Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inspired Leadership for Turbulent Times & the Power of Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neelesh Gupta, Rajesh Gurumoorthy & Ajnav Deka |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1640111 ![]() |
Abstract: Clouds of turbulence are in the air my friend and strafing through these times has been a bumpy ride
for almost everybody. Many organizations have seen their dusk, some have seen the dawn too and it has been
barely a few who have been able to shine bright. These turbulent times have been classified under economic
slowdown, unemployment as well as workforce unavailability, social uprising, war for resources etc. and all
these factors, individually or in conjunction have led to huge ambiguities for businesses. Many types of leaders
have tasted these waters and some of them, who have been able to manage these, have soared. One common
attribute that has been common among all the dons (read dawns) in these times has been their ability to induce
action in others and steer the team to glory. Such inspired leaders and their leadership hold the key to the good
times that lie ahead of this turbulence. This paper presents a model on how the leadership of an inspired leader
can rally the masses generally and the youth specifically, to steer out of these turbulent times and build a better
& a more sustainable tomorrow.
1. The 2020 Workplace – Jeanne C Meister & Karie Willyerd
2. Best Practices for Developing Change Leadership in Turbulent Times - The Conference Board Councils on Leadership Development, Organizational Learning, HR and Talent Management, and Diversity and Inclusion
3. Capitalizing on Complexity, IBM Corporation 2010 2010/index.html
5. McKinsey Global survey on Leadership through the Crisis and after
6. Harvard Business Review – Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis - Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky
7. McKinsey Quarterly – July 2009 - Leadership lessons for hard times - Dennis Carey, Michael Patsalos-Fox, and Michael Useem
8. ILO Report on Global Employment Trends, 2013
10. State of Indian Economy, 2013 – Deloitte Paper
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Arab Revolution and the Crisis of Governance |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Otinche Sunday Inyokwe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1641222 ![]() |
Abstract: The Arab revolution started on December 18, 2010 in Tunisia and spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria among others. The revolution is an ideological struggle that arises from the crisis of governance resulting from political enclosures in the Arab states. Explanatory notes within the context of the internal conspiracy theory reveals that the revolutionary uprising is a consequence of the conflict between patriarchal democracy and its leadership intransigence and democratic modernism with rising expectation from the civil society for broad participation in the process of governance. The paper also place in context the external conspiracy theory arising from the shift in American foreign policy under the Secret Presidential Study Directives II that has influenced American foreign policy in North Africa and the Middle East in favour of Israel. The clamour for political change is justified by remote consensual factors like human right abuses, corruption, unemployment, poverty, growing rate of inequality and social exclusion orchestrated by religion and this is juxtaposed with the immediate causes for objective analysis. The paper tries to examine the challenges these countries would face in her efforts at building a sustainable and virile democratic nation and how this will generate favourable foreign policy outcome for western nations. Under rational consideration and away from any ideological deception, the paper argued that there is no universal pattern of governance and tends to question the consideration that western democracy is the only pathway to achieving sustainable development. On this note, the paper concludes that countries governance by patriarchal democracy should be encouraged to broaden the scope of governance rather than the use of subversive means to effect regime change at the expense of national, regional and world peace.
Key Words: Ideology, Revolution, Governance, Alienation, Democracy, Patriarchy
[1]. Alexis De Tocqueville (1995), The old Regime and the French Revolution, New York. Doubleday
[2]. Aristotle (1962), Politics, New York. Oxford University Press
[3]. Arendt, Hannah (1958) The Origins of Totalitarianism, Cleveland. Meridian.
[4]. Behr, T. (2011), The Arab Revolution: Causes, Prospects and Implication, The Finnish Instituteof International Affairs, FIIA Briefing Paper 76, March
[5]. Blankstein, George (1958) "Revolution in H.E David (ed), Government and Politics in Latin American, New York. Ronald Press.
[6]. Brinton, Crane (1952), The Anatomy of Revolution, New York. Vintage
[7]. Dale Copeland (1996), "Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations‟‟ International Security, Vol. 20 No 4
[8]. Democracy Index 2010, Economic Intelligence Unit
[9]. Deutsch, Karl, W. (1964) "External Involvement in Internal Wars" in Eckstein. H. (ed) Internal War, Glencoe Free Press.
[10]. Dunn, J. (1993), Democracy: The unfinished Journal. 508 BC to 1993, New York. Oxford University Press
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Abstract: In this paper, housing affordability problems on residents in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria is assessed. Systematic random method was used to administer one hundred and twenty copies of questionnaire to residents in three districts across the Metropolis. The study showed that majority of the tenants in Calabar Metropolis pay N2, 500 – N15, 000 monthly for their rented rooms. Majority of the tenants living in one bedroom and 2 – 3 bed room flats were in the low and middle-income groups. The study reveals that people in Calabar spend substantial amount of their monthly income on housing. The study showed that residential housing problems varied significantly across different socio-economic groups (p ≤0.05). The study also revealed that significant relationships existed between housing affordability and age, sex, income, educational attainment, marital status and occupation. The study suggested that agencies should be set up by the state government to monitor rental values charged by landlord/landladies across Calabar Metroplis as well as more housing schemes should be instituted by the government to reduce the monopoly of private land developers as well as meet the housing demands of its populace.
Keywords: Housing affordability, Socioeconomic groups, Calabar Metropolis, Tenants
[1]. Akeju, A. A. (2007) Challenges to providing affordable housing in Nigeria. Being a Paper Presented at the 2nd Emerging Urban Africa International Conference on Housing Finance in Nigeria, Held at Sehu Yar'adua Center Abuja, October 17-19, 2007
[2]. Animashaun, I. A. (2010) Provision of residential housing and environmental development in Calabar: Policy Contradictions. Retrieved from:
[3]. Jiboye, A. D. (2009) Evaluating tenants' satisfaction with public housing in Lagos, Nigeria. Town Planning and Architecture, 33(4): 239–247.
[4]. Krieger, J. and Higgins, D. (2002) Housing and health: time again for public health action. Am J. Public Health, 92:758 – 768.
[5]. Matte, T. D. and Jacobs, D. E. (2000) Housing and health‐‐current issues and implications for research and programs. J. Urban Health, 77(1):7‐25.
[6]. Ndubueze O (2009). Urban housing affordability and the housing policy dilemmas in Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D, University of Birmingham. Available at:
[7]. Olotuah, A.O. & Ajenifujah A. O. (2009) Architectural Education and Housing Provision in Nigeria" In CEBE Transactions. Online Journal of Centre for Education in the Built Environment, Cardiff University, UK, 6 (1)
[8]. Seleki, B. A. (2001) Urban housing problems in Tanzania some possible policy interventions.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Parables- Ground Reality Today |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Terence Mathew, Meera Chakravorty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1643040 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines how the Religious beliefs have a strong influence on the culture of a community. Indeed, for many people around the world, religious beliefs are central to their culture and provide the moral codes by which they live. These Cultural changes have promoted linkages and interactions among castes, tribes, religious groups and cultural regions. We notice significant magnitude of the spread effect of these cultural changes across regions and ethnic boundaries. These developments have, however, also reinforced people's self-consciousness and narrow cultural identities organised on principles of ethnicity, religion, caste, language and region. The intensity of media exposure, political participation and competitive outlooks towards social mobility has added strength to these processes. Politicization of religion is reflected in conscious distortions of meaning and uses of religious symbols, artefacts and rituals. In the context of overall social change, it is essential to examine the importance of Human dignity, respect, integrity with the Parables for a better way of life and for cultural integration.
Keywords: Cultural changes, narrow cultural identities, Politicization of religion, Parables, cultural integration.
[1]. Brad H. Young, Jesus and His Jewish Parables: rediscovering the Roots of Jesus' Teaching (New York: Paulist Press, 1964).
[2]. Charles H. Dodd: The Parables of the Kingdom, London (Nisbet & Co., Ltd. 1935).
[3]. Cohn Norman - Pursuit of the Millennium.(New York: Oxford University Press, 1970)
[4]. Christopher Candland The Spirit of Violence: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography of Violence and Religion. (New York: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 1992).
[5]. Dallas Blanchard, A., and Terry J. Prewitt. Religious Violence and Abortion: The Gideon Project. Gainesville (University Press of Florida, 1993).
[6]. David Bromley. G., and James T. Richardson, Ed. The Brainwashing/Deprogramming Controversy. (New York: Mellen Press, 1983)
[7]. Donald Levine (Ed) 'Simmel: On individuality and social forms' Chicago University
[8]. Emile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Translated by Karen E. Fields. (New York: Free Press, 1995)
[9]. Georg Simmel "Conflict" and "The Web of Group- Affiliations". (New York: Free Press, 1955)
[10]. Guenter Lewy, Religion and Revolution. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974).
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Abstract: This study evaluated the role of epilepsy-related factors, such as etiological variability, sex and age, on general intellectual functions among Nigerian children with epilepsy. Sixty epileptic children (38 males and 22 females) with a mean age of 12.9 years (SD= 2.9 years) were randomly selected from a population of epileptic children attending the Outpatient Neurology Clinic at Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Aro, Abeokuta. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R) was administered. The result showed that 73.4% of the epileptic children had mental retardation, borderline and low average IQ level which, in some way, corresponded to general intellectual impairment. Multiple regression analysis revealed that etiological variability independently predicted Verbal IQ, Performance IQ and Full Scale IQ among the epileptic children. Furthermore, sex independently predicted Performance IQ of the epileptic children. This study emphasised a significant joint prediction of etiological variability, sex and age on Verbal IQ, Performance IQ and Full Scale IQ among the epileptic children. In conclusions, etiological variability and sex are important predictors of general intellectual functions. This research will enhance the understanding of those epileptic children who are in danger of developmental impairment so that treatment methods can be developed.
Keywords: Epileptic children, Full IQ, General intellectual functions, Performance IQ, Verbal IQ
[1]. K. Rantanen, Neurocognitive functioning of preschool children with 'Epilepsy only'Lisensiaatintutkimus, 19 s., 4 liitesivua, 2006
[2]. V. Anderson, E. Northam, J. Hendy, and J.Wrennall, Developmental neuropsychology. A clinical approach. 2001, Hove: Psychology Press.
[3]. V. I. Guzeva, Epilepsy and Non-Epilepstic Convulsive States in Children (in Russian), MIA, Mosco: 2007, pp. 327-335
[4]. W. Hauser, J. Annegers, and W. Rocca, Descriptive epidemiology of epilepsy: Contributions of population-based studies from Rochester, Minnesota. Mayo Clinic Procedings , 71 (6), 1996, 576-586.
[5]. W. S. MacAllister, and S. G. Schaffer, Neuropsychological deficits in childhood epilepsy syndromes. Neuropsychology Review, 17, 2007, 427-444.
[6]. M. Westerveld, Childhood Epilepsy. In K. O. Yeates, D. M. Ris, H. G. Taylor, and B. F. Pennington (Eds.), Pediatric Neuropsychology: Research, Theory, and Practice (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010) 71-91
[7]. C. E. Elger, C. Helmstaedter, and M. Kurthen, Chronic epilepsy and cognition. Lancet Neurology, 3, 2004, 663–672.
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[10]. S. E. Sabbagh, C. Soria, S. Escolano, C. Bulteau, and G. Dellatolas, Impact of Epilepsy Characteristics and Behavioral Problems on School Placement in Children. Epilepsy & Behaviour, 9, 2006, 573-578.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 16 PF Profile of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Male and Female Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepti dhurandher, Priyamvada shrivastav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1644751 ![]() |
Abstract: Diabetes type 2 is very fast growing disease nowadays; it occurs throughout the world but is more common in the more developing countries. Globally as of 2010, it is estimated that there are 285 million people diabetes with type 2 making up about 90% of the cases. It incidence is increasing rapidly and it is estimated that by 2030, this number will almost double. Many risk factors are associated with development of type 2 diabetes mellitus like environmental factors, modern lifestyle, genetic predisposition, psychological factors and also role of personality is very important. This study examined the personality traits of both the male and female type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The total sample of the study consists of 80 (40 male & 40 female) medically diagnosed as patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus at different diabetic clinics of Raipur city, coming from age group 25 to 75 yrs, To assess personality the 16 PF questionnaires, Hindi edition 1981, developed by Kapoor and Tripathi was used. An observation of the Personality Profile of the Type2 diabetic patients on 16PF revealed that the dominating characteristics of the patients showed higher tendency of conscientious, experimenting, outgoing, self controlled, and have concrete level thinking. The chi square results indicated that percentage of female showing dominance of shrewd characteristics was higher than male diabetics. Female were also high on self sufficient than male diabetics patients. It indicates that the people high on moralistic feeling, social, experimenting, and superficial thinking may suffer from the problem of Type 2 Diabetes.
Keywords: 16PF, Personality, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
[1]. Boersam, G. J., Benthem, L., Beek, A.P.V., Dijk, G.V., & Scherrink, A.J.W. (2011). Personality, A Key Factor In Personalized Medicine? European Journal of Pharmacology, 667, 23-25.
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[4]. Ekpenyong, C.E.,Akpan, U. P., Ibu, J. O., & Nyebuk, D. E., (2012). Gender And Age Specific Prevalence And Associated Risk Factors Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Uyo Metropolis, South Eastern Nigeria. Diabetologia Croatica, 41-1.
[5]. Kontoangelos, et al. (2012). Oxytocin & Psychological Factors Affecting Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Experimental Diabetes Research, 2012, 7. doi:10.1155/2012/560864.
[6]. Lane, J.D., McCaskill, C.C., & Williams, P.G. (2000). Personality Correlates Of Glycemic Control In Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 23.
[7]. Lustman, P.J., Frank, B.L., & McGill, J.B. (1991). Relationship of Personality Characteristics to Glucose Regulation in Adults with Diabetes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 53,305-312.
[8]. Nefs, G., Pouwer, F., Pop, V., & Denollet, J. (2012).TYPE D (Distressed) Personality in Primary Care Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Validation & Clinical Correlates of the DS14 Assessment. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 72,251-257.
[9]. Schulze, M.B., & Hu, F.B. (2005). Primary Prevention of Diabetes: What Can Be Done and How Much Can Be Prevented? Annu.Rev.Public Health, 26,445-67.
[10]. Seides & Richard. (2011). Do Personality Traits Predict Compliance with Type 2 Diabetes Regimens? Public Health, 239.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relevance of the Monitor in transformation of Voice and Narration in English |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anil Kumar Swadeshi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1645262 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the role of the monitor in improving the language proficiency of the students of eighth (13-14 years old) and sixth (11-12 years old) classes of two government schools with a special focus on voice and narration. In one of those schools, a carefully planned intervention was made but no such intervention was made in the other school. In the carefully planned intervention, rules of changing active voice into passive voice and direct speech into indirect speech and vice-versa were taught to the students. Here it has been also highlighted that the monitor plays a significant role as opposed to the Krashen's hypothesis where it plays only a limited role of correcting or editing the output that comes from the internalized rules automatically. The age of the students is also a determining factor in such learning situations.
Keywords: use of the monitor in narration and voice, narration and voice, proficiency and the monitor, learning transformation of narration and voice
[1] Simon Somerville Laurie, Lectures on Language and Linguistics Method in the Schools (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1890).
[2] L.Bloomfield, Language (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1933).
[3] Tove Skutnab Kangas, Bilingualism or Not: The Education of Minorities (England: Multilingual Matters Ltd, 1981).
[4] Li Wei, The Bilingualism Reader (Routledge: London, 2000).
[5] Colin Baker & Sylvia Prys Jones, Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education (England: Multilingual Matters Ltd, 1998).
[6] Anil Kumar Swadeshi, Use of the Monitor in L2 English (Saarbruckan:LAP, 2013).
[7] Quirk & Greenbaun, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English (Philadelphia: HBJ, 1988).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rural Immigration in Turkey and Agricultural Problems |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Assist. Prof. Dr. Ertugrul Guresci |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1646370 ![]() |
Abstract: In developing countries like Turkey, it is feasible to argue that the reasons and consequences of rural immigration echo a significant portion of the common financial and social problems pertaining to that particular country. In Turkey the emergence of rural immigration corresponds to years following the 1950s particularly and in the aftermath of 1980s it has been elevated to the status of a critical national problem. It has been reported that the reason accounting for this status is predominantly related to the problems introduced by rural immigrants in the cities. Once analyzed from this perspective it is easy to claim that rural immigration is regarded as a problem mostly in the eyes of urban dwellers. The failure to treat the problem within the scope of rural population and agricultural sector in Turkey is likely to be a missing part in the relevant studies focusing on this particular issue. Driven by this motive, present study aims to analyze how and to what extent rural immigration can affect agricultural problems in Turkey. To draw a conclusion on this inquiry, relevant literature studies and statistical data have been screened.
Keywords: Immigration, rural immigration, agriculture JEL Code: R11, R23
[1]. Asfaha T.A, Jooste, A, 2006, ''the Agricultural Input Elasticity of Rural-Urban Migration in South Africa,''Agrekon, 45(1): 89-105.
[2]. Ayyıldız Tayyar, 1992, ''Tarım Politikası Genel Politikalar ve Türkiye'de Durum'', Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 620: 283.
[3]. Baytal Yaşar, 2007, ''Demokrat Parti Dönemi Ekonomi Politikaları (1950-1957)'',Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, Sayı: 40: 545-567.
[4]. Başel Halis, 2012, 'The Causes of Population Mobility and Internal Migration in Turkey'', (04.01.2013).
[5]. Beauchemin Cris, Bocquier Philippe, 2003, ''Migration and Urbanization in Francophone West Africa: A review of the recent empirical evidence''. Document de Travail,Dt/2003/09.
[6]. Bilsborrow Richard.E, 2002, ''Migration, Population Change, and the Rural Environment'', ECSP Report, Issue: 8: 69-94.
[7]. Bülbül Serpil, Köse Ali, 2010,''Türkiye'deBölgelerarasıİçGöçHareketlerininÇokBoyutluÖlçeklemeYöntemiileİncelenmesi'', İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(1):.75-94
[8]. Çağlayan Savaş, 2006, ''Göç Kuramları, Göç ve Göçmen İlişkisi'', Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler EnstitüsüDergisi (İLKE), Sayı: 17.
[9]. Çelik Fatih, 2006, ''İç Göçlerin İtici ve Çekici Güçler Yaklaşımı ile Analizi'', Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 27:149-170.
[10]. Coşkun Ali, 2003, ''Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında TürkiyeEkonomisi'', Atatürkçü Düşünce Dergisi Sayı: 4: 72-77.
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Abstract: The present study is Evidence on microfinance and household improvement services these days as luck would have it shows a great preference for savings products somewhat than microfinance products by households. The primary data was collected from SHG respondent, to data collected interview scheduled was used, Methodology Logistic regression this phenomenon is explained by the fact that microfinance products, and especially loans, from formal microfinance institutions very useful the households demand. Because financial institution (MFs) following of very strict regulation have access microfinance. This study first presents evidence on the observed observable fact in the microfinance access. Second, it analyses the microfinance access so as to understand the determinants of the microfinance from formal sources versus SHGs sources. The results reveal the microfinance access of the loan, level of education, and agricultural purpose, employment, the geographical location, and distance of MFIs where households live and as factors influencing the choice for microfinance finance sources.
Self help group
Development economics
Rural development
Access to credit;
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[6]. Ayyagari, M., Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Maksimovic, V. (2008). Formal versus informal finance: Evidence from China.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 4465.
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[8]. Brau, J. C., &Woller, G. M. (2004). Microfinance: A comprehensive review of the existing literature.Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures, 9, 1–26.
[9]. Cheng, E. J. (2006). The demand for micro-credit as a determinant for microfinance outreach—evidence from China. Paper presented at ACESA Annual Conference on ‗Emerging China: Internal Challenges and Global Implications. Melbourne, Australia, 13–14 July.
[10]. Diagne, A. (1999).Determinants of household access to and participation in formal and informal credit markets in Malawi. Food consumption and nutrition division discussion paper 67, Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.
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Abstract: Nigeria's large number of ethnic groups, inequalities among them in size, resource endowment, education and access to state power and resources, her highly developed and factionalized indigenous bourgeoisie, makes her ethnic situation perhaps the most complicated in Africa. The experience has been equally bad and sad, spanning a bloody civil war (1967-1970) and perennial threats to the survival of the country, and one of the 1990 abortive coup d' etat, whose organizers planned to dismember the country. Today in Nigeria, there is serious rivalry among the ethnic groups over issues such as power and resource sharing formula; the status quo is being resisted by the minor ethnic groups especially in the Niger-delta region that produces the bulk of crude oil in the country which Nigeria depends today for most of its foreign exchange. The objective of this paper therefore, to examine and provide answers to the following questions: what is ethnicity? To what extent has ethnic identity affected national integration in Nigeria? What steps has been taken to address the fall out of the various ethnic identity motivated crisis in Nigeria? As a guide to answering the overarching research questions, historical overview of ethnic nationalism in Nigeria and its challenges of national integration were documented and some proactive measures were discussed.
Key Words: Ethnicity; Identity Crisis; National Integration; Nigeria
[1]. Adebola B.E. (2006), National Integration and the survival of Nigeria in the 21st Century. The Jounal of Social, political and Economic Studies, University of Ibadan. Vol 31, No 3 pg. 279.
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[5]. Alapiki, H.E. (2005), State creation in Nigeria, failed approaches to National Integration and Local Autonomy, African Studies Review, Vol. 48, No 3. PP 49-65.
[6]. Charles; D (2013), Nigeria Identity Crisis‟ "1 Hate you –you fear me – modern Chana. Com.
[7]. Coleman, J (1986) Nigeria: Background to Nationalism (Berkeley, University of California Press.
[8]. Ethnicity and the Colonial and post colonial state in Africa, in P. Brass (e d) Ethnic Groups and the State PP. 66-69.
[9]. Elebeke, E. (2010), identify Crisis: Who Really are Nigerians? (Central Database) Export Highlight Nation‟s |Identity Management Crisis at CTO May 12, 2010.
[10]. Ferreira, F.F. (2000), The Politics of regionalism: An Analysis of National Integration Problems in Nigeria. ETD Collection for Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Centre Paper AA19310167.
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Abstract: This paper looks at the phenomenon of child abuse as presented in Amma Darko's Faceless and Lawrence Darmani's Grief Child. The work establishes the fact that the phenomenon of child abuse is prevalent in Africa in general, and in Ghana in particular. These two novels , afore-mentioned, have been discussed critically bringing out, inter alia, what child abuse is, the various types of child abuse, the causal factors and the effects of child abuse on both the abused child and the community as a whole. Mention has been made of possible preventive measures which ought to be put in place to curb this social menace.
[1]. Darko, A. 2003. Faceless, Sub-Saharan publishers, Accra.
[2]. Darmani, L. 2005. Grief Child, Step publishers, Accra.
[3]. Deegener, G. 2001. "Child Abuse", International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. 1st ed. 3 vols. Cambridge University Press, UK. pp.11-13
[4]. Encarta World English Dictionary. London: Bloomsbury publishing PK, 1999
[5]. Newberger, E. 1983 "Child Abuse" Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychology, pp.5-13
[6]. The Encyclopaedia of World Crime, Criminal Justice, Criminology and Law Conference
[7]. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, (2003), 15th ed., 3 vols, Chicago, USA.
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Abstract: Centripetal' and 'Centrifugal' are the forces where Centripetal force tends to produce integrating force and the 'Centrifugal force' tends to produce disintegrating force from functioning of 'Khap Panchayats. It has been observed that the existence of these forces have always been playing a 'vital role' for determine the behaviour of 'Khap Panchayts' from time to time. This study examines the continuity and changing situations as well as constructive and destructive role, played by these 'Khap Panchayats' in Haryana. On the basis of an empirical study, carried out on 200 respondents from rural and urban areas indicate a varied response as tested by the t-test. On the basis of findings of the study which give its Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) analysis of 'Khap Panchats' in Haryana. It also includes some of positive suggestions which are essential to ameliorating the functioning Haryana.
Keywords: Centripetalforce, centrifugalforce, Khap Panchayat, vital role, SWOT analysis
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Abstract: The research concentrates the protagonist, Lieutenant Frederick Henry's exploring his identity. A critical observation undertaken here presents Frederick Henry's sense of alienation that drives him all through his life shapes the end accordingly. His is a character presented in A Farewell to Arms is found as being in disillusionment and nervous condition. The research finds his failure to live in his homeland, America. Seeking the purpose of his life, he joined the Italian armies in W.W.I but he also has to escape Italy after his illusion about the war fades away. Later he has an affair with a British nurse, Catherine Barkley; and finally decides to be a family man. He elopes with her to Switzerland and also leads a life of three months of happiness but unfortunately he could not change the fate. Catherine Barkley dies of hemorrhages. If it is scrutinized, Frederick Henry's ultimate identity dilemma was the real life experiences that taste quite pessimistic the novelist, Ernest Hemingway could ever encounter. So charged with distress that Frederick Henry's planted happiness subtly turns to darkness of alienation. Perhaps, the idea that a pen could penetrate realities was hidden in the aftermath of Frederick Henry's alienation.
Keywords: Disillusionment, War, Love, Death, Alienation
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