Volume-1 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: The optical fiber communication system has different designs and implementations. In this work, two light sources were used in the optical system , a diode laser of a wavelength (532nm) and a light emitting diode of a wavelength 820nm . Multimode optical fiber is used as a channel and PIN photodiode is used as an optical detector . For each light source, the power budget for the optical design and the power-current curve have been measured by using the experimental results.
Keywords: Opticalfiber, Commnucation System, PIN,DiodeLaser,LED
Keywords: Opticalfiber, Commnucation System, PIN,DiodeLaser,LED
1. Agrawal, Govind P. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Isbn 0-471-21571-6) (2002).
2. John M. Senior, 'Optical Fiber Communications Principles And Practice', Second Edition, Prentice Hall International, 1992.
3. Govind P. Agrawal, "Lightwave Technology Telecommunication Systems", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005. Thesis:
4. Z. Ghassemlooy, "Optical Fiber Communication Systems Lecture Notes", Electronics & It Division School of Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University U.K.
5. Stefan Nilsson-Gistvik, "Optical Fiber Theory for Communication Networks", Second Edition, Ericsson Network Technologies AB Hudiksvall Sweden, 2002.
1. Agrawal, Govind P. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Isbn 0-471-21571-6) (2002).
2. John M. Senior, 'Optical Fiber Communications Principles And Practice', Second Edition, Prentice Hall International, 1992.
3. Govind P. Agrawal, "Lightwave Technology Telecommunication Systems", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005. Thesis:
4. Z. Ghassemlooy, "Optical Fiber Communication Systems Lecture Notes", Electronics & It Division School of Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University U.K.
5. Stefan Nilsson-Gistvik, "Optical Fiber Theory for Communication Networks", Second Edition, Ericsson Network Technologies AB Hudiksvall Sweden, 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | H.264 Deblocking Speed-up Using Hybrid Optimization Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shoaib Kamal |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0150610 ![]() |
Abstract— The proposed method defines the problem of reducing the complexity of H.264 decoding. Since
deblocking accounts for a significant percentage of H.264 decoding time. Observing that branch operations are
costly and that in the deblocking process there are events with significantly high probability of occurrence. The
idea of Hybrid optimization to speed up the boundary strength derivation and the true-edge detection by taking
advantage of the biased statistical distribution is applied. The proposed techniques can reduce the deblocking
computation time, while maintaining the bit-exact output.
Keywords- Deblocking, H.264 Decoding, Boundary Strength, Optimization
Keywords- Deblocking, H.264 Decoding, Boundary Strength, Optimization
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Abstract: With the growing popularity of digital Medias through the WWW, intellectual property needs copyright protection, prevention of illegal copying and verification of content integrity. The new data hiding techniques need to be developed that satisfy the requirements of imperceptibility, robustness, capacity, or data hiding rate and security of the hidden data in order to keep the distribution of digital multimedia work both profitable for the document owner and reliable for the customer. The LSB Modification and DCT are two techniques are analyzed by using various distortion metrics to verify the methods for their robustness
Keywords: Image watermarking, Discrete Cosine Transform, Robustness
Keywords: Image watermarking, Discrete Cosine Transform, Robustness
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[4] Improved Wavelet-Based Watermarking Through Pixel-Wise Masking Mauro Barni, Member, IEEE, Franco Bartolini, Member,
[5] Digital Image Watermarking in the wavelet transform domain, Diplomarbeit, Peter Meerwald, Salzburg,am , 11 Janner 2001.
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[8] M.KutterandF.A.P.Petitcolas."AFair Benchmark for Image Watermarking Systems‟, vol.3657 International Society for Optical
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Abstract: In this paper synchronization of a new chaotic system is analyzed and simulated using Matlab-Simulink and Orcad-Pspice programs. Firstly a new chaotic system is designed and analyzed, then Pecora-Carroll identical synchronization method is applied to design a drive and response subsystems. After synchronization, it is demonstrated that the new system can be applied to signal masking communication.
Keywords : chaotic systems, chaotic attractors, identical synchronization, chaotic masking.
Keywords : chaotic systems, chaotic attractors, identical synchronization, chaotic masking.
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Abstract: A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consist of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound , vibrations, pressure, motion, pollutants and etc to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. The more modern networks are bi-directional and control the activity of the sensors. Since the transfer of information has been done using wireless technology, there should be a security for the data, to accomplish this many methods, algorithms and systems are designed. Secure localization in the WSN, is an important problem in mobile wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Despite of significant research efforts in this direction, some fundamental questions still remain unaddressed: In the presence of cheating beacon nodes, what are the necessary and sufficient conditions to guarantee a bounded error during a two dimensional distance-based location estimation? Under these necessary and sufficient conditions, what class of localization algorithms can provide this error bound?
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[5] Murtuza Jadliwala, Sheng Zhong, Shambhu Upadhyaya, Chunming Qiao, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Secure Distance-Based Localization in the Presence of Cheating Beacon Nodes" IEEE Transactions on mobile computing, vol. 9, no. 6, june 2010.
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[11] Anna Hac, in his book "Wireless Sensor Network Designs" John Wiley & Sons 2003.
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[5] Murtuza Jadliwala, Sheng Zhong, Shambhu Upadhyaya, Chunming Qiao, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Secure Distance-Based Localization in the Presence of Cheating Beacon Nodes" IEEE Transactions on mobile computing, vol. 9, no. 6, june 2010.
[6] M.B Srivastava, R.Muntz and M.Potkonjak, "Smart Kindergarten: Sensor-based Wireless Networks for Smart Developmental Problem-solving Environments", In Proceedings of the seventh annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, Mobicom 2001, 132-139.
[7] R. Stoleru and J.A. Stankovic, "Probability Grid: A Location Estimation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. First IEEE Conf. Sensor and Ad Hoc Comm. and Networks (SECON '04), 2004.
[8] Ji Luo and Qian Zhang "Relative Distance Based Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks", IEEE, vol. 1, no. 12, pp.134-142, 2007.
[9] X. Ji and H. Zha, "Sensor Positioning in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks Using Multidimensional Scaling," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2004.
[10] J. Liu, Y. Zhang, and F. Zhao, "Robust Distributed Node Localization with Error Management," Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2006.
[11] Anna Hac, in his book "Wireless Sensor Network Designs" John Wiley & Sons 2003.
[12] Bing Hu "Localization Algorithm of Mobile Node in WSN Based on Monte Carlo " Second International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems 2009.
[13] Z. Shigeng, J. Cao, C. Lijun, and C. Daoxu, "Location Nodes in Mobile Sensor Networks More Accurately and Faster," Proc. Ann. IEEE Conf. Sensor and Ad Hoc Comm. and Networks, 2008.
[14] I. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci, "Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey," Computer Networks, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 393-422, Mar. 2002.
[15] Anders Hejlsberg, Mads Torgersen, Scott Wiltamuth, and Peter Golde, "C# Programming Language (Covering C# 4.0)," fourth Edition ,Microsoft .NET Development Series, 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Qos Based Mac Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smita Pawar, Prabha Kasliwal |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0153035 ![]() |
Abstract - Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) have emerged and shifted the focus from the typical scalar wireless sensor networks to networks with multimedia devices that are capable to retrieve video, audio, images, as well as scalar sensor data. WMSNs are able to deliver multimedia content due to the availability of inexpensive CMOS cameras and microphones coupled with the significant progress in distributed signal processing and multimedia source coding techniques. MAC in WMSNs is essential to coordinate the channel access among competing devices. Therefore, a proposal of MAC layer protocol for WMSNs should satisfy the following feature like Maximize network throughput, Enhance transmission reliability, and Minimize control overhead, be energy-efficient, Guarantee a certain level of QoS In this project, using NS2 simulation tool, we have proposed a new QoS-based sensory MAC protocol, which not only adapts to application oriented QoS, but also attempts to conserve energy without violating QoS-constraints.
Key words: MAC protocol, QoS, Multimedia sensor networks, CSMA/CA, Duty cycle, NS2 Simulator.
Key words: MAC protocol, QoS, Multimedia sensor networks, CSMA/CA, Duty cycle, NS2 Simulator.
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[6 Kuo Jia-Chun, Liao Wanjiun, and Hou Ting-Chao," Impact of Node Density on Throughput and Delay Scaling in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks", IEEE Transaction wireless communications, VOL. 8, NO. 10, October 2009
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[2] Akyildiz I.F., Melodia T.,Chowdhury K.R, "A survey on wireless multimedia sensor networks", The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking 51(4) (2007) 921– 960
[3] Bianchi G, "Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 distributed Coordination function", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas of Communications 18 (3) (2000).
[4] Chen D, Varshney P.K., "QoS support in wireless sensor networks: A survey", in: Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN), 2004
[5] Dam T. V. and Langendoen K., "An adaptive energy-efficient mac protocol for wireless sensor networks," in SenSys '03: Proceedings of the 1stinternational conference on Embedded networked sensor systems, (NewYork, NY, USA), pp. 171–180, ACM Press, 2003
[6 Kuo Jia-Chun, Liao Wanjiun, and Hou Ting-Chao," Impact of Node Density on Throughput and Delay Scaling in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks", IEEE Transaction wireless communications, VOL. 8, NO. 10, October 2009
[7] Saxena Navrati , Roy Abhishek, Shin Jitae,"Dynamic duty cycle and adaptive contention window based QoS-MAC protocol for wireless multimedia sensor networks" ,Computer Network 52 (2008) 2532-2542
[8] Ye W, Heidemann J, and. Estrin D, "Medium access control with coordinated adaptive sleeping for wireless sensor networks," IEEE/ACMTrans. on Networks, vol.12, no. 3, pp. 493–506, 2004.
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Abstract: In this project, a study of the behavior and correlation between High Possible Frequency (HPF) and Optimum Maximum Usable Frequency (OPMUF) parameters for the communication links distributed over Middle East Region were made. A mutual correlation equation between the two parameters has been suggested. The analytical test of the monthly and annual variation of the (HPF) and (OPMUF) parameters have been conducted for the gathered theoretical dataset which calculated using the VOACAP and REC533 international HF models for the solar activity year of 2000. According to the results of this test, the correlation between the two parameters is simple and can be expressed by a linear regression formula. The predicted values using the suggested equation gave a good fitting with the theoretical values generated from the international HF-communication models.
Key words- High Possible Frequency (HPF), Ionospheric parameters, Optimum Maximum Usable Frequency (OPMUF), Radio wave propagation.
Key words- High Possible Frequency (HPF), Ionospheric parameters, Optimum Maximum Usable Frequency (OPMUF), Radio wave propagation.
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[4]. M.Warrington, N. Zaalov, J. Naylor & A. Stocker, "HF propagation modeling within the polar ionosphere", RADIO SCIENCE, Vol. 47, RS0L13, 2012 ,doi:10.1029/2011RS004909.
[5]. MIL-STD-188-141B, Interoperability and Performance standards for Medium and High Frequency Radio Systems, Department of Defense Interface Standard, Standardization Document Order Desk. PA 19111-5094. 700 Robbins Ave. Building 4D, Philadelphia, United States of America, March 1999.
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[10]. ITU-RS Recommendation 533, High Frequency Propagation Model, NTIA/ITS, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA, 1995
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Minimization of Ici Using Ofdm Techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Chetna || Bhawna || Chetna sangwan |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0154547 ![]() |
Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an emerging broadband multicarrier modulation technique developed into a popular scheme for wideband digital communication, whether wireless or wired used in applications such as Digital Television, audio broadcasting, wireless networking and broadband internet access.OFDM has a well known limitation that is very sensitive to frequency error between transmitter and receiver local oscillator. This frequency offset results in Intercarrier Interference. In this paper, Inter Carrier Interference self cancellation scheme is studied for combating the effect of Inter Carrier Interference self. It shows that OFDM system with Intercarrier Interference self cancellation
scheme perform much better than standard system.
Key words: Peak Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Carrier to Interference Ratio (CIR), Inter symbol Interference (ISI), Orthogonal frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM).
scheme perform much better than standard system.
Key words: Peak Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Carrier to Interference Ratio (CIR), Inter symbol Interference (ISI), Orthogonal frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM).
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[3] L.J. Cimini, "Analysis and Simulation of a Digital Mobile Channel Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing", IEEE Transactions on Communication no.7 July 1985.
[4] Russell, M.; Stuber, G.L.; "Interchannel interference analysis of OFDM in a mobile environment", Vehicular Technology Conference, 1995 IEEE 45th, vol. 2, pp. 820 –824, Jul. 1995
[5] X.Cai, G.B.Giannakis,"Bounding performance and suppressing intercarrier interference in wireless mobile OFDM", IEEE Transaction on communications, vol.51, pp.2047-2056, no.12, Dec.2003.
[6] J. Armstrong, "Analysis of new and existing methods of reducing intercarrier interference due to carrier frequency offset in OFDM", IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 365 – 369, March 1999.
[7] Y. Fu, S. G. Kang, and C. C. KO, "A new scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems with ICI selfcancellation," in Proc. VTC 2002- Fall, 2002 IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conf., vol. 3, pp 1418–1421, Sep. 2002.
[8] Y.Zhao and S. Häggman, "Intercarrier interference selfcancellation scheme for OFDM mobile communication systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 49, no.7, pp. 1185 – 1191, July 2001.
[9] J.J. van de Beek, M. Sandell and P.O. Borjesson, "ML estimation of time and frequency offset in OFDM systems", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 45, pp.1800–1805, July 1997.
[10] Tiejun (Ronald) Wang, John G. Proakis, and James R. Zeidler "Techniques for suppression of intercarrier interference in ofdm systems". Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2005 IEEE Volume 1, Issue, 13-17 pp: 39 - 44 Vol. 1, March 2005.