Volume-15 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: Vehicular communication is considered to be a backbone for many critical safety applications. In order to achieve a better implementation of any vehicular communication scenario, an efficient, accurate and reliable simulator is essential. Various open source and commercial simulating tools are available for this purpose. One of the key issues in this regard is the selection of a reliable simulator which implements all standard algorithms and paradigms giving accurate results. In this paper, we first present IEEE standard and protocols for vehicular communication, IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 1609.x, also known as WAVE protocol stack. The paper then discusses the necessary requirements for a generic discrete event simulator which can be used to simulate Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Since not all the network simulators can be used in the scenario of vehicular communication, we highlight the key features of some network simulators in the context of vehicular ad-hoc networks. The paper also highlights some of the implementation limitations in these simulators. Furthermore, the paper presents a discussion on traffic simulators by emphasizing on the underlying mobility models used in order to generate the realistic traffic patterns. A comparative study of both network and traffic simulators show the pros and cons of these simulation tools. The paper suggests the appropriate choice of a network simulator to be used as a VANET simulator.
Keywords: VANET, IEEE 802.11p, WAVE-PHY, WAVE-MAC, Simulators, Modeling
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Abstract: This paper proposes a data-veiling technique for binate images in morphological transform domain for authen- tication purpose. To attain blind watermark drawing, it is difficult to use the detail coordinate precisely as location map to regulate the data-veiling locations. Thus, we look flipping an edge pixel in binate images as deviating the edge location one pixel horizontally ,one vertically. Positioned on this conclusion, we propose an interlaced morphological binate wavelet transform to path the alter edges, which thus ease blind watermark drawing and fusion of cryptographic indication.Unlike current block-based approach, in that the block size is given as 3 x 3 pixels and larger, we establish the image in 2 x 2 pixel blocks. It allows resilience in discovering the edges and also gets the low computational complication. There are two case that twisting the candidates of one do not change the flippability circumstances of other are engaged for orthogonal embedding, that deliver more relevant candidates can be determined so that a larger quqntity can be accomplished.A contemporary effective Backward-Forward Minimization method is suggested, which acknowledge the back-ward i.e enclose candidates and forward those twisted candidates that may be concerned by spining the present pixel. By this way, the complete visual bias can be minimized. Experimental results determine the validity of our arguments.
Keywords: Verification, binate images, data cloaking, mor- phological binate wavelet transform, Quadrate embedding.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Load Balancing In Cloud Computing:A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shiny |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1522229 ![]() |
Abstract: As the IT industry is growing day by day, the need of computing and storage is increasing rapidly. The amount of data exchanged over the network is constantly increasing. Thus the process of this increasing mass of data requires more computer equipment to meet the various needs of the organizations. To better capitalize their investment, the over-equipped organizations open their infrastructures to others by exploiting the Internet and other important technologies such as virtualization by creating a new computing model: the cloud computing. Cloud computing is one of the significant milestones in recent times in the history of computers. The basic concept of cloud computing is to provide a platform for sharing of resources which includes software and infrastructure with the help of virtualization. This paper presents a brief review of cloud computing. The main emphasize of this paper is on the load balancing technique in cloud computing.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, Dynamic Load Balancing, Virtualization, Data Center.
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Abstract: Most current information security systems performance vary with the nature of the filed its being operating. With an increased emphasizes on the adoption of security tools and technologies, the anomalies and intrusion are mostly said defined to be detected on system's algorithm, when most systems have well defined mechanism for rapid reaction and identification of intrusions. However, despite this support for anomaly detection, this is usually limited and often require a full recompilation of the system to deploy a comprehensive framework of security governance, strategies and practices employing the policies in implementation. As a result, the absence of a robust security framework securing both the education and corporate resources has heightened the tension for a strategic information security solutions which might ends with cost, complexities and cumbersome to develop. This paper thereby presents an alternative comprehensive system namely RITS-B which accommodates both the nature of education and organizations without a need to for a further modification. Implication of the proposed approach at real time depicts its suitability in the arena of concern.
Keywords: Information Security, Governance, Strategies, Practices, Regional Cultures and Believes.
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Abstract: Groundwater is an important water resource for domestic, irrigation, and industrial needs. The most widely exploited use of this resource is for consumption. Assessment of potability of any ground water samples is a non-trivial task. A new fuzzy rule based system has been proposed to assess the quality of ground-water samples collected from the bore-wells across 24 districts of Karnataka (South India). Eight groundwater quality salts parameters are selected for water quality analysis. A membership function for the fuzzy rule based system for each salt is developed and the weights for each parameter was calculated using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that relies on pair wise comparison. The system showed that out of 24 districts of Karnataka state, ground water from 51.78% bore-wells was not feasible for consumption.
Keywords: Groundwater quality, Fuzzy rule based system
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Abstract: Often it can be seen that men with a lost arm face severe difficulties doing daily chores. Artificial Intelligence could be effectively used to provide some respite to those people. Neural networks and their applications have been an active research topic since recent past in the rehabilitation robotics/machine learning community, as it can be used to predict posture/gesture which is guided by signals from the human brain. In this paper, a method is proposed to estimate force from Surface Electromyography (s-EMG) signals generated by specific hand movements and then design and control a Robotic arm using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to replicate human arm. Here the force prediction is a Regression process. A hand model has been successfully moved using servo motor that has been programmed based on the results obtained from sample data. The results shown in this paper illustrate how the Robotic arm performs.
Index Terms: Surface EMG, Artificial Neural Network, Robotic arm, Regression.
[1] I.M. Rezazadeh, M. Firoozabadi, H. Hu and M. Reza Hashemi Golpayegani, "Co-Adaptive and Affective Human-Machine Inter-face for Improving Training Performances of Virtual Myoelectric Forearm Prosthesis", IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012, pages 285-297.
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Abstract: The human memory is always been subject to many innovations and research since a very long time. As far as our knowledge exceeds, it is the fastest information retrieval system present. Further, the database management systems are specially designed applications that interact with the user to retrieve and analyze data. Its working can be best understood with the help of a human memory structure. While the database system itself is conceptualized from the human memory, it is important to know the similarities and working principles between these two. In this paper, we throw some light on the context of database structure, it working and we refer it with respect to the human memory system.
Keywords: Brain mapping, database system, human memory, indexing, and information retrieval.
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Abstract: In Wireless sensor network sensor nodes have a limited battery life and their efficient utilization is a very much importent task. Their are many ways are proposed for efficient utilization of energy.For efficient energy utilization many topologies,protocals are proposed by the help of which we can maximize the battery life. In this paper we propesed a methode in which a correlation is made between all the sensor nodes including ME(mobile element). A Vector Quantization methode are used for distance calculation between all the sensor nodes and mobile element. After finding the corrélation we used the DSR & AODV routing Protocol. The performance of the proposed protocol has been examined and evaluated with the NS-2 simulator in terms of packet drop ratio and energy consumption. The simulation result shows that the proposed protocol with AODV routing gives a batter result compared with same protocol with DSR routing.
Keywords: ME, DVT, DSR, AODV, Wireless Sensor Network, Efficient Energy Utilization
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Abstract: A good number of scientist or researchers find it very difficult in carrying on their research work successfully due to lack of good knowledge of data collection method and application. Data is referred to as a collection of facts, such as values or measurements, observation or even just descriptions of things. Various ways are used for data collection in research work or designs depending on the research being done by the researcher. This study focus on the qualitative and quantitative approach examine by researchers during data collection methods (or ways) which are: Observation, Survey, Interview, Experiment, etc. The definition of data collection, ways and advantages of each as well as the importance of each method are discussed. All the information in this study was sourced in current books, publications and professional experience. The result shows that Quantitative analysis is considered to be objective, without any human bias attached to it, because it depends on the comparison of numbers according to mathematical computations. While Analysis of qualitative data is generally accomplished by methods more subjective, dependent on people's opinions, knowledge, assumptions, and inferences (and therefore biases), than that of quantitative data.
Key words: Data, qualitative and quantitative approach, Observation, Survey, Interview, Experiment, etc.
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Abstract: Security issues concerning the spreading Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is one of the major issues in the world of networking today. Since it is not the default network protocol deployed nowadays (but systems are migrating slowly from ipv4 to ipv6) there are no best practices from the point of network administrators, nor are any guarantees that implemented IPv6 protocol stacks and security techniques without any bugs. This paper addresses some security concerns like extensive use of multicast packets and extension headers and its countermeasures.
Keywords: multicast, extension headers, reconnaissance, rogue dhcpv6 server spoofing, dual-stack, tunnels, Nat, ping of death
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[10] Source fire. Snort - an open source network intrusion prevention and detection system (IDS/ IPS). 2012.
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Abstract: This paper describes a Bluetooth based automatic hotel service system. This paper describes the protocol and provides the implementation details. Nowadays hotels are spending lot of money for the attendance, tracking of the employees and apart from that, there is no fully satisfied service for customers. Instead of using manual power if we apply Bluetooth technology, then the proposed system will cut off the daily wages of hotels. We hope that the implementation and protocol details will aid the wireless technology community in near future.
Index: Bluetooth, Python Technology, Arduino.
[1] KAREN SCARFONE & JOHN PADGETTE, "Guide to Bluetooth Security", U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Special Publication 800-121, September2008,[online],available: http://bluetoothpentest.narod.ru/doc/guide_to_bluetooth_security.pdf [2] Nateq Be-Nazir Ibn Minar & Mohammed Tarique, "BLUETOOTH SECURITY THREATS AND SOLUTIONS: A SURVEY", International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.1, January 2012, pages127-148. [3] Trishna Panse, Vivek Kapoor, "A REVIEW ON SECURITY MECHANISM OF BLUETOOTH COMMUNICATION", Trishna Panse et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 3 (2), 2012, pages 3419-3422.
[4] Bluetooth Technology, [online], Available: http://www.bluetooth.com/Pages/what-is-bluetooth-technology.aspx
[5] "Man in the Middle" Attacks on Bluetooth, [online], Available: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-45126-6_11#page-1
[6] Artificial Intelligence, [online], Available; http://artint.info/html/ArtInt.html
[7] Python, [online], Available: http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/
[8] RS-232, [online], Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232
[9] Bluetooth security review, [online], Available: http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/bluetooth-security-review-part-1
[10] Arduino, [online], Available: http://www.arduino.cc/
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Abstract: Image edge detection algorithm is applied on images to remove Gaussian noise that is present in the image during capturing or transmission using a method which combines Prewitt operator and threshold function technique to do edge detection on the image. This method is better than a method which combines Prewitt operator and mean filtering. In this paper, firstly use mean filtering to remove initially Gaussian noise, then use Prewitt operator to do edge detection on the image, and finally applied a threshold function technique with Prewitt operator.
Keywords: Gaussian noise, Prewitt operator, edge detection, threshold function
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic DNA Sequence Generation for Secured Effective Multi -Cloud Storage |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Sureshraj, Dr. V. Murali Bhaskaran |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1528694 ![]() |
Abstract: The main target of this paper is to propose an algorithm to implement data hiding in DNA sequences to increase the confidentiality and complexity by using software point of view in cloud computing environments. By utilizing some interesting features of DNA sequences, the implementation of a data hiding is applied in cloud. The algorithm which has been proposed here is based on binary coding and complementary pair rules. Therefore, DNA reference sequence is chosen and a secret data M is hidden into it as well. As result of applying some steps, M´´´ is come out to upload to cloud environments. The process of identifying and extracting the original data M, hidden in DNA reference sequence begins once clients decide to use data. Furthermore, security issues are demonstrated to inspect the complexity of the algorithm. In addition, providing better privacy as well as ensure data availability, can be achieved by dividing the user's data block into data pieces and distributing them among the available SPs in such a way that no less than a threshold number of SPs can take part in successful retrieval of the whole data block. In this paper, we propose a secured cost-effective multicloud storage (SCMCS) model in cloud computing which holds an economical distribution of data among the available SPs in the market, to provide customers with data availability as well as secure storage.
Keywords: DNA sequence; DNA base pairing rules; complementary rules; DNA binary coding; cloud service provider.
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