Volume-2 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wireless Sensor Network: An Emerging Technology |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Monjur Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0240104 ![]() |
Abstract: Wireless sensor network is a special kind of network that differs from the conventional communication networks in terms of architecture and deployment. Dynamic in nature, the wireless sensor networks have added a new dimension not only to the further exploration in a hard-to-reach environment, but also to the complexity of network management. Wireless sensor networks are emerging very rapidly and have already demanded keen interests from researchers. As a relatively new concept in the world of communication, a number of aspects are being explored by the researchers including routing and security features of the wireless sensor networks. Like any wireless network, power consumption has always been a critical issue for wireless sensor networks. This is also due to the environmental constraint in which the wireless sensor networks are normally deployed. This paper provides an overview of this emerging technology by addressing its architecture, deployment and key issues e. g. energy-efficiency, routing, reliability and security
Key words: wireless sensor network, reliability, routing, security, sensor
Key words: wireless sensor network, reliability, routing, security, sensor
[1] Jennifer Yick, Biswanath Mukherjee, Dipak Ghosal: "Wireless Sensor Network Survey", Computer Networks, 52, pp. 2292-2330. (2008)
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[2] Deepak Ganesan, Alberto Cerpa, Wei Ye, YanYu, Jerry Zhao, and Deborah Estrin: "Networking Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 64, pp. 799-814. (2004)
[3] Moshaddique Al Ameen, Kyung-sup Kwak: "Social Issues in Wireless Sensor Network with Health Perspective", The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 8, pp. 52-58. (2011)
[4] Tarique Haider, Mariam Yusuf: "A Fuzzy Approach to Energy Optimized Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks", The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 6, pp. 179-185. (2009)
[5] Shio Kumar Singh, M P Singh, D K Singh: "Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey", International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES), 1, pp. 63-83. (2010)
[6] Hemanta Kumar Kalita, Avijit Kar: "Wireless Sensor Network Security Analysis", International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN), 1, pp. 1-10. (2009)
[7] Kavi K. Khedo, Rajiv Perseedoss, Avinash Mungur: "A Wireless Sensor Network Air Pollution Monitoring System", International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), 2, pp. 31-45. (2010)
[8] Kshitij Shinghal, Dr. Arti Noor, Dr. Neelam Srivastava, Dr. Raghuvir Singh: "Intelligent Humidity Sensor for Wireless Sensor Network Agricultural Application", International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), 3, pp. 118-128. (2011)
[9] Ning Wang, Naiqian Zhang, Maohua Wang: "Wireless Sensors in Agriculture and Food Industry – Recent Development and Future Perspective", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 50, pp. 1-14. (2006)
[10] Mr. Puneet Garg, Mr. Kuntal Saroha, Mrs. Ruchika Lochab: "Review of Wireless Sensor Networks – Architecture and Applications", International Journal of Computer Science & Management Studies, 11, pp. 34-38. (2011)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: IBE-Tru |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Malathi V, Dr. B Sivakumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0240509 ![]() |
Abstract: The importance of key management protocol in ensuring secure communications in WSN is undeniable. This paper presents an IBE-Trust security framework utilizing the well-known identity based encryption scheme not to only establish secure communications but to ensure the trustworthiness of the communication between sensor nodes and base station. The framework incorporates ideas from Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and the Identity based cryptosystem developed by Boneh Franklin in ensuring trusted and secure communications between sender and receiver. The framework and proposed implementation procedures are briefly discussed. The proposed framework which was developed on TinyOS platform was simulated using TOSSIM on Micaz nodes and a study was carried out to compare memory utilizations of the proposed security framework with those obtained in a recent similar work.
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[3] A. S. K. Pathan, and H. Choong Seon, "Feasibility of PKC in resource-constrained wireless sensor networks," in Computer and Information Technology, 2008. ICCIT 2008. 11th International Conference on, pp. 13- 20,2008.
[4] A. Shamir, "Identity-based cryptosystems and signature schemes," Advances in Cryptology- Crypto84, vol. 196, pp. 47, 1984.
[5] D. Boneh, and M. Franklin, "Idenetity-based encryption from weil pairing," Advance in cryptology-crypto, vol. 2139, pp. 29, 2001.
[6] J. Zhang, and V. Varadharajan, "Wireless sensor network key management survey and taxonomy," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2009.
[7] R. Watro, D. Kong, S.-F. Cuti et al., "TinyPK: Securing Sensor Networks with Public Key Technology," in 2nd Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks SASN'04, Washinton DC, USA, pp. 59-64,2004.
[8] L. Martin, G. Appenzeller, and M. Schertler, "RFC5408 - Identity-Based Encryption Architecture and Supporting," Network working Group, 2009.
[9] G. Yang, C.-m. Rong, C. Veigner et al., "Identity-based key agreement and encryption for wireless sensor networks," The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-60, 2006.
[10] G. Zhi, S. Huiping, C. Zhong et al., "Efficient Identity-Based Key Issue with TPM," in Young Computer Scientists, 2008. ICYCS 2008. The 9th International Conference for, pp. 2354- 2359,2008.
[2] D. J. Malan, M. Welsh, and M. D. Smith, "A Public key Infrastructure for key Distribution in Tiny-OS based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography," in First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Neworks, California, pp. 71-80,2004
[3] A. S. K. Pathan, and H. Choong Seon, "Feasibility of PKC in resource-constrained wireless sensor networks," in Computer and Information Technology, 2008. ICCIT 2008. 11th International Conference on, pp. 13- 20,2008.
[4] A. Shamir, "Identity-based cryptosystems and signature schemes," Advances in Cryptology- Crypto84, vol. 196, pp. 47, 1984.
[5] D. Boneh, and M. Franklin, "Idenetity-based encryption from weil pairing," Advance in cryptology-crypto, vol. 2139, pp. 29, 2001.
[6] J. Zhang, and V. Varadharajan, "Wireless sensor network key management survey and taxonomy," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2009.
[7] R. Watro, D. Kong, S.-F. Cuti et al., "TinyPK: Securing Sensor Networks with Public Key Technology," in 2nd Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks SASN'04, Washinton DC, USA, pp. 59-64,2004.
[8] L. Martin, G. Appenzeller, and M. Schertler, "RFC5408 - Identity-Based Encryption Architecture and Supporting," Network working Group, 2009.
[9] G. Yang, C.-m. Rong, C. Veigner et al., "Identity-based key agreement and encryption for wireless sensor networks," The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-60, 2006.
[10] G. Zhi, S. Huiping, C. Zhong et al., "Efficient Identity-Based Key Issue with TPM," in Young Computer Scientists, 2008. ICYCS 2008. The 9th International Conference for, pp. 2354- 2359,2008.
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Abstract: As the quantity of data transmission and reception increases, there is a gradual increase in bandwidth on demand and quality of service. This further increases data traffic which leads to loss of information, reduced accuracy and reliability. To overcome this drawback, we proposed coprocessor can be used for communication operations, such as scrambling, interleaving, convolutional encoding, viterbi decoding, FFT, and several other functions using the proposed design. The coprocessor has been modeled by VHDL. Performance comparisons shows that the number of clock cycles can be reduced about 48% for scrambling and 84% for convolutional encoding compared with existing DSPs. From the results, performance of proposed coprocessor is better than conventional DSP (SC140) in terms of number of clock per cycle and gate counts.
Keywords: scrambling, convolutional encoding, interleaving, modulation, viterbi decoding, FFT.
Keywords: scrambling, convolutional encoding, interleaving, modulation, viterbi decoding, FFT.
[1] Jeong H. Lee, Sug H. Jeong and Myung H. Sunwoo ,"Application-specific DSP architecture for OFDM- Modem-systems," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Syst. (SIPS'2003), Aug. 2003.
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[3] Sung D. Kim, Sug H. Jeong, Myung H. Sunwoo, andKyung H. Kim,"NOVEL BIT MANIPULATION UNIT FOR COMMUNICATION DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS," in Proc. Int. Symp. On Circuits and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, May 2004.
[4] Motorola Semiconductors Inc., SC140 DSP CoreReference Manual, Denver, Colo, USA, 2001.
[5] IEEE, 802.11a Wireless LAN Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications, September 1999.
[6] G.M. Bhat*, M. Mustafa**, Shabir Ahmad** and Javaid Ahmad**."VHDL modeling and Simulation of data scrambler and descrambler for secure data communication" University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
[7] Yunghsiang S. Han "Introduction to Binary Convolutional Codes" Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering,National Taipei University Taiwan.
[8] HelsinkiUniversityofTechnologyS-72.333PostgraduateSeminaronRadio ommunications"Convolutional Coding & Viterbi Algorithm" Communications Laboratory16.11.2004.
[9] Giuseppe Anastasi_ , Eleonora Borgia#,"HI : "An Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Communication Protocolfor Reliable Data Transfer in WSNs with Mobile Sinks" University of Pisa
[10] Leif Wilhelmsson, Member, IEEE, and Laurence B. Milstein, Fellow, "On the Effect of Imperfect Interleaving for the Gilbert–Elliott Channel" VOL. 47, NO. 5, MAY 1999.
[2] Albonesi, David. "Selective Cache Ways: On-Demand Cache Resource Allocation." Journal of Instructional- Level-Parallelism 2 (2000).
[3] Sung D. Kim, Sug H. Jeong, Myung H. Sunwoo, andKyung H. Kim,"NOVEL BIT MANIPULATION UNIT FOR COMMUNICATION DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS," in Proc. Int. Symp. On Circuits and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, May 2004.
[4] Motorola Semiconductors Inc., SC140 DSP CoreReference Manual, Denver, Colo, USA, 2001.
[5] IEEE, 802.11a Wireless LAN Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications, September 1999.
[6] G.M. Bhat*, M. Mustafa**, Shabir Ahmad** and Javaid Ahmad**."VHDL modeling and Simulation of data scrambler and descrambler for secure data communication" University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
[7] Yunghsiang S. Han "Introduction to Binary Convolutional Codes" Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering,National Taipei University Taiwan.
[8] HelsinkiUniversityofTechnologyS-72.333PostgraduateSeminaronRadio ommunications"Convolutional Coding & Viterbi Algorithm" Communications Laboratory16.11.2004.
[9] Giuseppe Anastasi_ , Eleonora Borgia#,"HI : "An Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Communication Protocolfor Reliable Data Transfer in WSNs with Mobile Sinks" University of Pisa
[10] Leif Wilhelmsson, Member, IEEE, and Laurence B. Milstein, Fellow, "On the Effect of Imperfect Interleaving for the Gilbert–Elliott Channel" VOL. 47, NO. 5, MAY 1999.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Interference and Noise detection in a Cognitive Radio Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pradeep.R, Gopinath.T |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0241619 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays cellular and handheld devices hold up most of the data exchange services that is one currently and they widely use high speed data links causing increased usage of available spectrum. However these devices are not always in use so the links stays void sometime and using those void links in spectrum is the brilliance of cognitive radio. When the primary user doesn't avail his licensed band, secondary users use those bands using cognitive radio technology so that the bands are put to efficient usage all the time. Since artificial intelligence is responsible for that we are allowing unanticipated, emergent behavior of the sensors in the radio by which an adversary can easily manipulate the radio and could change its behavior. In this paper we primarily focus on one such adversaries effect and how to overcome it.
Keywords: Cognitive Radio, interference, spectrum
Keywords: Cognitive Radio, interference, spectrum
[1] "Calibration-Free RF-Based Localization Algorithm for Sensor Actuator Networks using Particle Filters" Aly I. El-Osery, Member, IEEE, Wael Abd-Almageed and Moustafa Youssef, IEEE, Members.
[2]. "Security in Cognitive Radio Networks:Threats and Mitigation". By T. Charles Clancy and Nathan goergen Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park.
[3]. "spectrum analyzer tenchiques" literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7920E.pdf.
[4]. "Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications" Simon Haykin, Life Fellow, IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, Vol. 23, No. 2, February 2005.
[2]. "Security in Cognitive Radio Networks:Threats and Mitigation". By T. Charles Clancy and Nathan goergen Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park.
[3]. "spectrum analyzer tenchiques" literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7920E.pdf.
[4]. "Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications" Simon Haykin, Life Fellow, IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, Vol. 23, No. 2, February 2005.
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Abstract: In this paper, we have investigated an rectangular monopole antenna that was printed on a printed circuit board (PCB). The antenna consists of a rectangular patch and a ground plane so that the antenna acts as a planar monopole antenna which is broadband. Broadband planar monopole antennas have all the advantages of the monopole in terms of their cost, and ease of fabrication besides, yielding very large bandwidths. For many applications large bandwidth is required. We have fabricated and tested printed rectangular monopole antennas for wireless application. The presented antenna was design for lower side frequency of 1.5 GHz so that it can be applied to a commercial frequency such as HSPDA, Wimax, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. Basically, the parameters of the presented antenna were the same with a monopole antenna but broadband.
Keywords: printed rectangular monopole antennas, broadband, S11, radiation pattern
Keywords: printed rectangular monopole antennas, broadband, S11, radiation pattern
[1] Ahmad and Jar'alla, 2008. Design and Simulation of Broadband Rectangular Microstrip Antenna. Eng. Tech Vol. 26 No.1, 2008.
[2] Azari, A. and Rowhani, J.2008. Ultra Wideband Fractal Microstrip Antenna Design .Electromagnetic Reseach C , Vol 2, 7-12.
[3] Azim, Tariqul and Misran.2010. Compact Planar Antenna for UWB Applications.
[4] Balanis, C.A. 2005. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. John Wiley and Son. Singapura.
[5] Dubost &Zizter,1976. Antennas a Large Band. Masson, Paris, NewYork.
[6] Huang and Boyle, 2008. Antennas from Theory to Practice. Wiley, UK
[7] Kumar and Ray, 2008. Broadband Microstrip Antennas, Artech House, UK.
[8] Mazinani and Hassani, 2009. Novel Omnidirectional Broadband Planar Monopole Antenna With Various Loading Plate Shapes. Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 97,241-257.
[9] Prombutr.P Kirawanic dan P Akkaraekthalin, Bandwidth Enhancement of UWB Microstrip Antenna with a Modified Ground Plane, Hindawi Publising Corporation, internationaj Journal of Microwave Science and Technology Volume 2009 artical ID 8215115.
[2] Azari, A. and Rowhani, J.2008. Ultra Wideband Fractal Microstrip Antenna Design .Electromagnetic Reseach C , Vol 2, 7-12.
[3] Azim, Tariqul and Misran.2010. Compact Planar Antenna for UWB Applications.
[4] Balanis, C.A. 2005. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. John Wiley and Son. Singapura.
[5] Dubost &Zizter,1976. Antennas a Large Band. Masson, Paris, NewYork.
[6] Huang and Boyle, 2008. Antennas from Theory to Practice. Wiley, UK
[7] Kumar and Ray, 2008. Broadband Microstrip Antennas, Artech House, UK.
[8] Mazinani and Hassani, 2009. Novel Omnidirectional Broadband Planar Monopole Antenna With Various Loading Plate Shapes. Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 97,241-257.
[9] Prombutr.P Kirawanic dan P Akkaraekthalin, Bandwidth Enhancement of UWB Microstrip Antenna with a Modified Ground Plane, Hindawi Publising Corporation, internationaj Journal of Microwave Science and Technology Volume 2009 artical ID 8215115.
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Abstract: In Wireless/Mobile networks various kinds of encoding schemes were used for transmission of data over a bandwidth. The desired quality and generated traffic varies with the requirement with this bandwidth. A generic video telephony may require more than 40 kbps whereas a low motion video telephony may require about 25 kbps for data transmission. From the designing point of view these requirements demands for an alternative resource planning, especially for bandwidth allocation in wireless networks. In wireless network where bandwidth is a scare resource, the system may need to block incoming user if all of the bandwidth has been used to provide highest quality of service to existing users. However this bandwidth resource planning may be unacceptable for larger application. A degradable approach to multiple users can be made on bandwidth allocation to reduce the blocking probability without degrading the quality of service to existing users. This work aims towards a realization of a wireless/mobile network using W-CDMA multi access technique supporting multilevel quality of services. The bandwidth allocation to multiple users is adjusted dynamically according to the required network condition so as to increase bandwidth utilization. The work analyze the performance deriving the degradation period ratio, mean degradation time and degradation state for the implemented wireless network.The proposed work is aim to implement on Matlab tool for its functional verification considering various mobility patterns
[1] S. Sen, J. Jawanda, K. Basu, and S. Das, "Quality-of Service Degradation Strategies in Multimedia Wireless Network," Proc.IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., vol. 3, pp. 1884-1888, May 1998.
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[3] M.R. Sherif, I.W. Habib, M.N. Nagshineh, and P.K. Kermani,"Adaptive Allocation of Resources and Call Admission Control for Wireless ATM Using Generic Algorithm," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 268 -282, Feb. 2000.
[4] T. Kwon, Y. Choi, C. Bisdikian, and M. Naghshineh, "Call Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia in Wireless/Mobile Network," Proc. First ACM Int'l Workshop Wireless Mobile Multimedia, pp. 111-116, Oct. 1998.
[5] S. Choi and K.G. Shin, "Location/Mobility-Dependent Bandwidth Adaptation in QoS-Sensitive Cellular Networks," Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., vol. 3, pp. 1593-1597, 2001.
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[7] R. Ramjee, R. Nagarajan, and D. Towsley, "On Optimal Call Admission Control in Cellular Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '96, vol. 1, pp. 43-50, 1996.
[8] K. Mitchell and K. Sohraby, "An Analysis of the Effects of mobility on Bandwidth Allocation Strategies in Multi-Class Cellular Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '01, vol. 2,pp. 1075-1084, 2001.
[9] A. Sutoving and J.M. Peha, "Novel Heuristic for Call Admission Control in Cellular Systems," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Universal Personal Comm., vol. 1, pp. 129-133, 1997.
[2] S. Singh, "Quality of Service Guarantees in Mobile Computing," Computer Comm., no. 19, pp. 359-371, 1996.
[3] M.R. Sherif, I.W. Habib, M.N. Nagshineh, and P.K. Kermani,"Adaptive Allocation of Resources and Call Admission Control for Wireless ATM Using Generic Algorithm," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 268 -282, Feb. 2000.
[4] T. Kwon, Y. Choi, C. Bisdikian, and M. Naghshineh, "Call Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia in Wireless/Mobile Network," Proc. First ACM Int'l Workshop Wireless Mobile Multimedia, pp. 111-116, Oct. 1998.
[5] S. Choi and K.G. Shin, "Location/Mobility-Dependent Bandwidth Adaptation in QoS-Sensitive Cellular Networks," Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., vol. 3, pp. 1593-1597, 2001.
[6] Y.B Lin, S. Mohan, and A. Noerpel, "Queuing Priority Channel assignment Strategy for PCS Handoff and Initial Access," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 704-712, Aug. 1994.
[7] R. Ramjee, R. Nagarajan, and D. Towsley, "On Optimal Call Admission Control in Cellular Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '96, vol. 1, pp. 43-50, 1996.
[8] K. Mitchell and K. Sohraby, "An Analysis of the Effects of mobility on Bandwidth Allocation Strategies in Multi-Class Cellular Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '01, vol. 2,pp. 1075-1084, 2001.
[9] A. Sutoving and J.M. Peha, "Novel Heuristic for Call Admission Control in Cellular Systems," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Universal Personal Comm., vol. 1, pp. 129-133, 1997.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Handset Antenna Design For Mobile Communication System |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Anis Suliman Ali, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, M. Sarosa |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0243035 ![]() |
Abstract : Monopole slot antenna is suitable for handset applications due to its simple planar structure. Besides that, it is compact, low cost, low profile and easy to manufacture. It also has wide bandwidth and omnidiractional charatriesticts. The monopole antenna is obtained by cutting monopole slot at the edge of the ground plane of the antenna. These slots operate as the radiating elements of the antenna. The objective of the project is to design a multiband planar monopole slot antenna. This design tool used is the Zeland IE3D software. The proposed antenna consists of two slots cut at the edge of a 100×40 mm ground plan. The antenna occupies an area of 50×40mm. A microstrip feedline is used to feed the antenna. The proposed antenna can operate in GSM 850, GSM900, GSM1800, and GSM1900. It has two wide bands centered at 862MHZ and 1768MHZ. The frequency range of the lower band is from 811MHZ to 981MHZ. The frequency range upper band is from 1572MHZ to 2503MHZ. The antenna has high return loss with 2:1 VSWR. The bandwidth percentage of the lower band is 18.97% whereas the upper band is 45.68% at -10dB return loss. The efficacy of the antenna is greater than 70%.
Keywords: Monopole Slot Antenna, Two Wide Band, Omnidirectional.
Keywords: Monopole Slot Antenna, Two Wide Band, Omnidirectional.
[1] Deng, Heng&Feng, Zhenghe.2007. A triple-band compact monopole antenna for mobile handsets. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Sosiety International Symposium,:2069-2072.
[2] Geyi, W., Rao, Q., Ali, S. & Wang, D. 2008. Handset Antenna Design: Practice and Theory. Progress In Electronic Research 80: 123-160.
[3] Huang, Yi & Boyle, K. 2008.Antennas: From Theory to Practice. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
[4] Mohamed Sanad&Noha Hassan. 2009. A multi-band antenna configuration for MIMO WiMax in Multi-Standard Multifunction Handsets. Mobile WiMAXSymposium, IEEE: 195-200.
[2] Geyi, W., Rao, Q., Ali, S. & Wang, D. 2008. Handset Antenna Design: Practice and Theory. Progress In Electronic Research 80: 123-160.
[3] Huang, Yi & Boyle, K. 2008.Antennas: From Theory to Practice. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
[4] Mohamed Sanad&Noha Hassan. 2009. A multi-band antenna configuration for MIMO WiMax in Multi-Standard Multifunction Handsets. Mobile WiMAXSymposium, IEEE: 195-200.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improvement of Handoff Decision in GSM-Railway Using Fuzzy Logic |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepa Arora, Sajjan Singh, Dr. S. V. A. V. Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0243641 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we present two algorithms, are based on fuzzy logic, Conventional algorithm and Proposed algorithms. Both handoff algorithms are used average handoff factor to decide when to handoff and when not in case of high speed mobile terminals. Conventional algorithm is of two types, one is Conventional I and other is conventional II. Also Proposed algorithm is of two types, one is proposed I and other is proposed II. The difference among these algorithms is its hysteresis margin. Proposed algorithms are used under the scenario of high speed trains. Proposed algorithm can make handoff efficient at speed of 270-350km/hr. also the probability of unnecessary handoff is reduced.
Keywords: Handoff Decision, Fuzzy logic, GSM-R.
Keywords: Handoff Decision, Fuzzy logic, GSM-R.
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[3] C.Briso, C. Cortes, F.J. Arques, J.I. Alonso "Requirement of GSM Technology for the control of high speed trains". The 13th IEEE international symposium on personal, indoor and Mobile radio communication, Volume 2(2002).
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Abstract: This paper presents a simpler method of designing a compact size reconfigurable antenna useful for ultra-wideband applications. The reconfigurability of the antenna designed was achieved by using the concept of open-circuit and short-circuit so only single structure was designed and reconfigurability of frequency was achieved. The substrate on which the antenna was to be designed was taken as Taconic(TLY) and the ground part was taken as Copper.The feed was given through the lumped port at 18mm in the XZ plane from the origin of the 3-dimensional co-ordinates i.e the starting left point of the substrate. Due to reconfigurable ability of the antenna four bands were obtained namely band-I (7.1GHz–10.8GHz) ,band II (7.3GHz–11.3GHz.), band III (12.8GHz–15.6GHz) & band-IV(17.3GHz –18.8 GHz) with corresponding return losses of -33, -25.4 and -25.9 dB respectively.
Keywords: compact size antenna, microstrip patch, reconfigurability, ultra-wideband applications, cognitive radio applications
Keywords: compact size antenna, microstrip patch, reconfigurability, ultra-wideband applications, cognitive radio applications
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