Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | F-Commerce in Bangladesh: "Venit, Vidit, Vicit" |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mashruha Zabeen, Husna Ara, Nafish Sarwar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1750108 ![]() |
Abstract: Bromley : The term "F-Commerce" is a neologistic portmanteau of Facebook and Commerce; referring to a type of marketing channel which facilitates - advertising, auctioning, purchasing and selling of any products (goods and/or services) through the social media network Facebook. The vast popularity of Facebook enabled F-Commerce platform to rapidly enhance the shopping tendency of its users with in a very shorter period of time. Literally it just came and concurred the market; as in Latin Venit, Vidit, Vicit. Objective of this exploratory research is to observe the adoption of F-Commerce in Bangladeshi context and identify its potential implications. An anthology of group discussions with the consumers and thorough case studies on the Bangladeshi f-traders were carried out during the month of June-July 2013. And crosschecking the group discussions with the Internet reviews permitted the researchers to ensure the validity of the findings.
Keywords: F-Commerce, Social Media Platform, F-traders, Exploratory Research.
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Abstract: This present study examines the influence of Intelligence and gender on Academic achievement of secondary school students of Lucknow city. The sample of the study consisted of 614 students (358 males and 256 females) from ninth and tenth class of fourteen schools of Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh (India). Intelligence was measured by Dr.G.C.Ahuja's Group Test of Intelligence. The board Results of Class X was used for collecting data for academic achievement. The findings of the study reveal that there is a significant influence of Intelligence on academic achievement whereas gender has not significantly influenced the academic achievement .T-Test; ANOVA and F- value were used for analyzing the data.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Gender, Intelligence
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Abstract: Teaching as a viable profession forms the bedrock of national development. But the status of the teacher in the Nigerian educational system has not been properly delineated vis-a-vis the critical issue of professionalism. This paper is an attempt to beam the searchlight on the functions of the Teachers Registration Council established by Degree No.31 with implications for the professionalization of teaching cum suggestions to make its objectives a reality.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Library Automation in the Development Era |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shabana Tabusum. SZ, A. Saleem, Dr. M. Sadik Batcha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1752026 ![]() |
Abstract: There are several reasons for automating the library activities especially computerizing library activities. On account of Information & knowledge explosion it has become essential for librarians to provide a master key to this repository of knowledge in the service, the librarian started mechanizing activities of libraries and research institution through various gadget. The main of Library is to provide access to proper information explosion, due to growing demands of the user and shrinking of financial resources, library cannot able to maintain all the reading materials on demand the only way to overcome from these problem is sharing resources through consortia, and Internet. This paper gives the importance of library automation, which requires planning, designing, and implementation. Library automation reduces the drudgery of repeated manual efforts in library routines by use of library automation collection, storage, administration, processing, preservation and communication etc. It increases productivity in terms of both works as well as in service. Key Words: Library Automation, Information Communication Technology, Areas of Automation, Software for Library Automation.
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Abstract: The problem of ever increasing migration from the hill rural areas has always posed a serious concern for the economy of these regions. The migration has constantly been so substantial that the economy of the state has been termed as 'money order economy'. To paramount the adverse situation the economy of these regions is already surrounded with the problems of lack of infrastructural facilities, employment and income generating opportunities. Poorly developed agriculture has always remained a major factor but that too has only acted as mere source of subsistence of living for the inhabitants of these regions. Among these adversities the women of these areas have taken the entire burden of the economy. This has been reflected in the increasing participation of women in the economy of these regions. The present study focuses on the pattern of migration and its impact on the increasing participation of women in the economy of these regions. The study also primarily reflects upon the comparative analysis of migration and participation of workforce in these regions on the basis of gender within different sectors of the economy. The study finally comes up with the dimension which the policies of the development of these regions should necessarily possess.
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[5]. Dighe, Anita (2008), Women‟s Empowerment at the Local Level (WELL) - a study undertaken in the state of Uttarakhand, Commissioned by the Commonwealth of Learning, West Hastings Street, Vancour, Canada
[6]. Kurane, Anjali (2012), Issues in Women‟s Development, Rawat Publications, New Delhi
[7]. Malhotra, S.P. (2005). Opportunities, challenges and prospects in agriculture and forestry. In M.L. Dewan and Jagdish Bahadur (Eds.), Uttaranchal: Vision and Action Programme. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 54-66.
[8]. Nautiyal, Annapoorna (2003), Women and Development in the Garhwal Himalayas, AJWS, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2003, pp. 93-113
[9]. Oct, 2008, Rural women in a changing world: opportunities and challenges, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Globalization and Human Security Challenges in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kia, Bariledum |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1753441 ![]() |
Abstract: Human security challenges facing Nigeria in this age of globalization is revealed by massive suppliers and importation of small arms and light weapon. Nigeria has no visible trace of substantial arms and light weapon production, yet there is so much of these weapons in the wrong hands. This made the transnationalization of instability possible in Nigeria. This is further revealed when some northern Nigerians Islamic extremists picked up arms against their target in Nigeria, in reaction to western role in the Middle East crisis and perceived killings in the Arab world. The presence of small arms and light weapons causes crisis of security among different ethnic, religious and political class. It is so unprecedented that both the security of the state and human security is threatened. The basis for this position is that globalization takes its tool on peace and security in Nigeria because the inspired relaxation of boundary enforcement rules appears to have made Nigerians lost much of its powers on transnational crimes including arms importation. Though human security is threatened, it is also human security neglect by the institution of the state that created fertile ground for the illegal importation and used of small arms and light weapons. However, it is the position of this paper, that a shift in focus to human security would therefore require understanding sources of threat and the reformulation of strategies towards ameliorating conditions that favour illegal importation and use of small arms and light weapon in Nigeria.
Keywords: Globalization, Human Security, Small arms and Light weapons, Proliferation
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[4] Tell magazine may 16, 2011
[5] Tell magazine September 10, 2010
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Electoral Corruption and Democratic Sustainability in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kia, Bariledum |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1754248 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the effect of Electoral fraud on sustainable democracy in Nigeria. In carrying out this work, descriptive method and Marxian political economy paradigm was employed as the framework of analysis. It was found out among others that electoral fraud undermines participatory democracy. Thus, the input of the people in deciding who rule them is scuttled; popular participation in governance and elections of public officers have been hijacked by political gladiators, god-fathers and god-mothers. Consequently the nations democratic practice appear unstable. To avert this, the paper suggests a total over haul of social structures.
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[5] Ayi, L. (1998). Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over? The imperative of Consolidation. Costa Rica: Hellen Kallogg Institute working paper No. 237.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assault on the Women in Margaret Atwood\'S Bodily Harm: an Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K. Srinivasan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1754952 ![]() |
Abstract: Among the Canadian Women novelists who pionner the causes of women, Margaret Atwood plays a major role. She is the most opted writer is the midst of literary critics. Through her works, she fights for the rights of women. She tries to define her feminism as human equality and freedom of choice. She attacks the narrow and dominant social construction of identity and gender. There is a sort of pleading for healthy relationships between man and women. This Paper studies and explores the feminist perspective both us concept and reality in the novel Bodily Harm . The novel is a post-feminist text which brings out the legal, economic, social and political conditions of women that are still bleak. The novel is a kind of thearpy to gender victimization and presents the abuse, torture, mutilation and destruction of female body in hospitals and prisons for the purpose of male domination.
Key Words: Bleak, Domination, Identity, Post-feminism, Victimization
[1]. Atwood, Margaret. Bodily Harm, London: Vintage, 1996.
[2]. Howells, coral Ann. Margaret Atwood: Macmillan Modern Novelists Series.
[3]. Cixous, Helene. The Laugh of the Medusa. Trans. Keith Choen and Paula Cohen. Signs 1.4 (Summer 1976): 875 – 93.
[4]. Jaidev. "Women as Metaphor: Note on Atwood‟s Feminism". The Indian Journal of English Studies 25 (1985): 111-117.
[5]. Parker, Emma. "You are what you Eat: The Politics of Eating in the Novels of Margaret Atwood". Twentieth century Literature. 41.3 (Fall 1995): 349 – 68.
[6]. Waiting for the Rescue: A Discussion of Margaret Atwood‟s Bodily Harm.Kunapipi vi.3 (1984).
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Abstract: Political elites and the challenges of national development: the Nigeria experience explains the country's development challenges in relations to problems associated with elite's ethnification of political process that undoubtedly affects public policy formation and implementations in Nigeria. In this case we have the syndrome of "we want our man in national politics." This practice negates meritocracy and sound developmental policy. Under this condition, national development is unattainable. To achieve national development, the government should actively encourage national integration and eschew discrimination on the ground of place of birth, tribe, religion, sex, language and political party affiliation.
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[4] Coleman JS (1987). Nigeria background to nationalism, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California press.
[5] Dudley L (1973). Instability and political order: politics and crises in Nigeria, Ibadan: University of Ibadan press.
[6] Frank, I (1991). "American Think Tanks: Policy Elites and the Politicization of Expertise‟. Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration Vol. 4, nº 3, July 1991. Pp. 332-353.
[7] Graft W (1983). African elites theories and Nigeria elites consolidation: A political economy analysis in Y Barongo (ed) political science in Africa. A critical review, London: Zed press Ltd.
[8] Habermas J (1986). Legitimation crisis. RC Macridis and BE Broun (eds) Comparative politics: Notes and Readings, Chicago: The Dorsey press.
[9] Hyden, G (2006). "Beyond Governance: Bringing Power into Policy Analysis‟. Forum for Development Studies, Working Paper No. 2010/05.
[10] Ihonvobere J (2001). Dismantling the leviathain: constitutionalism and the national question in Nigeria.12th Convocation Lecture of the Lagos State University.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Rights, Governance And The Nigerian Constitution: A Historical Survey |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Animashaun, Basher Olalekan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1755964 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is an attempt at examining the centrality of human rights in the historical evolution of Nigeria, its constitutional development and the nature of civil state relations as a basis for determining how the country fared and functioned on the basis of the synergy engendered by human rights between the state and the people. The article is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction while the second part attempts a philosophical and conceptual appraisal of the essence of human rights in social aggregation. The third part locates the place of human rights in the various Nigerian Constitutions while the fourth deals with the feature of human rights practice in the governance of Nigeria at the various stages of its historical development. The conclusion forms the last part .
[1]. Eleanor, Roosevelt (2009), Universal Declaration of Human Rights, W.N. London: Westview Publishers.
[2]. John Locke quoted in Ebenstein W. (1969), Great Political Thinkers. 2nd Edition, New Edition, New Delhi, I.B.h Publishing Corp., pp. 389.
[3]. Jayhari, A. (2011), "Colonial and Post Colonial Human Rights Violation in Nigeria" International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 1, No. 5, May.
[4]. Ekpelle, E. (1965), Alhaji Abubakar tafawa Balewa: Nigeria Speaks. Lagos: Longman.
[5]. Elsee, H.L (1991), Human Rights, the Historical Issue, Lagos: Longman, pp. 72.
[6]. Smith, R.L. (1994), Thought in Human Rights", Boston, pp. 17.
[7]. Adeyemi, Wale (1995), "The People Deceived" an Unpublished Work on Human Right Struggle in Nigeria, Produced by Labour Guard, pp. 17.
[8]. Momoh, A. and Adejumobi, S. (1999), The Nigerian Military and the Crisis of Democratic Transition: A Story in the Monopoly of Power, C.L.O, Lagos, pp. 5.
[9]. Eskor, T. (1994), Human Rights and Imperialist Agenda, Nigerian Labour Congress, p. 18.
[10]. Shivji, I. (1989), The Concept of Human Rights in Africa, Dakar Codesria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of High Bride-Price on Marital Stability |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Sambe, Ngutor; Avanger, Moses Yandev; Agba, Solomon Arumun |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1756570 ![]() |
Abstract: The thrust of the paper is to determine the effects of high bride price on marital stability. This is hinged on the fact that there is a persistent escalation of bride price with its associated repercussionon marriages in African societies. The specific objectives are, to identify the factors which determine high bride price among families; to investigate the effects of high bride price on marital stability; and to develop policy recommendations. Secondary data were used as source of information. It was discovered that high bride price affects the stability of marriages through precipitation of domestic violence, poverty especially among young couples, dehumanization of the women and increased propensity for divorce. The study concludes that high bride price has negative effect on marital stability. Recommendations made are that Non State Actors should carryout advocacy programmes that would stop escalation of bride-price or stabilize it; the Traditional authorities should work on their subjects in terms of creating awareness and advising their subjects on serious dangers of high bride price on marital stability and there should be a maximum amount of money or materials that should be fixed for payment as bride price no matter the socio-economic status of the bride or groom.
Keywords: Bride-price, Marriage, Marital stability, domestic violence, divorce
[1]. Alupo J, (2004) Bride Price And Gender Violence, A Paper Presented To The Participants At The International Conference On Bride Price And Development, Makerere University Kampala Uganda
[2]. Anderson, S. (2007) The Economics of Dowry and Bride-price; Journal of Economic Perspectives 21( 4) Fall 2007, PP 151–174
[3]. Anyebe, P.A (1985) Customary Law: The War Without Arms, Enugu: Forth Dimension Publishers.
[4]. Becker, G.S., (1974) "A Theory of Marriage: Part II", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 82, N° 2, pp. S11-26.
[5]. Becker, G.S., (1981) A Treatise on the Family, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press.
[6]. Bergstrom, T.C., (1996) "Economics in a Family Way", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 34, N° 4, pp. 1903-1934.
[7]. Bergstrom, T.C., (1997) "A Survey of Theories of the Family", in M.R. Rosenzweig and O. Stark (eds.), Handbook of Population and Family Economics –Vol. 1A, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 21-79.Stark (eds.), Handbook of Population and Family Economics –Vol. 1A, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 21-79.
[8]. Bloch, F., and V. Rao, 2002, "Terror as a Bargaining Instrument: A Case Study of Dowry Violence in Rural India", American Economic Review, Vol. 92, N° 4, pp. 1029-1043.
[9]. Bridewealth, and Clan Exogamy, Current Anthropology, Vol. 38, (1), 1-23
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reference Services At NIIA Library: Moving To Reference 2.0 |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Pamela Ogwuazor Momah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1757178 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is about Librarianship in the developing world and how they are grappling with new technologies' despite all odds. It takes a look the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA), Library and the Reference Services it offers. It starts off by examining the NIIA computerization project in 1991.It then traces the beginning of the application of ICT to Reference Services, to where Reference Services is at present in the Library. It goes on to discuss web 2.0 and its application to Reference Services, and the concept of Library 2.0.It explains how NIIA can renew and expand its services by adopting web 2.0 technologies, since Library 2.0 is for communication, content sharing, content sharing and crowd sourcing. It further asks, what kind of web 2.0 technologies, applications and services NIIA Library can adopt, and for what purpose are such technologies to be used. In the final analysis it asks what is the potential of web 2.0 technologies in the development of Library Services at NIIA Library in the near future? It concludes that that if NIIA Library, one of the first Libraries to computerize its operations in Nigeria, is to continue as a trail blazer, then there is need to adopt web 2.0 technologies in its Reference Services. This will enhance its services and enable it to reach remote users and the growing on-line community, like their counterparts in other parts of the world.
Key Words: Librarianship: ICT: reference Services: web 2.O Technologies:Library 2.0:Reference 2.0
[1]. NIIA Cap. N113 1975 no.3
[2]. Bruhn, Susanne (2009) Readers Services in the Next Five Years: Strategic Direction for the National Library‟s General Readers Services. Discussion Paper at the National Library Australia.
[3]. Ibid., p.4
[4]. Banjo, A .O. (1995) Library Computerization, Getting Started: Lessons from the NIIA Library Experience. In: J. A. Oni (Ed), Computers in Libraries: Awareness and Applications, proceedings of a National Workshop on NIIA Library. Lagos: NIIA
[5]. Kemp. D. (1985) Computer-Based Knowledge Retrieval. London: Aslib.
[6]. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 17 (Ed) by Allew Kent , Harold Lancour , J . E. Daily. New York: Marcel Dekker.
[7]. Balas. L.Janet (2007) E-Learning About Library 2.0. Computer Libraries, Jan.,