Volume-11 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: This paper presents a fault prediction model using reliability relevant software metrics and fuzzy inference system. For this a new approach is discussed to develop fuzzy profile of software metrics which are more relevant for software fault prediction. The proposed model predicts the fault density at the end of each phase of software development using relevant software metrics. On the basis of fault density at the end of testing phase, total number of faults in the software is predicted. The model seems to useful for both software engineer as well as project manager to optimally allocate resources and achieve more reliable software within the time and cost constraints. To validate the prediction accuracy, the model results are validated using PROMISE Software Engineering Repository Data set.
Keywords: Reliability Relevant Software Metrics, Software Fault Prediction, Fault Density, Fuzzy profile, Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
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Abstract: Data Compression is the technique through which, we can reduce the quantity of data, used to represent content without excessively reducing the quality of the content. This paper examines the performance of a set of lossless data compression algorithm, on different form of text data. A set of selected algorithms are implemented to evaluate the performance in compressing text data. A set of defined text file are used as test bed. The performance of different algorithms are measured on the basis of different parameter and tabulated in this article. The article is concluded by a comparison of these algorithms from different aspects.
Keywords - Encryption, Entropy Encoding, Dictionary Encoding, Compression Ratio, Compression time, Test Bed.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hiding Image within Video Clip |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Nada Elya Tawfiq |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1162026 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to the huge development of computer science which was escorted by another vast development in the hiding techniques, which became of great possibilitiesin which it is difficult to break those techniques.Those techniques were classified depending on the method of embedding like inserting, replacing or exchange positions.
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Abstract: Intrusion detection is the process of detecting unauthorized traffic on a network or a device. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are designed to detect the real-time intrusions and to stop the attack. An IDS is a software or a physical device that monitors traffic on the network and detect unauthorized entry that violates security policy. We present in this paper the various Neural Network approaches adopted by the different Intrusion Detection Systems. Artificial Intelligence plays significantly role in intrusion detection. Machine learning can also be applied to intrusion detection systems. Artificial Neural Networks are modelled inline with the learning processes that take place in biological systems. The Neural Networks are basically consists of a set of inputs, some intermediate layers and one output. They are capable of identifying the patterns and its variations. They can be "trained" to produce an accurate output for a given input. Neural Networks are capable of predicting new observations from other observations after executing a process of so called learning from existing data.
Keywords: Intrusion detection, Neural networks, Prevention system, Security, Technique, Traffic.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A New Algorithm for Human Face Detection Using Skin Color Tone |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Hewa Majeed Zangana, Imad Fakhri Al-Shaikhli |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1163138 ![]() |
Abstract: Human face recognition systems have gained a considerable attention during last decade due to its vast applications in the field of computer and advantages over previous biometric methods. There are many applications with respect to security, sensitivity and secrecy. Face detection is the most important and first step of recognition system. This paper introduces a new approach to face detection systems using the skin color of a subject. This system can detect a face regardless of the background of the picture, which is an important phase for face identification. The images used in this system are color images which give additional information about the images than the gray images provide. In face detection, the two respective classes are the "face area" and the "non-face area". This new approach to face detection is based on color tone values specially defined for skin area detection within the image frame. This system first resizes the image, and then separates it into its component R, G, and B bands. These bands are transformed into another color space which is YCbCr space and then into YC'bC'r space (the skin color tone). The morphological process is implemented on the presented image to make it more accurate. At last, the projection face area is taken by this system to determine the face area. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is good enough to localize a human face in an image with an accuracy of 92.69%. Keywords – Color Space, Face detection, Skin Color.
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Abstract: With the increase in the development of cloud computing environment, the security has become the major concern that has been raised more consistently in order to move data and applications to the cloud as individuals do not trust the third party cloud computing providers with their private and most sensitive data and information. In this paper, I proposed an encryption technique in cloud computing environment using randomization method to increase security and optimize the encrypted data in migration process. Keywords – Attribute based encryption, cloud computing, data migration, prediction based encryption, randomization
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Random key KeyGen
Setup operation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A New Approach to Volunteer Cloud Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ruchika Saini, Pawan Prakash |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1164345 ![]() |
Abstract: Volunteer Cloud Computing is based on the concept where highly distributed non-dedicated resources are harnessed to build a cloud so as to offer cloud services. As volunteer clouds are allowed to communicate with each other and with other commercial clouds also, it's necessary to implement an enhanced interoperable environment. In this paper we propose an XMPP based messaging middleware architecture that can help in implementing such an environment.
Keywords: cloud computing, commercial cloud, interoperability, middleware architecture, volunteer cloud.
[1] A. Andrzejak, D. Kondo, and D. P. Anderson, "Exploiting non dedicated resources for cloud computing," 2010 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium - NOMS 2010, pp. 341-348, 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotion Recognition Based On Audio Speech |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Showkat Ahmad Dar, Zahid Khaki |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1164650 ![]() |
Abstract: Emotion recognition aims at automatically identifying the emotional or physical state of a human being from his or her voice. The emotional and physical states of a speaker are known as emotional aspects of speech and are included in the so called paralinguistic aspects. Although the emotional state does not alter the linguistic content, it is an important factor in human communication, because it provides feedback information in many applications as making a machine to recognize emotions from speech is not a new idea. This paper presents automatic text independent speaker emotion recognition system using the pattern classification methods such as the support vector mechanics (SVM) .Acoustic features are derived from the speech signal at the segmental level. The segmental features are the features extracted from short frames (10-30 ms) of the speech. Acoustic features are derived from the speech signal at the segmental level. Acoustic features are represented by Mel frequency cepstral coefficients .A 39 dimensional MFCC for each frame is used as acoustic feature vector. The DFT based cepstral coeffiecients are computed by computing IDFT (inverse DFT) of the log magnitude short time spectrum of speech signal. Mel wraped cepstrum is obtained by inserting an intermediate step of transforming the frequencies before computing the IDFT. The Mel scale is based on human perception of frequency of sound. SVMs are used to construct the optimal separating hyper plane for speech features .SVMs are used to build the models for each speaker and to compare with the test speaker's feature vectors.
Keywords: Inverse discrete Fourier transforms(IDFT), linear prediction coefficients(LPC), linear prediction cepstral coefficients(LPCC), Support vector mechanics(SVM), Artificial Neural Networks(ANN), Hidden Markov Model(HMM), Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM).
[1]. Pongtep Angkititrakul and John H. L. Hansen, "Discrimination in–Set/out-of-set Speaker Recognition Systems" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO , SPEECH , AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, Vol.15, no.2, Feb.2007.
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[5]. Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA).
[6]. Guillermo Garcia, Sung-kyo Jung, "A Statistical Approach To Performance Evaluation Of Speaker Emotion Recognition Systems" TECH/SSTP Lab., France Telecom R&D 22307 Lannion, France. W.B. Mikhel and Pravinkumar Premakanthan, "An Improved Speaker Emotion Identification Technique Employing Multiple Representations of LPC", in proceedings of IEEE , march 2000
[7]. Sachin S. Kajarekar "Four Weighing And Fusion : A Cepstral –SVM System For Speaker Emotion Recognition VOL. 23, NO. 3, AUGUST 2008. .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Static Slicing Technique with Algorithmic Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sonam Agarwal, Arun Prakash Agarwal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1165154 ![]() |
Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy of the static programslicing which is used to locate the faults that cause an exception,we propose a new algorithm which isstored when an exception occurred. The proposed approachconsists of various steps and figure out those methods and statements thathave not been executed. Then, these methods which are notexecuted will be ignored when building the system dependencegraph. Finally, the accurate slice will be got by adopting theimproved program slicing algorithm. And the result shows that using our approachthe slice is 8 percent less than using the general static programslicing algorithm on average.One approach to improve the comprehension ofprograms is to reduce the amount of data to be observedand inspected. Programmers tend to focus andcomprehended selected functions (outputs) and those partsof a program that are directly related to that particularfunction rather than all possible program functions. Oneapproach is to utilize program slicing, a program decomposition technique that transforms a large programinto a smaller one that contains only statements relevantto the computation of a selected function.
Keywords: Program slicing, Static slicing, Static slicing algorithm
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Abstract: The traditional algorithms for mining frequent association patterns suffer from the problems of under prediction and over prediction of patterns. The main aim of the present paper is to develop a soft set approach for mining quantitative association patterns in order to address the issues of under prediction and over prediction of these patterns. The proposed approach is illustrated with the help of a suitable example and experiment on a real world data set of air pollution. The transactional dataset is represented as soft set using the concept of parameter co-occurrences in the transaction. The quantitative attributes are dealt with by fine –partitioning the value of each attributes and then creating new tables which represent each (fine) partition as a field. The results obtained by soft set approach are compared with those obtained by Apriori algorithm without soft set approach. The significant differences have been observed in support and confidence levels of patterns obtained by both the approaches.
Keywords: Association pattern mining, Quantitative data, Soft set, Attribute partition.
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Abstract: Neural networks are powerful techniques for non-linear data, which have been proven in many domains. As a result, the artificial neural networks have been applied in various fields including meteorology and climatology. This work is a contribution to the development of methods of weather prediction in general, and humidity rate in particular. In a first step, methods that are based on the study of artificial neural networks types MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) are applied for the prediction of moisture in the area of Chefchaouen in Morocco. In a second step, the proposed new architecture of neural networks of MLP type was compared to the model of multiple linear regression (MLR). The basis of learning neural model was collected between 2008 and 2011 during 1248 days. The latter consists of a number of climatic parameters, such as atmospheric pressure, air temperature, visibility, cloud cover, precipitation, dew point temperature, wind speed and humidity.Predictive models established by the MLP neural networks method are more powerful compared to those established by multiple linear regression, because of the fact that good correlation was obtained with the parameters from a neural approach with a mean squared error 5%.
Keywords: Humidity, Artificial Neural Networks, MLP, Linear regression, Prediction.
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Abstract: In the competitive economic market the demand of secured and reliable system is increasing day by day. A successful system development is possible by consider equally both functional and nonfunctional requirement. But practically nonfunctional requirements are not identifying as like functional requirement. There are few generic requirements for a system like auditability, extensibility, maintainability, performance, portability, reliability, security, testability, usability and etc. among them security is very vital issue for system development. The security of web based application is vulnerable now a days. For this reason the importance of web based application security is growing over the time. Very often the system fails because of without incorporating the appropriate security specific-process. Our proposed model elicits the system security in a systematic way during requirement analysis phase. Using use case and questionnaires table our model elicits the security requirements of a system. We use Point of Sale System as a case study to identify its security.
Keywords- Identify Security, Web Application, Security Model, Functional requirement, Non Functional Requirement
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customers Attitude toward Mobile Service Providers in Hyderabad |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Yousef Mehdipour*, Hamideh Zerehkafi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1168388 ![]() |
Abstract: Measuring customer attitude provides an indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace. Indian mobile industry has witnessed a dramatic growth. Cheap mobile handsets, affordable airtime rates, low initial cost and affordable monthly rentals made it easy for anybody to go mobile. As per latest statistics India has around 160 million mobile subscribers. Le Roux (1994) defines attitude to be a positive or negative emotional relationship with or predisposition toward an object, institution or person. Customer satisfaction is a collective outcome of perception, evaluation, and psychological reactions to the consumption experience with a product or service. This research article investigated the attitude of customers to mobile communication. All the customers of mobile in Hyderabad city (Andhra Pradesh) constituted the population. Air Tel, Vodafone, Idea, Cell One are the four companies which are included in study. The sample of the study is 2600 customers that randomly selected. A questionnaire was developed and validated through pilot testing and administered to the sample for the collection of data. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha method and the coefficient of internal consistency obtained was 0.82. The researcher personally visited respondents, thus 100% data were collected. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed by SPSS. Results showed that Air Tel has major share in market and among customers Vodafone has larger share than Air Tel. Reasons like Packages offered by Vodafone are attracting, which makes it a have a larger share. Services and network of Air Tel is good compare to the other players in the market but it is Vodafone which offers better packages. This study showed that most of the respondents need improvement in service. Majority of respondents gave an Good rate for "mobile service providers".
Keywords: Attitude , Communication , Customer, Mobile, service providers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Affable Compression through Lossless Column-Oriented Huffman Coding Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Punam Bajaj, Simranjit Kaur Dhindsa |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1168996 ![]() |
Abstract: Compression is a technique used by many DBMSs to increase performance. Compression improves performance by reducing the size of data on disk, decreasing seek times, increasing the data transfer rate and increasing buffer pool hit rate [1]. Column-Oriented Data works more naturally with compression because compression schemes capture the correlation between values; therefore highly correlated data can be compressed more efficiently than uncorrelated data. The correlation between values of the same attribute is typically greater than the correlation between values of different attributes. Since a column is a sequence of values from a single attribute, it is usually more compressible than a row [4]. In this paper we proposed the Lossless method of Column-Oriented Data-Image Compression and Decompression using a simple coding technique called Huffman Coding. This technique is simple in implementation and utilizes less memory [2]. A software algorithm has been developed and implemented to compress and decompress the created Column-oriented database image using Huffman coding techniques in a MATLAB platform.
Keywords- Compression, Column-Oriented Data-Image Compression and Decompression, Huffman coding.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Secure Authentication System Using Video Surveillance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.TamilSelvan, M.E.,A.P/CSE Dept., G.Nithya, (M.E), |
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: | 10.9790/0661-11697104 ![]() |
Abstract: Biometric person recognition for secure access to restricted data/services using PC with internet connection. To study, an application PC to be used as a biometric capturing device that captures the video and recognition can be performed during a standard web session. The main contribution of this novel proposal is, making comparison of portrait. Centroid context algorithm is used for selecting an random movements from an video and stored it in a database and make them to compare with video. To better characterize a portrait in a sequence, triangulate it into triangular meshes, which we extract the features: skeleton feature and centroid feature. Skeleton feature and centroid context feature working together makes human movement analysis a very efficient and accurate process. Depth first search(DFS) scheme is used to extract the skeletal feature of a portrait from triangulation result, from skeletal feature result, centroid context feature is extracted, which is a finer representation that can characterize the shape of a whole movements. For efficient and accurate process, generate a set of key portrait from a movement sequence. The ordered key portrait sequence is represented by string. For arbitrary matching action, string matching algorithm is used for implementing the concept.
Key Words: Human Movement Analysis, String Matching, Triangulation.
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