Volume-14 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: There are patterns buried within the mass of data in the various editions of population census figures in this country. These are patterns that will be impossible for humans working with bare eyes and hands, to uncover without computer system to give geo-spatial distribution of population in that area. This paper is an effort towards harnessing the power of data-mining technique to develop mining model applicable to the analysis of census data that could uncover some hidden patterns to get their geo-spatial distribution. This could help better-informed business decisions and provide government with the intelligence for strategic planning, tactical decision-making and better policy formulation. Decision tree learning is a method for approximating discrete-valued target function, in which the leaned function is represented by a decision tree. Decision tree algorithm was used to predict some basic attributes of population in the census database. Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology were used.
Key words: Census, Data-mining and GIS.
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Abstract: Analysis of routing in Mesh Network reveals that Proactive routes are fast but suffers vulnerability of route failure under high mobility. Reactive routes on the other hand add extra overhead in the network for obtaining a route before every communication session. As Link state routing provides a Network Map at each node, It is well suited for a mesh network. However due to uncertain demand in the mesh network, link states needs frequent updation and refreshing. A refreshing phase halts current session thus adding latency to the session. In order to avoid this pitfall we propose a unique Cross layer Based Link State Routing for Mesh network. Nodes keep monitoring the link quality as an when a packet is received in a link. Signal to Noise Ratio and Received power is measured at the MAC layer. Any change in the stored value raises an event which is read directly by the network layer. Once Network layer gets the notification, it automatically updates the route table entry with new metric values. Thus there is no specific refresh phase and nodes automatically update the links and route cache. Once a node realizes that the link quality with its next hop has degraded and a better one is available, it opts a handover of the connection called vertical handover. Thus proposed system provides seamless connectivity under varying load and mobility.
Keywords: Cross layer routing, Link state routing protocol, Wireless mesh networks (WMNs).
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Abstract: In the information technology ground people are using various tools and software for their official use and for their personal reasons. Nowadays people are worrying to choose data accessing tools and software's at the time of buying and selling the products and they are also worrying about various constraints such as cost, life time of the product, color and size of the product etc. In this paper we generated the solutions to the existing unsolved problems. Here we proposed the algorithm Multidirectional Rank Prediction (MDRP) decision making algorithm in order to take an effective decision at all the levels of data extraction, using the above technique and we analyzed the results at various datasets, finally the results were observed and compared with the existing methods such as PCC and VSS. The result accuracy was higher than the existing rank prediction methods.
Keywords: Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD), Multidirectional Rank Prediction (MDRP), Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (PCC), VSS (Vector Space Similarity)
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Abstract: The main aim of every investor is to identify a stock that has potential to go up so that the investor can maximize possible returns on investment. After identification of stock the second important point of decision making is the time to make entry in that particular stock so that investor can get maximum returns on investment in short period of time. There are many conventional techniques being used and these include technical and fundamental analysis. The main issue with any approach is the proper weighting of criteria to obtain a list of stocks that are suitable for investments. This paper proposes a method for stock picking and finding entry point of investment in stocks using a hybrid method consisting of self-organizing maps and selected technical indicators. The stocks selected using our method has given 37.14% better returns in a period of one and a half month in comparison to NIFTY.
Key Words: Neural Network, Stocks Classification, Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Self-Organizing Map (SOM).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Heart Attack Prediction System Using Fuzzy C Means Classifier |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. Chitra, Dr. V. Seenivasagam |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1422331 ![]() |
Abstract: Cardiovascular disease remains the biggest cause of deaths worldwide. The percentage of premature death from this disease ranges from 4% in high income countries and 42 % in low income countries. This shows the importance of predicting heart disease at the early stage. In this paper, a new unsupervised classification system is adopted for heart attack prediction at the early stage using the patient's medical record. The information in the patient record are preprocessed initially using data mining techniques and then the attributes are classified using a Fuzzy C means classifier. In the classification stage 13 attributes are given as input to the Fuzzy C Means (FCM) classifier to determine the risk of heart attack. FCM is an unsupervised clustering algorithm, which allows one piece of data to belong to two or more clusters. The proposed system will provide an aid for the physicians to diagnosis the disease in a more efficient way. The efficiency of the classifier is tested using the records collected from 270 patients, which gives a classification accuracy of 92%. The result shows that the proposed clustering algorithm can predict the likelihood of patients getting a heart attack in a more efficient and cost effective way than the other well known algorithms.
Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, Clustering, Fuzzy C Means, Heart attack prediction,
[1]. Kawamoto, K., Houlihan, C.A., Balas, E.A., Lobach, D.F., 2005. "Improving clinical practice using clinical decision support systems: Clinical decision support system: Risk level prediction of heart disease using weighted fuzzy rules 39 a systematic review of trials to identify features critical to success". BMJ 330, 765.
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Abstract: A mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self configuring network of mobile devices connected by wireless links. A dynamic traffic allocation algorithm based on packet delay and hops in Mobile Ad hoc networks is proposed. The algorithm is based on the minimization product of delay and the number of hops in each path and adjusts the traffic adaptively so as to make load-balanced which optimizes network resource utilization. Simulation demonstrated that the algorithm could dynamically balance the traffic allocation between paths. The aim of the minimum utilization of resource in mobile Ad hoc networks can be achieved.
Keywords : MANET, Node Load, Route Weight, Routing Delay, TAODV.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Security in Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mamalisa Nayak, Nitin Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1424146 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper offers a depth review of numerous Wireless Sensor/detector Systems. Healthcare applications are considered as talented fields for Wireless Sensor Networks, where patients can be watched using wireless medical sensor networks (WMSNs). Present WMSN healthcare research trends center on patient mobility, patient reliable communication and energy-efficient routing. But, installing new technologies in healthcare applications without considering security and safety makes patient privacy in danger. Furthermore, the physiological data of an individual are extremely sensitive. So, security is a supreme requirement of healthcare systems, particularly in the case of patient privacy. This paper discusses the privacy and security issues in healthcare application using WMSNs
Keywords: WMSN, ECIES, Identity Based Encryption, sensor networks,
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Abstract: A Distributed network is one in which the data is distributed and the data from source to destination can be transferred through several nodes. When huge amount of packets are transferred through particular node congestion may occur which may result loss of packets and bandwidth also can't utilize. Hence the shortest path is chosen and routing is done dynamically so that the node can't suffer from congestion. Ant based routing techniques is an efficient one in which routing is done on the behavior of the ants and a shortest path is selected such that the packets can be send quickly and bandwidth also utilizes. Here in this paper we compare different ant based techniques for the shortest path selection from source to destination in a distributed network. Here on the basis of different Ant based techniques such as Max-Min, Rank based and Fuzzy rule based ant technique an efficient algorithm of ant technique is implemented which performs better as compared to other existing ant based techniques.
Keywords : ACO, multi congestion, QoS, hierarchical routing, pheromone.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Big Data in Bioinformatics & the Era of Cloud Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prakash Nemade, Heena Kharche |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1425356 ![]() |
Abstract: With the recent breakthrough in bioinformatics, demand of more storage space is increasing day by day. With this exponentially increasing data i.e. the big data of bioinformatics sector, the data needs to be handled in more flexible and cost effective manner. With this growth in the volume, variety and velocity of data, cloud computing promises to address big data issues and analysis of challenges of big data in bioinformatics. Big Data of bioinformatics consisting of various sequences (nucleotide or amino acid) which are now showing exponential growth because of high throughput experimental technologies. By the use of various bioinformatics tools demands for large and fast data storage technology is increasing. In this paper, security model is re- drafted for flexible use of model by consumers and various cloud based services and techniques are coined up to make an easy approach for implementing big data of bioinformatics using cloud.
Keywords: Big Data, Bio Cloud, Bioinformatics, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Secure Cloud
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Abstract: The purpose and the goal of the paper is growing substantially demand for water and waste-water infrastructure and that is being met through the available scarce and dwindling water resources. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) faces an acute water shortage due to arid climate and absence of permanent lakes and rivers. Ever-increasing imbalances are usually met by increasing water supplies, whereas the concepts of water-demand management have not been given due importance and weight age. Meeting the rapidly rising demand with scarce and depleting resources remains the critical issue. This paper places emphasizes on the urgency of adopting conservation and water-demand management initiatives to maintain demand supply relationship and achieve an acceptable balance between water needs and availability. Demand for water and waste-water infrastructure projects has remained unaffected by the global financial crisis, and it continue to grow exponentially.
Key words: Water Demand, Water Resources, GIS, Highway Street, XML Schema.
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Abstract: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) are wireless networks which do not require any infrastructure support for transferring data packet between two nodes. Mobile ad-hoc network have the attributes such as wireless connection, continuously changing topology, distributed operation and ease of deployment. The mobile nodes perform both as a host and a router forwarding packets to other nodes. Routing in these networks is highly complex. It can be used for various applications areas as sensor applications, disaster management, conferences, rescue operations, military communications, hybrid wireless network architectures and wireless mesh networks and many more. Traditional routing mechanism and protocol of wired network are inapplicable to ad-hoc networks which initiated the need of a dynamic routing mechanism in ad-hoc network. This paper evaluates the performance of AODV, DSR (Reactive) and IERP (Hybrid) routing protocols with respect to varying Constant Bit Rate (CBR). A detailed simulation has been carried out in QualNet Simulator 6.1. The performance analysis is based on different network metrics such as Average End to End delay, Throughput, Average Jitter, Packet Delivery Ratio.
Keywords: AODV, DSR, IERP, Mobile Ad-hoc networks, QualNet 6.1.
[1] R. Paulus, P.D. Kumar, P.C. Philips , A. Kumar "Performance Analysis of Various Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in MANET using Variation in Pause Time and Mobility Speed", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 73– No.8, July 2013.
[2] P.K Maurya, Rajeev Paulus, A.K. Jaiswal , M. Srivastava , "Performance Analysis of ZRP over AODV, DSR and DYMO for MANET under Various Network Conditions using QualNet Simulator" Volume 66–No.17, IJCA (0975 – 8887), March. 2013
[3] Syed Basha Shaik , Prof. S. P. Setty ," Performance Comparison of AODV, DSR and ANODR for Grid Placement Model" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 11– No.12, pp 6-9, December 2010.
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Abstract: Signature verification models based on personal model have been reported by many researchers in past but the method proposed here is a forensic document examination approach using computational methods, unlike other models which require a considerable number of genuine signatures of the same writer to correctly train the model. This paper proposes a forensic signature verification approach making a robust verification system even when few samples per writer are available. The efficiency of the proposed method is based on results of 150 writers with 10 signatures of each writer.
Keywords: Neural Network Classifier, offline signature verification system, SVM,.
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