Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Bias In Higher Education- A Case Study Of Mysore Medical College. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandeep Raj K., Dr. V. Shanmugam |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1430106 ![]() |
Abstract: The Present article focuses on the in Higher Education in India. Because the 'Gender Bias' is a term commonly used to illustrate how far women have remained in seizing opportunity for improving their level of living. The Law treats women and men as enjoying equal rights. Focusing on gender issues in the context of the social sector development means empowering women as agents of socio-economic change. This paper reveals that there is a considerable difference between male and female in taking their higher education. Even though the importance of learning and grasping a quality education enables the individual to put his or her potential use are clear and which makes a person right thinker and a correct decision-maker the enrollment of women in education that to in higher education is very less. The current picture related to our country shows however that the gender gap remains persistent in literacy rate. Despite the increasing literacy rates of all individuals and of women, the gender gap continues to be inflexibly wide.
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Abstract: This paper deals with the concepts of Social Entrepreneurship; how it is different from commercial entrepreneurship; and presents some successful social entrepreneurial cases and concludes with the need of social entrepreneurship in India.
Key Words: Social Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship in India, Successful Social Entrepreneurship cases; Successful Social Entrepreneurs in India;
[1]. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship – Outstanding Social Entrepreneurs 2012 – A Report
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Abstract: This research has been informed by the ever increasing cases of gender based violence (GBV) globally and specifically in Zimbabwe. There is an acknowledgement that both males and females suffer from gender based violence, however, studies show that women, especially young women, and children of both sexes are most often the victims. Gender based violence comes in different forms which include rape and sexual assault, violence between intimate partners as well as violence associated with war or political instability. As a response to the devastating effects of gender based violence, there are strategies that have been instituted to try to address the causes and effects of gender based violence. However, these strategies have not been effective enough as gender based violence remain high in Zimbabwe. One major drawback in the studies of gender based violence is the lack of agreed standard in the collection and presentation of data on gender based violence. To effectively curb gender based violence there is need for implementation of laws that have been put in place to curb gender based violence as laws on paper without implementation are just as good as having no laws. There is also need to have strategies that address the underlying causes of gender based violence. This can be achieved through the concept of changing the rivers flow which deals with addressing the underlying causes of gender based violence.
[1] B.N. Ghosh, Scientific Method and Social Research (Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1992).
[2] Agenda, Empowering women for gender equity (Artworks communications, 2008).
[3] Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development, pamphlet on, Laws that enhance the status of women in Zimbabwe: From Independence (1980-2010)
[4] Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development, Domestic Violence Act pamphlet.
[5] W.Mawire, Zimbabwe Launches Anti-Domestic Violence council,(, accessed 17 January 2011 at 21 45 hrs.)
[6] L. Walker, the Cycle of Violence , accessed 13 February 2011 at 17 16 hrs).
[7] SAFAIDS, Changing the rivers flow series: Zimbabwean Stories of "Best Practice‟ in mitigating the HIV crisis through a cultural and gender perspective: Challenging gender dynamics in a cultural context to address HIV (2009).
[8] I. Baumgarten, Ending Violence against Women and Girls: Reduction and prevention of gender-based violence as a contribution to the protection of human rights and to development (2003).
[9] G. Mutangadura, Achieving gender equality, women‟s empowerment and ending violence against women in Africa: A review of the role of family policy and social protection, (, accessed 07 January 2011 at 09 47 hrs).
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Abstract: Due to construction of Peddagedda Reservoir in the agency area of Vizianagaram district about 184 tribal families from seven tribal villages were affected and displaced. The project affected tribal families were rehabilitated in colonies at five different places, located nearer to the reservoir. After displacement, about 14 families were migrated to other places in search of livelihood. Displaced tribal people were forced to change their traditional occupation, basically for survival and subsistence. This research paper presents a case study of displaced tribal people of the Peddagedda reservoir,who belongs to Konda dora, Manne dora, and Nooka dora tribes. It is an anthropological holistic study, employed Anthropological Ethnographic Methodology for collection of empirical data. The research article is mostly descriptive in nature and comprises of both semantic and scientific explanations. The research paper forms the part of the major research project titled "Displacement, marginalization and exclusion of tribes due to construction of dams and reservoirs in Andhra Pradesh" sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. It highlights the problems of displaced tribal people, specifically forced migration and occupational change. It also reveals that, how the enforced and involuntary displacement leads to social exclusion, in addition to various impoverishment risks such as landlessness, joblessness, homelessness, marginalization, food insecurity, increased morbidity and mortality, loss of common resources and social disarticulation. All these factors coincide with the Michael cernea's observations on the issue of human displacement on the name of development projects.
Key Words: Displacement, Project Affected Families, ,Occupational Change, Migration, Livelihood.
[1]. Cernea, Michael M. 1991: "Socio-economic and cultural approaches to Involuntary Population Resettlement", Guidelines on Lack Management, Vol. 11, World Bank Reprint Series, 468.
[2]. Cernea, Michael M. 1991: Impoverishment Risks, Risk Management, and Reconstruction: A Model of Population Displacement and Resettlement Pp: 1-61.
[3]. Fernandes, Walter. 1991:‟power and powerlessness: Development projects and Displacement of Tribals‟, Social Action, 41(3): 243-270.
[4]. Kabeer Naila (2006): Social Exclusion and the MDGs: The Challenge of "Durable Inequalities‟ in the Asian Context Parallel Group 3A: Topic Paper 4.
[5]. Kanthi B Pakrasi. 1971:The uprooted: A sociological study of the refugees of West Bengal, India.
[6]. National Sample Survey Organization Report, 55th round, No. 470: Migration in India, 1999 -2000.
[7]. Priya Deshingkar and Shaheen Akter,2009/13, : Migration and Human Development in India.
[8]. Human Development Research.
[9]. Ram B. Bhagat, "Conceptual Issues in Measurement of Internal Migration in India", Paper Presented in 25th IUSSP International Conference held in Tours, France, 18-23, July 2005.
[10]. Rambabu,M: 2006: Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation: An Action Anthropological Study on Kovvada Reservoir in West Godavari Agency of Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences 1:1 2006.Pp35-41.
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Abstract: This study aims at examining local community perception on the management of the Lake Ayamaru as a potential tourism attraction in Maybart Regency, West Papua Province. The results of the study show that the local community is able to recognize the problems faced by the lake. Some of the problems mentioned by the local community were decrease of local wisdom and environmental problems caused by human activities. Tourism can support economy and can be accepted by the local people by considering some basic aspects, such as community involvement and environmental preservation. The local community thinks that other than the natural resources, the culture of the people living around the lake can also become the attraction when it is sinergically developed with the effort to develop sustainable tourism in the lake. The results of the study show that this local community living in remote area has much concern on the effort to conserve nature and sees tourism as one of the alternatives in the sustainable uses of the lake.
Keywords: Lake, tourism attraction, Indigenous knowledge, conservation, rural development
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Work Practice issues with Intravenous Drug Users in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Varsha, Akash Gulalia |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1434348 ![]() |
Abstract: Drug abuse is a global phenomenon. The use of dependence producing substances, in some form or the other, is universal. In India, the use of opium and cannabis has been in existence since long ago. In the last three decades, however new drugs like heroin, amphetamine type stimulants (ATS), cocaine and pharmaceutical compounds have made their entry and are being used especially in metropolitan cities. The Constitution of India under the Article 47 of Directive Principles of State Policy directs the State to endeavour to bring about prohibition of consumption, except for medicinal purposes, of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health. The Government of India is a signatory to three UN Conventions on the subject and several laws to control illicit use of drugs have been enacted. Recently pharmaceutical drugs injecting has increased in several parts of the country. Injecting drugs behaviour among drug addicts has increased the prevalence of HIV and other associated harms. Government is fighting back with demand and supply reduction policies and programmes by Ministry of social justice and empowerment and harm reduction and biomedical and behavioural interventions through Non government Organisations. At all levels from policy making to outreach activities professional social worker are employed by government and private organisations. This article discusses various issues related to pharmaceutical drug abuse and its implications for HIV prevention programmes in India.
Key words: Pharmaceutical drugs abuse, Intravenous Drug Use, Social Work, HIV Prevention
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[2]. Family Health and Research, Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
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[8]. A Ambekar, A, BM Tripathi and Dzuvichu B. HIV vulnerability among injecting drug users, their spouses and children, SPYM / Plan International, India,2009
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Skills and Behavior of School Children In Dharwad District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saira Banu M. Daragad, Venkat Lakshmi H. |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1434951 ![]() |
Abstract: Social skills are skills used to communicate with others, both verbally and non-verbally and behavior is a response of an individual to external or internal stimuli. Social skills and behavior play a pivot role in influencing the overall development of children from early years and more so during the formative years of school. Hence the present study aimed to assess the social skills and behavior among school children from Dharwad district of Karnataka State. The sample for the present study consisted of 72 school children in the age bracket of 6-12years and attending Government schools. The self structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Random sampling method was used for selecting the samples. The statistical analysis was carried out through Students't' test and correlation coefficient. Further the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the social skills and behavior of both male and female respondents. The study revealed that there was no significant difference between the social skills and behavior of the respondents. The finding of the study highlights that the two aspects namely social skills and behavior are in independent and does not influence the other. Also the study highlighted the need for enhancing the social skills and behavior of school going children for better peer acceptance and adjustment through an intervention program.
Keywords: External Stimuli, Internal Stimuli, Social skills and Behavior
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Abstract: The study investigated primary healthcare delivery programme in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were tested in the study using One-sample T-test. Sample size of 90 primary healthcare facilities users was used for the purpose of the study (30 in each of three primary healthcare facilities in Calabar South). Simple random sampling was used for the purpose of the study. The results showed that the Primary Health Care programme has significantly affected health-care delivery in Calabar South Local Government Area, and that the Primary Health Care programme has significantly altered the perception of the policy target groups over health care practices in Calabar South Local Government Area. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made.
Key Words: Analysis, Health Care, Delivery, Policy Primary.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cybersex: Advantages And Disadvantages |
Country | : | Malaysia. |
Authors | : | Grace Tanimoonwo Fasugba-Idowu, Siti Aishah Hassan |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1436065 ![]() |
Abstract: Theavailability, anonymity and accessibility of the Internet have made the compulsive behavior of cybersex and cyber affairs more common in America and the world. The Internet has enabled people to fulfill their sexual fantasies and to share the same with people in different parts of the world without having to experience the physical consequences of the relationship. This behavior has long been debated to be a case of sexual infidelity. The available literature that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of cybersex is inclined towards the perception that the activity has more significant cons than it does the pros. The disadvantages (and possible advantages) of cyber-sexual activity can be comfortably divided into three categories with moral, social and religious implications. However, on all levels, the behavior has more negative impacts than positive ones, most of which take a lot of time, energy and resources to reverse. Personality theories can be used to understand abnormal sexual behavior. With personality theories, solving the problems that arise out of cybersex activities for individuals of different ages and marital status becomes easier because of a traceable chain of cause and effect events. The extent to which personality and sexual abnormality are related is debatable but research shows that there is a significant correlation. The significance of this study in academics and personal use is related to the need for insight and regenerative production of data that is related to it.
Keywords: Cybersex, Cyber-affairs, Internet, sexual/sexually, Marriage, relationship.
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Abstract: Land reform is a pivotal mechanism in order to improve the livelihood of underprivileged people of developing countries in the world. But the implementation of land reform programs is always a complicated issue for these countries. The reason is, in most of the cases, the governments of the third world countries more or less lack the capacity to manage the resistance created by various social groups against land reform. Moreover, the prospective recipients of land reform are not generally aware about their rights to land as land related laws and regulations in developing countries are complicated and most of the potential beneficiaries are illiterate. This study shows that in Bangladesh, public agencies can remove the above mentioned barriers and execute land reform program effectively when they work closely with civil society organizations or vice versa. The main lesson of this study is that in the developing countries, the state-society driven approach can initiate and implement distributive reform programs effectively. Furthermore, this approach promotes participatory development as well as good governance in the developing countries of the world.
Keywords: Land reform, State-society collaboration
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Applicability of the Convention on Contracts for International Sale and Goods (CISG). |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Zahidul Islam |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1437881 ![]() |
Abstract: The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale and Goods (CISG) is one of the documents produced through the diplomatic efforts of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for uniform international trade. Now a day's CISG is a popular Convention. Within very short time, many states have rectified it. But still now, It is debateable that when CISG will be applicable. Many cases have filed about its applicability. In many cases, Judges are explained about its applicability. But still, we are confused about it. This article has tried to focus that, when the CISG will be applicable and when it will not be applicable. This article also attempts to highlights that, what is the requirement for application of CISG?
[1]. Chuah, J.C.T., (2009). Law of International Trade, (4rd .ed). London: Sweet & Maxwell.
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[3]. August, Ray. (2009).International Business Law: Text, Cases, and Readings, (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.[d20 K1005.3A923]
[4]. Schmitthoff, Clive M., (2007). Schmitthoff‟s Export Trade: The Law and Practice of International Trade (11th ed.). London: Sweet & Maxwell [d39 KD2463 S355S 2007]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Medical Negligence in Malaysia and Bangladesh: A comparative study. |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Zahidul Islam |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1438287 ![]() |
Abstract: The issue of Medical negligence is extremely important factor for patient. Instances of negligence in the medical profession are not a new phenomenon. Medical Negligence is being committed in all over the world every day. The main purpose of this Study is to focus how Medical Negligence is being committed in Bangladesh and Malaysia. The article also attempts to highlight and discuss the reforming the existing system. It is qualitative research. Primary and secondary resources are used in this paper. The information has been taken from many readings, articles, books, case law and status. The result is that Bangladesh and Malaysia is following Medical Negligence from long time ago. We have many problems to solve this situation. The issue is more vibrant in a society like Malaysia and Bangladesh where the problem of medical Negligence is still considered to be the result misfortune, and people superstitiously believe that the affect of Medical Negligence is considered sometimes to be the result of sin on the part of the parents of the patient. It is expected that the present study assist to facilitate improvement of the legal regime of the Medical Negligence and the enforcement of laws for the better future of the Medical Negligence of Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Comparative Study, Medical Negligence, Medical Malpractice, Malaysia.
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[9]. M.C Gupta. Health and Law: a Guide for Professionals and Activists. New Delhi: Kanishka Publication; 2002.
[10]. Malcolm Khan, Michelle Robson. Medical Negligence. London: Cavendish Publishing; 1997.
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Abstract: Introduction - Tobacco use is a major preventable cause of premature death and diseases, currently leading to five million deaths worldwide which are expected to raise over eight million deaths worldwide by 2030. Globally, this group of the population is under constant pressure and accounts for the workforce of the country so through this study we want to assess the prevalence of tobacco consumption and the associated factors involve in its consumption. Objective - The broad objective of study was "To assess the prevalence of tobacco consumption pattern among the auto rickshaw drivers and to study associated factors involve in tobacco use as well as associated risk factors of tobacco use in Jaipur, Rajasthan". Methodology - A cross sectional, descriptive study was done on auto rickshaw drivers of Jaipur city, Rajasthan. Study was done during April- May 2013 with a sample size of 94 with 95% of confidence level and 10% confidence interval. Results - Study finding shows that Prevalence among auto rickshaw drivers for consumption of tobacco products was very high (87%). Auto rickshaw drivers were mostly used tobacco in the form of Gutkha (72%) and bidi (40%) in comparison to other products. It also shows that they use cheap tobacco products. Most of the auto rickshaw drivers start using tobacco products in age less than 18 years (80%) and associated factors for tobacco use are due to friends and their influence (78%). Awareness level among auto rickshaw driver was high (70%) but still uses tobacco products because of its addiction (66%). In the opinion of auto rickshaw drivers increase in tax may reduce it consumption and the majority of drivers (70%) think that tobacco must be banned in Rajasthan. Conclusion - Prevalence among auto rickshaw drivers of consumption of tobacco products was very high. Auto rickshaw drivers were mostly used tobacco in the form of Gutkha (smokeless) and bidi (smoke) in comparison to other products.
Key words: Tobacco, Awareness, Prevalence, Addiction.
[1] WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009: Implementing Smoke-Free Environments. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009/
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Abstract: Due to the alarming decline in the proficiency rate of learners as well as speakers of English Language and the recourse of many language facilitators to the use of Code switch strategy for language instructions, this paper sets out to examine critically the Code switch phenomenon to ascertain its importance to the teaching and learning of English language and indeed other subjects in Nigeria. It is discovered that Code switching is important to the teaching of language at the foundation level to draw the interest of the learners but must be gradually reduced as the learner progresses in proficiency level. Also due to the multilingual nature of Nigeria facilitators are cautioned to be eclectic in their approach to the use of Code switch strategy.
Key words: Bilingualism, Code-switching, Mother tongue, Multilingual, Strategy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mapping the Locational Pattern of Hotels in Akure, Ondo State. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Babawale Akin Adeyemi |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1439599 ![]() |
Abstract: The study analysed the locational pattern of hotels in Akure, Ondo State using GIS techniques. Data for the study were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The co-ordinate of each of the hotels was captured using a handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver which was used to create a point map. Secondary data included the road network map of Akure obtained from the Ondo State Ministry of Urban and Physical Planning and the list of hotels obtained from the Research and Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic planning and budgeting. These data were processed and analyzed to generate a geospatial database for hotel facilities using ILWIS (3.3) and ArcGIS (9.3) G.I.S. Software. The result reveal that hotels were located in all parts of Akure with the Oke-Ijebu / Ijapo Estate axis located in the North Eastern part of Akure having the highest concentration of the hotels in them representing 31.3% of the hotels in the study area. It further reveals that few hotels were close to the central business district of the study area. The study concluded that GIS is a veritable tool which both individual and government can use to arrive at important decision-making on location of hotels which would give rise to the proper planning and management of hotels.
Keywords: Assessment, GIS, hotels, location pattern, mapping.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Beginning of an end in Indian Ocean |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Dr. Hasan Yaser Malik |
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: | 10.9790/1959-143100111 ![]() |
Abstract: The Mackinder's seventh century old theory of Heartland stills provesits geopolitical value as it emncompsesCentral Asia,Caspian Region and Asiatic Monsoon Rimland. The Indian Ocean at confluence of Pangaea futhur enhances the value of Heartland by allowing it to share its energy resources with offshore and outlaying islands of UK, Japan and Americas respectively. All the regional and extra regionalpowers are endeavouring to win the Great Game by sharing the maximum of the Central Asian and Caspian energy resources. Since the withdrawl of UK from the east after world War II the U.S has been trying to dominate the Indian Ocean Region but the emergence of China as a world economic power is manifasting various concerns for the U.S. In order to contain the emerging China the U.S has announced to shift his naval assests to Pacific Ocean and is backing its allies like Australia, Indonesia and India to secure the sea lines of coummunications for securing its interets in the Indian Ocean. Since China has adopted its 'Stirngs of Pearls' strategy to secure its sea lines of communications and construction of Gwadar Port at gate of energy distributing choke point at of Hurmoz Strait has raised the U.Sapprehensions about the possible Chinese naval build up as it can off set the U.S domination at choke point of Malacca Strait. The Chinese plan to construct Kra Canal in the southern Thailand to link Bay of Bangal with the South China Sea, by Passing the U.S dominated Malacca Strait which can cause a power struggle allacross the oceanic region.
Key words: Heartland, Indian Ocean, Sea Lines of Communications, chokepoint,harmonious ocean and archipelago.
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Abstract: Since its debut, smartphone had been steadily replacing the existence of the conventional mobile phone. The change was well accepted and proven by the smartphones' surging sales throughout these years. Furthermore, smartphone become a necessity to universities students. Apart from allowing them to socially interact with others, it also can entertain as well as provide platform to search for information. Nowadays the smartphone could also be use to channel its owners' personality. This research implies that pattern of smartphone's usage was categories into four typologies that includes Information, Personal Identity, Integration and Social Interaction, and Entertainment. With data from 385 undergraduate students from public and private university in Malaysia, the researcher was able to conclude that the usage for personal identity was important to them. The results were able to clarify the students' interest over their smartphone and confirm its popularity among youngsters.
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