Volume-4 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Power H.264 Video Compression Achitecture for Mobile Communication |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Venkataphani Raja, S.Srilakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0430114 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents a method to reduce the computation and memory access for variable block size
motion estimation (ME) using pixel truncation. Previous work has focused on implementing pixel truncation
using a fixed-block size(16×16 pixels) ME. However, pixel truncation fails to give satisfactory results for
smaller block partitions. In this paper, we analyze the effect of truncating pixels for smaller block partitions and
propose a method to improve the frame prediction. Our method is able to reduce the total computation and
memory access compared to conventional full-search method without significantly degrading picture quality.
With unique data arrangement, the proposed architectures are able to saveup to 53% energy compared to the
conventional full-search architecture. This makes such architectures attractive for H.264application in future
mobile devices.
Keywords:Low-power design, motion estimation (ME), video coding, VLSI architecture.
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[3] Z.-L. He, C.-Y. Tsui, K.-K. Chan, and M. L. Liou, "Low-power VLSI design for motion estimation using adaptive pixel
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Washington D.C., 1995, pp. 252–255.
[10] V. G. Moshnyaga, "Msb truncation scheme for low-power video processors," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., vol. 4.
Orlando, FL,1999, pp. 291–294.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Mobile Robot Navigation System Using RFID Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Srilakshmi, K.Venkata Phani Raja |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0431520 ![]() |
Abstract:Skilled navigation in mobile robotics usually re-quires solving two problems pertaining to the
knowledge of the position of the robot, and to a motion control strategy. When no prior knowledge of the
environment is available, the problem becomes even more challenging, since the robot has to build a map of its
surroundings as it moves. These three tasks ought to be solved in conjunction due to their interdependency. The
present manuscript proposes a novel mobile robot navigation technique using a customized RFID reader with
two receiving antennas mounted on the robot and a number of standard RFID tags attached in the robot's
environment to define its path. In here, we show that using the RF signal from the RFID tags as an analog
feedback signals can be a promising strategy to navigate a mobile robot within an unknown or uncertain indoor
environment. This method is computationally simpler and more cost-effective than many of its counterparts in
the state of the art. It is also modular and easy to implement since it is independent of the robot's architecture
and its workspace. A set of numerical computer simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the
proposed scheme.
Keywords: RFID, Phase Difference, Fuzzy Logic Con-troller, Robot Sensing and Perception.
Proceedings of the IEEE InternationalConference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Montral,Canada, October 7–10 2007, pp.
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[5] T. D'Orazio, M. Ianigro, E. Stella, F. P. Lovergine, and
[6] J. Borenstein, H. R. Everett, L. Feng, and D. Wehe, "Mo-bile robot positioning: Sensors and techniques," Journal ofRobotic Systems, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 231–249, April 1997.
[7] L. R. Ojeda, G. D. Cruz, and J. Borenstein, "Current-based slippage detection and odometry correction for mo-bile robots and
planetary rovers," IEEE Transactions onRobotics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 366–378, April 2006. Canada, October 7–10 2007, pp. 1658–
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Novel Brain Computer Interface on its types on a future look |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subha Austalekshmi.T.V, Vijaya Sarathi.S |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0432124 ![]() |
Abstract:A Brain computer interface acts as communication channel between human brain and the computer
system. Many challenging disorders and diseases is been faced by the brain in the past, but still that may not be
the case in the mere future. Among all the challenges, paralysis stands the most. An advanced brain computer
interface called as Nano brain computer interface that could provide a two – way communication between
human brain and external system. The major goal of BCI research is to develop a system that allows disabled
people to communicate with other persons and help in replacing the destroyed neurons. This paper provides an
insight into the future look BCI, its application recent developments and an open discussion in the measures and
evaluation of brain activity.
Keywords: Nano BCI, BCI, Invasive and Non – Invasive, EEG, MEG, MRI and FRMI.
Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience, Springer (2009), 732-740.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cloud deployment model and cost analysis in Multicloud |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subash Babu Pandiri, Sangeeta Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0432531 ![]() |
Abstract:Cloud computing is a revolution in the way it offers computational capability. The information
technology organizations do not need to oversize the infrastructure anymore, potentially reducing the cost of
deploying a service. The two main objective of this paper is to study a cloud deployment model which involves
user, broker, federated catalog system and to decrease the cost of deploying a service using a scheduling model.
Many research works are going on to obtain the best out of the cloud. In this work, we propose a system which
analyzes the cost by a scheduling model for optimizing virtual cluster placements across available cloud offers.
Keywords:cloud computing, federated cloud computing, intercloud, SLA, resource allocation
[2] H. Khazaei, J. Mi~si~c, and V.B. Mi~si~c, "Performance Analysis of Cloud Centers," Proc. Seventh Int'l ICST Conf. Nov. 2010.
[3] M. Mihailescu and Y. M. Teo, "Dynamic resource pricing on federated clouds" 10th IEEE/ACM international conference on
cluster ,cloud and grid computing.
[4] Grimmett and D. Stirzaker, Probability and Random Processes, third ed. Oxford Univ. Press, July 2010.
[5] Sotomayor.R.monotero,I.LIorento.and I.Foster "Virtual infrastructure management in private and hybrid clouds," Internet
Computing IEEE, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 14 –22, sept.-oct. 2009.
[6] Bernstein, D.; Vij, D.; "Intercloud Security Considerations," Cloud Computing Technology and science , IEEE Second International
Conference on , vol., no., pp.537-544, Nov. 30 2010-Dec. 3 2010.
[7] Celesti, A.; Tusa, F.; Villari, M.; Puliafito, A.; , "Three-Phase Cross-Cloud Federation Model: The Cloud SSO Authentication,"
Advances in Future Internet (AFIN), 2010 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.94-101, 18-25 July 2010.
[8] Celesti, A.; Tusa, F.; Villari, M.; Puliafito, A.; , "Security and Cloud Computing: InterCloud Identity Management Infrastructure,"
Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), 2010 19th IEEE International Workshop on , vol.,
no., pp.263-265, 28-30 June 2010.
[9] Ashley Chonka,YangXiang n, WanleiZhou, AlessioBonti(2011), "Cloud security defense to protect cloud computing against HTTPDoS and XML-DoS attacks" Network and Computer Applications 34 (2011) 1097–1107.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on EBG Based Power Dividers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pranavi Mhatre, Jyoti. M. Varavdekar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0433235 ![]() |
Abstract:In the recent years, there has been considerable activity in the area miniaturization of microwave
devices. Miniaturization offers the benefits of low material costs, high production output and potentially faster
operation. It can be achieved through various techniques such as 'Defected Ground Structure' (DGS),
'Electromagnetic Bandgap' (EBG), etc. This paper is a comprehensive review of EBG Based Power Dividers.
The objective of the paper is to provide the readers with a broad perspective of the principle behind
miniaturization of power dividers using EBG and the different EBG structures used for miniaturization of power
Keywords: Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG), Harmonic Suppression, Hybrid Ring, Miniaturization, Power
Divider, Slow Wave Structure (SWS)
[2] Dusan Nesie, , Frequency A Brief Review of Microwave Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Structures, Microwave Review, pp 1824,
July 2001
[3] Jun He1, Ding Chen, and Bing-Zhong Wang, Miniaturized Microstrip Wilkinson Power Divider with EBG Structure, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), 2012 International Conference on , vol.4, no., pp.1-3, 5-8 May 2012
[4] Chih-Ming Lin; Hsuan-Hung Su; Jui-Chieh Chiu; Yeong-Her Wang; , Wilkinson Power Divider Using Microstrip EBG Cells for
the Suppression of Harmonics, Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.17, no.10, pp.700-702, Oct. 2007
[5] Hsin-Hao Chen and Yi-Hsin Pang, A Dual-band Wilkinson Power Divider Utilizing EBG Structure, PIERS Proceedings, Marrakesh,
MOROCCO, March 20-23, 2011, pp 1018-1020
[6] C.-P. Chang, C.-C. Su, S.-H. Hung, and Y.-H. Wang, A 6:1 Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider With EBG CPW, Progress In
Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 8, 151–159, 2009
[7] Ban-Leong Ooi,, Compact EBG In-Phase Hybrid Ring Equal Power Divider, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE
THEORYAND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 53, NO. 7, JULY 2005, pp 2329-2334
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Abstract:In this paper, an effort is made to optimize the gain to show better performance analysis on the basis
of design and simulation results by implementing FSS structured superstrate layer with circular microstrip
patch antenna at operating frequency of 5.8 GHz for ISM Band applications. In this proposed antenna, co-axial
feeding technique is utilized in order to have better impedance matching effects. In order to show our results
better, we have made a comparative analysis with conventional microstrip patch antenna at the same frequency
band to increase the gain, directivity and minimize the return loss of the desired antenna. In addition to this, it
shows the advantages of utilizing the ism band and fss superstrate layers compared to other frequency bands.
Full wave 3-D simulation results is carried out by using Ansoft based HFSS software, that is, based on Finite
Element Method (FEM) modeling technique.
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, FSS, ISM Band, Co-axial Feed, Impedance Matching. Directivity, Return Loss.
FSS Superstrate Layer, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. Vol. 60, No.4, April 2012.
[2] A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, Investigation Into the Effects of the Patch-Type FSS Superstrate on the High-Gain Cavity Resonance,
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. 58, No.2, February2010.
[3] Muhammad Mahfuzul Alam, Md. Mustafizur Rahman Sonchoy, and Md. Osman Goni, "Design and Performance Analysis of
Microstrip Array Antenna", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18 -21, 2009.
[4] Gonca, C. Design, Simulation and Tests of Low-cost Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays for the Wireless Communication Turk J
Elect Engin, 13 (1), 2005.
[5] Asghar Keshtkar, Ahmed Keshtkar and A. R. Dastkhosh, Circular Microstrip Patch Array Antenna for C-Band Altimeter
System,International Journal of Antenna and Propagation, article ID 389418, doi:10.1155/2008/389418, November, 2007.
[6] M. F. Islam, M. A. Mohd. Ali, B. Y. Majlis and N. Misran, Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Sar Applications, Australian
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(10): 4585- 4591, 2010.
[7] L. Leger, T.Monediere, and B. Jecko, Enhancement of gain and radiation bandwidth for a planar 1-D EBG antenna, IEEE Microw.
Wireless Compon. Lett. vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 573–575, 2005.
[8] Yadav, R. K & Yadava, R.L, "Superstrate Loaded Rectangular Microstrip Antennas –An Overview International journal of
Information, Intelligence and Knowledge (JIIK) Volume 3, Issue, 2011.
[9] T. F. Lai, Wan Nor Liza Mahadi, Norhayatision, Circular Patch Microstrip Array Antenna for KU-band, World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 48, pp. 298-302, 2008.
[10] Balanis C.A (1982) Handbook of Microstrip Antennas. John Wiley and Sons New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Arterial Blood Pressure Measurement and Pulse Wave Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof.Subhash k.Ohal, Prof.R.J.Vaidya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0434146 ![]() |
Abstract:The most common method of clinical measurement of arterial blood pressure is by means of the cuff
sphygmomanometer. This instrument has provided fundamental quantitative information on arterial pressure in
individual subjects and in populations and facilitated estimation of cardiovascular risk related to levels of blood
pressure obtained from the brachial cuff. Although the measurement is taken in a peripheral limb, the values are
generally assumed to reflect the pressure throughout the arterial tree in large conduit arteries. Since the
arterial pressure pulse becomes modified as it travels away from the heart towards the periphery, this is
generally true for mean and diastolic pressure, but not for systolic pressure, and so pulse pressure. The
relationship between central and peripheral pulse pressure depends on propagation characteristics of arteries.
Hence, while the sphygmomanometer gives values of two single points on the pressure wave (systolic and
diastolic pressure), there is additional information that can be obtained from the time-varying pulse waveform
that enables an improved quantification of the systolic load on the heart and other central organs. This topical
review will assess techniques of pressure measurement that relate to the use of the cuff sphygmomanometer and
to the non-invasive registration and analysis of the peripheral and central arterial pressure waveform.
Keywords: Arterial pressure, sphygmomanometer, hypertension, ageing, cardiovascular risk, pulse pressure,
heart rate, pulse waveform, pulse wave
[2] Bhaskar Thakker, Anoop Lal Vyas, and D M Tripathi, ―Radial Pulse Analysis at Deep Pressure in Abnormal Health Conditions‖,
IEEE, 3rdInternational Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics October 2010.
[3] Chu-Chang Tyan, Shing-Hong Liu, Jan-Yow Chen, Jian-Jung Chen, and Wen-Miin Liang,"A Novel Noninvasive Measurement
Technique forAnalyzing the Pressure Pulse Waveform of the Radial Artery" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol:
55, No: 1, January 2008.
[4] George oliver,M.D,Lond,F.R.C.P. ―Pulse gauging‖- a clinical study of radial measurement and pulse pressure and studies in blood
pressure,3rd edition,pp.72-87,2003.
[5] Jibing Gong, Shilong Lu, Rui Wang (Member IEEE), Li Cui (Member IEEE), "Low-cost and Wearable Healthcare Monitoring
Systemfor Pulse Analysis in Traditional Chinese Medicine", IEEE, pp.205-227, April 2010.
[6] Jay N. Cohn, Stanley Finkelstein, Gary McVeigh, Dennis Morgan, Lisa LeMay, Jennifer Robinson, and James Mock, "Noninvasive
Pulse Wave Analysis for the Early Detection of Vascular Disease, Hypertension", 26: 503-508. 1995.
[7] Willis J.Tompkins ―Biomedical Digital Signal Processing‖, pp.220- 260,1993.
[8] B.Thakker and A. L. Vyas,"Outlier Pulse Detection and Feature Extraction for Wrist Pulse Analysis", Proc. of ICBST'09, pp. 173-
[9] Qun Wang, Zhiwen Liu, "The Pulse Waveform Characteristic Points Detection Based on Wavelet Transform", IEEE, 1st
International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Improvement of OFDM Using Subcarrier Frequency Diversity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kiran V. Shanbhag |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0434749 ![]() |
Abstract:Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a key contender for broadcasting standards, due to
its immunity towards multipath fading and ease of implementation. Here a novel scheme to exploit the frequency
diversity within OFDM subcarriers has been proposed which further increases the bit error rate performance.
The diversity is achieved by circularly shifting the OFDM subcarrier coefficients in pseudorandom manner.
Thus we notice a significant performance improvement without any additional bandwidth requirements.
Keywords: OFDM, BER performance, Matlab, Frequency Diversity, Pseudo Noise sequence
[2] Samuel C. Yang, OFDMA System Design and Analysis, Artech House Library,Norwood, 2010
[3] Wang, T. (R.), J. G. Proakis, and E. Masry, "Performance Degradation of OFDM Systems Due to Doppler spreading," IEEE
Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2006, pp. 1422–1432.
[4] J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis: Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice. Hall, 2007,