Volume-5 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: Understanding muscle architecture of the foot may assist in the design of surgical procedures such as tendon transfer, biomechanical modeling of the foot, prosthesis design, and analysis of foot function. This paper primarily focuses on the variation of Flexor Digitorum Longus and Brevis muscles of foot. Sixty inferior extremities were dissected. While dissecting a body of adult female we observed a small muscle belly taking origin from the medial and lateral processes of the calcaneal tuberosity and get inserted in the distal phalanx of the little toe of right foot. The 4th tendon of the Flexor Digitorum Brevis muscle was absent and the respective tendon of the Flexor Digitorum Longus muscle to the little toe was atrophied in same foot. This additional muscle belly is pierced by one of branch of lateral planter nerve. The importance of such variations is to be kept in mind during radio-diagnostic procedures and surgical interventions.
Flexor: digitorum longus muscle—unusual presentation, its anatomy and clinical significance
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Abstract: Fibrous Dysplasia of bone is an uncommon congenital skeletal disorder that is found equally in both genders and is not inherited. Fibrous Dysplasia is characterized either monostotic or polyostotic, and may occur as a component of McCune Albright Syndrome or the rare Mazabraud Syndrome. Long bones, skull bones and ribs are most commonly affected bones.1 We present a case of a 18 years old boy having pathological fracture of right shaft femur due to Fibrous Dysplasia associated with Ichthyosis Vulgaris. Clinicoradiological examination further established our diagnosis. Biopsy stated delicate trabeculae of immature bone, with no osteoblastic rimming, enmeshed within a bland fibrous stroma of dysplastic spindle shaped cells without any cellular features of malignancy.
Keywords: Fibrous Dysplasia, Ichthyosis Vulgaris.s
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Sympathetic ganglionectomy on the Pineal Gland in Rhesus Monkey |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Bharihoke |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0510812 ![]() |
Abstract: The light microscopic structure and the effect of superior cervical ganglionectomy on the pineal gland of Rhesus monkey was studied in 24 animals. The animals were divided into three groups. Group I normal controls, Group II after unilateral and Group III after bilateral ganglionectomy. The animals in group II were sacrificed 15 days and group III were sacrificed 21 days after the operation. Every seventh slide of serial paraffin sections were stained with H&E stain, Red Holzer's stain for glial fibers, Weigert's and Van Gieson's stain, Weil's stain for myelin sheath, Peter's protein silver stain for nerve fibers and Glee's stain for degenerating nerve fibers .
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Abstract: Dermatofibroma , also known as benign fibrous histiocytoma is a soft tissue tumor that usually occur in the mid adult life and shows a slight female predominance. Giant dermatofibroma , a very rare clinical variant is characterised by its unusually large size , benign biological behaviour despite its large size and same histopathological characterstics as conventional dermatofibroma .. We report a case of a 20 years old female presenting with a rapidly enlarging large mass in right leg in calf muscle region with history of progressive enlargement for past 4 years. The mass measured 13cm in greatest dimension. The patient underwent total excision of the tumor with wide local margin and histopathological examination confirmed it to be Giant dermatofibroma. Microscopic picture showed fibroblastic proliferation with collagen production , histiocytes and storiform pattern and focal lymphocytic infiltrates. Regular follow up showed no recurrence .This case is reported due to its very rare occurance , academic interest and to differentiate giant dermatofibroma from other such conditions such as desmoid tumor and dermofibrosarcoma protubens .
Keywords: Dermatofibroma, Desmoid, Fibrous histiocytoma , Variant ,n.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cervical Cancer Screening In Benin City, South-South Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Obaseki D E, Nwafor C C |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0511619 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is to evaluate the cytopathological profile of cervical smear of women that came for voluntary screening at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, from August 2008 –to July 2012. A total of 3,284 cervical smears were done during the study period with age range of 15-89yrs. There were 2,021 (61.5%) normal smears, 478 (14.6%) inflammatory smears, 533 (16.2%) abnormal epithelial lesions (squamous and glandular lesions) and 232 (7.7%) unsatisfactory smears. Of the premalignant lesions, LSIL accounted for 74.1% of them with the majority of them (48.6%) occurring in the age group 50-59years. The major finding of this study is the relatively high rate of premalignant/malignant lesions (16.2%) in comparison to those reported from the western world and other developing countries. Since this is the first study of this kind in our centre, it means that more emphasis should be placed on routine screening and patients found to be positive for premalignant lesions should be managed seriously and closely monitored. Preventive vaccine should also be given to females less than 13 years of age, since this study shows that the pattern of cervical screening in our environment is not favorable.
Key words: Cervical Cancer, Screening
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Paraganglioma in supraglottic area: A rare case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Shilpi Sahu, Dr. Ujwala Maheshwari, Dr.Ritika Jaiswal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0512025 ![]() |
Abstract: Paragangliomaof the larynx is a rare tumourthat arises from paraganglion cells. These tumors are generallyconsidered benign and have to be differentiated from other neuroendocrine tumors. Diagnosis relies mostly on histopathological examination followed by immunohistochemistry. Surgical excision generally confers complete cure of the tumor. We hereby present a case of laryngeal paragangliomain a 50- yearoldfemale, who presented with breathlessness, underwent total laryngectomy following a diagnostic microlaryngeal biopsy, which was supported by immunohistochemistry.
Keywords- Immunohistochemistry; Larynx; Neuroendocrine; Paraganglioma
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Abstract: A case of cerebellar tuberculoma, 17 year old girl, presented with complaints of headache, blurring of vision and difficulty in walking. Non-contrast computed tomography of head revealed obstructive hydrocephalus and a hypodense space occupying lesion in cerebellum. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain with contrast enhancement revealed large conglomerate cerebellar tuberculomas with obstructive hydrocephalus. She received antitubercular therapy and Right Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt) surgery was done. In immediate post operative period she developed behavior abnormality for a brief duration which improved with conservative treatment. In the early post operative period and during follow up, the patient developed various complications but at the end of 1 year follow up she was cured of the disease without any residual deficit.
Keywords – Behaviour abnormality, Corpus callosum, Tuberculoma, Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
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Abstract: Proptosis being a common manifestation of wide variety of diseases inside the orbit and it's spaces, a dilemma always exists regarding it's diagnosis and also outcome after surgical or medical management. Twenty two consecutive cases of proptosis of different age groups presenting in a tertiary care centre of northeast India were reviewed ,with regard to their mode of presentation and management outcome. Analysis revealed relative distribution of the different causes of proptosis in the age group of 4years to 86 years. It also highlighted management outcomes in different cases.
Key Words: Proptosis , Cellulitis, Thyroid eye disease (TED), Pseudotumour , Crouzon syndrome.
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Abstract: Sialic acid-rich glycoprotein is found mainly in cell membranes, and elevated levels may indicate excessive cell membrane damage, but more specifically for cells of vascular tissue. Serum total Sialic acid is a marker of the acute phase response. Elevated levels have also been associated with cardiovascular disease especially in Type 2 diabetic subjects. The relation between type2 diabetes mellitus compared to the nondiabetics is not clear. The current study represents association between Sialic acid and cardiovascular disease is stronger in diabetics than in non-diabetic subjects.
Key words: Type2 diabetes mellitus, Sialic acid, cardiovascular diseases.
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Abstract:A new case of immune-deficiency (AIDS) associated Burkitt\'s lymphoma presented with proptosis in a young girl is described here.Lid edema,conjunctival chemosis and acute proptosis progressed over 15 days despite of the systemic antibiotic treatment. CT scan of the orbit revealed the mass from left pterygo-palatine fossa, maxillary sinus antrum invading into the left orbit. Histo-pathological examination of the nasal mass sample revealed \"Starry-Sky\" macrophages typical of Burkitt\'s lymphoma with the immune-histochemistry markers like CD 10 and CD 19 were negative.A literature review discloses very few cases of orbital Burkitt\'s lymphoma which is the rare entity in medical literature. Review results shows that can be treated with intensive chemotherapy and HAART. Key-word: Acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Burkitt\'s Lymphoma (BL),Immune-histochemistry ,Highly active anti-retro viral therapy (HAART).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dengue Encephalitis---A Rare Entity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sourya Acharya, Samarth Shukla , Rasika Thakre , Nirmesh Kothari , SN Mahajan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0514042 ![]() |
Abstract: Encephalitis is an uncommon manifestation of dengue fever. We present a case of a 30 year old female who presented with severe encephalitis due to dengue infection.
Key words: encephalitis, dengue
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Abstract: Syringocystadenoma papilliferum is an exceedingly rare skin adnexal neoplasm of apocrine gland origin located primarily on the scalp and appearing as a hairless nodular plaque lesion. In one third of the cases Syringocystadenoma papilliferum is associated with Naevus Sebaceous of Jadassohn. We report the case of a 15 year old boy with history of an alopecic patch over scalp since childhood with the secondary development of multiple soft nodules over the last 2 years. Various malignancies like basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma have been documented to arise in Syringocystadenoma papilliferum. A strong clinical acumen, prompt excision and confirmation by histopathology underlie the treatment of this deceptively docile neoplasm. We report this case because of its rarity, tendency for vagrant behavior and their implied management ramifications.
Keywords- Syringocystadenoma papilliferum, Naevus Sebaceous of Jadassohn.
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Abstract: Of the many factors regulating Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), anthropometric determinants such as height and weight play an important role. PEFR among males and females also show variations in anthropometric parameters. This study aims at analysing the factors determining PEFR in 181 healthy young adults with the help of "The Peak", Individualised Peak flow meter from Multispiro Inc. The subjects were categorised into groups based on their difference in height and weight. Three PEFR readings were taken from each individual and the best of three readings was considered. The variations of PEFR with respect to height and weight were determined separately. There was a positive correlation of PEFR with height and weight in the young adult males and females. In the males PEFR correlated better with height and in the females it correlated better with weight.
Key Words: Spirometry, ventilatory function, peak flow meter, height and weight variations with PEFR, sex correlation with PEFR
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Abstract: Lungs are separated into lobes by fissures, with three lobes on the right and two on the left. The fissures facilitate the uniform expansion of the whole lung. The anatomical knowledge of the fissures and the lobes of the lung is important for accurate interpretation of bronchopulmonary segments on X-rays and CT scans. 40 pairs of lungs removed from cadavers were utilized for the study of the pattern of lobulations by careful dissection. Observations were made for the absence or presence of fissures and when present whether it is complete or incomplete. The findings are also confirmed with the help of the X-rays. On the right side four lungs showed the absence of horizontal fissure, twelve lungs showed incomplete horizontal fissure and in fourteen lung specimens inferior lobe showed an accessory lobe. In seven lungs accessory fissures were seen. On the left side in fourteen specimens extra lobe was present in between the two lobes, in four lungs incomplete oblique fissure was present and in eight lungs accessory fissures were seen. Anatomical knowledge of the presence of accessory lobes and fissures in the lung may be important for performing lobectomies, surgical resections involving individual segments and to radiologists for accurate interpretation of radiological images
Key Words- Lobes; Oblique fissure; Transverse fissure
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Abstract: Helicobacter pylori is a major contributor to chronic gastritis, peptic, duodenal ulcers, and is associated with distal adenocarcinoma. Increasing resistance of H. pylori to common antibiotics is becoming an issue and finding new treatments are crucial. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra, Filipendula ulmaria, Argentina anserine, Crataegus douglasii, Rubus fruticosus were tested, by agar diffusion and agar dilution method, against H. pylori clinical isolates. Among the aqueous extracts studied, G. glabra extract had the highest antibacterial effect on H. pylori (mean diameter of inhibition zone 14.7 mm) followed by Filipendula ulmaria, Rubus fruticosus, Argentina anserine, and Crataegus douglasii. Among the ethanolic extracts, Glycyrrhiza glabra extract was the most effective one (mean diameter of inhibition zone 9.9 mm), followed by Filipendula ulmaria, Argentina anserine, Rubus fruticosus, and Crataegus douglasii. Given the high levels of antibacterial activities of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra and Filipendula ulmaria, the next step is to identify the antimicrobial constituents of these plants.
Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Filipendula ulmaria
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome - A perinatal autopsy case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajashree Pradhan, Sajeeb Mondal , Shouvanik Adhya |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-0516061 ![]() |
Abstract: Ellis Van Creveld syndrome is a disease complex where all the three embryonic layers appear to be involved. This disorder is also called chondro ectodermal dysplasia or meso ectodermal dysplasia. It is a part of an emerging class of diseases called ciliopathies due to primary dysfunction of cilia. It is very rare; only about 150 cases have been described in the world literature and rarely been described in the Indian literature. In our case perinatal autopsy was performed of a still born baby of 32 wks gestation having syndactyly and polydactyly and short forearm, to know the cause of death, and the diagnosis was emerged as Ellis Van Creveld syndrome. In India most of the intrauterine death cases remain undiagnosed, but diagnosis of EVC syndrome is important because it is transmitted as autosomal recessive manner so genetic counseling is required to make the parents aware of the risk of recurrence. Keywords - Ellis Van Creveld syndrome, perinatal autopsy, polydactyly
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Abstract: Tattoos are forms of art and identity and are a permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining a large amount of metallic salts and organic dyes that remain in the skin for the lifetime of the bearer,by raising scars. There are many complications associated with the introduction of pigment into the skin .This review aims at spreading awareness of possible tattoo hazards.
Keywords: Tattoo, pigments, cancer
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Abstract: Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia(AML-M7) is a rare type of pediatric AML. It represents approximately 1% of all leukemias during childhood & has an incidence of 0.5% per million per year. In young children with Down syndrome, AML-M7 is the most common type of AML. There is no association reported till date in between Down syndrome & Haemoglobin E-Beta thalassaemia. In our case we got rare association of AML-M7 in a case of Down syndrome with Haemoglobin E-Beta thalassemia. This association may be incidental. But we are reporting this case for future review.
Keywords – Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia, AML-M7, Down syndrome, Haemoglobin E-Beta thalassaemia, rare association.
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