Volume-3 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peak-To–Average Power Ratio Reduction of Ofdm Siganls |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Nilofer. SK, Mr .Shaik. Umar Faruq M.Tech, (Ph.d) |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0320105 ![]() |
Abstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a form of multicarrier modulation technique
with high spectral efficiency and immunity to interference. Despite of many advantages the main disadvantage
of OFDM is that the time domain of OFDM signal which is a sum of subcarrier sinusoids leads to high Peak-to-
Average power ratio (PAPR). A simple technique used to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals is to clip the signal
to a maximum allowed value, at the cost of bit error rate (BER) degradation and out-of-band radiation. The
other method is Selective mapping method (SLM) technique which is a probabilistic technique for PAPR
reduction with aim of reducing the occurrence of peaks in a signal. In this project partial transmit (PTS) scheme
along with the threshold technique has been simulated using Matlab and the simulation results shows that the
technique performs better. To compare the results SLM and clipping methods are also simulated.
Index Terms: Bit Error Rate (BER) Degradation, Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT), Inverse Fast
Fourier Transform (IFFT), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)), Partial Transmit Scheme
(PTS), Peak-to-Average power ratio (PAPR) and Selective Mapping Method (SLM).
Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,vol.5,no.1,Jan. 2011.
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Abstract: In this paper, teletraffic data were collected from Airtel Nigeria Ltd. for a period of 18 months.
Frequencies of occurrence of congestion in the network were derived from the teletraffic data using the
Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) benchmark. The dominant causes of congestion in the network
were identified from the data and their value of occurrence was seen to be random in nature. A Poisson
probability distribution model was therefore implemented for the prediction of congestion in the network. The
identified four dominant causes of congestion and their percentage relative weights based on frequency of
occurrence were: (i) X1: Faulty System (50.63%); (ii) X2: Faulty Trunk(s) (29.11%); (iii) X3: Power Failure
(16.46%) and (iv) X4: Cable Cut (03.80%). MATLAB (M-file Data Acquisition Toolbox) programming
environment was used to write a software program in C++ language that simulated the four dominant causes of
congestion. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient formula was used to test the relationship between
the measured and simulated congestion. The value r = 0.7487 was the correlation coefficient obtained between
the measured and simulated results. This shows that the model is reasonably reliable.
Key words: Airtel, Congestion, Mobile network, Poisson, Probability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficient Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform Using NOC |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lalitha Bhavani.Maddipati, D. Nataraj |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0321419 ![]() |
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficient Security for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. S. J. Patil, Prof. (Mr.) U. A. Patil, Ms. A. A. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0322026 ![]() |
Abstract: An Ad-hoc network is a dynamically changing network of mobile nodes that communicate without
the support of a fixed network. Due to lack of centralized control, secured communication in mobile Ad-hoc
network is important matter due to dynamic nature of the network topology. MANETs is affected by new
security problems in addition to the problems of regular networks. In this paper, we introduce an efficient
security AODV algorithm to enhance the data security in the network. To generate the private key ECDSA
algorithm is used. Simulation result shows that our protocol gives better performance than the previous one.
Key words: AODV, ECDSA algorithm, MANET
Computer Science-Technology And Application. IEEE 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Ftp Implementation with Arm Processor and Gprs for Real Time Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N. Bala Saidulu, V.Rajasree |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0322731 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we present the principles of a low-cost Internet-based data processing system.
The main h e a r t of the system is an embedded hardware (ARM 9) running with a Linux OS. The
embedded device communicates through General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) module, which makes it
accessible from anywhere in the world. The GPRS module provides a bidirectional real-time data transfer
between the server and client. The proposed system will provide no need for server software and maintenance
Key words: ARM, GPRS, GSM, FTP Server ,Data-acquisition, embedded system, interaction, Internet, Linux,
real time.
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Abstract: In this paper, we present a robust and adaptive forward error correction technique for high
end Audio-Video Streaming solutions. This solution targets all kinds of network loss conditions and can be used
in any embedded platforms. This technique uses optimum solution for packet loss recovery that involves
switching between adaptive FEC based packet loss recovery and retransmission management. Whenever
network loss increases the permissible limit of adaptive FEC loss recovery, then it switches to re-transmission of
media. Adaptive FEC based packet loss recovery works on best of adaptive matrix size selection, loss recovery
method selection (on-the-fly or store and compute) and FEC codec selection (Parity 1D, 2D, Raptor, Read
Solomon and Hamming etc.) This technique also incorporates support for embedded systems which do not have
much computation power. For such embedded systems, the adaptive FEC recovery technique switches to fixed
matrix of having store and save approach for single and burst packet loss recovery. This technique provides
inter-operability w.r.t FEC codec selection which also takes care of embedded system capability
Key words: Adaptive FEC, Adaptive matrix size, FEC coding (Parity 1D, 2D, Raptor, read-soloman, hamming
etc.), , FEC SDP negotiation, packet loss calculation techniques
INRIA, N° 3998, September 2000.
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Abstract:In the recent years, development of a non-destructive and non-contacting type moisture
measurement system has attracted considerable interest. Because of their inherent nature of being nondestructive,
ability to travel through non-conductive medium and having deep penetrative properties,
Microwaves have been the traditional choice in this kind of research. This paper is a comprehensive review of
Microwave Based Measurement System used for grains and pulses. In this paper, moisture measurement and
calibration techniques for the system are presented. The objective of the paper is to provide the readers a broad
perspective of the various techniques.
Key words: Bulk density, Complex Permittivity, Moisture Measurement, Temperature Compensation
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[6] Stuart O. Nelson, Samir Trabelsi, and Andrzej W. Kraszewski, Principles of Microwave Moisture Measurement in Grain,
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Abstract: We are presenting a new suboptimum decoding strategy, namely, Adaptive Selective State-
Transition Decoding (ASSTD) for Trellis Coded Modulation schemes transmission over band-limited ISI
channels. The ASSTD is a combined approach provides an improved error performance over Reduced State
Sequence Estimation (RSSE) techniques which are in practical use. The ASSTD operates on two different
concepts and has the flexibility to work with a controlled complexity. Simulation results are obtained for static
band-limited ISI channels. The results show that the ASSTD can be extended to fading channels.
Key words:Adaptive, Parameter, Selective, Selection, Transit
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image Encription and Decription Based On Aes &Rc4 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naga Suman Arepalli, S. Srividya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0324650 ![]() |
Abstract: In the today world, security is required to transmit confidential information over the network
Security is also demanding in wide range of applications. Cryptographic algorithms play a vital role in
providing the data security against malicious attacks. But on the other hand, they consume significant amount of
computing resources like CPU time, memory, encryption time etc. Normally, symmetric key algorithms (same
key use
For encryption and decryption) and asymmetric key algorithms (different key use for both encryption and decry
piton) as they are very fast in nature. Symmetric algorithms are classified as block cipher
(AES) and stream ciphers (RC4) algorithms. In this paper, we compare the AES (block cipher) algorithm with
different modes of operation and RC4 (stream cipher) algorithm in terms of CPU time, encryption time,
memory utilization and throughput at different settings like variable key size and variable data packet size and
develop both block diagram.
Key words:Encryption, Decryption, Block and Stream Ciphers, AES, RC4
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