587-607.
11. Traylor Mark B and Joseph Benoy W (1984), "Measuring Consumer Involvement in Products: Developing a General Scale", Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 65-77.
12. Menasco, M.B. & Hawkins, D.I. 1978, "A field test of the relationship between cognitive dissonance and state anxiety‟, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 650–55.
13. Rook Dennis and Fisher J Robert (1995), "Trait and Normative Aspects of Impulsive Buying Behavior", Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 305-313.
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Abstract:The power of branding is most often powerful than the product itself. Renowned brands like Procter and Gamble paid Richardson-Vicks 2.6 times of its book value. Nabisco was sold for 3.2 times of its book value and General Motors was sold for 3.5 times its book value. Whilst these corporations succeeded in using their brand as a source for their company's worth, others lagged behind, trying to comprehend the real value of branding. This study draws upon past literatures in branding and proposes the use the brand equity concept towards formulating a meaningful plat for a Malaysian Internet service called TMnet, Jaring and Maxis to nest. This study develops a brand equity construct which nestles upon brand concept of functionality, image, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Developing brand equity is not an easy task. Therefore, this study tries to identify the important factors for creating brand equity. Results of this study shows that perceived quality is the most important factor for developing brand equity. The results of this study confirm the significant influence of these four utmost important factors on brand equity. In conclusion, practitioners can derive a better understanding of the activities that are undertaken by these organizations and how the way these activities are being dealt with.
Keywords: Functionality, image of brand, perceived quality of brand and brand loyalty
Keywords: Functionality, image of brand, perceived quality of brand and brand loyalty
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[15] Keller, L.K. and Aaker, D.A., "The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions", Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 1992, pp. 35-50..........
[2] Aaker, David a. and Erich joachimsthaler , "Leverage the corporate" California Management review. 46, (3) ,2004, pp. 6-18
[3] Baldauf, Artur, Karen s. Cravens, and Gudrun binder, "Performance Consequences of Brand Equity Management: Evidence from Organizations in the Value Chain", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 12 (4), 2003 220-236.
[4] Bendixen, M., Bukasaa, K &Abratt, R., "Brand equity in the business-to-business market," Industrial Marketing management, 33,, 2004, pp. 371-380
[5] Chen, Arthur c.h., "Using Free Association to Examine the Relationship Between Characteristics of Brand Associations and Brand Equity", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10 (7), 2001, 439 -451.
[6] Davis, S. &Halligan, C. (2002), "Extending your brand by optimizing your customer relationship. Journal of Consumer Marketing,. 19, pp. 7-11
[7] Davis, Scott m. and Michael Dunn (2002), Building the Brand-Driven Business: Operationalize Your Brand to Drive Profitable Growth, San Francisco, Josey Bass.
[8] Doyle, peter ,"Building Value-Based Branding Strategies", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2001,PP.255-268.
[9] E. Atilgan, S. Aksoy, S. Akinci, "Determinants of the brand equity. A verification approach in the beverage industry in Turkey" journal of Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23 (3), 2005, pp. 237–248
[10] Faircloth, L.M. Capella, B.L. Alford, , " The effect of brand attitude and brand image on brand equity"Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9 (3) ,2001, pp. 61–75
[11] Farquhar, J. and Rowley, J.." Relationships and Online Communities". Business Process Management Journal, 12, (2), 2006, pp.168-177.
[12] J. Charlene Davis, "A conceptual view of branding for services", Journal of innovation Marketing. 3, (1), 2007, pp. 7-14
[13] K.L. Keller, D.R. Lehmann, "Brands and branding: research findings and future priorities "Marketing Science, 25 (6), 2006, pp. 740–759
[14] Kapferer, Jean Noel, (1997), "strategic brand management" Great Britain, Kogan page
[15] Keller, L.K. and Aaker, D.A., "The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions", Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 1992, pp. 35-50..........
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine if and how national cultural difference affects the performance of multinationals in the Nigerian petroleum sector. A sample of 33 multinationals present in the Nigerian petroleum sector were used in this research. Information such as their home country, number of years in operation in Nigeria, number of employees, performance, cultural distance, and their annual sales made up the variables used in this study. The data collected were put into SPSS Statistical analysis programme and mean, standard deviation, spearman rho and multiple regressions were used to test the hypothesis. The result showed that as cultural distance between home Countries and Nigeria increases, there was a negative impact on the performance of multinationals in the Nigerian petroleum sector. Although the results imply that cultural distances exit and can have a negative impact on the performance of multinationals, if properly managed, such negative impacts can be minimized and multinationals can be successful regardless of been present in a culturally distant home country.
Key Words: Cultural dimension, Cultural distance, cultural diversity, multinationals, national culture, performance, petroleum sector, manufacturing sector.
Key Words: Cultural dimension, Cultural distance, cultural diversity, multinationals, national culture, performance, petroleum sector, manufacturing sector.
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Abstract: One of the serious problems confronting developing and developed economies is the management and preservation of energy sources. While modern technologies (systems, tools, and machines) are being developed, demands for computing and telecommunication systems grow to adapt people with new business environment. Current electricity users comprise new generation of heavy electricity users such as portable electronic systems which have been boosted rapidly over span of happening years, whereas their main energy sources such as batteries have been improved in energy density and capacity at a much slower pace.
Keywords: Battery,Technology, Competitive advantage
Keywords: Battery,Technology, Competitive advantage
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[2] Robinson, S. (2009). Cellphone energy gap: desperately seeking solutions, Strategy Analytics.
[3] Benini, L., Paleologo, G., Bogliolo, A., & De Micheli, G. (1999). Policy optimization for dynamic power management. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, 813-833.
[4] Peng, R., & Pedram, M. (2010). A Markovian Decision-based Approach for Extending the Lifetime of a Network of Battery-Powered Mobile Devices by Remote Processing. Low Power Electronics, 6(2).
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[6] Wright, L. M. (1998). Mobile phone takeback and recycling: analysis of the ECTEL project. Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, IEEE, pp. 54–59.
[7] Meskers, C. H. (2009). Closed loop WEEE recycling? Challenges and opportunities for a global recycling society. In: Howard, S.M. (Ed.), EPD-TMS congress 2009. Proceedings of Sessions and Symposia Sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), (pp. 1049–1054.). San Fransisco, California, USA.
[8] Ongondo, F., & Williams, I. (2011). Greening academia: Use and disposal of mobile phones among university students. Waste Management, 1617–1634.
[9] Amitabha, G., & Sajal K., D. (2008). Coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 303–334.
[10] Xiuxiao, Y., Jianhong, F., Hongxing, S., & Charles, T. (2009). The application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 541-550....................
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Abstract: The paper aims at determining the link between incentive schemes and employee motivation and productivity in organizations and to provide useful information to management on how best to design and administer incentive schemes. To achieve this objective, the paper draws largely from past research findings and cases from the United Nations development Programme (UNDP). Cases cited include those from Tanzania, Rwanda and Brazil. The findings were that incentive schemes have high significant relationship with employee motivation and productivity in both the organized private sector and public sector organizations in Nigeria. The paper recommends that management must identify the type of incentive that best motivate the employee, design and administer flexible incentive programmes, seek and obtain feedback on incentives and set effective employee performance goals in the organization.
Keywords: Incentive schemes, motivation, employee productivity, reinforcement, analytical linkages, material incentives, and non-material incentives.
Keywords: Incentive schemes, motivation, employee productivity, reinforcement, analytical linkages, material incentives, and non-material incentives.
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[5]. Buchanan, D. & Huczynski, A. (2004). Organizational Behaviour: An Introductory Text. London: Prentice Hall.
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Abstract : Reverse logistics is considered as a part of supply chain and can be minimized in the form of complaints received to strengthen the whole supply chain. Henceforth this paper attempts to analyze the gaps between identified defects and complaints received in ongoing production process through statistical analysis, which can be utilized further to minimize. A case study from a chemical industry has been considered to reflect this gap. Additionally author has made an attempt to explain the impact and efficacy of RFID for minimizing the reverse logistics part (received complaints) in the form of proposed algorithm. This algorithm may help further to monitor manufacturing process at various stages, for real time information extraction in RFID implementation scenario. This customer complaint handling system through RFID may provide an opportunity to managers in taking decision for analyzing the customer specific cause and effect relationship between product failure and process optimization. This algorithm can be customized further to meet the needs of other production packaging and packing processes whenever the specifications are not in line.
Keywords - Customer complaint, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Reverse Logistics.
Keywords - Customer complaint, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Reverse Logistics.
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