Series-1 (Jul.-Aug. 2020)Jul.-Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hand gesture Controlled Robotic Vehicle |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mebandonbok Wanninag || Dhiru Pfuzhe || Saurav zaman |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1504010107 ![]() |
Abstract: In the modern technological age human-machine interaction is widespread and new technology being invented and improved on a regular basis that rapidly aid in human thriving, survival and health. This paper is our little contribution towards helping humanity progress in the modern era. This paper deals with design, construction and implementation of an accelerometer based hand gesture controlled robot controlled wirelessly using a small 3axis accelerometer. We have controlled the movement of robot with normal hand gesture. The project is divided into two main parts the transmitter section and the receiver section. The transmitter transmits the appropriate signal which will be received by the receiver. Accelerometer is connected to Arduino board, which is programmed to take analog readings from accelerometer and transmit them with the help of RF transmitter to the receiving unit. The programming is done in Arduino board with the help of the software Arduino IDE
Keywords—adxl335, 433 MHz RF module, L298N, arduino uno R3
[1]. Design of Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino Lilypad Balaji Sivakumar, Pravin kumar, Bhuvaneswari Balachande.
[2]. Accelerometer and Arduino Based Gesture Controlled Robocar Arkaprabha Lodh, Debopama Ghosh , Debosama Ghosh
[3]. HAND BASED GESTURE CONTROLLED ROBOT Viren Sugandh ,Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology.
[4]. Hand Gesture Based Wireless Controlled Robot by Dushyant Singh, Riturvanjali Singh, Neelam Sharma, Sagar Shrivastav , and Ashutosh Mittal ,Department of Electronics and communication R.B.S Engg. Technical Campus Bichpuri, Agra
[5]. A MEMS Based Single Arm Robotic System Saikumar Indumathi, B. Suresh Ram , Chitti Babu.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CAMTEL's EPC traffic modeling to help in decision-making |
Country | : | Cameroon |
Authors | : | Alphonse BINELE ABANA || Emmanuel TONYE |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1504010818 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The work carried out consisted of the designing models (linear and neural) in order to control the 4G traffic of the operator CAMTEL, help in decision-making in the network concerning technical and commercial actions to be taken. In this study, we are working with KPIs collected at CAMTEL's EPC (Evolved Packet Core) network on the USN and UGW entities. Materials and Methods: The linear model helped to obtain the linear multiple regression equation that specified the downlink user traffic as a function of other model variables that were all strongly correlated. It was produced using the SPSS statistical software and was validated by the Fisher test.
Key Word: KPI; traffic; model; EPC; 4G.
[1]. ORANGE , IUT WILLIAMS JINKS, Architecture LTE, Hachette, 2020, p. 34.
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[5]. IUT/IEEE XAVIER recherche des outils: internet et services, Interfaces LTE /, ENSA, 2010, p. 76..
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Abstract: Background: Gender disparity is an issue of concern to education stakeholders. Differences in academic achievement among males and females has always been inferred.Advocacy and mitigation measures ought to focus on the gender at risk. For this reason, the researchers set out to determine the influence of gender on academic achievement among slow learners in secondary schools in Kakamega County. Materials and Methods:Descriptive survey and correlational research designs were used. Target population was 73,985 form three and four students, 1,288 class teachers, and 12 sub-county Education Directors. Stratified random, purposive, and saturated sampling techniques were used.........
Key Word: Gender, Slow learners, Academic achievement
[1]. Duckworth, A., & Seligman, M. (2006) Self-discipline gives girls the edge: Gender in self-discipline, grades, and achievement test scores. J. Edu. Psychol. 98, 198-208.doi 10.1037/0022-0663.98.1.198.
[2]. Hdii & Fagroud (2018). The Effects of Gender on University Students School Performance: The Case of National School of Agriculture in Meknes Morocco. ISSN. 2335-8777(online)
[3]. Smith, D. L. (2015). Male Gender Disparity Gap: Does Gender Impact Education. Unpublished Certificated of Advanced Study Thesis, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT. retrieved from http://
[4]. Zembar, M. J., & Blume, L. B. (2009). Excerpts from middle childhood development: A contextual approach, NJ: Allyn Bacon.
[5]. Fortin, N. M., Oveopoulos, P., & Shelley, P. (2012). Leaving boys behind: Gender disparities in High academic achievement.
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Abstract: The energy meter is one of the commonly used instruments in the field of electricity. This device keeps track of power consumption and help to prepare bill to the consumer. This device has been used from many years and continuously evolving to provide better option. It has been shifted from mechanical energy meter to electronic energy meter. In case of a standard energy meter the power providing company employ or outsource person to collect the data, which time consuming same time at huge amount of recurring investment. If the data can be transmit to a centralize location or server the entire process will save time as well as cost to the company. In this field many improvement has been added by using different communications like GSM communications, XBEE s etc. Currently the IoT is the most buzzing word in the field of auto machine industry. An IoT based energy meter is present in our project work
[1]. In the year of 2017 , a paper was published by Mrs Sandhya Shinde , Miss. Bharati Sontakke, Mr.Yogesh Yadav, Miss Pratiksha Zapake from Pune University ,Dypiemr, India IOT based Energy Meter. In this particular paper they are using IOT based meter system primarily detection of theft in monitoring the meter bill. Their system had some disadvantages basically their system is cannot be used as commercial because they are using an arduino which will be high in price if we install it in a large area of connectivity . Secondly, the author is using Wifi ESP to communicate, they are not mandatory . To eliminate this problem we have came up with embedded Wi-Fi modules that incorporate a real-time operating system and provide a simple means of wirelessly enabling any device which has and communicates via a serial port. This allows the design of simple monitoring devices.
[2]. A work paper was published by the author Garrab, Ben Addallah in the year 2012 presented as " A AMR approach for Energy saving in smart Grids using Smart Meter and Partial Power line Communication", the main objective of the paper was increasing demand of energy and limitation of energy management with one way communication although the outcome product has a economical value and low carbon society point of view.
[3]. A work paper was published by the author Y.H.Sng, B.S.Koay, X.Y. Wang was titled as " Design and implementation of Bluetooth energy meter" It used the bluetooth as the mode of communication in the meter device to individual connectivity. So it has a disadvange in the aspect of range as the Bluetooth has a lesser range than using a wireless device for connectivity.
[4]. Darshanlyer N, Dr.K A Radhakrishna Rao, project titled " IoT based Electricity Energy Meter Reading, Theft Detection and Disconnection using PLC modem and Power optimization" Published in International journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering , Vol.4, Issue 1, 2015
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Abstract: The adaptive beamforming system emerged as leading technology which becomes capable to locate and track signals by both: users and interferers and dynamically adapts the antenna pattern to enhance the reception in Signal-of-Interest (SOI) direction and minimizing interference in Signal-Not-of-Interest (SNOI) direction. Adaptive beamforming is used for enhancing a desired signal while suppressing noise and interference at the output of an array of sensors. This paper analyzes the performance and compares one of the Non Blind Algorithm- Recursive Least Square (RLS) with a commonly used Blind algorithm - Constant Modulus Algorithms CMA which do not require any temporal reference for the computation of the optimal weight vectors on various performance parameters of mobile communication....
Keywords: Adaptive beam forming, Blind algorithm and Non Blind algorithm, Smart Antenna.
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system" World Applied Sciences Journal 11(7) IDOSI Publications, 2010.
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Smart Antenna Systems" Next Generation Networks, 2010 International Conference on24-25 Sept. 2010.
[3]. A. Udawat, Dr. P.C. Sharma, Dr. S. Katiyal, "Comparison of Optimization Capabilities of RLS Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm
for Smart Antenna Systems", Proceedings of the 5th National Conference; INDIACom- March 2011
[4]. S.F. Shaaukat, R. Farooq & Z. Saleem "Sequential studies of beamforming algorithms for smart antenna systems" World Applied
Science Journal 6(6) IDOSI Publications, 2009.
[5]. Ch. Santhirani, Dr. P.V. Subbaian & Dr. K. Chennakesava Reddy "Smart antenna algorithms for WCDMA mobile communication
systems" IJCSNS Vol. 8 No. 7, July 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Micro strip Antenna Array with Square EBG Structure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lahamge Shital || Dhede Vaishali |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1504014246 ![]() |
Abstract: The periodic structure like electromagnetic band gap (EBG) is a very popular topic within the academia and RF-microwave industry due to their surface wave suppression property. In this paper the combination of the rectangular microstrip patch antenna fabricated on the top of the substrate FR4 with Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures at patch is proposed and investigated. A reduced sized antenna with microstrip feed is designed for its gain behaviour. First, the small size antenna is investigated by reducing its patch size. Further its gain behaviour is achieved by using serial feed 4x1 array with Square EBG. The antenna has been designed on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness h=1.6 mm & its dimension is 118.0 mm × 175.0.....
Keywords: Antenna array, EBG structure, Microstrip patch, Square unit cell,WLAN band and half/quarter/sixth part of patch
[1]. Saurabh Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma, " Miniaturized Dual Broadband Hexagonal SlotMonopole antenna", IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Apr 2016.
[2]. Muhammad Rasheduzzaman, MD Hafiz AL Asad, MdMuhtasimBillah, MohhammedHossam-E-Haider," Performance analysis of hexagonal microstrip antenna for s-band spectrum using HFSS", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. , pp. , 2015.
[3]. D. D. Krishna, M. Gopikrishna, C. K. Anandan, P. Mohanan, and K. Vasudevan, "CPW-fed Koch fractal slot antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications," IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 389_392, May 2008.
[4]. P.KYritsi, D.C. Cox, R.A. Valenzuela, P.W.Wolniansky, "Effect of antenna polarization on the capacity of a multiple element system in an indoor environment", IEEE Trans.Inform. Theory, vol.49, pp.2867-2896, 2003.
[5]. Kalaye, B. M. B., J. Rashed-Mohassel, "A broadbandand high isolation CPW fed microstrip antenna array",Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 2/3, pp. 325-334, 2008.
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Abstract: In this paper we implemented the system for sensing the water level and sending data to server through Wi-Fi module and wireless controller using Internet of Things (IoT). Recently flood has hit a north India; many people are affected and displaced because of flood. The important thing is diffusion of information related water level before the flood occurs; we design a system that gives information about water level to server. The threshold value is set for each level, if water level reaches that value corresponding data transfer to server which display on webpage in the form of colors which indicates three colors, each for different level.
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); Wi-Fi; Wireless Controller
[1] J. A. Hern´andez-Nolasco, Miguel A. Wister, Francisco D. Acosta and Pablo Pancardo, "Water Level Meter for Alerting Population about flood," IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2016.
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[4] Mihai T. Lazarescu, "Design of a WSN platform for long-term environmental monitoring for IoT applications," IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst., Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 45–54, Mar. 2013.