Volume-7 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: In this paper we have designed and implemented(15, k) a BCH Encoder on FPGA using VHDL for reliable data transfers in AWGN channel with multiple error correction control. The digital logic implementation of binary encoding of multiple error correcting BCH code (15, k) of length n=15 over GF (24) with irreducible primitive polynomial x4+x+1 is organized into shift register circuits. Using the cyclic codes, the reminder b(x) can be obtained in a linear (15-k) stage shift register with feedback connections corresponding to the coefficients of the generated polynomial. Three encoder are designed using VHDL to encode the single, double and triple error correcting BCH code (15, k) corresponding to the coefficient of generated polynomial. Information bit is transmitted in unchanged form up to k clock cycles and during this period parity bits are calculated in the LFSR then the parity bits are transmitted from k+1 to 15 clock cycles. Total 15-k numbers of parity bits with k information bits are transmitted in 15 code word. Here we have implemented (15, 5, 3), (15, 7, 2) and (15, 11, 1) BCH code encoder on Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA using VHDL and the simulation & synthesis are done using Xilinx ISE 13.3. BCH encoders are conventionally implemented by linear feedback shift register architecture. Encoders of long BCH codes may suffer from the effect of large fan out, which may reduce the achievable clock speed. The data rate requirement of optical applications require parallel implementations of the BCH encoders. Also a comparative performance based on synthesis & simulation on FPGA is presented.
Keywords: BCH, BCH Encoder, FPGA, VHDL, Error Correction, AWGN, LFSR cyclic redundancy checking, fan out .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Various Receivers for UWB Communication |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Saranya Pauline, C. Veeralakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0760711 ![]() |
Abstract: Ultra Wideband (UWB) is an inherent technology used in current wired and wireless communication systems. These systems share the radio frequency spectrum with narrowband signals and also provide high data rates, low cost, greater bandwidth, good time domain resolution and improved channel capacity. UWB technology has attracted a lot of inquisitiveness in researchers worldwide. There are several challenges in designing a UWB receiver such as channel estimation and interference mitigation. In multi-user environments, multiple access interference (MAI) degrades the performance of UWB systems. To prevail over these challenging issues, an adaptive and robust receiver needs to be designed to alleviate interference in all types of environments. In this paper, the different types of receiver structures like Rake, energy, correlation, suboptimal, near-optimal and adaptive nonlinear rake receivers are surveyed and their performances are analyzed. This survey helps to realize superior bit error rates (BER) and excellent signal-to-noise ratios (SNR).
Keywords: Adaptive nonlinear rake receivers, Correlation receivers, Energy detectors, Rake receivers, Ultra wideband (UWB).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Designing of CSIW Horn Antenna |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sushma Pandey, Mrs. Rohini A. Deshpande, Smt. Sulabha Ranade |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0761216 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we proposed corrugated SIW horn antenna (CSIW). CSIW technology does not require conducting vias to achieve TE10 type boundary conditions. Here vias are replaced by quarter wavelength microstrip stubs arranged in a corrugated pattern on the edges of the waveguide. We have implemented CSIW technology to design horn antenna, so that CSIW horn antenna will have inherited advantage of conventional horn antenna like low VSWR, High gain, relatively wide bandwidth. For the purpose of simulation HFSS is used. Simulation result for CSIW horn antenna in X band is presented here. The objective of this paper is to provide broad perspective of CSIW horn antenna. CSIW horn antenna provides high gain and directivity with wide bandwidth.
Keywords : Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW), vias, corrugated Substrate Integrated Waveguide (CSIW), Microstrip stubs.
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Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a spectral efficient transmission format. But it suffers from the problem of high Peak to Average Power Ratio. This high Peak to Average Power Ratio leads the power amplifier into saturation and results in non-linear distortion at the output of power amplifier. Different peak to average power ratio reduction techniques are available in literature. This paper computes the performance of partial transmit scheme, which is one of the important peak to average power ratio reduction technique
Keywords: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Partial Transmit Sequence, Peak to Average Power Ratio, Power Amplifier, Scrambling Techniques.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Error Reduction of Modified Booth Multipliers in Mac Unit |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Santhana Lakshmi, G. Brindha, A. Andamuthu |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0762026 ![]() |
Abstract: The fixed-width multiplier is well attractive to many multimedia and digital signal processing systems. It proposes a reduction of truncation error from 16-bit to 8-bit MSB bits (Truncated output) using simple error reduction circuit. The Fixed width modified booth multiplier is used to minimize the partial product matrix of Booth multiplication. Multiplication is binary mathematical operation scaling one number by another. Lead the design of high accuracy, low power and area in MAC unit and compare with the Wallace tree multiplier. The system will be designed using VHDL coding (Very High speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descriptive Language).
Keywords: Multiplier and Accumulator, Most significant bits, Modified booth multiplier, error reduction circuit, fixed width multiplier.
[1] Jiun-Pi Wang,Shiann-Rong Kuang ,Shish-Chiang Liang IEEE Trans on VLSI "High accuracy fixed width modified booth multipliers",vol 19,No.1,PP.52-60,January 2011.
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Abstract:In this paper we design and implement a security system with an ultrasonic sensor module to enhance the system's reliability. The ultrasonic sensor contains a transmitter and a receiver and the module is placed in a rotating motor. It is assumed that an ultrasonic sensor is set in a rotating motor to cover a wide range. The Ultrasonic transmitter periodically emits ultrasonic signals into an open area. A rotating motor is used to allow the sensor to cover whole 360 degrees. If the signal ever hits any physical objects, it will be reflected back and the receiver part of the sensor will then capture it. The microcontroller unit (MCU) will constantly check for the receiver output of the ultrasonic transmitter. If the receiver output is high, the MCU will perform distance analysis of the object from the sensor using the fact that ultrasonic waves travel in air at 340m/s. The time taken for the waves to hit the object and return can be calculated as the time taken for the receiver output to be high after the transmitter has been initiated to send ultrasonic waves. Once the distance is calculated, MCU checks whether the object is within the range threshold specified within the MCU for initiating the alert. If the object is within the range threshold, the MCU initiates a sound alarm and also the global system for mobile communications (GSM) modem to send short message service (SMS) or call to the concerned person.
Keywords: GSM Module,Microcontroller unit(MCU),Motor controller driver unit,Ultrasonic sensor(obstacles detection).
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Abstract: The fact that technology is advancing as per Moore's law, the attention towards deaf and mute individuals with hi-tech technology is not much. Deaf and mute have to communicate through sign language even for pithy things. And also many people did not understand this language. Now-a-days gesture is becoming an increasingly popular means of interacting with computers. This paper sheds light of an proposed potential idea relying on latest technology named Wi-See which was developed in Washington, US. This technology actually uses our conventional Wi-Fi signals for home automation by gesture recognition. So, depending upon this hi-tech technology, my modified application idea is towards deaf and dumb, especially, one who cannot speak, but knows English language for communication. Since wireless signals do not require line-of-sight and can traverse through walls, proposed idea can be very useful to expressed views by speechless people without requiring instrumentation of the human body with sensing devices. The whole idea is based on Doppler shift in frequency of Wi-Fi signals. Instead of controlling home appliances as by Wi-See, this idea extends its view for speech or words through speakers installed. Each successive pattern of English alphabet generated by Doppler shift by gestures in air, can be recorded and matched with predefined pattern, which when processed, be outputed through speaker as combined letter word ,inspired by English digital dictionary having prediction and correction algorithm.
Keywords: Wi-Fi, Wi-See, Doppler shift, Gestures, Communication
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Abstract: Due to higher processing power to cost ratio, it is now possible to replace the manual detection methods used in the IC (Integrated Circuit) industry by Image-processing based automated methods, to detect a broken pin of an IC connected on a PCB during manufacturing, which will make the process faster, easier and cheaper. In this paper an accurate and fast automatic detection method is used where the top view camera shots of PCBs are processed using advanced methods of 2-dimensional discrete wavelet pre-processing before applying edge-detection. Comparison with conventional edge detection methods such as Sobel, Prewitt and Canny edge detection without 2-D DWT is also performed.
Keywords : 2-dimensional wavelets, Edge detection, Machine vision, Image processing, Canny.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Real Time Drowisness Detection Using Arm 9 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. Lakshmikanth, R. Raja Kishore |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0763943 ![]() |
Abstract: The project is to monitor the driver's eye movement by using webcam and EOG channel respectively. Embedded project is to design and develop a low cost feature which is based on embedded platform for finding the driver drowsiness. Specifically, our Embedded System includes a webcam placed on the steering column which is capable to capture the eye movements and EOG placed at the forehead of the Driver to find out the visual activity. If the driver is not paying attention on the road ahead and a dangerous situation is detected, the system will warn the driver by giving the warning sounds. Embedded System uses ARM9 32-bit micro controller has a feature of image processing technique as well as Analog to Digital Conversion. Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image.
Keywords: ARM 9, EOGSensor, Webcam, GSM Modem.
[1] IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics—part a: systems and humans, vol. 42, no. 3, MAY On-Line Detection of Drowsiness Using Brain and Visual InformationAntoine Picot, Sylvie Charbonnier, and Alice Caplier K. Ben Khalifa, M. Bédoui,M. Dogui, and F. Alexandre, ―Alertness states classification by SOM and LVQ neural networks,‖ Int. J. Inf. Technol., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 228–231, 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Wireless Remote Control Car Based On Arm9 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V.S.Kumar Reddy Marudi, K Joginaidu |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0764446 ![]() |
Abstract:TheInternetof Things (IoT) are of great importance in promoting and guiding development of information technology and economic. At Present, theapplicationoftheIoT develops rapidly, but due to the special requirements of some applications, the existing technology cannot meet them very good. Much research work is doing to build IoT. Wi-Fi basedWirelessremote control has the features of high bandwidth and rate, non-line-transmission ability, large-scale data collection and high cost-effective, and it has the capability of video monitoring, which cannot be realized with RF. The research on Wi-Fi based remote control car has high practical significance to the development oftheInternetof Things. Based on the current research work ofapplicationsthe characteristics of Wi-Fi, this paper discusses controlling the car by using Wi-Fi module along with the conditions can be monitored through remote PC or Lap top which supports Wi-Fi technology. In PC or Lap top two tabs are present. In the first tab we can monitor the conditions and in the second tab four buttons are present to control the car in forward, back ward, left side and right side directions.
Keywords: S3C2440 (ARM9), Wi-Fi Module, Camera, DC motors with driver IC and laptop with Wi-Fi module.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ethernet Enabled Digital I/O Control in Embedded Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L. S. Narayana Reddy, B. T. Vedanth |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0764750 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents very simple and economical way to provide Ethernet connectivity to micro controller based embedded systems. This system uses arm7 controller to store the main application source code, web pages and TCP/IP stack which is a vital element of the system software. an Ethernet controller chip,ENC28J60 is used to handle the Ethernet controller chip.ENC28J60 is used to handle the Ethernet communications and is interfaced with the host micro controller using SPI pins. There are several I/O pins available at the micro controller which are used to interface with sensors and relays for monitoring and controlling operations. Now a day, internet has spread worldwide and most of the internet connections use Ethernet as media for data transfer. in industries or in home appliances ,most of the time we need to monitor and control different parameters using micro controllers. Once we enable Ethernet interface to such systems, we can communicate with them remotely over the internet
Keywords: Ethernet controller; TCP/IP stack; serialperipheral interface (SPI),ENC28J60, Triac,Sensors.
[I] Jan Axelson ,"Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete", 2003.
[2] Andrew Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", 4th Edition, 2003, pp. 271-292.
[3] www.microchip.com.
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Abstract: This project deals with accelerometercontrolled robot with wireless image and voice transmission as well as metal Detector. This robot is prototype for the "Path Finder". This robot is controlled based on PSoCdevice using MEMS accelerometer remote. This can be moved forward and reverse direction using geared motors of 60RPM. Also this robot can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. A high sensitive induction type metal detector is designed using colpitts oscillator principle and fixed to this robot. Also a wireless camera with voice is interfaced to the kit. When the robot is moving on a surface, the system produces a beep sound when metal is detected. This beep sound will be transmitted to remote place. Simultaneously the images around the robot will be transmitted to remote place. User can monitor the images and metal detection alarms on Television.
Keywords: PSoC designer 1.0, keil -c,PSOC device (CY8C29466), AT89S52.
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[5]. Embedded system BY RAJ KAMAL
[6]. 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems BY MAZZIDI.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Cmos Camera Device Driver and Wifi Technology on S3c2440 Using Linux |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Sumalatha, D. Jaya Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0765557 ![]() |
Abstract: With the processing of CMOS technology, the technology of video acquisition based on CMOS is becoming a new trend. However, many CMOS camera chip is not supported by the newest Linux kernel yet. The environmental image acquirement and the Wi-Fi transmission system are studied and designed. In this paper, the method of designing the CMOS camera driver based on S3C2440 developing board with the embedded Linux environment is introduced and adds some components such as a USB Wi-Fi adapter. SCCB is a distinguishing feature of OV series CMOS chips. S3C2440 provides a camera interface, and the camera driver is designed based on it. The library and the utilities are compiled, and of images got from CMOS camera to the Wi-Fi mobile phone has been realized by means of programming
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Abstract: Two- dimensional &Three–dimensional (3-D) image segmentation is on of the most demanding tasks in image processing. It has been proven that only the 14-neighborship of a rhombic dodecahedron can satisfy the aforementioned requirements. The 3-D-GSC process is executed in the following three phases ,coding phases,linking phases,splitting phases. An FPGA-based digital signal processing board optimized for applications needing large memory with high bandwidth has been developed and successfully used for the parallelization of a modern image segmentation algorithm for medical and industrial real-time applications.The Use of this 128-bit coprocessor board is not limited to image segmentation.We propose the perfectly parallelizable 3-D Gray-Value Structure Code (3-D-GSC) for image segmentation on a new FPGA custom machine. This 128-Bit FPGA coprocessing board features an up-to-date Virtex-II Pro architecture, two large independent DDR-SDRAM channels, two fast independent ZBT-SRAM channels, and PCI-X bus and CameraLink interfaces. Key words: Field Programmable Gate Array, Segme-ntation, Vogel bruch, Gray-valve structure code ,Homogeneous, Linking phase, Coding phase, Splitting phase, SDRAM.
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Abstract: In this research paper ,we developed a model for a large network, wireless nodes are interconnected and each can be considered as a node processor that offer services to other node processors connected to a specific network. A very high proportion of the nodes that offer services need to carry out an authentication process so as to make an access request to the node offering the service. In this context, an integrated reconfigurable network security architecture moved to the application layer has become the need of the day for secure wireless data sharing. The security schemes of the seven layer OSI architecture need to be placed intrinsically in the wireless node itself and should be capable of supporting the MAC layer, IP address based layer and the routing protocols of the network layer. This work focuses on the use of emulator and embedded hardware architectures for wireless network security. In this work, the individual nodes can have a unique security signature pattern maintained by respective wireless nodes using an encryption algorithm and this is made dynamic. The metrics includes latency, throughput, Scalability, Effects of data transfer operation on node processor and application data located in the processor
Keywords: Wireless Network security, Embedded hardware, Reconfigurable architecture, blowfish algorithm
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