Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Abstract: Fifty five percent of University female students assessed to have middle level self esteem followed by high level self esteem (24.50%) and low level self esteem (24.50%), irrespective of SES groups. Significant relationship was found between the self esteem levels of University female students and with their special abilities like oration, painting, sports, cooking, maintenance and decoration of home. And their special achievements in curricular and co-curricular such as merit positions in college, scholarship and receiving prizes in different co-curricular activities irrespective of their SES groups.
Keywords: Self esteem, Low SES, Middle SES, Special Achievements, Special Abilities.
[1]. Camphell J., Krueger J.I., Vohs K.D. and Baumeister R.F. 2003 Cited in the article on Does high self esteem cause better performance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Attitude, Knowledge and Behavior about Sexuality among Adolescents |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Srimonti Guha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1850519 ![]() |
Abstract: The children of today are not the children of yesterday. Growth in terms of maturity and knowledge can be seen on a large scale for the adolescent population of today. Notions and ideas about sexuality were a prohibited topic till long time back but now adolescents are much aware and filled with various kinds of knowledge on the same. Researchers have shown that parents play the most significant role in imparting sex education to their adolescent children. They have been found to be the primary sex educators where basic and the initial knowledge about sexual attitudes and the like are conveyed on to the children. This study is basically on the attitudes, knowledge and behavior about sexuality among adolescents. It has been done by gathering data on the previous research studies conducted in this area. A combination of thirteen distinct articles and research studies have been reviewed and critically analyzed through content analysis. The age range of the children in the articles reviewed varied from 09 to 15 years of adolescents and parents of children who were 03-06 years of age were also included the articles. The articles portrayed that fathers need to be more involved in discussing about various topics related to sexuality, mothers should be more willing to talk more with their sons about topics related to sexuality and there should be reduction in the gender bias.
Keywords: Adolescents, Parents, Communication, Sexuality.
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[9]. Ramadugu, S., Ryali, V., Srivastava, K., &Prakash, J. (2012).Understanding sexuality among Indian urban school adolescents.Department of Psychiatry Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
[10]. Reiss, M. (2005, 09 07).A brief history of sex education. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corruption in India: Nature, Causes, Consequences and Cure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jeevan Singh Rajak |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1852024 ![]() |
Abstract: Corruption is widespread in Indian Civilization and it has caused maximum suffering to the human kind. The paper discusses issues related to the nature, causes, consequences and possible remedial measures of corruption in Indian Society. It emphasizes that lack of transparency, morality, accountability and consistency as well as institutional weakness provided fertile ground for the growth of corruption in India. It also emphasizes that how corruption related to development issues in India and which kind negative effects are shown in Indian social, political and economic system. The paper also touches that which kind of reforms are necessary to fight against corruption in India.
[1]. A.Abdulraheem 2009; Corruption in India : An overview (Cause, consequences and remedial measures); Social Action Vol. 59 October – December 2009.
[2]. Report of Transparency International 2012.
[3]. U.Myint 2000; Corruption : Cause, consequences and cures; Asia – Pacific Development Journal Vol. 7, No. 2 December 2000.
[4]. Understanding Corruption in India: Promoting Transparency.
[5]. Vito Tanzi 1998; Corruption around the world : Cause, consequences , scope and cures : IMF working paper 1998.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fluctuationing Value of Rupee & Impact on Economy |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nand kishor Soni, Ajay Parashar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1852528 ![]() |
Abstract: Global economy is much more interlinked than it was earlier due to lot of trade taking place between different countries. It goes without saying that U.S. is major trading partner for many nations and biggest trading importer of goods and services from across the world. Change in any direction in U.S. economy is directly going to affect economy of all related countries. Democratic principle and human capital has given India unique position among world community. Indian economic policies are flexible enough to get adjusted to the other nations. India has always been major country when it comes to being trading partner of U.S. which has always given economic and strategic support to country like India occupying strategic importance among world community.
Keywords: Appreciation, Rupee Fluctuation, Depreciation, Rupee-Dollar.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Provisions among Street Children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saima Saeed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1852938 ![]() |
Abstract: The research presents description of relationship of street children with their parents, peers, friends and others significant people. The study also intended to find out social support system of the street children. A sample of 80 trash picker girls and boys of age range 8-12 years, living with their both parents at their homes was collected from different areas of Lahore. Social Provisions scale Urdu Version (Rizwan & Syed, 2010) and Multidimensional scale of perceived social support (Zimet, Dehlm, Zimet & Farley, 1988)were administered to identify certain type of social support and social support adequacy from different sources respectively. Results indicated that girls received higher social support as compared to boys. No significant difference found on the attachment level among both. Boys scored higher on reassurance of worthwhile girls scored higher on reliable alliance, guidance and opportunity of nurturance. Results also indicated that both boys and girls find equal support from their friends while on the other hand, boys received more support from family while girls from significant others. A positive correlation was also found between nurturance and reassurance of worth, guidance, reliable alliance, nurturance opportunity and family category in both genders. Results are discussed in cultural relevance.
Keywords: social provisions, street children, Pakistan, social support, Nurturance.
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[3]. Ali, M., Shahab, S., Ushijima, H., de Muynck, A. (2004). Street Children in Pakistan – a situational analysis of social conditions and nutritional status. Social Science Medcine, 59(8), 1707-17.
[4]. Anderson, Holmes & Ostresh. (1999). Male and Female Delinquents' Attachments and Effects of Attachments on Severity of Self-Reported Delinquency, criminal justice and behavior 26 (4), 435-452. doi: 10.1177/0093854899026004002. [5]. Berkman & Syme. (1979). Social relationships and health. Advances in Mind Body Medicine, 17(1), 5-7. [6]. Baumeister, R. F. & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological bulletin, 117(3), 497-529. [7]. Bayat, M., Erdem, E., & Kuzueu, E. G. (2008). Depression, Anxiety, Hopelessness, and Social Support Levels of the Parents of Children. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 25(5), 247-253. [8]. Cohen, S. & Wills, T. A. (1985). Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 98, 310-357.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P. Srinivas Rao, Dr. Padma Charan Sahu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1853944 ![]() |
Abstract:Customer satisfaction means that how the customer perceives service delivery. That customer satisfaction is a function of service performance relative to the customer expectation. For this reason, it is important to understand how customer expectation is formed in order to identify the factors of service satisfaction in the hotel industry. As different customers have different expectations, based on their knowledge of a product or service Reisig & Chandek (2001). This can be implied that a customer may estimate what the service performance will be or may think what the performance ought to be. If the service performance meets or exceeds customers' expectation, the customers will be satisfied. Previous research explored customer satisfaction regarding the service quality of all areas in the hotel so that the hotel can assess the customer perception. This study identified five factors of service quality by focusing on the front office staff only, and explored the customers' expectations and perception levels of these services. The results of this quantitative assessment of service quality might provide some insights into how customers rate the service quality and assessed customers' satisfactions.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, customer expectation, customer perception, service quality and service satisfaction.
[1]. Churchill, G.A. & Suprenant, C. (1992) An Investigation into the Determinant of Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.19, pp.491-504.
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[5]. McKinney, V., Yoon, K. & Zahedi, F.M. (2002). The Measurement of Web-Customer Satisfaction: An expectation and Disconfirmation Approach. Information System Research, Vol.13, No.3, September, pp. 296-315.
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[7]. Oliver, R. L. (1980). A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XVII, November.
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[9]. Reisig Michael D., Meghan Stroshine Chandek (2001). The effects of expectancy disconfirmation on outcome satisfaction in police-citizen encounters. An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 24(1): 88-99
[10]. Watt. Paul. (2007). Customer service work and emotional labour in the hospitality industry. UK: University of London.
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Abstract:This study is concerned with the learning and understanding of the grammar in the Arabic Language using symbols and simple formulas for secondary school students in Malaysia. Today, the use of symbols and formulas in education has been manifested by current research as it is not only used in language research, but also in various disciplines including science, mathematics and religion knowledge.
This study locates symbols as the main fundamentals in learning the grammar in the Arabic Language. It shows that the grammar learned can be categorized and concluded in specific symbols and identified by formulas. It is hoped that this study can both achieve and to help the students with developing their learning techniques in simple ways. As a result, students will not any longer face the problems of trying to understand grammar using the Arabic Language method.
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[7]. Al-Rajihi Abduh. 1986. Al-Nahwu al-Arabi wa al-Dars al-Hadis. Beirut: Dar al-Nahdhah al-Arabiyyah.
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[10]. Ibnu Kathir Al-Dimasyqi. 1988. Tafsiir al-Qur‟an al-Azim. Beirut : Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah.
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Abstract: Concern about parent's ineptitude and general amnesia of the danger of not discussing sexually related topics with their adolescent children is not only selfish but also criminal and irresponsible. This work is an attempt and a wakeup call to parents and teachers as well as the Nigerian government to be more involved and see that sexuality education occupies a central stage in the school curriculum. Hence, this work examines issues on parental obligation in sex education, age and time; school/teachers and sexuality education. Methodologically, the survey design was used and independent t-test served as the statistical tool for the analysis. The findings reveal that most parents do not, and are not comfortable in discussing sexual health and safety with their children. The study made some recommendations among which include the need for parents to ask questions, bordering on their children's sexuality with love, friendly concern and not being intimidating.Equally,policy makers should introduce bills to make sex education mandatory in the school curriculum at least from post primary schools.
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[3]. Barbara, H. (2013). Sex Education. Retrieved 17/9/2013.
[4]. Ekpeha, F. (2012). Parental Attitude and Sexuality Education of Adolescents: A Case Study of Calabar South – Nigeria. B.Sc. Thesis submitted to Department of Sociology, University of Calabar.
[5]. Cattel, L. (2006). Sexual Behaviour of Young Adults in Latin America. Psychosocial Perspectives Vol.2, 231 – 252.
[6]. Coon, (2006). Sexuality Education of Young Children. Parent Concern and Family Relations Journal Vol.41 pp. 142-143.
[7]. Epstein, M. and Ward, L. (2007). Always Use Protection, Communication Boys Receive About Sex From Parents, Peers and The Media. The journal of youth and adolescence Vol.37.
[8]. Eyo, M. (2009). Parental Attitude and Sexuality Education of Adolescent in Central Cross River State. Nigeria Journal of Social and Development Issues Vol.6.
[9]. Haffner, K. (2005). Children Engage in Sexual Behaviour Through Attitude. Journal of Sex Research Vol.42.
[10]. Haltzman and Pubirison (2005). Adolescents engage in risky sexual behaviour. Journal of sexual behaviour Vol.12.
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Abstract: According to research, culture is composed of knowledge, system of belief, artistic activities, legal system, moral values, other competences and social customs generated by the individuals within a society as a whole. With regard to its output of artistic values, "Culture of Teke Region" is appreciated as an essential constituent of Turkish cultural structure. This research is conducted with a view to analyze the socio-cultural factors underlying the music culture in Teke region. Lyrics of 322 "Teke Region Folk Songs" given place within the scope of "TRT Turkish Folk Music Anthology 1-2" were studied by use of content analysis method. Data is analyzed with SPSS 17.0 program and tabulated by use of descriptive statistics (% and f) methods. In accordance with the findings obtained, the socio-cultural factors underlying the music culture in Teke region are identified to be "love" by % 60,2, "longing" by %14,3, "not being able to get married" by %8,7, "bravery" by %4,7, "becoming a bride" by % 4,3, "separation" by %3,1, "marriage" by %2,5, "beauty" by %1,6 and other factors ("death", "military service", "destiny", "gratitude", "friendship", "forgiveness", "private") by %0,6.
Keywords: Culture, folk songs of Teke region, music, sociology.
[1] Adorno, T. W. (2007). Kültür endüstrisi-kültür yönetimi (1. Baskı b.). (A. Artun, E. Gen, & N. Ülner, Çev.) istanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
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Abstract: Ageing is an important part of all human societies reflecting not only the biological changes that occur, but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. Chronological ageing may also be distinguished from "social ageing‟ and "biological ageing‟. There is also a distinction between "proximal ageing‟ (age-based effects of recent past) and "distal ageing‟ (differences because of incidences early in life that can be traced back to a reason early in person's life like an early marriage, early pregnancy etc). In our youth-oriented, patriarchal society, aging women often find themselves either ignored, pitied, or feared which is why most women are very concerned with the ageing factor. The effect of ageing is seen more in middle age women because they are neither fully old nor are they young. They are still compromising with the fact that "age" is slipping out of their hands. Middle age is a phase of transition from young age to old age and this fact of finally accepting age is quite stressful for many. A post menopausal woman is often found to be more accepting to the fact of ageing, and more comfortable physically and emotionally. The present study is conducted to study the effect of Ageing on Body self image, mood and self esteem of middle age women and older women. A sample of 160 women in the age range of 45-55years and older women in the age range of 55-65years is taken .It is hypothesized that middle age women have low body self image, low mood and are low on self esteem. The research provides an insight into understanding women especially in her transition to an older woman; it further enables society to develop better mental as well as physical health reforms which are the need of the day for every single woman.
[1]. Flint, M, Samil, R.S. (1990). Cultural and subcultural meanings of the menopause. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 592: 134–148
[2]. Gupta, P., Sturdee, D.W., & Hunter, M.S (2006). Mid-age health in women from the Indian subcontinent (MAHWIS):general health and the experience of menopause in women. Climacteric, 9: 13–22.
[3]. Lock. M (2002). Symptom reporting at menopause: a review of cross-cultural findings. J Br Menopause Soc, 8(4):132-136.
[4]. McKinley, N. M., & Hyde, J. S. (1996). The objectified body consciousness scale: Development and validation. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20, 181-215.
[5]. McKinley, N.M., & Lyon, L.A.(2008). Menopausal attitudes, objectified body consciousness, aging anxiety, and body esteem: European American women's body experiences in midlife. Body Image, 5: 375-380
[6]. Singh, A., Arora, A.K (2000). Menopausal women's profile in rural North India – an integrated qualitative and qualitative study. Adv Obstet Gynecol, 52: 309–313.
[7]. Scanzoni.L ,Scanzoni. L.H,(1988). Men, women, and change: sociology of marriage and family. McGraw-Hill.The University of Michigan.
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Abstract: Ageing is an important part of all human societies reflecting not only the biological changes that occur, but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. Chronological ageing may also be distinguished from "social ageing‟ and "biological ageing‟. There is also a distinction between "proximal ageing‟ (age-based effects of recent past) and "distal ageing‟ (differences because of incidences early in life that can be traced back to a reason early in person's life like an early marriage, early pregnancy etc). In our youth-oriented, patriarchal society, aging women often find themselves either ignored, pitied, or feared which is why most women are very concerned with the ageing factor. The effect of ageing is seen more in middle age women because they are neither fully old nor are they young. They are still compromising with the fact that "age" is slipping out of their hands. Middle age is a phase of transition from young age to old age and this fact of finally accepting age is quite stressful for many. A post menopausal woman is often found to be more accepting to the fact of ageing, and more comfortable physically and emotionally. The present study is conducted to study the effect of Ageing on Body self image, mood and self esteem of middle age women and older women. A sample of 160 women in the age range of 45-55years and older women in the age range of 55-65years is taken .It is hypothesized that middle age women have low body self image, low mood and are low on self esteem. The research provides an insight into understanding women especially in her transition to an older woman; it further enables society to develop better mental as well as physical health reforms which are the need of the day for every single woman.
[1]. Flint, M, Samil, R.S. (1990). Cultural and subcultural meanings of the menopause. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 592: 134–148
[2]. Gupta, P., Sturdee, D.W., & Hunter, M.S (2006). Mid-age health in women from the Indian subcontinent (MAHWIS):general health and the experience of menopause in women. Climacteric, 9: 13–22.
[3]. Lock. M (2002). Symptom reporting at menopause: a review of cross-cultural findings. J Br Menopause Soc, 8(4):132-136.
[4]. McKinley, N. M., & Hyde, J. S. (1996). The objectified body consciousness scale: Development and validation. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20, 181-215.
[5]. McKinley, N.M., & Lyon, L.A.(2008). Menopausal attitudes, objectified body consciousness, aging anxiety, and body esteem: European American women's body experiences in midlife. Body Image, 5: 375-380
[6]. Singh, A., Arora, A.K (2000). Menopausal women's profile in rural North India – an integrated qualitative and qualitative study. Adv Obstet Gynecol, 52: 309–313.
[7]. Scanzoni.L ,Scanzoni. L.H,(1988). Men, women, and change: sociology of marriage and family. McGraw-Hill.The University of Michigan.
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