Volume-3 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: A dual microstrip meander slot antenna is presented for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) application. The proposed antenna comprises a rectangular microstrip patch element embedded with two meander slots. The parametric study is performed to investigate the characteristic of microstrip patch antenna with double meandered slots compared to the same microstrip patch antenna with a single meandered slot. Microstrip patch antenna with dual meander slot can achieve return loss until -24.54dB. However the gain of the antenna is lower than microstrip patch antenna with single meander slot. Other antenna parameters are also investigated such as bandwidth, radiation patterns and directivity have been observed and simulated. The proposed antenna has been designed and simulated by using CST Studio Suite 2010.
Keywords:Dual Meander Slot, Microstrip Patch Antenna, Simulated, Single Meander Slot, WLAN
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of ALU Using Asynchronous Design |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Amrutha and G. Hanumantha Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0360712 ![]() |
Abstract:Power consumption has become one of the biggest challenges in design of high performance microprocessors. In this paper we present a design technique using GALs (Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous) for implementing asynchronous ALUs, which aims to eliminate the global clock. Here ALUs are designed with delay insensitive dual rail four phase logic and CMOS domino logic. It ensures economy in silicon area and potentially for low power consumption. This has been described and implemented in order to achieve a high performance in comparison with synchronous and available asynchronous design. Also simulation results, show significant reduction in the number of transistors as well as delay.
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Abstract:It is well known that classical differential detection of MPSK signals, wherein the information is encoded as the first order phase difference, is a simple and robust form of communication in environments not subject to frequency variation. For channels that introduce into the carrier a random frequency shift, eg., those associated with moving vehicles, classical differential detection as above may yield poor performance, particularly if the frequency shift is an appreciable fraction of the data rate. In such situations, one must resort to a form of differential detection that encodes the information as higher order (second order for constant frequency shift) phase difference process. It is shown that the proposed receiver is robust to the distortions caused by the random frequency variation. A lower bound on the error probability of the proposed MSDD receiver is also derived and compared to that of an autocorrelation demodulator for the case where the observation interval approaches infinity..
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Abstract: This paper presents design and realization of 2-way Wilkinson Power Dividers (WPD) at frequency 2400MHz for Radar S-Band. Power dividers in radar S-Band used for divide the output power from oscillator where used for the mixer of transmitter and receiver section. The 2-way WPD used Wilkinson configuration where consist of two quarter-wavelength transmission line (λg/4) and one resistor chip between the both output ports. Design of the 2-way WPD presents by simulation result with ADS2011.10 and have been implemented using Roger Duroid 5880 substrate. The simulation and measurement result contains graph of insertion loss, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) or return loss, and isolation between the both output ports. The measurement result of the 2-way WPD indicating a good performance than the 2-way power dividers with wideband that currently used and its suitable to use at radar S-band for divide the output power from oscillator.
Keywords: Power Dividers, Radar S-Band, Wilkinson
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Abstract: Chromatic dispersion and fiber attenuation pose a great problem in the detection of optical signals. Dispersion causes pulse broadening which limits the information carrying capacity of the fiber while attenuation limits the maximum transmission distance along the fiber. An approximate Gaussian pulse propagation model is obtained from the solution of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation to represent the effects of chromatic dispersion and attenuation using Split-Step Fourier Method. It was found that pulse broadening and intensity loss in the optical signal is increasing proportionately with the propagation length of the fiber and this is what contributes to the causes of detection errors at the receiver.
Keywords:Chromatic dispersion, fiber attenuation, intensity loss, optical signals, pulse broadening
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Silicon Nanowire Based MOSFET Parameter Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. S. Raja, R. Joseph Daniel, Bino. N |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0363543 ![]() |
Abstract: As the conventional silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) approaches its scaling limits many novel device structures are being extensively explored. Among them, the silicon nanowire transistor (SNWT) has attracted broad attention from both the semiconductor industry and academia. To understand device physics in depth and to assess the performance limits of SNWTs, simulation is becoming increasingly important. The objectives of this paper are to assess the performance of SNWTs. A nano device simulator called fettoy was utilized for this purpose. The various output parameters analyzed were Quantum capacitance vs. gate voltage, Drain current vs. gate voltage, drain current vs. drain voltage, Drain induced barrier lowering, Threshold swing, Carrier injection velocity, on current, off current, Output conductance, Transconductance and Voltage gain for variation in input parameters like Dielectric materials, Thickness of dielectric material, Diameter of silicon nanowire and Gate Control Parameter. Also the effect of temperature was also studied.
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Abstract: This paper is focused on a new solution for congestion evasion in ad hoc multicast routing that referred as Congestion Evasion Multicast Routing short CEMR. CEMR is aimed at Congestion Evasion in Multicast Mobile Ad hoc routing protocol. The current MAC level routing strategy is independent which can work with any multicast routing protocol irrespective of tree or mesh structure. During the study of CEMR performance, the CEMR tested along with On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol where simulation results proved that CEMR raises the performance of ODMRP in order of magnitude.
Keywords: multicast, on-demand routing, congestion control, ad hoc network, CEMR
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