Version-1 (July-August 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MIMO Capacity Analysis For Spatial Channel Model Scenarios |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Sanjay Kumar Sah || Chen Fangjiong |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1304010109 ![]() |
Abstract: With the advancement of wireless communication and extensive research for new technologies for more reliable, secure and high speed connection, MIMO is coming up as the foremost competitor. In this research, we investigate MIMO system capacity using Spatial Channel Model (SCM) proposed by 3GPP-3GPP2 standard for the third generation systems and compare to one major physical model i.e. the One Ring Model. Also, we contrast with a theoretical model namely independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) model. We present a system model for investigating MIMO systems followed by detailed analysis of channel parameters and capacity analysis. A simulation tool is developed to evaluate the capacity of N-LOS MIMO systems in SCM with scenario of multipath propagation. Further, it is compared with i.i.d. and One Ring model. The study shows that the channel capacity...........
Index Terms - MIMO, Multipath, Mutual Coupling, Induced EMF, SCM, Equal Power, Waterfilling, i.i.d., One Ring, Scatterers
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Abstract: The performance of an indoor visible light communication (VLC) system is investigated with the assumption that LED lights are installed on the ceiling of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD) communication laboratory. By taking the direct and reflected lights into consideration, the received power at different points on the laboratory floor, minimum signal to noise ratio, minimum bit error rate (BER) and outage are obtained. Results obtained show a consistent power difference of about 2dBm (1.6mW) between the minimum BER performance of systems with wavelengths corresponding to the lower and upper ends of the visible light wavelength range. Also, systems having high bit rates will require higher transmitted powers per LED to achieve the same target BER with systems having low bit rates. Therefore, when designing a VLC system, a trade-off has to be made between increasing performance and reducing cost..
Index Terms - Visible light communication (VLC), Light emitting diode (LED), Signal to noise ratio (SNR), Bit error rate (BER), Outage.
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Abstract: The low rate of compliance with environmental standards in telecommunication and broadcast facilities in Calabar is linked to the low-level of awareness among residents in the study location as well as low-level compliance monitoring inspection by the regulatory agency. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach primarily used to determine the prevalence of BTS non-compliance with environmental standards.Primary sources of data that was used for the assessment included mast inventory/Geo-reference, questionnaires, field measurements and interviews. Checklist was structured to reflect the National Environmental (Standards for Telecommunication/Broadcast Facilities) Regulations, 2011.The study identified weak compliance of BTSs to Environmental Standards. This is partly due to the ambition of providers to maximise profit and weak enforcement standards. To enhance compliance..........
Key Words: Compliance, Base transmission stations, Global System for Mobile communications, co-location
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Abstract: A phase-locked loop(PLL) is feedback control system that generates a signal that has fixed relation to the phase of reference signal. The PLL responds to both the frequency and the phase of the input signals which automatically raise or lower the frequency of a controlled oscillator until it is matched to the reference in both frequency and phase. The wireless communication systems employ Phase Locked Loop (PLL) mainly for synchronization, clock synthesis, skew and jitter reduction. Due to the increase in speed of the circuit operation, there is a need of a PLL circuit with faster locking ability. Many present communication systems operate in the GHz frequency range. Hence there is a necessity of Phase Locked Loop (PLL) which can operate in the GHz range with less lock time. PLL is a mixed signal circuit which involves both digital and analog signal processing units..
Key Words: Dividers, Injectionlock, Phase Detector, Voltage-controlled oscillator
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Abstract: Booth multiplication algorithm leads to faster performance compared to lot of other algorithms. Various encoding styles are available depending upon number of bits in the group such as radix-2, radix-4, radix-8, radix-16, etc. In this paper radix-8 Booth encoded modular multipliers based on interleaved multiplication algorithm are discussed. We can reduce the number of partial products by using radix-8 in the multiplier encoding, thereby obtaining a simpler CSA tree .This results in less delay and a smaller area size. This multiplication operation can be performed for both signed and unsigned numbers as a result the cost of the system can also be reduced. The carry save adder(CSA) tree implementation can speed up the operation of multiplier. Kogge Stone adders are implemented..........
Key Words: Booth algorithm, Radix-8, carry save adder, Koggestone adder, Interleaved modular multipliers.
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Abstract: As the demand of bandwidth is escalating along with intolerance for errors and latency, data-communication engineers are looking for new ways to utilize the available bandwidth to the maximum and improve the quality of transmission. Some probable solutions could be Modulation, Multiplexing, and employment of efficient Error Correction techniques. Forward error correction (FEC), has been used for years to enable efficient, high-quality data communication over noisy channels, such as those found in satellite and digital cellular-communications applications. To achieve an excellent quality of service, the third generation partnership project (3GPP) long term evolution (LTE) employs multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems along with special error-correcting codes. This paper discusses MIMO in Wireless Communication by using Spatial Multiplexing for the calculation of the Bit Error Rate (BER) for various modulation techniques for AWGN channel.
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Abstract: We propose a general framework for securing medical devices supported wireless channel observation and anomaly detection. Our proposal is predicated on a medical security monitor (Med Mon) that investigate on all the radio-frequency wireless communications to/from medical devices and uses multi-layered anomaly detection to spot probably malicious transactions. Upon detection of a malicious dealings, Med Mon takes applicable response actions. A key good thing about Med Mon is that it's applicable to existing medical devices that area unit in use by patients, with no hardware or computer code modifications to them . In my paper i need to indicate that the Slave is acting as Master furthermore as slave configuration to cause anomaly within the network. As slave it receives knowledge |the info |the information} from master and sends false reading to master which may cause problems since the master diagnosing are going to be inaccurate since false data is being fed to the Master via abnormal Node. I conjointly designed one digital spirometer .
Key Words: Anomaly, BAN, Lung capacity medical monitoring, spirometer, WSN .
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Abstract: Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) represents the geometric effect on the relationship between measurement error and positioning determination error. When the measurement variances are equal in each other, GDOP could be the most appropriate selection criterion of location measurement units. GDOP expression has simpler form if all the measurements with the same variance. For time of arrival (TOA) schemes, the maximum volume method of GDOP calculation does not guarantee the optimal selection of the four measurement units. The conventional method for calculating GDOP is to use matrix inversion to all subsets. GDOP was originally used as a criterion for selecting the right 3D geometric configuration of satellites in global positioning systems (GPS). In this paper, we employ GDOP using the matrix inversion method to select appropriate base stations (BSs) in cellular..........
Key Words: Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), Time of arrival (TOA), Time of difference arrival (TDOA), Non-line-of-sight (NLOS). .
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Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to design various Quasi- Delay-Insensitive (QDI) Standard Cell Templates with more energy efficient techniques for asynchronous Circuit design. Out of these, Pre-Charged Half-Buffer (PCHB), Autonomous signal validity Half Buffer(ASVHB) and Sense Amplifier Half-Buffer (SAHB) cell design approaches are probable preferences for low power dissipation ,high speed of operation and high energy efficiency. The first cell design approach is Pre-Charged Half Buffer (PCHB) based on the use of domino logic; however it takes 74% transistor count in the circuit. The second design approach, ASVHB is an asynchronous QDI cell template operates at sub-threshold voltage for low power dissipation. The third design technique, SAHB is an asynchronous..........
Key Words: Pre-charged Half-Buffer (PCHB); Autonomous Signal-Validity Half-Buffer (ASVHB); Sense Amplifier Half- Buffer (SAHB); Quasi-Delay-Insensitive (QDI); Power dissipation; Rise time; Fall time; Duty cycle; Delay; Slew rate and Energy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobility Effects on Handovers In MBB Networks Within Kaduna Metropolis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dominic S Nyitamen || Ohida Abdullahi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1304016571 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile Broadband MBB networks under mobility are evaluated with regards to connectivity, packet loss and throughput and compared with static performance. Handover, signal strength, RRC mode and sub mode were studied. The four operating networks which represent more than 90% mobile broadband market share in Nigeria were compared. These networks were characterized in different locations within Kaduna metropolis with measurements conducted in peak hours and off-peak hours. Packets were collected mostly in 3G and few in 2G. A GPS equipped G-NetTrack Pro net-monitor and drive test tool application for UMTS/GSM/LTE/CDMA/EVDO network........
Key Words: mobile broadband, handover, QoS, call drops rates, signal strength, mobility.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Approach towards High Speed Communication Using LIFI Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aishwarya Hamand || Sunil Kuntawar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1304017275 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents an approach for High speed Wireless data communication through Li-Fi. Li-Fi as a new life of data communication is a better alternative for Wi-Fi. A German physicist, DR. Harald Haas defines this technology in 2011 TED Global Talk. , which is done by taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can detect. Li-Fi is a special and a novel combination of technologies that permits it to be universally adopted for mobile extremely high speed internet communications So our project basically we have designed a prototype Li-Fi system. We successfully achieved the output in the form of audio, data and b/w image. We create bride with IOT so we can access the LI-FI technology from anywhere.
Key Words: Li-Fi, VLC, TED, LED, IOT.
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Abstract: This paper describes a compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna designed on a low-cost FR4 substrate using planar-patterned metamaterial concepts. The proposed antenna incorporates two components of metamaterial structure made by etching a T-shaped slots on the main radiating patch and W-shaped slots on the ground plane. The total size of the proposed antenna is 27.6×31.8 mm2, with a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm, relative permittivity of 4.5, and loss tangent of 0.02. Applying the -10 dB criterion, the 50 Ω impedance bandwidth is from 3.3 GHz to more than 17 GHz, with a standing wave ratio (SWR) of less than 2 over the whole band. The average gain over the entire bandwidth is 5.8 dB, with a peak value of 6.9 dB at 12.2 GHz. The proposed antenna was designed and simulated using the finite integration technique (FIT)-based CST microwave studio. Good agreement between measurement and simulated results was obtained. Thus, the proposed antenna could be applied to UWB wireless communications in the future
Key Words: AAntennas, Metamaterials, Microstrip antenna, Periodic structure, Ultra-wideband.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automated System for Detection of Vehicle Features |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Navdeep Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1304018597 ![]() |
Abstract: Automation is the process of detecting traffic rule violation and recognition of the vehicle. Violating the traffic rule is also a problem of great concern, with so many violations taking place, it would be humanely impossible to scrutinize each and every violation and bring the defaulter to justice. The above problem can be basically broken down into three parts. The first would be to detect the vehicle which has violated the traffic rule, which is an independent problem in itself. The second part would be to recognize the vehicle on the basis of extraction of the number plate. The third would be to identify different features of the vehicle like the color of the vehicle....
Key Words: KL Transform, SHIFT, PCA-Shift,Vehicle class Identification
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