Volume-6 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: Today availability of e- resources in a college library is very common. But their proper and maximum use is a matter for discussion. The present paper examines the existence of various e- resource databases in Siddhivinayak technical campus college library. The study also highlights the preferences and importance of online resources among the teacher and students.
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[8]. Naqvi shehbaz Husain, Use of electronic Resources at Jamia Millia (A Central university): A case Study, In: NACLIN 2007, p320-324.
[9]. Navijyoti, A snapshot of E- journals' Adopters (Research Scholars) of Guru Nanak Dev university, In: NACLIN 2007,p432-442.
[10]. Kennedy,P (2004), "Dynamic Web Pages and the library Catalogue", The Electronic library, Vol.22 No. 6. Pp.480-6.
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Abstract: This paper describes a study on a baseband data transmission system developed for undergraduate
students studying communication engineering. Theoretical material, developed in the lectures, is briefly
covered. A practical system is presented with pre-detection filtering being employed to improve the bit error
rate. A simulation of the complete system is carried out on a Sun work station using the MATLAB simulation
package. Simulation and theoretical results are compared.
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[9] OPNET Modeler from MIL 3 Inc.: http://www.mil3.com
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Turbo Codes and Low Density Parity Check Codes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ahmad Hasan Khan, Dr. K. C. Roy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0661118 ![]() |
Abstract: The most powerful channel coding schemes, namely, those based on turbo codes and LPDC (Low density parity check) codes have in common principle of iterative decoding. Shannon's predictions for optimal codes would imply random like codes, intuitively implying that the decoding operation on these codes would be prohibitively complex. A brief comparison of Turbo codes and LDPC codes will be given in this section, both in term of performance and complexity. In order to give a fair comparison of the codes, we use codes of the same input word length when comparing. The rate of both codes is R = 1/2. However, the Berrou's coding scheme could be constructed by combining two or more simple codes. These codes could then be decoded separately, whilst exchanging probabilistic, or uncertainty, information about the quality of the decoding of each bit to each other. This implied that complex codes had now become practical. This discovery triggered a series of new, focused research programmes, and prominent researchers devoted their time to this new area.. Leading on from the work from Turbo codes, MacKay at the University of Cambridge revisited some 35 year old work originally undertaken by Gallagher [5], who had constructed a class of codes dubbed Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. Building on the increased understanding on iterative decoding and probability propagation on graphs that led on from the work on Turbo codes, MacKay could now show that Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes could be decoded in a similar manner to Turbo codes, and may actually be able to beat the Turbo codes [6]. As a review, this paper will consider both these classes of codes, and compare the performance and the complexity of these codes. A description of both classes of codes will be given.
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[4] Kjetil Fagervik, Iterative decoding of concatenated codes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Surrey (UNIS), UK, August 1998.
[5] R. G. Gallager, Low density parity check codes, Research monograph series, no. 21, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1963.
[6] David J.C. MacKay and Radford M. Neal, Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes, Electronics Letters 32 (1996), no. 18, 1645– 1646, Reprinted in Electronics Letters, 33 (1997), no. 6, 457-458.
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Abstract: In this paper, We investigate post, pre and symmetrical/mix dispersion compensation methods for 40 Gb/s non-return to zero link using standard and dispersion compensated fiber through FBG compensator to optimize high data rate optical transmission. The influence of dispersion of FBG compensator and increases in the power of CW laser has been studied to evaluate the performance of optical communication systems. The simulation model of the WDM based on the Optisystem 11.0 is presented according to the above principle. The simulation results are validated by analysing the Q-factor and Bit error rate (BER) in the numerical simulator. It is found that post compensation performance is best and the input fiber power is taken as 5-10dB, the corresponding BER performance is better. Keywords - BER, Dispersion compensation, Q-factor, WDM.
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Abstract: In this work, we exploit the SVD assisted multiuser transmitter (MUT) and multiuser detector (MUD) technique, using downlink (DL) preprocessing transmitter and DL postprocessing receiver matrice .In combination with space frequency block coding (SFBC). And also propose the precoded DL transmission scheme, were the both proposed schemes take advantage of the channel state information (CSI) of all users at the base station (BS), but only of the mobile station (MS)'s own CSI, to decompose the MU MIMO channels into parallel single input single output (SISO), these two proposed schemes are compared to the vertical layered space time (V_BLAST) combined with SFBC (SFBC_VBLAST). Our Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed scheme with DL Zero Forcing (ZF) transmitter for interference canceller outperforms the SFBC_VBLAST and the precoded DL schemes with ZF receiver in frequency selective fading channels.
Keywords – Post processing, Preprocessing,, SFBC, SVD, ZF.
[1] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication, Performance criterion
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Abstract: In WSN sensors are randomly deployed in the sensor field which brings the coverage problem and limited energy resources. Hence energy and coverage problem are very scarce resources for such sensor systems and has to be managed wisely in order to extend the life of the sensors and maximizing coverage for the duration of a particular mission. In past a lot of cluster based algorithm and techniques were used. In this paper we propose combination of PSO based algorithm and cluster based Least Spanning Tree algorithm, which are very effective alone for WSN, and we also obtain life of sensor node and data transmission by LST based PSO algorithm. These techniques effectively overcome the problems of low energy and coverage of sensor range.
Keywords: Energy efficient clustering, Least Spanning Tree algorithm, PSO algorithm, Wireless Sensor Networks.
[1]. Priya, Satyesh Sharan Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Rohini Saxena "Energy And Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network By Least Spanning Tree Algorithm: A Survey International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Www.Ijera.Com Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, Pp.712-719.
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[7]. S. Lindsey, C. Raghavendra, And K. M Sivalingam,(2002), "Data Gathering Algorithms In Sensor Networks Using Energy Metrics," IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed System, Vol. 13, No. 9, Pp. 924-935.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Butterworth and Chebyshev Filters for ECG Denoising Using Wavelets |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nidhi Rastogi, Rajesh Mehra |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0663744 ![]() |
Abstract: A wide area of research has been done in the field of noise removal in Electrocardiogram signals.. Electrocardiograms (ECG) play an important role in diagnosis process and providing information regarding heart diseases. In this paper, we propose a new method for removing the baseline wander interferences, based on discrete wavelet transform and Butterworth/Chebyshev filtering. The ECG data is taken from non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram database, while noise signal is generated and added to the original signal using instructions in MATLAB environment. Our proposed method is a hybrid technique, which combines Daubechies wavelet decomposition and different thresholding techniques with Butterworth or Chebyshev filter. DWT has good ability to decompose the signal and wavelet thresholding is good in removing noise from decomposed signal. Filtering is done for improved denoising performence. Here quantitative study of result evaluation has been done between Butterworth and Chebyshev filters based on minimum mean squared error (MSE), higher values of signal to interference ratio and peak signal to noise ratio in MATLAB environment using wavelet and signal processing toolbox. The results proved that the denoised signal using Butterworth filter has a better balance between smoothness and accuracy than the Chebvshev filter.
Keywords: Electrocardiogram, Discrete Wavelet transform, Baseline Wandering, Thresholding, Butterworth, Chebyshev
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Distortion Analysis of Differential Amplifier |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Archana Y. Patil, Prof. Ms. S. B. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0664551 ![]() |
Abstract: The linearity of the CMOS is of major concern in the design of many analog circuits. In this paper the nonlinearity behavior of CMOS analog integrated circuits is investigated.The basic building block of analog integrated circuits such as differential amplifier with current mirror load have been chosen for harmonic distortion analysis.A mechanism to analyze the distortion of CMOS circuits in deep submicron technology that can be easily used to detect the distortion is built.The MOSFET model used for simulation is TSMC BSIM3 SPICE model from 0.13-μm CMOS process technology. HSPICE circuit simulator tool is used for distortion analysis of CMOS circuits. The MOS model used in this paper includes short-channel effects and gate-source capacitance, gate-drain capacitance, output resistance of MOS transistor. Analytical results are compared with simulation results and the influences of circuit parameters on circuit linearity are discussed.
Keywords: Analog Integrated Circuits, CMOSanalog integrated circuits, harmonic distortion, HSPICE, Short-channel effects, small signal analysis, transient analysis
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Abstract: Filter is one of the most important part of communication system. Without digital filter we cannot think about proper communication because noise occurs in channel. For removing noise or cancellation of noise we use various type of digital filter. In this paper we propose design technique of bandpass FIR filter using various type of window function. Kaiser window is the best window function in FIR filter design. Using this window we can realize that FIR filter is simple and fast.
Keywords: FIR filter, LTI, bandpass filter, MATLAB
[1] S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanaapriya, "Digital Signal Processing", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
[2] Sonika Gupta, Aman Panghal Performance, "Performance Analysis of FIR Filter Design by Using Rectangular, Hanning and Hamming Windows Methods", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012.
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[4] Saurabh Singh Rajput, Dr. S. S. Bhadauria, "Implementation of FIR Filter using Efficient Window Function and its Application in Filtering a Speech Signal", International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Controls Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2012.
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Abstract: Today in the real time world, so many type of transports are available like, flights, trains, buses, but majority of the people doing their travelling in trains only because due to less amount of charge for long time journey and at the same time it is more comfortable also. For those people we have to provide the safety journey, so the government has to take the responsibility for this. Although the government has taken necessary steps to safe journey but due to some reasons the accidents will happens. One of the major accidents in the railways networks are occurs due to track side faults. The track side fault means it will occur as natural or artificial. To avoid this we are going to design the automated engine model. In this design the engine should be automated and it is connected to the RF Rays. The automation techniques are based on two nodes, Track side node and Station side node. The proposed scheme has been modelled for Automation Engines in the Indian railway networks alone.
Keywords : Crack, Detection, GSM, Automation, Engines.
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[3] Renjun Li, Chu Liu and Feng Luo, A Design for Automotive CAN Bus Monitoring System, IEEE Vehicle Power and PropulsionConference(VPPC), September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China.
[4] Fang Li, Lifang Wang, Chenglin Liao, CAN (Controller Area Network) Bus Communication System Based on Matlab/Simulink.Available: http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org.
[5] Heng Ma, David J.Cannon and Soundar R.T.Kumara; "A Scheme Integrating Neural Networks for Real-Time Robotic Collision Detection", IEEE Int. Conf .on Robotics and Automation, 1995 [6] P.SatheeshKumar; "An Efficient way of Monitoring and controlling the Train Parameters using Multi-core Embedded Processors (MCEP)"IEEE 978-1-4244-5540-9/10, 2010
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[8] Selvamraju Somalraju, Vigneshwar Murali, Gaurav Saha, Dr.V.Vaidehi; "Robust Railway Crack Detection Sheme (RRCDS) Using LED-LDR Assembly", IEEE 978-1-4673-1601-9/12.2012
[9] Liubomyr Vashchyshyn, Vitalij Nichoga, Igor Storozh "Analysis of Defectoscopic Signals Using the Wavelet Adapted to Detection Signals From Transverse Cracks in the head of a Rail"TCSET'2012, Feb 21-24,2012,Lviv-Slavske,Ukraine
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Video Encryption and Decryption with Authentication using Artificial Neural Networks |
Country | : | Ivdia |
Authors | : | Renuka B. Talewad |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0666368 ![]() |
Abstract: Multimedia data security is becoming important with the continuous increase of digital communications on internet. With the rapid development of various multimedia technologies, more and more multimedia data are generated and transmitted in the medical, commercial, and military fields, which may include some sensitive information which should not be accessed by or can only be partially exposed to the general users. . The encryption algorithms developed to secure text data are not suitable for multimedia application because of the large data size and real time constraint. Therefore, there is a great demand for secured data storage and transmission techniques. Information security has traditionally been ensured with data encryption and authentication techniques. The secrecy of communication is maintained by secret key exchange. In effect the strength of the algorithm depends solely on the length of the key. The presented work aims at secure video transmission using randomness in encryption algorithm, thereby creating more confusion to obtain the original data. The security of the original cipher has been enhanced by addition of impurities to misguide the cryptanalyst. Since the encryption process is one way function, the artificial neural networks are best suited for this purpose as they possess features like high security, no distortion and its ability to perform for non linear input-output characteristics, In the presented work the need for key exchange is also eliminated, which is otherwise a perquisite for most of the algorithms used today. The proposed work finds its application in medical imaging systems, military image database communication and confidential video conferencing, and similar such application. The results are obtained through the use of MATLAB 7.14.0
Keywords: Artificial Neural networks, Back propagation algorithm, video encryption and decryption, cipher and decipher.
[1] unukur,R.K/;gnanam V,"neural network based decryption for random encryption algorithm ".
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[4] Francia G.A,"applied image processing to multimedia information security".
[5] William Stallings," networksecurity essentials,applications and standards"
[6] Su S"Lin,A"design and realization of new choaticneural encryption\decryption network"
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption
[9] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video
[10] Shiguo Lian, Dimitris Kanellopoulos, and Giancarlo Ruffo, "Recent Advances in Multimedia Information System Security," International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Vol. 33, No.1, 2009, pp. 3-24.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Digital Pen with a Trajectory Recognition Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nandini, G. Bhaskar Phani Ram |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0666975 ![]() |
Abstract: Now a days, the development of miniaturization technologies in electronic circuits and components has seriously decreased the dimension and weight of consumer electronic products, those are smart phones and handheld computers, and thus prepared them more handy and convenient. This paper contains an accelerometer-based digital pen for handwritten digit and gesture trajectory recognition applications. The digital pen consists of a triaxial accelerometer, a microcontroller, and an Zigbee wireless transmission module for sensing and collecting accelerations of handwriting and gesture trajectories. with this project we can do human computer interaction. Users can utilize this pen to write digits or make hand gestures, and the accelerations of hand motions calculated by the accelerometer are wirelessly transmitted to a computer for online trajectory recognition. So, by varying the position of mems (micro electro mechanical systems) we can capable to show the alphabetical characters in the PC. The acceleration signals calculated from the triaxial accelerometer are transmitted to a computer via the wireless module.
Keywords - ARM, Zigbee, Sensors module
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