Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Abstract: Federalism has been a mechanism that upholds unity in diversity and recognizes the value and significance of respect for minority's aspirations through vertical power sharing in a state within the federation. In Nigeria, local government system existed under different forms of system even prior to Nigerian independence but it was the Local Government reform of 1976 that institutionalized the system and made it the third tier of government. The function of local government as the third tier is in its capability of meeting the political needs of the people at the grass root as well as rendering economic and social services. Notwithstanding, the Constitutional guarantee of democratically elected local government councils, there seems to be erosion of the ideals and values that necessitate the establishment of the third tier. In light of this, the paper examines the Constitutional provision relating to Local Government statutory allocation with a view to ascertaining whether state governments should retain control of Local Government finances or not, and whether the deduction from the coffers of local governments by the state governments is lawful and justifiable.
Key Words: Constitution, Elected Councils, Federalism, Local Government, Statutory Allocation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Assam University Library Users |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tuhina Choudhury (Deb Roy) |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1161023 ![]() |
Abstract: Information plays an important role in teaching, research and development. Moreover, information is growing in ever increasing volume and rate, in every field of human activity. During the recent decades, information needs have increased in volume and variety so also the information is necessary to be reprocessed and repackaged for different types of users so as to go with their needs. The researcher in this paper attempted to find out the information needs and seeking behavior of the users of Assam University Library, Silchar. Survey method was used and data was collected from 500 users of the library by administering questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that guidance and training is required for the use of library resources and services. Textbooks and periodicals are the most popular sources of information for the users. Library automation was found to be the need of the hour by most of the faculty members and research scholars.
Keywords- Information needs, Information seeking behavior, users, adequacy of collection, Information barrier constraints.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Erosion of Moral Ethics among Military Personnel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priyanka Tiwari, Dr. Sakshi Mehrotra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1162429 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examines the issue of moral ethics among military personnel. Military is the core component of a country. Country maintains its military in order to safeguard their core values and national interest from external aggression and internal subversion. The military personnel come from the same society where erosion in the value system is constantly taking place from various reasons. Consequently it is difficult for military personnel to remain completely immune to these corrupting influences. The present study focuses on the erosion of moral ethics in our savior. The research was carried on the basis of both primary and secondary sources and the result was analyzed accordingly. The study revealed that erosion is more at senior level and personnel are not free to talk about such incidence officially. It is acting like a termite among personnel. Article will also focus to propose some suggestive measures in this regards.
Keywords: Moral, Ethics, Military Personnel
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Abstract: Economic growth is a critical success factor of economic development in a country. Some of the factors that affect economic growth include natural resources (SDA), human resources (SDM), physical investment, and household consumption. Natural resources (SDA) as one of the basic limited variables in the production thus require an investment to improve their products. Communities that have qualified human resources (SDM) will create higher productivity and correlated to the increase on income leads to purchasing power (consumption) and eventually boost regional economic growth. This research aims at investigating and analyzing the effect of human resources investment, physical investment, human resources and household consumption on economic growth in the Province of Riau. This research was conducted by using path analysis with Smart PLS program. The results demonstrate comprehensively that physical investment, human resources (SDM), household consumption has a positive effect on economic growth in the province of Riau except natural resources (SDA) that negatively affect on economic growth in the province of Riau.
Keywords: Human Resource Investment, Natural Resources, Physical Investment and Economic Growth.
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Abstract: The objectives of the present study is to measure and compare the social development of females of Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh at district level using an innovative indicator of social development called Literate Life Expectancy (LLE). LLE was first introduced by W.Lutz (1995) in International Institutes for Applied System Analysis (IIASA). It is largely a demographically based indicator, which combines life expectancy and literacy in one number. The LLE is more appropriate for direct inter-country comparisons than multidimensional information on human capital. Depending upon the availability of data, the indicator can be used to compare subgroups within one population. The present study depicts a gloomy picture regarding the differentials in development among the females living at different parts of India at micro level.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Being A 'Kothi': An Ethnographic Interrogation with A Male Transgender in Kolkata, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Soumi Dey |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1165162 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper gives light on a self-disclosed male transgender locally known as 'Kothi' from Kolkata in India. Data have been collected from two brief interviews held with an interval. The researcher, who is also the storyteller and narrative analyst, is responsible for the story structure by locating central themes, sequencing life events, and organizing the time span. The focus includes the self-perceptions of an individual male transgender, his sexual orientation and relationships, and the manner in which he lives his 'other' gendered life in a hegemonic hetero-normative society. While this case is obviously not representative of all transgender of India, it does briefly illustrate the kinds of experiences that confront a male transgender. The narratives also indicate how the expression of a gender variance can sustain and resist in an apparently closed system.
Key words- Transgender, Kothi, Sexuality, Sexual behaviour.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The sedentarization process of the transhumant Bakarwal tribals of the Jammu & Kashmir (India) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umer Jan Sofi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1166367 ![]() |
Abstract: The nomadic lifestyle and economy is increasingly under stress from contemporary socio-political and ecological changes through out the globe. On the one hand, they are facing various socio-economic and political pressures, including state policies and interventions, population growth, land-use change and integration into a market economy; and on the other hand, they are exposed to climate change and its impacts on their environment and life. The study has been conducted among the Bakarwal tribals of Jammu and Kashmir. The sedentarization of the Bakarwal tribals in Jammu and Kashmir started in the late 20th century and is still going on. In this study 40 Bakarwal households who were formerly nomadic goat and sheep herders, and have now settled down were interviewed in order to document the reasons to settle and the subsequent changes in the lifestyle of these people. All interviewees expressed their satisfaction with their sedentary life. Pasture scarcity, access to education and health services, unstable political atmosphere etc. were given as basic factors for settlement.
Key words: Transhumance, Bakarwals, Sedentarization, Conflict, Jammu & Kashmir.
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