Volume-6 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: This paper numerically examines an array of four dielectric resonant antenna of equilateral triangle shape. The Structure provides wideband low profile monopole-like antenna. As much as 30.90 % matching bandwidth (S11<-10 dB) with monopole-like radiation pattern over the entire band has been achieved with 6.357 dBi peak gain. The geometry is a four equilateral triangular dielectric volume over a ground plane, and is centrally excited by a coaxial probe to provide a broadside radiation pattern. An approximate expression is used to compute the resonance frequency. Results are simulated using CST (Computer Simulation Technology) Microwave Studio Suite 10.
Keywords-Dielectric resonator (DR), triangular dielectric resonator antenna (TDRA), S11 (S-Parameter),
perfect conductor (PEC), Impedance Bandwidth (IBW).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Ota-C Filter for Biomedical Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | CH. D. Mounika, CH. Susmitha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0640711 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents design of operational transconductance amplifier is to amplify the ECG signal having low frequency of 300Hz, with the supply voltage of 0.8v. To reduce the power dissipation of 779nW, by using fifth order low pass filter. The OTA-C filter is to eliminate noise voltage and increases the reliability of the system. A chip is fabricated in a 0.18μm CMOS process is simulated and measured to validate the system performance using HSPICE.
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Abstract: Multiple Input Multiple Output is a wireless technology that uses multiple transmitters and receivers to transfer more data at the same time. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, an FDM modulation technique which splits the signal into multiple smaller sub-signals that are then transmitted simultaneously at different frequencies to the receiver. OFDM technique spreads the data over number of carriers which are at specific predefined frequencies. This reduces or eliminates the ISI. Forward error correction or channel coding is a technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. The objective of our proposed paper is to implement the FEC into the MIMO OFDM systems and its performance is analysed by using MATLAB over different fading channels. For modulation it employs M-QAM which combines both ASK and PSK thereby enabling several bits to be transmitted per symbol. The performance of MIMO-OFDM system is evaluated by BER Vs SNR when the bits propagates through the different fading channels.
Keywords– OFDM, MIMO, QAM, FEC, BER.
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Abstract: Monitoring Receivers form an important constituent of the Electronic support. In Monitoring Receiver we can monitor, demodulate or scan the multiple channels. In this project, the Implementation of algorithm for multi channel digital monitoring receiver. The implementation will carry out the channelization by the way of Digital down Converters (DDCs) and Digital Base band Demodulation. The Intermediate Frequency (IF) at 10.7 MHz will be digitalized using Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) with sampling frequency 52.5 MHz and further converted to Base band using DDCs. Virtually all the digital receivers perform channel access using a DDC. The Base band data will be streamed to the appropriate demodulators. Matlab Simulink will be used to simulate the logic modules before the implementation. This system will be prototyped on an FPGA based COTS (Commercial-off-the-shelf) development board. Xilinx System Generator will be used for the implementation of the algorithm
Keywords: DDC, ADC, Digital Base band demodulation, IF, Monitoring Receiver.
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Abstract: VLSI technology reduces the size of the digital components, reduce the power consumption and increase the speed of operation. In these criteria digital devices are more sensitively manufacturing. These type of devices mostly effected by soft errors, then it reduces the life of the devices(microprocessor, microcontrollers), it is nothing but vulnerability of microprocessors or microcontroller applications. The register file is one of the essential architectural components where soft errors can be very mischievous because errors may rapidly spread from there throughout the whole system. Thus, register files are recognized as one of the major concerns when it comes to reliability. This paper introduces Self-Immunity, a technique that improves the integrity of the register file with respect to soft errors. We show that our technique can reduce the vulnerability of the register file considerably while exhibiting smaller overhead in terms of area and power consumption compared to state-of-the-art in register file protection.
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Abstract: In this paper, we present design of a PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) target controller which is interfacing with asynchronous SRAM 64kX8 memory. The target controller provides the control signals to the SRAM for read and writes cycles. The master sends the address, data and other control signals. Based on these signals the controller initiates the read and write cycles we have designed PCI block diagram which represents how the master controls target and target interfaces with memory. We also designed state machine to generate control signals for target controller by which the controller initiates the read and write cycles. PCI implements a 32-bit multiplexed Address and Data bus (AD [31:0]).The simulation results presented in this paper represents read and write transactions between slave and memory according to commands generated by controller. We have been used Xilinx ISE project navigator 0.40d to simulate project code which is written in Verilog Hardware Description Language. We have been tested our functionality by writing test bench and then compared that results with actual functionality.
Keywords – Asynchronous SRAM, PCI, PCI connector
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Link Stability and Energy Aware routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pradeep Gowda B. S., Dr. H. Saroja Devi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0643747 ![]() |
Abstract: MOBILE ad hoc networks (MANETs) have more popularity among mobile network devices and wireless communication technologies. A MANET is multihop mobile wireless network that have neither a fixed infrastructure nor a central server. Every node in a MANET will act as a router, and also communicates with each other. The mobility constraints in mobile nodes will lead to problems in link stability. Energy saving, path duration and stability will be two major efforts and to satisfy them can be difficult task. A self node which is present in the network may also consume little energy during the transmission. This proposed approach tries to account for link stability and for minimum drain rate energy consumption. In order to verify the correctness of the proposed solution a objective optimization formulation has been designed and a novel routing protocol called Link-Stability and Energy aware Routing protocols is proposed. This novel routing scheme has been compared with other two protocols: PERRA and GPSR. The protocol performance has been evaluated in terms of Data Packet Delivery Ratio, Normalized Control Overhead, Link duration, Nodes lifetime, and Average energy consumption.
Keywords-component; Energy Consumption, Link Stability, Routing, Self node
[1] Floriano De Rango, Francesca Guerriero, Peppino Fazio, "Link Stability and Energy Aware Routing Protocol in Distributed Wireless Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems, Vol 23, No 4 , April 2012.
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[7] L. Feeney and M. Nilsson, "Investigating the Energy Consumption of a Wireless Network Interface in an Ad Hoc Networking Environment," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1548-1557, 2001.
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Abstract: In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), energy conservation is a critical issue as the nodes are powered by the batteries which have limited energy reservoir. Hence the power level of the nodes is a problematical factor that extensively affects the performance and efficiency of ad hoc routing protocols. The rapidly changing traffic pattern the mobility of the nodes and the lack of fixed infrastructure makes routing in a MANET a challenging issue. So one of the main issues in MANET routing protocols is the development of energy efficient and QoS aware routing protocols which requires the energy analysis of routing protocols so that some modifications can be suggested. This paper presents performance comparison of three categories of mobile ad hoc routing protocols i.e. proactive, reactive and hybrid. The performance analysis is based on different metrics of Physical Layer such as Power Consumed in Transmit Mode, Power Consumed in Receive and Idle Modes, and metrics of application layer like Average End to End Delay, Average Jitter, Throughput and Packet Delivery Ratio based on the simulation analysis. Simulation analysis is performed over well known network simulator QualNet 6.1.
[1] S. Mittal, P. Kaur, Performance Comparison of AODV, DSR and ZRP Routing Protocols in MANETs,, Intl. Conf. on Adv. in Comp., Control, and Telecom. Technologies, 2009, 28-29.
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[3] S. Giannoulis, C. Antonopoulos, E. Topalis, S. Koubias, ZRP versus DSR and TORA: A comprehensive survey on ZRP performance, 10th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Greece, 2005.
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[6] T. Clausen and P. Jacquet, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR), IETF RFC 3626, 2003.
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[8] Garcia J.E., Cano J.C., P. Manzon, A Novel DSR based Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for mobile Ad hoc Networks, In: the Proc of IEEE 58th Vehicular TechnologyConference, 5(3), 2003 849-854.
[9] I. Chakeres and C. Perkins, Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) Routing, Internet Draft (draft-ietf-manet-dymo-14), 2008.
[10] QualNet documentation, QualNet 6.1 Model Library:Wireless, http://www.scalablenetworks.com.
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Abstract: Operation of standard 6T static random access memory (SRAM) cells at sub or near threshold voltages is unfeasible, predominantly due to degraded static noise margins (SNM) and poor robustness. We analyze Schmitt-Trigger (ST)-based differential-sensing static random access memory (SRAM) bitcells for ultralow-voltage operation. The ST-based SRAM bitcells address the fundamental conflicting design requirement of the read versus write operation of a conventional 6T bitcell. The ST operation gives better readstability as well as better write-ability compared to the standard 6T bitcell. In this paper we are going to propose a new SRAM bitcell for the purpose of read stability and write ability by using 90nm technology , and less power consumption, less area than the existing Schmitt trigger1 based SRAM. Design and simulations were done using DSCH and Microwind.
Index Terms: read stability, write ability, Schmitt trigger.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recognition of Numerals Using Neural Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Shraddha S. Talele, Mr. P. M. Mahajan |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0646267 ![]() |
Abstract: Recognition of handwritten numerals is a challenging problem researchers had been research into this area for so long especially in the recent years. The goal of optical digit recognition is to classify optical patterns contained in a digital image corresponding to numerals. In our study there are many fields concern with numbers, for example, checks in banks or recognizing numbers in car plates, the subject of digit recognition appears. A system for recognizing isolated digits may be as an approach for dealing with such application. In other words, to let the computer understand the English numbers that is written manually by users and views them according to the computer process. Image processing is simply the processing of the given image. The input is just an image that may be from any source, and the output may be an image or a set of parameters that are related to that particular image. The main objective for our system was to recognize isolated digits exist in different applications. For example, different users had their own handwriting styles where here the main challenge falls to let computer system understand these different handwriting styles and recognize them as standard writing. The process involves three phases namely pre-processing, training and recognition. Pre-processing stage performs noise removal, binarization, labelling, rescaling and segmentation operations. Training stage adopts back propagation with feed forward technique. Recognition stage recognizes input images of numerals.
Keywords: - Artificial Neural network, segmentation, geometrical feature extraction, OTSU's method, feed forward back propagation algorithm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pest Control in Agricultural Plantations Using Image Processing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Murali Krishnan, Jabert G. |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0646874 ![]() |
Abstract: Monocropped plantations are unique to India and a handful of countries throughout the globe. Essentially, the FOREST approach of growing coffee along with in India has enabled the plantation to fight many outbreaks of pests and diseases. Mono cropped Plantations are under constant threat of pest and disease incidence because it favours the build up of pest population. To cope with these problems, an automatic pest detection algorithm using image processing techniques in MATLAB has been proposed in this paper. Image acquisition devices are used to acquire images of plantations at regular intervals. These images are then subjected to pre-processing, transformation and clustering.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Energy Efficient Protocol To Increase Network Life In WSN |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rishu Gupta, Mrs. Tripti Malhotra |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0647581 ![]() |
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Network consists of several sensor nodes, these nodes loss some of their energy after the process of communication. So an energy efficient approach is required to improve the life of the network. In case of broadcast network, LEACH protocol uses an aggregative approach by creating cluster of nodes. Now the major concern is to built such clusters over WSN in an optimized way. This work presents the improvement over LEACH protocol. Hence we have different work environments where the network is having different capacities. The proposed work shows how the life time of the network will improve when the number of nodes varies within the network.
Keywords - LEACH, energy, lifetime, cluster based, WSN\
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