Volume-1 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: This work also includes development of a novel voltage control scheme that can compensate for voltage sag, swell, harmonics, and transient conditions in three-phase power systems. Faults occurring in power distribution systems or facilities in plants cause the voltage sag or swell. If a fault occurs, it can damage the power system or user's facility. For sensitive loads, even voltage sags of short duration can cause serious problems in the entire system. Normally, a voltage interruption triggers a protection device, which causes shutdown of the entire system. In order to mitigate power interruptions, this research proposes a scheme called "DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORER (DVR)". The proposed scheme is able to quickly recognize the voltage sag, swell, harmonic and transient condition, and it can correct the voltage by either boosting the input voltage during voltage sag events or reducing the input voltage during voltage swell events. Among existing methods, the scheme based on the inverter system requires an inverter, a transformer, a liner control scheme. The proposed scheme can be applied at any voltage and provides cost and size advantages over existing methods.Simulations and experiments have been carried out to verify the validity of the proposed scheme.
Keywords: FACTS; DVR; Reactive Power; Compensation;
Keywords: FACTS; DVR; Reactive Power; Compensation;
[1] E. Babaei M. FarhadiKangarlu, ―Voltage quality improvement by a dynamic voltage restorer based on a direct three-phase converter with fictitious DC link‖, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 8, pp. 814–823
[2] Li, Y.W., Vilathgamuwa, D.M., Blaabjerg, F., Loh, P.C.: ‗A robust control scheme for medium-voltage-level DVR implementation', IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 2007, 54, (4), pp. 2249–2261
[3] Wijekoon, H.M., Vilathgamuwa, D.M., Choi, S.S.: ‗Interline dynamic voltage restorer: an economical way to improve interline power quality', IEE Proc., Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2003, 150, (5), pp. 513–520
[4] Li, G.J., Zhang, X.P., Choi, S.S., Lie, T.T., Sun, Y.Z.: ‗Control strategy for dynamic voltage restorers to achieve minimum power injection without introducing sudden phase shift', IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2007, 1, (5), pp. 847–853
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[6] Jowder, F.A.L.: ‗Design and analysis of dynamic voltage restorer for deep voltage sag and harmonic compensation', IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2009, 3, (6), pp. 547–560
[7] A.K. Jindal, A. Ghosh, A. Joshi, Critical load bus voltage control using DVR under system frequency variation, Elsevier J. Electric Power Syst. Res. 78 (2) (2008) 255–263.
[8] Y.W. Li, D.M. Vilathgamuwa, F. Blaabjerg, P.C. Loh, Investigation and improvement of transient response of DVR at medium voltage level, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 43 (5) (2007) 1309–1319.
[9] C. Fitzer, M. Barnes, P. Green, Voltage sag detection technique for a dynamic voltage restorer, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 40 (1) (2004) 203–212.
[10] H.K. Al-Hadidi, A.M. Gole, D.A. Jacobson, A novel configuration for a cascade inverter-based dynamic voltage restorer with reduced energy storage requirements, IEEE Trans. Power Del. 23 (2) (2008) 881–888.
[2] Li, Y.W., Vilathgamuwa, D.M., Blaabjerg, F., Loh, P.C.: ‗A robust control scheme for medium-voltage-level DVR implementation', IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 2007, 54, (4), pp. 2249–2261
[3] Wijekoon, H.M., Vilathgamuwa, D.M., Choi, S.S.: ‗Interline dynamic voltage restorer: an economical way to improve interline power quality', IEE Proc., Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2003, 150, (5), pp. 513–520
[4] Li, G.J., Zhang, X.P., Choi, S.S., Lie, T.T., Sun, Y.Z.: ‗Control strategy for dynamic voltage restorers to achieve minimum power injection without introducing sudden phase shift', IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2007, 1, (5), pp. 847–853
[5] Wang, B., Venkataramanan, G., Illindala, M.: ‗Operation and control of a dynamic voltage restorer using transformer coupled H-bridge converters', IEEE Trans. Power Electron., 2006, 21, (4), pp. 1053–1061
[6] Jowder, F.A.L.: ‗Design and analysis of dynamic voltage restorer for deep voltage sag and harmonic compensation', IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2009, 3, (6), pp. 547–560
[7] A.K. Jindal, A. Ghosh, A. Joshi, Critical load bus voltage control using DVR under system frequency variation, Elsevier J. Electric Power Syst. Res. 78 (2) (2008) 255–263.
[8] Y.W. Li, D.M. Vilathgamuwa, F. Blaabjerg, P.C. Loh, Investigation and improvement of transient response of DVR at medium voltage level, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 43 (5) (2007) 1309–1319.
[9] C. Fitzer, M. Barnes, P. Green, Voltage sag detection technique for a dynamic voltage restorer, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 40 (1) (2004) 203–212.
[10] H.K. Al-Hadidi, A.M. Gole, D.A. Jacobson, A novel configuration for a cascade inverter-based dynamic voltage restorer with reduced energy storage requirements, IEEE Trans. Power Del. 23 (2) (2008) 881–888.
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Abstract: Segmentation subdivides an image into its constituent regions or objects. The level to which the subdivision is carried depends on the problem being solved. Color images can increase the quality of segmentation, but increase the complexity of problem. Genetic algorithms are well suited to optimizing complex problems such as image segmentation. This paper gives state- of –art of Genetic Algorithm based segmentation methods. We discuss the feasibility of using genetic algorithms to segment general color images and discuss the issues involved in designing such algorithms.
Keywords – Color image, Genetic algorithms, Segmentation
Keywords – Color image, Genetic algorithms, Segmentation
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[2] B. Ahrens. Genetic algorithm optimization of superresolution parameters. In Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolution- ary computation, GECCO, pages 2083–2088, June 2005.
[3] A. Albiol, L. Torres, and E.J. Delp. An unsu- pervised color image segmentation algorithm for facedetection applications. In Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, volume 2, pages 681–684, October2001.
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[5] P. Andrey. Selectionist relaxation: Genetic algorithms applied to image segmentation. In Image and Vision Computing, volume 17, pages 175–187, 1999.
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[7] B. Bhanu and S. Lee. Genetic Learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation. Springer, 1994.
[8] B. Bhanu, S. Lee, and J. Ming. Adaptive im- age segmentation using a genetic algorithm. In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, volume 25, pages 1543–1567, De- cember 1995.
[9] B. Bhanu and J. Peng. Adaptive integrated image segmentation and object recognition. In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cy- bernetics, Part C, volume 30, pages 427–441, November 2000.
[10] H. Chen, W. Chien, and S. Wang. Contrast- based color image segmentation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(7):641–644, July 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microcontroller Based Substation Monitoring and Control System with Gsm Modem |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amit Sachan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1676-0161321 ![]() |
Abstract : The purpose of this project is to acquire the remote electrical parameters like Voltage, Current and Frequency and send these real time values over GSM network using GSM Modem/phone along with temperature at power station. This project is also designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating an Electromagnetic Relay. This Relay gets activated whenever the electrical parameters exceed the predefined values. The Relay can be used to operate a Circuit Breaker to switch off the main electrical supply.
User can send commands in the form of SMS messages to read the remote electrical parameters. This system also can automatically send the real time electrical parameters periodically (based on time settings) in the form of SMS. This system can be designed to send SMS alerts whenever the Circuit Breaker trips or whenever the Voltage or Current exceeds the predefined limits.
This project makes use of an onboard computer which is commonly termed as microcontroller. This onboard computer can efficiently communicate with the different sensors being used. The controller is provided with some internal memory to hold the code. This memory is used to dump some set of assembly instructions into the controller. And the functioning of the controller is dependent on these assembly instructions. The controller is programmed using Embedded C language.
Keyworld: GSM Modem, Initialization of ADC module of microcontroller, PIC-C compiler for Embedded C programming, PIC kit 2 programmer for dumping code into Micro controller, Express SCH for Circuit design, Proteus for hardware simulation.
User can send commands in the form of SMS messages to read the remote electrical parameters. This system also can automatically send the real time electrical parameters periodically (based on time settings) in the form of SMS. This system can be designed to send SMS alerts whenever the Circuit Breaker trips or whenever the Voltage or Current exceeds the predefined limits.
This project makes use of an onboard computer which is commonly termed as microcontroller. This onboard computer can efficiently communicate with the different sensors being used. The controller is provided with some internal memory to hold the code. This memory is used to dump some set of assembly instructions into the controller. And the functioning of the controller is dependent on these assembly instructions. The controller is programmed using Embedded C language.
Keyworld: GSM Modem, Initialization of ADC module of microcontroller, PIC-C compiler for Embedded C programming, PIC kit 2 programmer for dumping code into Micro controller, Express SCH for Circuit design, Proteus for hardware simulation.
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[3]. Xiaomeng Li and Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, "A Neural Network Based Wide Area Monitor for a Power System", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vol. 2, pp: 1455-1460, 2005.
[4]. Argonne National Laboratory, "Assessment of the Potential Costs and Energy Impacts of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure equirements for Electric Utility Substations", Draft Energy Impact Issue Paper, 2006.
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[7]. G. Pudlo, S. Tenbohlen, M. Linders and G. Krost, "Integration of Power Transformer Monitoring and Overload Calculation into the Power System Control Surface", IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 1, pp: 470-474 Asia Pacific, 2002.
[8]. Zhi-Hua Zhou, Yuan Jiang, Xu-Ri Yin, and Shi-Fu Chen, "The Application of Visualization and Neural Network Techniques in a Power Transformer Condition Monitoring System", In: T. Hendtlass and M. Ali eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2358, Berlin: Springer- Verlag, pp: 325-334, 2002.
[9]. Overbye and Weber, "Visualization of power system data", in proceedings of 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2000.
[10]. Johan Driesen , Geert Deconinck, Jeroen Van Den Keybus, Bruno Bolsens, Karel De Brabandere, Koen Vanthournout, Ronnie Belmans, "Development of a Measurement System for Power Quantities in Electrical Energy Distribution Systems", in proceedings of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2002.
[2]. B. A. Carreras, V. E. Lynch, D. E. Newman and I. Dobson, "Blackout Mitigation Assessment in Power Transmission Systems", Hawaii International Conference on System Science, January 2003.
[3]. Xiaomeng Li and Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, "A Neural Network Based Wide Area Monitor for a Power System", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vol. 2, pp: 1455-1460, 2005.
[4]. Argonne National Laboratory, "Assessment of the Potential Costs and Energy Impacts of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure equirements for Electric Utility Substations", Draft Energy Impact Issue Paper, 2006.
[5]. R.R. Negenborn, A.G. Beccuti, T. Demiray, S. Leirens, G. Damm, B. De Schutter and M. Morari, "Supervisory hybrid model predictive control for voltage stability of power networks", Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, New York, New York, pp: 5444-5449, July 2007.
[6]. Daponte, M. Di Penta and G.Mercurio, "TRANSIENTMETER: A Distributed Measurement System for Power Quality Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, Issue. 2, pp: 456-463, 2004.
[7]. G. Pudlo, S. Tenbohlen, M. Linders and G. Krost, "Integration of Power Transformer Monitoring and Overload Calculation into the Power System Control Surface", IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 1, pp: 470-474 Asia Pacific, 2002.
[8]. Zhi-Hua Zhou, Yuan Jiang, Xu-Ri Yin, and Shi-Fu Chen, "The Application of Visualization and Neural Network Techniques in a Power Transformer Condition Monitoring System", In: T. Hendtlass and M. Ali eds. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2358, Berlin: Springer- Verlag, pp: 325-334, 2002.
[9]. Overbye and Weber, "Visualization of power system data", in proceedings of 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2000.
[10]. Johan Driesen , Geert Deconinck, Jeroen Van Den Keybus, Bruno Bolsens, Karel De Brabandere, Koen Vanthournout, Ronnie Belmans, "Development of a Measurement System for Power Quantities in Electrical Energy Distribution Systems", in proceedings of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2002.
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Abstract: This paper discuss about a novel approach to measure steady state torque of permanent magnet hybrid (PMH) stepper motor using DSP processor without using any sensors. The voltage wave form of each phase is investigated in this paper. This measured torque is compared with theoretical calculated torque from the data of the given motor name plate details.
Keywords – PMH stepper motor, steady state torque, DSP processor
Keywords – PMH stepper motor, steady state torque, DSP processor
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[5] Praveen R.P, Ravichandran M.H, V. T. Sadas Achari, Dr.Jagathy Raj V. P, Dr.G.Madhu and Dr.G.R. Bindu, Design and Finite Eleme Analysis of Hybrid Stepper Motor for Spacecraft Applications, IEEE transactions on Magnetics, Vol.45, No. 4, July/August. 2009
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[2] K. R. Rajagopal, M. Krishnaswammy, Bhim Singh and B. P. Singh, An Improved High- Resolution Hybrid Stepper Motor for Solar-Array Drive of Indian Remote- Sensing Satellite', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 33,No. 4, July/August 1997
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[4] E.V.C.Sekhara Rao, P.V.N.Prasad, Mid Frequency Response on Dynamic Behavior of PM stepper Motor, IET-UK Internationa Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007),Tamil Nadu, India, 20- 22 Dec. 2007.
[5] Praveen R.P, Ravichandran M.H, V. T. Sadas Achari, Dr.Jagathy Raj V. P, Dr.G.Madhu and Dr.G.R. Bindu, Design and Finite Eleme Analysis of Hybrid Stepper Motor for Spacecraft Applications, IEEE transactions on Magnetics, Vol.45, No. 4, July/August. 2009
[6] Jacek F. Gieras, Mitchell Wing, Permane Magnet Motor Technology Design and Applications, ISBN: 0-8247-0739-1, Marcel Dckker Inc, New York, USA.
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Abstract : The basic idea of the projects is to build goggle by using human machine interface which can be used to control mouse using head-tilt and eye-blink. This mouse-emulating device can be found to be most useful by physically handicapped people who can no longer control the computers using their hands. Since the device relies on user's head and eye movement, it can be used even by patient who are paralyzed from shoulder downward. Simple head movement doesn't require too much energy and neither does eye blinking. Therefore user won't get tired from using this device. In this device or goggle we are using 2D-accelerometer for detecting the movement of the head according to this, the movement of the cursor has been done. A photo sensor detects eye blinking. The Infrared transceiver consists of a 935nm IR transmitter and a phototransistor mounted on the same unit. This detects a strong increase in the reflected signal upon intentional long blink as compared to normal eye blink. Artificial hands and legs have been proven to be quite effective and satisfactory for a limited number of activities. Now-a-days, a computer is a common thing at home. The failure of these artificial limbs in enabling the amputees to successfully handle a computer is evident since one can exercise a limited control on the mechanical limbs attached. Moreover many amputees have a job and work in offices wherein they have to use a computer. Hence device should be thought of which would allow easy and smooth control over computer.
Keywords – IR Transceiver, Handicapped, Mouse, Goggle, Accelerometer, Micro-Controller.
Keywords – IR Transceiver, Handicapped, Mouse, Goggle, Accelerometer, Micro-Controller.
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[6] J.S. Chae,H. Kulah, K. Najafi, "A High Sensitivity Silicon On-Glass Lateral Microaccelerometer." Nanospace' 2000, Houston, TX.
[7] R. Dillmann, "Teaching And Learning Of Robot Tasks Via Observation Of Human Performance," In Robotics And Autonomous System, Vol.47, No.2-3, PP.109-116.
[2] L.M. Roylance and J.B Angell, "A Batch Fabricated Silicon Accelerometer," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. ED-26, Pp.1911-1917.
[3] Adam J.Sporka, Sri H. Kurnaiwan, Pavel Slavik, Acoustic Control of Mouse Pointer, Information Society, 2006, Vol.4, Num.3, Pp.125-131.
[4] A7 Engineering. Embeddedblue 500 User Manual, Revision E, April6, 2005.
[5] Amy K. Karlson, Benjamin B.Bederson, John Sangiovanni, Applens And Launchtile; Two Design For One Handed Thumb Use On Small Devices, Preceedings Of The SIGCHI Conference On Human Factors In Computing System, April 02-07, 2005,Portland, Oregon,USA.
[6] J.S. Chae,H. Kulah, K. Najafi, "A High Sensitivity Silicon On-Glass Lateral Microaccelerometer." Nanospace' 2000, Houston, TX.
[7] R. Dillmann, "Teaching And Learning Of Robot Tasks Via Observation Of Human Performance," In Robotics And Autonomous System, Vol.47, No.2-3, PP.109-116.
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Abstract: One of the most consistent and reliable renewable energy resources among the power generations is the Wind Energy. In India, the total installed capacity of wind power generation capacity goes around 14,000 MW per year according to ministry of new and renewable energy, India and total installed capacity of wind energy is estimated to be more than 160 GW [WWEA] all around the world. TamilNadu has an installation of wind energy around 6,696 MW, which is 41 per cent that of the country. This paper presents an advanced prediction system that integrates models based on fuzzy-neural networks. The main objective of this paper is to fully control the wind turbine system with induction generator to maximize the power generation. The output power of a wind turbine is function of wind velocity cubed. The system has been optimized for operating around 15 m/s, and though the wind power continues to increase above this point. The advanced method is to introduce the new ability of estimating variable speed control. The neuro fuzzy controller makes the wind turbine speed to be tuned fine until it gets the error free output which the user need. In this paper, neural networks based controller is used in a narrative approach to solve the problem of tuning a fuzzy logic controller. The membership function of neuro fuzzy logic follows the neural network learning techniques to tune the membership function. By 2030, wind energy will be the most cost-efficient energy resources on the market. On the other hand, with the growing demand for green electricity worldwide today, the turbine costs raises rapidly. Also the competition for supplying ever green power to the grid, the wind farm operators have to improve their existing power output. In this, we predict the extraction of power through controller based techniques. The scope includes the simulation study, implementation of Neuro-fuzzy logic controller using MATLAB simulator.
Keywords: Wind energy, Neuro-Fuzzy Logic, Variable speed induction generator, DFIG, Pitch control.
Keywords: Wind energy, Neuro-Fuzzy Logic, Variable speed induction generator, DFIG, Pitch control.
[1] B.Chitti Babu , K.B.Mohanty "Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems- Modeling & Simulation "International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, February, 2010.
[2] Quincy Wang, and Liuchen Chang, "An Intelligent Maximum Power Extraction Algorithm for Inverter-Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine Systems" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, September 2004.
[3] Whei-Min Lin, Chih-Ming Hong, and Chiung-Hsing Chen "Neural-Network-Based MPPT Control of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Power Generation System" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, December 2011.
[4] Pengwei Sun, Chuang Liu, Jih-Sheng Lai, Fellow, IEEE, and Chien-Liang Chen, "Grid-Tie Control of Cascade Dual-Buck Inverter with Wide-Range Power Flow Capability for Renewable Energy Applications" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, April 2012.
[5] Shuhui Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Timothy A. Haskew, Senior Member, IEEE, Richard P. Swatloski, and William Gathings "Optimal and Direct-Current Vector Control of Direct-Driven PMSG Wind Turbines "IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, May 2012.
[6] Yu-Lin Juan, Member, IEEE "An Integrated-Controlled AC/DC Interface for Microscale Wind Power Generation Systems" IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, May 2011.
[7] Xibo Yuan, Fei (Fred) Wang, Dushan Boroyevich, Fellow, Yongdong Li and Rolando Burgos, Member, IEEE "DC-link Voltage Control of a Full Power Converter for Wind Generator Operating in Weak-Grid Systems" IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, September 2009.
[8] Wei Qiao, Wei Zhou, José M. Aller, and Ronald G. Harley, Fellow, IEEE "Wind Speed Estimation Based Sensorless Output Maximization Control for a Wind Turbine Driving a DFIG" IEEE transactions on power electronics, may 2008.
[9] Yuanye Xia, Khaled H. Ahmed, and Barry W. Williams "A New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System" IEEE transactions on power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 12, december 2011.
[10] Kostyantyn Protsenko and Dewei Xu "Modeling and Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Applications" Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ryerson University, canada.
[2] Quincy Wang, and Liuchen Chang, "An Intelligent Maximum Power Extraction Algorithm for Inverter-Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine Systems" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, September 2004.
[3] Whei-Min Lin, Chih-Ming Hong, and Chiung-Hsing Chen "Neural-Network-Based MPPT Control of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Power Generation System" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, December 2011.
[4] Pengwei Sun, Chuang Liu, Jih-Sheng Lai, Fellow, IEEE, and Chien-Liang Chen, "Grid-Tie Control of Cascade Dual-Buck Inverter with Wide-Range Power Flow Capability for Renewable Energy Applications" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, April 2012.
[5] Shuhui Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Timothy A. Haskew, Senior Member, IEEE, Richard P. Swatloski, and William Gathings "Optimal and Direct-Current Vector Control of Direct-Driven PMSG Wind Turbines "IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, May 2012.
[6] Yu-Lin Juan, Member, IEEE "An Integrated-Controlled AC/DC Interface for Microscale Wind Power Generation Systems" IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, May 2011.
[7] Xibo Yuan, Fei (Fred) Wang, Dushan Boroyevich, Fellow, Yongdong Li and Rolando Burgos, Member, IEEE "DC-link Voltage Control of a Full Power Converter for Wind Generator Operating in Weak-Grid Systems" IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, September 2009.
[8] Wei Qiao, Wei Zhou, José M. Aller, and Ronald G. Harley, Fellow, IEEE "Wind Speed Estimation Based Sensorless Output Maximization Control for a Wind Turbine Driving a DFIG" IEEE transactions on power electronics, may 2008.
[9] Yuanye Xia, Khaled H. Ahmed, and Barry W. Williams "A New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System" IEEE transactions on power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 12, december 2011.
[10] Kostyantyn Protsenko and Dewei Xu "Modeling and Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Applications" Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ryerson University, canada.
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Abstract: To complement the other types of pollution-free generation wind energy is a viable option. Previously wind turbines were operated at constant speed. The evolution of technology related to wind systems industry leaded to the development of a generation of variable speed wind turbines that present many advantages compared to the fixed speed wind turbines. In this paper the phasor model of DFIG is used. This paper presents a study of a doubly fed induction generator driven by a wind turbine connected to the grid, and controlled by artificial neural network ANN controller. The behaviour of the system is shown with PI control, and then as controlled by ANN. The effectiveness of the artificial neural network controller is compared to that of a PI controller. The SIMULINK/MATLAB simulation for Doubly Fed Induction Generator and corresponding results and waveforms are displayed.
Keywords: Control, Doubly fed induction generator Neural networks, Variable speed, Wind power Generation,
Keywords: Control, Doubly fed induction generator Neural networks, Variable speed, Wind power Generation,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wind Turbine Building for Saving Home Electricity |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mohammed Jasim Mohammed || Salam Mohammed |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1676-0164148 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents design and building wind energy system. Even though, wind power is not popular in Iraq but it is widely used in other countries. Nowadays, our electricity bill always increases every year cause of increasing fuel and generation price. This paper will discuss about small wind energy system construction and building to save our home electricity. Building small wind turbine as alternative to reduce our electricity bill every months, and also compensate the poor of electricity provided from national grid. This system will use home inverter with battery storage, three blades small wind turbine and wiring. If the wind speeds at our area are high to generate enough power, we will supply that power from home inverter that use storage energy in battery that provided from wind turbine to low electrical equipment such as lighting, wireless gateway and more. Also install this home small wind system and make study on it by using real wind speed data inIraq in Najaf city. For providing electricity use permanent magnet DC generator connected to three blade wind turbine constructed on 1.8 m tower practically build as the wind energy system.
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[3] Sargent Avenue Saint Paul "Wind Turbine Blade Design" Teaching project at a Workshop at the National Wind Technology USA Center Learning about wind turbine blade design and testing 2006.
[4] Hugh Piggott – Scoraig" PMG construction manual" Wind Electric - February 2001.
[5] Gerrit Jacobs "Performance of two permanent magnet generators For use with small wind chargers" Arrakis Formerly RED Renewable Energy Development vof Eindhoven, the Netherlands October 1998.
[6] Duane Hanseman and Bruce Littlefield"The Student Edition of Matlab" ,Printice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997.
[2] J. F Manwell, J. G McGowan andA. L Rogers, "Wind Energy Explained"Copyrightby John Wiley & Sons Ltd Baffins Lane, Chichester, 2002.
[3] Sargent Avenue Saint Paul "Wind Turbine Blade Design" Teaching project at a Workshop at the National Wind Technology USA Center Learning about wind turbine blade design and testing 2006.
[4] Hugh Piggott – Scoraig" PMG construction manual" Wind Electric - February 2001.
[5] Gerrit Jacobs "Performance of two permanent magnet generators For use with small wind chargers" Arrakis Formerly RED Renewable Energy Development vof Eindhoven, the Netherlands October 1998.
[6] Duane Hanseman and Bruce Littlefield"The Student Edition of Matlab" ,Printice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997.