Volume-3 ~ Issue-1
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Keywords-component; weapon detector; automation surveillance;
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Abstract: A Wallace tree multiplier using modified booth algorithm is proposed in this paper. It is an improved version of tree based Wallace tree multiplier [1] architecture. This paper aims at additional reduction of latency and power consumption of the Wallace tree multiplier. This is accomplished by the use of booth algorithm, 5:2, 4:2, and 3:2 compressor adders. An efficient VerilogHDL code has been written, successfully simulated and synthesized for Xilinx FPGA vertex-6 low power (Xc6vlx75tl-1Lff484) device, using Xilinx 12.2 ISE and XST. The result shows that the proposed architecture is around 67% faster than the existing Wallace-tree multiplier.
Keywords: Arithmetic, Booth Encoder, Compressors, Radix-8, Wallace-Tree.
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Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Ramadevi, T.Mallikarjuna |
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Keywords - Upscaling, ICBI, NEDI, nVidia CUDA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
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Country | : | India |
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